Interface IIntegrationOptions
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.APIGateway
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public interface IIntegrationOptions
Syntax (vb)
Public Interface IIntegrationOptions
ExampleMetadata: lit=aws-apigateway/test/authorizers/integ.request-authorizer.lit.ts infused
using Path;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda;
using Amazon.CDK;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.APIGateway;
// Against the RestApi endpoint from the stack output, run
// `curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" <url>` should return 401
// `curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -H 'Authorization: deny' <url>?allow=yes` should return 403
// `curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -H 'Authorization: allow' <url>?allow=yes` should return 200
var app = new App();
var stack = new Stack(app, "RequestAuthorizerInteg");
var authorizerFn = new Function(stack, "MyAuthorizerFunction", new FunctionProps {
Runtime = Runtime.NODEJS_LATEST,
Handler = "index.handler",
Code = AssetCode.FromAsset(Join(__dirname, "integ.request-authorizer.handler"))
var restapi = new RestApi(stack, "MyRestApi", new RestApiProps { CloudWatchRole = true });
var authorizer = new RequestAuthorizer(stack, "MyAuthorizer", new RequestAuthorizerProps {
Handler = authorizerFn,
IdentitySources = new [] { IdentitySource.Header("Authorization"), IdentitySource.QueryString("allow") }
var secondAuthorizer = new RequestAuthorizer(stack, "MySecondAuthorizer", new RequestAuthorizerProps {
Handler = authorizerFn,
IdentitySources = new [] { IdentitySource.Header("Authorization"), IdentitySource.QueryString("allow") }
restapi.Root.AddMethod("ANY", new MockIntegration(new IntegrationOptions {
IntegrationResponses = new [] { new IntegrationResponse { StatusCode = "200" } },
PassthroughBehavior = PassthroughBehavior.NEVER,
RequestTemplates = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "application/json", "{ \"statusCode\": 200 }" }
}), new MethodOptions {
MethodResponses = new [] { new MethodResponse { StatusCode = "200" } },
Authorizer = authorizer
restapi.Root.ResourceForPath("auth").AddMethod("ANY", new MockIntegration(new IntegrationOptions {
IntegrationResponses = new [] { new IntegrationResponse { StatusCode = "200" } },
PassthroughBehavior = PassthroughBehavior.NEVER,
RequestTemplates = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "application/json", "{ \"statusCode\": 200 }" }
}), new MethodOptions {
MethodResponses = new [] { new MethodResponse { StatusCode = "200" } },
Authorizer = secondAuthorizer
Cache |
A list of request parameters whose values are to be cached. |
Cache |
An API-specific tag group of related cached parameters. |
Connection |
The type of network connection to the integration endpoint. |
Content |
Specifies how to handle request payload content type conversions. |
Credentials |
Requires that the caller's identity be passed through from the request. |
Credentials |
An IAM role that API Gateway assumes. |
Integration |
The response that API Gateway provides after a method's backend completes processing a request. |
Passthrough |
Specifies the pass-through behavior for incoming requests based on the Content-Type header in the request, and the available mapping templates specified as the requestTemplates property on the Integration resource. |
Request |
The request parameters that API Gateway sends with the backend request. |
Request |
A map of Apache Velocity templates that are applied on the request payload. |
Timeout | The maximum amount of time an integration will run before it returns without a response. |
Vpc |
The VpcLink used for the integration. |
A list of request parameters whose values are to be cached.
virtual string[] CacheKeyParameters { get; }
Property Value
It determines request parameters that will make it into the cache key.
An API-specific tag group of related cached parameters.
virtual string CacheNamespace { get; }
Property Value
The type of network connection to the integration endpoint.
virtual Nullable<ConnectionType> ConnectionType { get; }
Property Value
Default: - ConnectionType.VPC_LINK if vpcLink
property is configured; ConnectionType.Internet otherwise.
Specifies how to handle request payload content type conversions.
virtual Nullable<ContentHandling> ContentHandling { get; }
Property Value
Default: none if this property isn't defined, the request payload is passed
through from the method request to the integration request without
modification, provided that the passthroughBehaviors
property is
configured to support payload pass-through.
Requires that the caller's identity be passed through from the request.
virtual Nullable<bool> CredentialsPassthrough { get; }
Property Value
Default: Caller identity is not passed through
An IAM role that API Gateway assumes.
virtual IRole CredentialsRole { get; }
Property Value
Mutually exclusive with credentialsPassThrough
Default: A role is not assumed
The response that API Gateway provides after a method's backend completes processing a request.
virtual IIntegrationResponse[] IntegrationResponses { get; }
Property Value
API Gateway intercepts the response from the backend so that you can control how API Gateway surfaces backend responses. For example, you can map the backend status codes to codes that you define.
Specifies the pass-through behavior for incoming requests based on the Content-Type header in the request, and the available mapping templates specified as the requestTemplates property on the Integration resource.
virtual Nullable<PassthroughBehavior> PassthroughBehavior { get; }
Property Value
There are three valid values: WHEN_NO_MATCH, WHEN_NO_TEMPLATES, and NEVER.
The request parameters that API Gateway sends with the backend request.
virtual IDictionary<string, string> RequestParameters { get; }
Property Value
Specify request parameters as key-value pairs (string-to-string mappings), with a destination as the key and a source as the value.
Specify the destination by using the following pattern, where location is querystring, path, or header, and name is a valid, unique parameter name.
The source must be an existing method request parameter or a static value. You must enclose static values in single quotation marks and pre-encode these values based on their destination in the request.
A map of Apache Velocity templates that are applied on the request payload.
virtual IDictionary<string, string> RequestTemplates { get; }
Property Value
The template that API Gateway uses is based on the value of the Content-Type header that's sent by the client. The content type value is the key, and the template is the value (specified as a string), such as the following snippet:
{ "application/json": "{ \"statusCode\": 200 }" }
The maximum amount of time an integration will run before it returns without a response.
virtual Duration Timeout { get; }
Property Value
By default, the value must be between 50 milliseconds and 29 seconds. The upper bound can be increased for regional and private Rest APIs only, via a quota increase request for your acccount. This increase might require a reduction in your account-level throttle quota limit.
See {@link Amazon API Gateway quotas} for more details.
Default: Duration.seconds(29)
The VpcLink used for the integration.
virtual IVpcLink VpcLink { get; }
Property Value
Required if connectionType is VPC_LINK