Interface BundlingOptions

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@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.101.0 (build b95fe5d)", date="2024-07-11T03:46:03.608Z") @Stability(Experimental) public interface BundlingOptions extends, DockerRunOptions
(experimental) Options for bundling.


 String entry = "/path/to/function";
 DockerImage image = DockerImage.fromBuild(entry);
 PythonFunction.Builder.create(this, "function")
                 .buildArgs(Map.of("PIP_INDEX_URL", "https://your.index.url/simple/", "PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL", "https://your.extra-index.url/simple/"))
  • Method Details

    • getAssetExcludes

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default List<String> getAssetExcludes()
      (experimental) List of file patterns to exclude when copying assets from source for bundling.

      Default: - Empty list

    • getAssetHash

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default String getAssetHash()
      (experimental) Specify a custom hash for this asset.

      If assetHashType is set it must be set to AssetHashType.CUSTOM. For consistency, this custom hash will be SHA256 hashed and encoded as hex. The resulting hash will be the asset hash.

      NOTE: the hash is used in order to identify a specific revision of the asset, and used for optimizing and caching deployment activities related to this asset such as packaging, uploading to Amazon S3, etc. If you chose to customize the hash, you will need to make sure it is updated every time the asset changes, or otherwise it is possible that some deployments will not be invalidated.

      Default: - Based on `assetHashType`

    • getAssetHashType

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default AssetHashType getAssetHashType()
      (experimental) Determines how asset hash is calculated. Assets will get rebuild and uploaded only if their hash has changed.

      If asset hash is set to SOURCE (default), then only changes to the source directory will cause the asset to rebuild. This means, for example, that in order to pick up a new dependency version, a change must be made to the source tree. Ideally, this can be implemented by including a dependency lockfile in your source tree or using fixed dependencies.

      If the asset hash is set to OUTPUT, the hash is calculated after bundling. This means that any change in the output will cause the asset to be invalidated and uploaded. Bear in mind that pip adds timestamps to dependencies it installs, which implies that in this mode Python bundles will always get rebuild and uploaded. Normally this is an anti-pattern since build

      Default: AssetHashType.SOURCE By default, hash is calculated based on the contents of the source directory. This means that only updates to the source will cause the asset to rebuild.

    • getBuildArgs

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default Map<String,String> getBuildArgs()
      (experimental) Optional build arguments to pass to the default container.

      This can be used to customize the index URLs used for installing dependencies. This is not used if a custom image is provided.

      Default: - No build arguments.

    • getBundlingFileAccess

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default BundlingFileAccess getBundlingFileAccess()
      (experimental) Which option to use to copy the source files to the docker container and output files back.

      Default: - BundlingFileAccess.BIND_MOUNT

    • getCommandHooks

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default ICommandHooks getCommandHooks()
      (experimental) Command hooks.

      Default: - do not run additional commands

    • getImage

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default DockerImage getImage()
      (experimental) Docker image to use for bundling.

      If no options are provided, the default bundling image will be used. Dependencies will be installed using the default packaging commands and copied over from into the Lambda asset.

      Default: - Default bundling image.

    • getOutputPathSuffix

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default String getOutputPathSuffix()
      (experimental) Output path suffix: the suffix for the directory into which the bundled output is written.

      Default: - 'python' for a layer, empty string otherwise.

    • getPoetryIncludeHashes

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default Boolean getPoetryIncludeHashes()
      (experimental) Whether to export Poetry dependencies with hashes.

      Note that this can cause builds to fail if not all dependencies export with a hash.

      Default: Hashes are NOT included in the exported `requirements.txt` file

      See Also:
    • getPoetryWithoutUrls

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default Boolean getPoetryWithoutUrls()
      (experimental) Whether to export Poetry dependencies with source repository urls.

      Default: URLs are included in the exported `requirements.txt` file.

    • builder

      @Stability(Experimental) static BundlingOptions.Builder builder()
      a BundlingOptions.Builder of BundlingOptions