Class FirewallDomainList

All Implemented Interfaces:
IResource, IFirewallDomainList,, software.constructs.IConstruct, software.constructs.IDependable

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.106.0 (build e852934)", date="2025-03-04T22:57:34.851Z") @Stability(Experimental) public class FirewallDomainList extends Resource implements IFirewallDomainList
(experimental) A Firewall Domain List.


 FirewallDomainList blockList = FirewallDomainList.Builder.create(this, "BlockList")
         .domains(FirewallDomains.fromList(List.of("", "")))
 FirewallDomainList s3List = FirewallDomainList.Builder.create(this, "S3List")
 FirewallDomainList assetList = FirewallDomainList.Builder.create(this, "AssetList")
  • Constructor Details

    • FirewallDomainList

      protected FirewallDomainList( objRef)
    • FirewallDomainList

      protected FirewallDomainList( initializationMode)
    • FirewallDomainList

      @Stability(Experimental) public FirewallDomainList(@NotNull software.constructs.Construct scope, @NotNull String id, @NotNull FirewallDomainListProps props)
      scope - This parameter is required.
      id - This parameter is required.
      props - This parameter is required.
  • Method Details

    • fromFirewallDomainListId

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static IFirewallDomainList fromFirewallDomainListId(@NotNull software.constructs.Construct scope, @NotNull String id, @NotNull String firewallDomainListId)
      (experimental) Import an existing Firewall Rule Group.

      scope - This parameter is required.
      id - This parameter is required.
      firewallDomainListId - This parameter is required.
    • getFirewallDomainListArn

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public String getFirewallDomainListArn()
      (experimental) The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the domain list.
    • getFirewallDomainListCreationTime

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public String getFirewallDomainListCreationTime()
      (experimental) The date and time that the domain list was created.
    • getFirewallDomainListCreatorRequestId

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public String getFirewallDomainListCreatorRequestId()
      (experimental) The creator request ID.
    • getFirewallDomainListDomainCount

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public Number getFirewallDomainListDomainCount()
      (experimental) The number of domains in the list.
    • getFirewallDomainListId

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public String getFirewallDomainListId()
      (experimental) The ID of the domain list.
      Specified by:
      getFirewallDomainListId in interface IFirewallDomainList
    • getFirewallDomainListManagedOwnerName

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public String getFirewallDomainListManagedOwnerName()
      (experimental) The owner of the list, used only for lists that are not managed by you.

      For example, the managed domain list AWSManagedDomainsMalwareDomainList has the managed owner name Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall.

    • getFirewallDomainListModificationTime

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public String getFirewallDomainListModificationTime()
      (experimental) The date and time that the domain list was last modified.
    • getFirewallDomainListStatus

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public String getFirewallDomainListStatus()
      (experimental) The status of the domain list.
    • getFirewallDomainListStatusMessage

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public String getFirewallDomainListStatusMessage()
      (experimental) Additional information about the status of the rule group.