Class MockIntegration
This type of integration lets API Gateway return a response without sending the request further to the backend.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.APIGateway
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public class MockIntegration : Integration
Syntax (vb)
Public Class MockIntegration
Inherits Integration
This is useful for API testing because it can be used to test the integration set up without incurring charges for using the backend and to enable collaborative development of an API. In collaborative development, a team can isolate their development effort by setting up simulations of API components owned by other teams by using the MOCK integrations. It is also used to return CORS-related headers to ensure that the API method permits CORS access. In fact, the API Gateway console integrates the OPTIONS method to support CORS with a mock integration. Gateway responses are other examples of mock integrations.
ExampleMetadata: lit=aws-apigateway/test/authorizers/integ.request-authorizer.lit.ts infused
using Path;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda;
using Amazon.CDK;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.APIGateway;
// Against the RestApi endpoint from the stack output, run
// `curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" <url>` should return 401
// `curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -H 'Authorization: deny' <url>?allow=yes` should return 403
// `curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -H 'Authorization: allow' <url>?allow=yes` should return 200
var app = new App();
var stack = new Stack(app, "RequestAuthorizerInteg");
var authorizerFn = new Function(stack, "MyAuthorizerFunction", new FunctionProps {
Runtime = Runtime.NODEJS_LATEST,
Handler = "index.handler",
Code = AssetCode.FromAsset(Join(__dirname, "integ.request-authorizer.handler"))
var restapi = new RestApi(stack, "MyRestApi", new RestApiProps { CloudWatchRole = true });
var authorizer = new RequestAuthorizer(stack, "MyAuthorizer", new RequestAuthorizerProps {
Handler = authorizerFn,
IdentitySources = new [] { IdentitySource.Header("Authorization"), IdentitySource.QueryString("allow") }
var secondAuthorizer = new RequestAuthorizer(stack, "MySecondAuthorizer", new RequestAuthorizerProps {
Handler = authorizerFn,
IdentitySources = new [] { IdentitySource.Header("Authorization"), IdentitySource.QueryString("allow") }
restapi.Root.AddMethod("ANY", new MockIntegration(new IntegrationOptions {
IntegrationResponses = new [] { new IntegrationResponse { StatusCode = "200" } },
PassthroughBehavior = PassthroughBehavior.NEVER,
RequestTemplates = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "application/json", "{ \"statusCode\": 200 }" }
}), new MethodOptions {
MethodResponses = new [] { new MethodResponse { StatusCode = "200" } },
Authorizer = authorizer
restapi.Root.ResourceForPath("auth").AddMethod("ANY", new MockIntegration(new IntegrationOptions {
IntegrationResponses = new [] { new IntegrationResponse { StatusCode = "200" } },
PassthroughBehavior = PassthroughBehavior.NEVER,
RequestTemplates = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "application/json", "{ \"statusCode\": 200 }" }
}), new MethodOptions {
MethodResponses = new [] { new MethodResponse { StatusCode = "200" } },
Authorizer = secondAuthorizer
Mock |
Mock |
Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from a Javascript-owned object reference |
Mock |
Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from DeputyProps |
Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from a Javascript-owned object reference
protected MockIntegration(ByRefValue reference)
- reference Amazon.
JSII. Runtime. Deputy. By Ref Value The Javascript-owned object reference
Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from DeputyProps
protected MockIntegration(DeputyBase.DeputyProps props)
- props Amazon.
JSII. Runtime. Deputy. Deputy Base. Deputy Props The deputy props