AWS::Lightsail Construct Library
This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.
There are no official hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed:
- Search Construct Hub for Lightsail construct libraries
- Use the automatically generated L1 constructs, in the same way you would use the CloudFormation AWS::Lightsail resources directly.
There are no hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. However, you can still use the automatically generated L1 constructs, and use this service exactly as you would using CloudFormation directly.
For more information on the resources and properties available for this service, see the CloudFormation documentation for AWS::Lightsail.
(Read the CDK Contributing Guide and submit an RFC if you are interested in contributing to this construct library.)
resource specifies an alarm that can be used to monitor a single metric for one of your Lightsail resources.A fluent builder forCfnAlarm
.Properties for defining aCfnAlarm
.A builder forCfnAlarmProps
An implementation forCfnAlarmProps
resource specifies a bucket.AccessRules
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Bucket resource.A builder forCfnBucket.AccessRulesProperty
An implementation forCfnBucket.AccessRulesProperty
A fluent builder forCfnBucket
.Properties for defining aCfnBucket
.A builder forCfnBucketProps
An implementation forCfnBucketProps
resource specifies an SSL/TLS certificate that you can use with a content delivery network (CDN) distribution and a container service.A fluent builder forCfnCertificate
.Properties for defining aCfnCertificate
.A builder forCfnCertificateProps
An implementation forCfnCertificateProps
resource specifies a container service.A fluent builder forCfnContainer
is a property of the ContainerServiceDeployment property.A builder forCfnContainer.ContainerProperty
An implementation forCfnContainer.ContainerProperty
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Container resource.A builder forCfnContainer.ContainerServiceDeploymentProperty
An implementation forCfnContainer.ContainerServiceDeploymentProperty
Describes the IAM role that you can use to grant a Lightsail container service access to Amazon ECR private repositories.A builder forCfnContainer.EcrImagePullerRoleProperty
An implementation forCfnContainer.EcrImagePullerRoleProperty
is a property of the Container property.A builder forCfnContainer.EnvironmentVariableProperty
An implementation forCfnContainer.EnvironmentVariableProperty
is a property of the PublicEndpoint property.A builder forCfnContainer.HealthCheckConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnContainer.HealthCheckConfigProperty
is a property of the Container property.A builder forCfnContainer.PortInfoProperty
An implementation forCfnContainer.PortInfoProperty
Describes the configuration for an Amazon Lightsail container service to access private container image repositories, such as Amazon Elastic Container Registry ( Amazon ECR ) private repositories.A builder forCfnContainer.PrivateRegistryAccessProperty
An implementation forCfnContainer.PrivateRegistryAccessProperty
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Container resource.A builder forCfnContainer.PublicDomainNameProperty
An implementation forCfnContainer.PublicDomainNameProperty
is a property of the ContainerServiceDeployment property.A builder forCfnContainer.PublicEndpointProperty
An implementation forCfnContainer.PublicEndpointProperty
Properties for defining aCfnContainer
.A builder forCfnContainerProps
An implementation forCfnContainerProps
resource specifies an Amazon Lightsail database.A fluent builder forCfnDatabase
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Database resource.A builder forCfnDatabase.RelationalDatabaseParameterProperty
An implementation forCfnDatabase.RelationalDatabaseParameterProperty
Properties for defining aCfnDatabase
.A builder forCfnDatabaseProps
An implementation forCfnDatabaseProps
resource specifies a disk that can be attached to an Amazon Lightsail instance that is in the same AWS Region and Availability Zone.AddOn
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Disk resource.A builder forCfnDisk.AddOnProperty
An implementation forCfnDisk.AddOnProperty
is a property of the AddOn property.A builder forCfnDisk.AutoSnapshotAddOnProperty
An implementation forCfnDisk.AutoSnapshotAddOnProperty
A fluent builder forCfnDisk
.The AWS Region and Availability Zone where the disk is located.A builder forCfnDisk.LocationProperty
An implementation forCfnDisk.LocationProperty
Properties for defining aCfnDisk
.A builder forCfnDiskProps
An implementation forCfnDiskProps
resource specifies a content delivery network (CDN) distribution.A fluent builder forCfnDistribution
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource.A builder forCfnDistribution.CacheBehaviorPerPathProperty
An implementation forCfnDistribution.CacheBehaviorPerPathProperty
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource.A builder forCfnDistribution.CacheBehaviorProperty
An implementation forCfnDistribution.CacheBehaviorProperty
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource.A builder forCfnDistribution.CacheSettingsProperty
An implementation forCfnDistribution.CacheSettingsProperty
is a property of the CacheSettings property.A builder forCfnDistribution.CookieObjectProperty
An implementation forCfnDistribution.CookieObjectProperty
is a property of the CacheSettings property.A builder forCfnDistribution.HeaderObjectProperty
An implementation forCfnDistribution.HeaderObjectProperty
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource.A builder forCfnDistribution.InputOriginProperty
An implementation forCfnDistribution.InputOriginProperty
is a property of the CacheSettings property.A builder forCfnDistribution.QueryStringObjectProperty
An implementation forCfnDistribution.QueryStringObjectProperty
Properties for defining aCfnDistribution
.A builder forCfnDistributionProps
An implementation forCfnDistributionProps
resource specifies an Amazon Lightsail instance.AddOn
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource.A builder forCfnInstance.AddOnProperty
An implementation forCfnInstance.AddOnProperty
is a property of the AddOn property.A builder forCfnInstance.AutoSnapshotAddOnProperty
An implementation forCfnInstance.AutoSnapshotAddOnProperty
A fluent builder forCfnInstance
is a property of the Hardware property.A builder forCfnInstance.DiskProperty
An implementation forCfnInstance.DiskProperty
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource.A builder forCfnInstance.HardwareProperty
An implementation forCfnInstance.HardwareProperty
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource.A builder forCfnInstance.LocationProperty
An implementation forCfnInstance.LocationProperty
is a property of the Networking property.A builder forCfnInstance.MonthlyTransferProperty
An implementation forCfnInstance.MonthlyTransferProperty
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource.A builder forCfnInstance.NetworkingProperty
An implementation forCfnInstance.NetworkingProperty
is a property of the Networking property.A builder forCfnInstance.PortProperty
An implementation forCfnInstance.PortProperty
is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource.A builder forCfnInstance.StateProperty
An implementation forCfnInstance.StateProperty
Properties for defining aCfnInstance
.A builder forCfnInstanceProps
An implementation forCfnInstanceProps
resource specifies a load balancer that can be used with Lightsail instances.A fluent builder forCfnLoadBalancer
.Properties for defining aCfnLoadBalancer
.A builder forCfnLoadBalancerProps
An implementation forCfnLoadBalancerProps
resource specifies a TLS certificate that can be used with a Lightsail load balancer.A fluent builder forCfnLoadBalancerTlsCertificate
.Properties for defining aCfnLoadBalancerTlsCertificate
.A builder forCfnLoadBalancerTlsCertificateProps
An implementation forCfnLoadBalancerTlsCertificateProps
resource specifies a static IP that can be attached to an Amazon Lightsail instance that is in the same AWS Region and Availability Zone.A fluent builder forCfnStaticIp
.Properties for defining aCfnStaticIp
.A builder forCfnStaticIpProps
An implementation forCfnStaticIpProps