public static final class SageMakerCreateModelProps.Builderextends Object
implements software.amazon.jsii.Builder<SageMakerCreateModelProps>
primaryContainer - The definition of the primary docker image containing inference code, associated artifacts, and custom environment map that the inference code uses when the model is deployed for predictions. This parameter is required.
heartbeatTimeout - Timeout for the heartbeat.
[disable-awslint:duration-prop-type] is needed because all props interface in
aws-stepfunctions-tasks extend this interface
inputPath - JSONPath expression to select part of the state to be the input to this state.
May also be the special value JsonPath.DISCARD, which will cause the effective
input to be the empty object {}.
integrationPattern - AWS Step Functions integrates with services directly in the Amazon States Language.
You can control these AWS services using service integration patterns.
Depending on the AWS Service, the Service Integration Pattern availability will vary.
outputPath - JSONPath expression to select select a portion of the state output to pass to the next state.
May also be the special value JsonPath.DISCARD, which will cause the effective
output to be the empty object {}.
resultPath - JSONPath expression to indicate where to inject the state's output.
May also be the special value JsonPath.DISCARD, which will cause the state's
input to become its output.
resultSelector - The JSON that will replace the state's raw result and become the effective result before ResultPath is applied.
You can use ResultSelector to create a payload with values that are static
or selected from the state's raw result.
taskTimeout - Timeout for the task.
[disable-awslint:duration-prop-type] is needed because all props interface in
aws-stepfunctions-tasks extend this interface