IAM behaviors for AWS Clean Rooms ML - AWS Clean Rooms

IAM behaviors for AWS Clean Rooms ML

Cross-account jobs

Clean Rooms ML allows certain resources created by one AWS account to be securely accessed in their account by another AWS account. When a client in AWS account A calls StartAudienceGenerationJob on a ConfiguredAudienceModel resource owned by AWS account B, Clean Rooms ML creates two ARNs for the job. One ARN in AWS account A and another in AWS account B. The ARNs are identical except for their AWS account.

Clean Rooms ML creates two ARNs for the job to ensure that both accounts can apply their own IAM policies to the jobs. For example, both accounts can use tag-based access control and apply policies from their AWS organization. The job processes data from both accounts, so both accounts can delete the job and its associated data. Neither account can block the other account from deleting the job.

There is only one job execution and both accounts can see the job when they call ListAudienceGenerationJobs. Both accounts can call the Get, Delete, and Export APIs on the job using the ARN with their own AWS account ID.

Neither AWS account can access the job when using an ARN with the other AWS account ID.

The name of the job must be unique within an AWS account. The name in AWS account B is $accountA-$name. The name chosen by AWS account A is prefixed with AWS account A when the job is viewed in AWS account B.

In order for a cross-account StartAudienceGenerationJob to succeed, AWS account B must allow that action on both the new job in AWS account B and the ConfiguredAudienceModel in AWS account B using a resource policy similar to the following example:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Clean-Rooms-<CAMA ID>", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": [ "accountA" ] }, "Action": [ "cleanrooms-ml:StartAudienceGenerationJob" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:cleanrooms-ml:us-west-1:AccountB:configured-audience-model/id", "arn:aws:cleanrooms-ml:us-west-1:AccountB:audience-generation-job/*" ], // optional - always set by AWS Clean Rooms "Condition":{"StringEquals":{"cleanrooms-ml:CollaborationId":"UUID"}} } ] }

If you use the AWS Clean Rooms ML API to create a configured lookalike model with manageResourcePolicies set to true, AWS Clean Rooms creates this policy for you.

Additionally, the identity policy of the caller in AWS account A needs StartAudienceGenerationJob permission on arn:aws:cleanrooms-ml:us-west-1:AccountA:audience-generation-job/*. So there are three IAM Resources for Action StartAudienceGenerationJob: the AWS account A job, the AWS account B job, and the AWS account B ConfiguredAudienceModel.


The AWS account that started the job receives an AWS CloudTrail audit log event about the job. The AWS account that owns the ConfiguredAudienceModel does not receive a AWS CloudTrail audit log event.

Tagging jobs

When you set the childResourceTagOnCreatePolicy=FROM_PARENT_RESOURCE parameter of CreateConfiguredAudienceModel, all lookalike segment generation jobs within your account that are created from that configured lookalike model default to having the same tags as the configured lookalike model. The configured lookalike model is the parent and the lookalike segment generation job is the child.

If you are creating a job within your own account, the request tags of the job override the parent tags. Jobs created by other accounts never create tags in your account. If you set childResourceTagOnCreatePolicy=FROM_PARENT_RESOURCE and another account creates a job, there are two copies of the job. The copy in your account has the parent resource tags and the copy in the job submitter’s account has tags from the request.

Validating collaborators

When granting permissions to other members of an AWS Clean Rooms collaboration, the resource policy should include the condition key cleanrooms-ml:CollaborationId. This enforces that the collaborationId parameter is included in the StartAudienceGenerationJob request. When the collaborationId parameter is included in the request, Clean Rooms ML validates that the collaboration exists, the job submitter is an active member of the collaboration, and the configured lookalike model owner is an active member of the collaboration.

When AWS Clean Rooms manages your configured lookalike model resource policy (the manageResourcePolicies parameter is TRUE in CreateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation request), this condition key will be set in the resource policy. Therefore, you must specify the collaborationId in StartAudienceGenerationJob.

Cross-account access

Only StartAudienceGenerationJob can be called across accounts. All other Clean Rooms ML APIs can only be used with resources in your own account. This ensures that your training data, lookalike model configuration, and other information stays private.

Clean Rooms ML never reveals Amazon S3 or AWS Glue locations across accounts. The training data location, configured lookalike model output location, and lookalike segment generation job seed location are never visible across accounts. Unless query logging is enabled in the collaboration, whether the seed data comes from an SQL query and the query itself are not visible across accounts. If you Get an audience generation job that another account submitted, the service does not show the seed location.