Amazon SageMaker Construct Library
The APIs of higher level constructs in this module are experimental and under active development. They are subject to non-backward compatible changes or removal in any future version. These are not subject to the Semantic Versioning model and breaking changes will be announced in the release notes. This means that while you may use them, you may need to update your source code when upgrading to a newer version of this package.
Amazon SageMaker provides every developer and data scientist with the ability to build, train, and deploy machine learning models quickly. Amazon SageMaker is a fully-managed service that covers the entire machine learning workflow to label and prepare your data, choose an algorithm, train the model, tune and optimize it for deployment, make predictions, and take action. Your models get to production faster with much less effort and lower cost.
To create a machine learning model with Amazon Sagemaker, use the Model
construct. This construct
includes properties that can be configured to define model components, including the model inference
code as a Docker image and an optional set of separate model data artifacts. See the AWS
to learn more about SageMaker models.
Single Container Model
In the event that a single container is sufficient for your inference use-case, you can define a single-container model:
import*; import path.*; ContainerImage image = ContainerImage.fromAsset(join("path", "to", "Dockerfile", "directory")); ModelData modelData = ModelData.fromAsset(join("path", "to", "artifact", "file.tar.gz")); Model model = Model.Builder.create(this, "PrimaryContainerModel") .containers(List.of(ContainerDefinition.builder() .image(image) .modelData(modelData) .build())) .build();
Inference Pipeline Model
An inference pipeline is an Amazon SageMaker model that is composed of a linear sequence of multiple containers that process requests for inferences on data. See the AWS documentation to learn more about SageMaker inference pipelines. To define an inference pipeline, you can provide additional containers for your model:
import*; ContainerImage image1; ModelData modelData1; ContainerImage image2; ModelData modelData2; ContainerImage image3; ModelData modelData3; Model model = Model.Builder.create(this, "InferencePipelineModel") .containers(List.of(ContainerDefinition.builder().image(image1).modelData(modelData1).build(), ContainerDefinition.builder().image(image2).modelData(modelData2).build(), ContainerDefinition.builder().image(image3).modelData(modelData3).build())) .build();
Model Properties
Network Isolation
If you enable network isolation, the containers can't make any outbound network calls, even to other AWS services such as Amazon S3. Additionally, no AWS credentials are made available to the container runtime environment.
To enable network isolation, set the networkIsolation
property to true
import*; ContainerImage image; ModelData modelData; Model model = Model.Builder.create(this, "ContainerModel") .containers(List.of(ContainerDefinition.builder() .image(image) .modelData(modelData) .build())) .networkIsolation(true) .build();
Container Images
Inference code can be stored in the Amazon EC2 Container Registry (Amazon ECR), which is specified
via ContainerDefinition
's image
property which accepts a class that extends the ContainerImage
abstract base class.
Asset Image
Reference a local directory containing a Dockerfile:
import*; import path.*; ContainerImage image = ContainerImage.fromAsset(join("path", "to", "Dockerfile", "directory"));
ECR Image
Reference an image available within ECR:
import*; import*; IRepository repository = Repository.fromRepositoryName(this, "Repository", "repo"); ContainerImage image = ContainerImage.fromEcrRepository(repository, "tag");
DLC Image
Reference a deep learning container image:
import*; String repositoryName = "huggingface-pytorch-training"; String tag = "1.13.1-transformers4.26.0-gpu-py39-cu117-ubuntu20.04"; ContainerImage image = ContainerImage.fromDlc(repositoryName, tag);
Model Artifacts
If you choose to decouple your model artifacts from your inference code (as is natural given
different rates of change between inference code and model artifacts), the artifacts can be
specified via the modelData
property which accepts a class that extends the ModelData
base class. The default is to have no model artifacts associated with a model.
Asset Model Data
Reference local model data:
import*; import path.*; ModelData modelData = ModelData.fromAsset(join("path", "to", "artifact", "file.tar.gz"));
S3 Model Data
Reference an S3 bucket and object key as the artifacts for a model:
import*; import*; Bucket bucket = new Bucket(this, "MyBucket"); ModelData modelData = ModelData.fromBucket(bucket, "path/to/artifact/file.tar.gz");
Model Hosting
Amazon SageMaker provides model hosting services for model deployment. Amazon SageMaker provides an HTTPS endpoint where your machine learning model is available to provide inferences.
Endpoint Configuration
By using the EndpointConfig
construct, you can define a set of endpoint configuration which can be
used to provision one or more endpoints. In this configuration, you identify one or more models to
deploy and the resources that you want Amazon SageMaker to provision. You define one or more
production variants, each of which identifies a model. Each production variant also describes the
resources that you want Amazon SageMaker to provision. If you are hosting multiple models, you also
assign a variant weight to specify how much traffic you want to allocate to each model. For example,
suppose that you want to host two models, A and B, and you assign traffic weight 2 for model A and 1
for model B. Amazon SageMaker distributes two-thirds of the traffic to Model A, and one-third to
model B:
import*; Model modelA; Model modelB; EndpointConfig endpointConfig = EndpointConfig.Builder.create(this, "EndpointConfig") .instanceProductionVariants(List.of(InstanceProductionVariantProps.builder() .model(modelA) .variantName("modelA") .initialVariantWeight(2) .build(), InstanceProductionVariantProps.builder() .model(modelB) .variantName("variantB") .initialVariantWeight(1) .build())) .build();
When you create an endpoint from an EndpointConfig
, Amazon SageMaker launches the ML compute
instances and deploys the model or models as specified in the configuration. To get inferences from
the model, client applications send requests to the Amazon SageMaker Runtime HTTPS endpoint. For
more information about the API, see the
API. Defining an endpoint requires at minimum the associated endpoint configuration:
import*; EndpointConfig endpointConfig; Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.Builder.create(this, "Endpoint").endpointConfig(endpointConfig).build();
To enable autoscaling on the production variant, use the autoScaleInstanceCount
import*; Model model; String variantName = "my-variant"; EndpointConfig endpointConfig = EndpointConfig.Builder.create(this, "EndpointConfig") .instanceProductionVariants(List.of(InstanceProductionVariantProps.builder() .model(model) .variantName(variantName) .build())) .build(); Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.Builder.create(this, "Endpoint").endpointConfig(endpointConfig).build(); IEndpointInstanceProductionVariant productionVariant = endpoint.findInstanceProductionVariant(variantName); ScalableInstanceCount instanceCount = productionVariant.autoScaleInstanceCount(EnableScalingProps.builder() .maxCapacity(3) .build()); instanceCount.scaleOnInvocations("LimitRPS", InvocationsScalingProps.builder() .maxRequestsPerSecond(30) .build());
For load testing guidance on determining the maximum requests per second per instance, please see this documentation.
To monitor CloudWatch metrics for a production variant, use one or more of the metric convenience methods:
import*; EndpointConfig endpointConfig; Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.Builder.create(this, "Endpoint").endpointConfig(endpointConfig).build(); IEndpointInstanceProductionVariant productionVariant = endpoint.findInstanceProductionVariant("my-variant"); productionVariant.metricModelLatency().createAlarm(this, "ModelLatencyAlarm", CreateAlarmOptions.builder() .threshold(100000) .evaluationPeriods(3) .build());
ClassDescription(experimental) Supported Elastic Inference (EI) instance types for SageMaker instance-based production variants.(experimental) Describes the container, as part of model definition.A builder for
An implementation forContainerDefinition
(experimental) Constructs for types of container images.(experimental) The configuration for creating a container image.A builder forContainerImageConfig
An implementation forContainerImageConfig
(experimental) Defines a SageMaker endpoint.(experimental) A fluent builder forEndpoint
.(experimental) Represents an Endpoint resource defined outside this stack.A builder forEndpointAttributes
An implementation forEndpointAttributes
(experimental) Defines a SageMaker EndpointConfig.(experimental) A fluent builder forEndpointConfig
.(experimental) Construction properties for a SageMaker EndpointConfig.A builder forEndpointConfigProps
An implementation forEndpointConfigProps
(experimental) Construction properties for a SageMaker Endpoint.A builder forEndpointProps
An implementation forEndpointProps
(experimental) The Interface for a SageMaker Endpoint resource.Internal default implementation forIEndpoint
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.(experimental) The interface for a SageMaker EndpointConfig resource.Internal default implementation forIEndpointConfig
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.(experimental) Represents an instance production variant that has been associated with an endpoint.Internal default implementation forIEndpointInstanceProductionVariant
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.(experimental) Interface that defines a Model resource.Internal default implementation forIModel
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.(experimental) Construction properties for an instance production variant.A builder forInstanceProductionVariantProps
An implementation forInstanceProductionVariantProps
(experimental) Supported instance types for SageMaker instance-based production variants.(experimental) HTTP response codes for Endpoint invocations.(experimental) Properties for enabling SageMaker Endpoint utilization tracking.A builder forInvocationsScalingProps
An implementation forInvocationsScalingProps
(experimental) Defines a SageMaker Model.(experimental) A fluent builder forModel
.(experimental) Represents a Model resource defined outside this stack.A builder forModelAttributes
An implementation forModelAttributes
(experimental) Model data represents the source of model artifacts, which will ultimately be loaded from an S3 location.(experimental) The configuration needed to reference model artifacts.A builder forModelDataConfig
An implementation forModelDataConfig
(experimental) Construction properties for a SageMaker Model.A builder forModelProps
An implementation forModelProps
(experimental) A scalable sagemaker endpoint attribute.(experimental) A fluent builder forScalableInstanceCount
.(experimental) The properties of a scalable attribute representing task count.A builder forScalableInstanceCountProps
An implementation forScalableInstanceCountProps