AWS::Lightsail Construct Library
This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lightsail;
There are no official hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed:
There are no hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet.
However, you can still use the automatically generated L1 constructs, and use this service exactly as you would using CloudFormation directly.
For more information on the resources and properties available for this service, see the CloudFormation documentation for AWS::Lightsail.
(Read the CDK Contributing Guide and submit an RFC if you are interested in contributing to this construct library.)
CfnAlarm |
The AWS::Lightsail::Alarm resource specifies an alarm that can be used to monitor a single metric for one of your Lightsail resources. |
CfnAlarmProps |
Properties for defining a CfnAlarm . |
CfnBucket |
The AWS::Lightsail::Bucket resource specifies a bucket. |
CfnBucket.AccessRulesProperty |
AccessRules is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Bucket resource. It describes access rules for a bucket.
CfnBucketProps |
Properties for defining a CfnBucket . |
CfnCertificate |
The AWS::Lightsail::Certificate resource specifies an SSL/TLS certificate that you can use with a content delivery network (CDN) distribution and a container service. |
CfnCertificateProps |
Properties for defining a CfnCertificate . |
CfnContainer |
The AWS::Lightsail::Container resource specifies a container service. |
CfnContainer.ContainerProperty |
Container is a property of the ContainerServiceDeployment property. It describes the settings of a container that will be launched, or that is launched, to an Amazon Lightsail container service.
CfnContainer.ContainerServiceDeploymentProperty |
ContainerServiceDeployment is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Container resource. It describes a container deployment configuration of a container service.
CfnContainer.EcrImagePullerRoleProperty |
Describes the IAM role that you can use to grant a Lightsail container service access to Amazon ECR private repositories. |
CfnContainer.EnvironmentVariableProperty |
EnvironmentVariable is a property of the Container property. It describes the environment variables of a container on a container service which are key-value parameters that provide dynamic configuration of the application or script run by the container.
CfnContainer.HealthCheckConfigProperty |
HealthCheckConfig is a property of the PublicEndpoint property. It describes the healthcheck configuration of a container deployment on a container service.
CfnContainer.PortInfoProperty |
PortInfo is a property of the Container property. It describes the ports to open and the protocols to use for a container on a Amazon Lightsail container service.
CfnContainer.PrivateRegistryAccessProperty |
Describes the configuration for an Amazon Lightsail container service to access private container image repositories, such as Amazon Elastic Container Registry ( Amazon ECR ) private repositories. |
CfnContainer.PublicDomainNameProperty |
PublicDomainName is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Container resource. It describes the public domain names to use with a container service, such as and . It also describes the certificates to use with a container service.
CfnContainer.PublicEndpointProperty |
PublicEndpoint is a property of the ContainerServiceDeployment property. It describes describes the settings of the public endpoint of a container on a container service.
CfnContainerProps |
Properties for defining a CfnContainer . |
CfnDatabase |
The AWS::Lightsail::Database resource specifies an Amazon Lightsail database. |
CfnDatabase.RelationalDatabaseParameterProperty |
RelationalDatabaseParameter is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Database resource. It describes parameters for the database.
CfnDatabaseProps |
Properties for defining a CfnDatabase . |
CfnDisk |
The AWS::Lightsail::Disk resource specifies a disk that can be attached to an Amazon Lightsail instance that is in the same AWS Region and Availability Zone. |
CfnDisk.AddOnProperty |
AddOn is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Disk resource. It describes the add-ons for a disk.
CfnDisk.AutoSnapshotAddOnProperty |
AutoSnapshotAddOn is a property of the AddOn property. It describes the automatic snapshot add-on for a disk.
CfnDisk.LocationProperty |
The AWS Region and Availability Zone where the disk is located. |
CfnDiskProps |
Properties for defining a CfnDisk . |
CfnDistribution |
The AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource specifies a content delivery network (CDN) distribution. |
CfnDistribution.CacheBehaviorPerPathProperty |
CacheBehaviorPerPath is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource. It describes the per-path cache behavior of an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution.
CfnDistribution.CacheBehaviorProperty |
CacheBehavior is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource. It describes the default cache behavior of an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution.
CfnDistribution.CacheSettingsProperty |
CacheSettings is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource. It describes the cache settings of an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution.
CfnDistribution.CookieObjectProperty |
CookieObject is a property of the CacheSettings property. It describes whether an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution forwards cookies to the origin and, if so, which ones.
CfnDistribution.HeaderObjectProperty |
HeaderObject is a property of the CacheSettings property. It describes the request headers used by your distribution, which caches your content based on the request headers.
CfnDistribution.InputOriginProperty |
InputOrigin is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource. It describes the origin resource of an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution.
CfnDistribution.QueryStringObjectProperty |
QueryStringObject is a property of the CacheSettings property. It describes the query string parameters that an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution to bases caching on.
CfnDistributionProps |
Properties for defining a CfnDistribution . |
CfnInstance |
The AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource specifies an Amazon Lightsail instance. |
CfnInstance.AddOnProperty |
AddOn is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource. It describes the add-ons for an instance.
CfnInstance.AutoSnapshotAddOnProperty |
AutoSnapshotAddOn is a property of the AddOn property. It describes the automatic snapshot add-on for an instance.
CfnInstance.DiskProperty |
Disk is a property of the Hardware property. It describes a disk attached to an instance.
CfnInstance.HardwareProperty |
Hardware is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource. It describes the hardware properties for the instance, such as the vCPU count, attached disks, and amount of RAM.
CfnInstance.LocationProperty |
Location is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource. It describes the location for an instance.
CfnInstance.MonthlyTransferProperty |
MonthlyTransfer is a property of the Networking property. It describes the amount of allocated monthly data transfer (in GB) for an instance.
CfnInstance.NetworkingProperty |
Networking is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource. It describes the public ports and the monthly amount of data transfer allocated for the instance.
CfnInstance.PortProperty |
Port is a property of the Networking property. It describes information about ports for an instance.
CfnInstance.StateProperty |
State is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource. It describes the status code and the state (for example, running ) of an instance.
CfnInstanceProps |
Properties for defining a CfnInstance . |
CfnLoadBalancer |
The AWS::Lightsail::LoadBalancer resource specifies a load balancer that can be used with Lightsail instances. |
CfnLoadBalancerProps |
Properties for defining a CfnLoadBalancer . |
CfnLoadBalancerTlsCertificate |
The AWS::Lightsail::LoadBalancerTlsCertificate resource specifies a TLS certificate that can be used with a Lightsail load balancer. |
CfnLoadBalancerTlsCertificateProps |
Properties for defining a CfnLoadBalancerTlsCertificate . |
CfnStaticIp |
The AWS::Lightsail::StaticIp resource specifies a static IP that can be attached to an Amazon Lightsail instance that is in the same AWS Region and Availability Zone. |
CfnStaticIpProps |
Properties for defining a CfnStaticIp . |
CfnBucket.IAccessRulesProperty |
AccessRules is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Bucket resource. It describes access rules for a bucket.
CfnContainer.IContainerProperty |
Container is a property of the ContainerServiceDeployment property. It describes the settings of a container that will be launched, or that is launched, to an Amazon Lightsail container service.
CfnContainer.IContainerServiceDeploymentProperty |
ContainerServiceDeployment is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Container resource. It describes a container deployment configuration of a container service.
CfnContainer.IEcrImagePullerRoleProperty |
Describes the IAM role that you can use to grant a Lightsail container service access to Amazon ECR private repositories. |
CfnContainer.IEnvironmentVariableProperty |
EnvironmentVariable is a property of the Container property. It describes the environment variables of a container on a container service which are key-value parameters that provide dynamic configuration of the application or script run by the container.
CfnContainer.IHealthCheckConfigProperty |
HealthCheckConfig is a property of the PublicEndpoint property. It describes the healthcheck configuration of a container deployment on a container service.
CfnContainer.IPortInfoProperty |
PortInfo is a property of the Container property. It describes the ports to open and the protocols to use for a container on a Amazon Lightsail container service.
CfnContainer.IPrivateRegistryAccessProperty |
Describes the configuration for an Amazon Lightsail container service to access private container image repositories, such as Amazon Elastic Container Registry ( Amazon ECR ) private repositories. |
CfnContainer.IPublicDomainNameProperty |
PublicDomainName is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Container resource. It describes the public domain names to use with a container service, such as and . It also describes the certificates to use with a container service.
CfnContainer.IPublicEndpointProperty |
PublicEndpoint is a property of the ContainerServiceDeployment property. It describes describes the settings of the public endpoint of a container on a container service.
CfnDatabase.IRelationalDatabaseParameterProperty |
RelationalDatabaseParameter is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Database resource. It describes parameters for the database.
CfnDisk.IAddOnProperty |
AddOn is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Disk resource. It describes the add-ons for a disk.
CfnDisk.IAutoSnapshotAddOnProperty |
AutoSnapshotAddOn is a property of the AddOn property. It describes the automatic snapshot add-on for a disk.
CfnDisk.ILocationProperty |
The AWS Region and Availability Zone where the disk is located. |
CfnDistribution.ICacheBehaviorPerPathProperty |
CacheBehaviorPerPath is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource. It describes the per-path cache behavior of an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution.
CfnDistribution.ICacheBehaviorProperty |
CacheBehavior is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource. It describes the default cache behavior of an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution.
CfnDistribution.ICacheSettingsProperty |
CacheSettings is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource. It describes the cache settings of an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution.
CfnDistribution.ICookieObjectProperty |
CookieObject is a property of the CacheSettings property. It describes whether an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution forwards cookies to the origin and, if so, which ones.
CfnDistribution.IHeaderObjectProperty |
HeaderObject is a property of the CacheSettings property. It describes the request headers used by your distribution, which caches your content based on the request headers.
CfnDistribution.IInputOriginProperty |
InputOrigin is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource. It describes the origin resource of an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution.
CfnDistribution.IQueryStringObjectProperty |
QueryStringObject is a property of the CacheSettings property. It describes the query string parameters that an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution to bases caching on.
CfnInstance.IAddOnProperty |
AddOn is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource. It describes the add-ons for an instance.
CfnInstance.IAutoSnapshotAddOnProperty |
AutoSnapshotAddOn is a property of the AddOn property. It describes the automatic snapshot add-on for an instance.
CfnInstance.IDiskProperty |
Disk is a property of the Hardware property. It describes a disk attached to an instance.
CfnInstance.IHardwareProperty |
Hardware is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource. It describes the hardware properties for the instance, such as the vCPU count, attached disks, and amount of RAM.
CfnInstance.ILocationProperty |
Location is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource. It describes the location for an instance.
CfnInstance.IMonthlyTransferProperty |
MonthlyTransfer is a property of the Networking property. It describes the amount of allocated monthly data transfer (in GB) for an instance.
CfnInstance.INetworkingProperty |
Networking is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource. It describes the public ports and the monthly amount of data transfer allocated for the instance.
CfnInstance.IPortProperty |
Port is a property of the Networking property. It describes information about ports for an instance.
CfnInstance.IStateProperty |
State is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource. It describes the status code and the state (for example, running ) of an instance.
ICfnAlarmProps |
Properties for defining a CfnAlarm . |
ICfnBucketProps |
Properties for defining a CfnBucket . |
ICfnCertificateProps |
Properties for defining a CfnCertificate . |
ICfnContainerProps |
Properties for defining a CfnContainer . |
ICfnDatabaseProps |
Properties for defining a CfnDatabase . |
ICfnDiskProps |
Properties for defining a CfnDisk . |
ICfnDistributionProps |
Properties for defining a CfnDistribution . |
ICfnInstanceProps |
Properties for defining a CfnInstance . |
ICfnLoadBalancerProps |
Properties for defining a CfnLoadBalancer . |
ICfnLoadBalancerTlsCertificateProps |
Properties for defining a CfnLoadBalancerTlsCertificate . |
ICfnStaticIpProps |
Properties for defining a CfnStaticIp . |