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[ aws . quicksight ]



Creates a template either from a TemplateDefinition or from an existing Amazon QuickSight analysis or template. You can use the resulting template to create additional dashboards, templates, or analyses.

A template is an entity in Amazon QuickSight that encapsulates the metadata required to create an analysis and that you can use to create s dashboard. A template adds a layer of abstraction by using placeholders to replace the dataset associated with the analysis. You can use templates to create dashboards by replacing dataset placeholders with datasets that follow the same schema that was used to create the source analysis and template.

See also: AWS API Documentation


--aws-account-id <value>
--template-id <value>
[--name <value>]
[--permissions <value>]
[--source-entity <value>]
[--tags <value>]
[--version-description <value>]
[--definition <value>]
[--validation-strategy <value>]
[--cli-input-json <value>]
[--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]
[--endpoint-url <value>]
[--output <value>]
[--query <value>]
[--profile <value>]
[--region <value>]
[--version <value>]
[--color <value>]
[--ca-bundle <value>]
[--cli-read-timeout <value>]
[--cli-connect-timeout <value>]


--aws-account-id (string)

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. You use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

--template-id (string)

An ID for the template that you want to create. This template is unique per Amazon Web Services Region; in each Amazon Web Services account.

--name (string)

A display name for the template.

--permissions (list)

A list of resource permissions to be set on the template.


Permission for the resource.

Principal -> (string)

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the principal. This can be one of the following:

  • The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user or group associated with a data source or dataset. (This is common.)
  • The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user, group, or namespace associated with an analysis, dashboard, template, or theme. (This is common.)
  • The ARN of an Amazon Web Services account root: This is an IAM ARN rather than a QuickSight ARN. Use this option only to share resources (templates) across Amazon Web Services accounts. (This is less common.)

Actions -> (list)

The IAM action to grant or revoke permissions on.


Shorthand Syntax:

Principal=string,Actions=string,string ...

JSON Syntax:

    "Principal": "string",
    "Actions": ["string", ...]

--source-entity (structure)

The entity that you are using as a source when you create the template. In SourceEntity , you specify the type of object you're using as source: SourceTemplate for a template or SourceAnalysis for an analysis. Both of these require an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For SourceTemplate , specify the ARN of the source template. For SourceAnalysis , specify the ARN of the source analysis. The SourceTemplate ARN can contain any Amazon Web Services account and any Amazon QuickSight-supported Amazon Web Services Region.

Use the DataSetReferences entity within SourceTemplate or SourceAnalysis to list the replacement datasets for the placeholders listed in the original. The schema in each dataset must match its placeholder.

Either a SourceEntity or a Definition must be provided in order for the request to be valid.

SourceAnalysis -> (structure)

The source analysis, if it is based on an analysis.

Arn -> (string)

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

DataSetReferences -> (list)

A structure containing information about the dataset references used as placeholders in the template.


Dataset reference.

DataSetPlaceholder -> (string)

Dataset placeholder.

DataSetArn -> (string)

Dataset Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

SourceTemplate -> (structure)

The source template, if it is based on an template.

Arn -> (string)

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

JSON Syntax:

  "SourceAnalysis": {
    "Arn": "string",
    "DataSetReferences": [
        "DataSetPlaceholder": "string",
        "DataSetArn": "string"
  "SourceTemplate": {
    "Arn": "string"

--tags (list)

Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the resource.


The key or keys of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the resource.

Key -> (string)

Tag key.

Value -> (string)

Tag value.

Shorthand Syntax:

Key=string,Value=string ...

JSON Syntax:

    "Key": "string",
    "Value": "string"

--version-description (string)

A description of the current template version being created. This API operation creates the first version of the template. Every time UpdateTemplate is called, a new version is created. Each version of the template maintains a description of the version in the VersionDescription field.

--definition (structure)

The definition of a template.

A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.

Either a SourceEntity or a Definition must be provided in order for the request to be valid.

DataSetConfigurations -> (list)

An array of dataset configurations. These configurations define the required columns for each dataset used within a template.


Dataset configuration.

Placeholder -> (string)


DataSetSchema -> (structure)

Dataset schema.

ColumnSchemaList -> (list)

A structure containing the list of column schemas.


The column schema.

Name -> (string)

The name of the column schema.

DataType -> (string)

The data type of the column schema.

GeographicRole -> (string)

The geographic role of the column schema.

ColumnGroupSchemaList -> (list)

A structure containing the list of column group schemas.


The column group schema.

Name -> (string)

The name of the column group schema.

ColumnGroupColumnSchemaList -> (list)

A structure containing the list of schemas for column group columns.


A structure describing the name, data type, and geographic role of the columns.

Name -> (string)

The name of the column group's column schema.

Sheets -> (list)

An array of sheet definitions for a template.


A sheet is an object that contains a set of visuals that are viewed together on one page in a paginated report. Every analysis and dashboard must contain at least one sheet.

SheetId -> (string)

The unique identifier of a sheet.

Title -> (string)

The title of the sheet.

Description -> (string)

A description of the sheet.

Name -> (string)

The name of the sheet. This name is displayed on the sheet's tab in the Amazon QuickSight console.

ParameterControls -> (list)

The list of parameter controls that are on a sheet.

For more information, see Using a Control with a Parameter in Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide .


The control of a parameter that users can interact with in a dashboard or an analysis.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

DateTimePicker -> (structure)

A control from a date parameter that specifies date and time.

ParameterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the ParameterDateTimePickerControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the ParameterDateTimePickerControl .

SourceParameterName -> (string)

The name of the ParameterDateTimePickerControl .

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of a control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Customize how dates are formatted in controls.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

HelperTextVisibility -> (string)

The helper text visibility of the DateTimePickerControlDisplayOptions .

DateIconVisibility -> (string)

The date icon visibility of the DateTimePickerControlDisplayOptions .

List -> (structure)

A control to display a list with buttons or boxes that are used to select either a single value or multiple values.

ParameterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the ParameterListControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the ParameterListControl .

SourceParameterName -> (string)

The source parameter name of the ParameterListControl .

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of a control.

SearchOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of the search options in a list control.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the search options in a list control.

SelectAllOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of the Select all options in a list control.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the Select all options in a list control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

Type -> (string)

The type of ParameterListControl .

SelectableValues -> (structure)

A list of selectable values that are used in a control.

Values -> (list)

The values that are used in ParameterSelectableValues .


LinkToDataSetColumn -> (structure)

The column identifier that fetches values from the data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CascadingControlConfiguration -> (structure)

The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.

SourceControls -> (list)

A list of source controls that determine the values that are used in the current control.


The source controls that are used in a CascadingControlConfiguration .

SourceSheetControlId -> (string)

The source sheet control ID of a CascadingControlSource .

ColumnToMatch -> (structure)

The column identifier that determines which column to look up for the source sheet control.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Dropdown -> (structure)

A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.

ParameterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the ParameterDropDownControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the ParameterDropDownControl .

SourceParameterName -> (string)

The source parameter name of the ParameterDropDownControl .

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of a control.

SelectAllOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of the Select all options in a dropdown control.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the Select all options in a list control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

Type -> (string)

The type parameter name of the ParameterDropDownControl .

SelectableValues -> (structure)

A list of selectable values that are used in a control.

Values -> (list)

The values that are used in ParameterSelectableValues .


LinkToDataSetColumn -> (structure)

The column identifier that fetches values from the data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CascadingControlConfiguration -> (structure)

The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.

SourceControls -> (list)

A list of source controls that determine the values that are used in the current control.


The source controls that are used in a CascadingControlConfiguration .

SourceSheetControlId -> (string)

The source sheet control ID of a CascadingControlSource .

ColumnToMatch -> (structure)

The column identifier that determines which column to look up for the source sheet control.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CommitMode -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the Apply button on a ParameterDropDownControl .

TextField -> (structure)

A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.

ParameterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the ParameterTextFieldControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the ParameterTextFieldControl .

SourceParameterName -> (string)

The source parameter name of the ParameterTextFieldControl .

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of a control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

PlaceholderOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of the placeholder options in a text field control.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the placeholder options in a text control.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

TextArea -> (structure)

A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.

ParameterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the ParameterTextAreaControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the ParameterTextAreaControl .

SourceParameterName -> (string)

The source parameter name of the ParameterTextAreaControl .

Delimiter -> (string)

The delimiter that is used to separate the lines in text.

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of a control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

PlaceholderOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of the placeholder options in a text area control.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the placeholder options in a text control.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

Slider -> (structure)

A control to display a horizontal toggle bar. This is used to change a value by sliding the toggle.

ParameterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the ParameterSliderControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the ParameterSliderControl .

SourceParameterName -> (string)

The source parameter name of the ParameterSliderControl .

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of a control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

MaximumValue -> (double)

The larger value that is displayed at the right of the slider.

MinimumValue -> (double)

The smaller value that is displayed at the left of the slider.

StepSize -> (double)

The number of increments that the slider bar is divided into.

FilterControls -> (list)

The list of filter controls that are on a sheet.

For more information, see Adding filter controls to analysis sheets in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide .


The control of a filter that is used to interact with a dashboard or an analysis.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

DateTimePicker -> (structure)

A control from a date filter that is used to specify date and time.

FilterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the FilterDateTimePickerControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the FilterDateTimePickerControl .

SourceFilterId -> (string)

The source filter ID of the FilterDateTimePickerControl .

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of a control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Customize how dates are formatted in controls.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

HelperTextVisibility -> (string)

The helper text visibility of the DateTimePickerControlDisplayOptions .

DateIconVisibility -> (string)

The date icon visibility of the DateTimePickerControlDisplayOptions .

Type -> (string)

The type of the FilterDropDownControl . Choose one of the following options:

  • MULTI_SELECT : The user can select multiple entries from a dropdown menu.
  • SINGLE_SELECT : The user can select a single entry from a dropdown menu.

CommitMode -> (string)

The visibility configurationof the Apply button on a DateTimePickerControl .

List -> (structure)

A control to display a list of buttons or boxes. This is used to select either a single value or multiple values.

FilterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the FilterListControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the FilterListControl .

SourceFilterId -> (string)

The source filter ID of the FilterListControl .

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of a control.

SearchOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of the search options in a list control.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the search options in a list control.

SelectAllOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of the Select all options in a list control.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the Select all options in a list control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

Type -> (string)

The type of the FilterListControl . Choose one of the following options:

  • MULTI_SELECT : The user can select multiple entries from the list.
  • SINGLE_SELECT : The user can select a single entry from the list.

SelectableValues -> (structure)

A list of selectable values that are used in a control.

Values -> (list)

The values that are used in the FilterSelectableValues .


CascadingControlConfiguration -> (structure)

The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.

SourceControls -> (list)

A list of source controls that determine the values that are used in the current control.


The source controls that are used in a CascadingControlConfiguration .

SourceSheetControlId -> (string)

The source sheet control ID of a CascadingControlSource .

ColumnToMatch -> (structure)

The column identifier that determines which column to look up for the source sheet control.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Dropdown -> (structure)

A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.

FilterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the FilterDropDownControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the FilterDropDownControl .

SourceFilterId -> (string)

The source filter ID of the FilterDropDownControl .

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of the FilterDropDownControl .

SelectAllOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of the Select all options in a dropdown control.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the Select all options in a list control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

Type -> (string)

The type of the FilterDropDownControl . Choose one of the following options:

  • MULTI_SELECT : The user can select multiple entries from a dropdown menu.
  • SINGLE_SELECT : The user can select a single entry from a dropdown menu.

SelectableValues -> (structure)

A list of selectable values that are used in a control.

Values -> (list)

The values that are used in the FilterSelectableValues .


CascadingControlConfiguration -> (structure)

The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.

SourceControls -> (list)

A list of source controls that determine the values that are used in the current control.


The source controls that are used in a CascadingControlConfiguration .

SourceSheetControlId -> (string)

The source sheet control ID of a CascadingControlSource .

ColumnToMatch -> (structure)

The column identifier that determines which column to look up for the source sheet control.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CommitMode -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the Apply button on a FilterDropDownControl .

TextField -> (structure)

A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.

FilterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the FilterTextFieldControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the FilterTextFieldControl .

SourceFilterId -> (string)

The source filter ID of the FilterTextFieldControl .

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of a control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

PlaceholderOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of the placeholder options in a text field control.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the placeholder options in a text control.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

TextArea -> (structure)

A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.

FilterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the FilterTextAreaControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the FilterTextAreaControl .

SourceFilterId -> (string)

The source filter ID of the FilterTextAreaControl .

Delimiter -> (string)

The delimiter that is used to separate the lines in text.

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of a control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

PlaceholderOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of the placeholder options in a text area control.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the placeholder options in a text control.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

Slider -> (structure)

A control to display a horizontal toggle bar. This is used to change a value by sliding the toggle.

FilterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the FilterSliderControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the FilterSliderControl .

SourceFilterId -> (string)

The source filter ID of the FilterSliderControl .

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of a control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

Type -> (string)

The type of the FilterSliderControl . Choose one of the following options:

  • SINGLE_POINT : Filter against(equals) a single data point.
  • RANGE : Filter data that is in a specified range.

MaximumValue -> (double)

The larger value that is displayed at the right of the slider.

MinimumValue -> (double)

The smaller value that is displayed at the left of the slider.

StepSize -> (double)

The number of increments that the slider bar is divided into.

RelativeDateTime -> (structure)

A control from a date filter that is used to specify the relative date.

FilterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the FilterTextAreaControl .

Title -> (string)

The title of the FilterTextAreaControl .

SourceFilterId -> (string)

The source filter ID of the FilterTextAreaControl .

DisplayOptions -> (structure)

The display options of a control.

TitleOptions -> (structure)

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Customize how dates are formatted in controls.

InfoIconLabelOptions -> (structure)

The configuration of info icon label options.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of info icon label options.

InfoIconText -> (string)

The text content of info icon.

CommitMode -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the Apply button on a FilterRelativeDateTimeControl .

CrossSheet -> (structure)

A control from a filter that is scoped across more than one sheet. This represents your filter control on a sheet

FilterControlId -> (string)

The ID of the FilterCrossSheetControl .

SourceFilterId -> (string)

The source filter ID of the FilterCrossSheetControl .

CascadingControlConfiguration -> (structure)

The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.

SourceControls -> (list)

A list of source controls that determine the values that are used in the current control.


The source controls that are used in a CascadingControlConfiguration .

SourceSheetControlId -> (string)

The source sheet control ID of a CascadingControlSource .

ColumnToMatch -> (structure)

The column identifier that determines which column to look up for the source sheet control.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Visuals -> (list)

A list of the visuals that are on a sheet. Visual placement is determined by the layout of the sheet.


A visual displayed on a sheet in an analysis, dashboard, or template.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

TableVisual -> (structure)

A table visual.

For more information, see Using tables as visuals in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide .

VisualId -> (string)

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers..

Title -> (structure)

The title that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the title label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The short text format of the title label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

Subtitle -> (structure)

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the subtitle label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The long text format of the subtitle label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

ChartConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration settings of the visual.

FieldWells -> (structure)

The field wells of the visual.

TableAggregatedFieldWells -> (structure)

The aggregated field well for the table.

GroupBy -> (list)

The group by field well for a pivot table. Values are grouped by group by fields.


The dimension type field.

NumericalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DateGranularity -> (string)

The date granularity of the DateDimensionField . Choose one of the following options:

  • YEAR
  • WEEK
  • DAY
  • HOUR

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

Values -> (list)

The values field well for a pivot table. Values are aggregated based on group by fields.


The measure (metric) type field.

NumericalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CalculatedMeasureField -> (structure)

The calculated measure field only used in pivot tables.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Expression -> (string)

The expression in the table calculation.

TableUnaggregatedFieldWells -> (structure)

The unaggregated field well for the table.

Values -> (list)

The values field well for a pivot table. Values are unaggregated for an unaggregated table.


The unaggregated field for a table.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the UnaggregatedField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

StringFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for string fields.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumberFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for number fields.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateTimeFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for DateTime fields.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

SortConfiguration -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a TableVisual .

RowSort -> (list)

The field sort options for rows in the table.


The field sort options in a chart configuration.

FieldSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a field in a field well.

FieldId -> (string)

The sort configuration target field.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction. Choose one of the following options:

  • ASC : Ascending
  • DESC : Descending

ColumnSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a column that is not used in a field well.

SortBy -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function that is defined in the column sort.

NumericalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for numerical values.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

CategoricalAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for categorical values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.

DateAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for date values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.
  • MIN : Select the smallest date value.
  • MAX : Select the largest date value.

AttributeAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for attributes.

SimpleAttributeAggregation -> (string)

The built-in aggregation functions for attributes.

  • UNIQUE_VALUE : Returns the unique value for a field, aggregated by the dimension fields.

ValueForMultipleValues -> (string)

Used by the UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation function. If there are multiple values for the field used by the aggregation, the value for this property will be returned instead. Defaults to '*'.

PaginationConfiguration -> (structure)

The pagination configuration (page size, page number) for the table.

PageSize -> (long)

Indicates how many items render in one page.

PageNumber -> (long)

Indicates the page number.

TableOptions -> (structure)

The table options for a table visual.

Orientation -> (string)

The orientation (vertical, horizontal) for a table.

HeaderStyle -> (structure)

The table cell style of a table header.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

CellStyle -> (structure)

The table cell style of table cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

RowAlternateColorOptions -> (structure)

The row alternate color options (widget status, row alternate colors) for a table.

Status -> (string)

Determines the widget status.

RowAlternateColors -> (list)

Determines the list of row alternate colors.


UsePrimaryBackgroundColor -> (string)

The primary background color options for alternate rows.

TotalOptions -> (structure)

The total options for a table visual.

TotalsVisibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration for the total cells.

Placement -> (string)

The placement (start, end) for the total cells.

ScrollStatus -> (string)

The scroll status (pinned, scrolled) for the total cells.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The custom label string for the total cells.

TotalCellStyle -> (structure)

Cell styling options for the total cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

TotalAggregationOptions -> (list)

The total aggregation settings for each value field.


The total aggregation settings map of a field id.

FieldId -> (string)

The field id that's associated with the total aggregation option.

TotalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

The total aggregation function that you want to set for a specified field id.

SimpleTotalAggregationFunction -> (string)

A built in aggregation function for total values.

FieldOptions -> (structure)

The field options for a table visual.

SelectedFieldOptions -> (list)

The field options to be configured to a table.


The options for a table field.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID for a table field.

Width -> (string)

The width for a table field.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The custom label for a table field.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of a table field.

URLStyling -> (structure)

The URL configuration for a table field.

LinkConfiguration -> (structure)

The link configuration of a table field URL.

Target -> (string)

The URL target (new tab, new window, same tab) for the table link configuration.

Content -> (structure)

The URL content (text, icon) for the table link configuration.

CustomTextContent -> (structure)

The custom text content (value, font configuration) for the table link content configuration.

Value -> (string)

The string value of the custom text content for the table URL link content.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the custom text content for the table URL link content.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomIconContent -> (structure)

The custom icon content for the table link content configuration.

Icon -> (string)

The icon set type (link) of the custom icon content for table URL link content.

ImageConfiguration -> (structure)

The image configuration of a table field URL.

SizingOptions -> (structure)

The sizing options for the table image configuration.

TableCellImageScalingConfiguration -> (string)

The cell scaling configuration of the sizing options for the table image configuration.

Order -> (list)

The order of the field IDs that are configured as field options for a table visual.


PinnedFieldOptions -> (structure)

The settings for the pinned columns of a table visual.

PinnedLeftFields -> (list)

A list of columns to be pinned to the left of a table visual.


PaginatedReportOptions -> (structure)

The paginated report options for a table visual.

VerticalOverflowVisibility -> (string)

The visibility of printing table overflow across pages.

OverflowColumnHeaderVisibility -> (string)

The visibility of repeating header rows on each page.

TableInlineVisualizations -> (list)

A collection of inline visualizations to display within a chart.


The inline visualization of a specific type to display within a chart.

DataBars -> (structure)

The configuration of the inline visualization of the data bars within a chart.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID for the data bars options.

PositiveColor -> (string)

The color of the positive data bar.

NegativeColor -> (string)

The color of the negative data bar.

Interactions -> (structure)

The general visual interactions setup for a visual.

VisualMenuOption -> (structure)

The on-visual menu options for a visual.

AvailabilityStatus -> (string)

The availaiblity status of a visual's menu options.

ContextMenuOption -> (structure)

The context menu options for a visual.

AvailabilityStatus -> (string)

The availability status of the context menu options. If the value of this property is set to ENABLED , dashboard readers can interact with the context menu.

ConditionalFormatting -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for a PivotTableVisual .

ConditionalFormattingOptions -> (list)

Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual .


Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual .

Cell -> (structure)

The cell conditional formatting option for a table.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the cell for conditional formatting.

TextFormat -> (structure)

The text format of the cell for conditional formatting.

BackgroundColor -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for the text background color.

Solid -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for solid color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Gradient -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

Color -> (structure)

Determines the color.

Stops -> (list)

The list of gradient color stops.


Determines the gradient stop configuration.

GradientOffset -> (double)

Determines gradient offset value.

DataValue -> (double)

Determines the data value.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

TextColor -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for the text color.

Solid -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for solid color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Gradient -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

Color -> (structure)

Determines the color.

Stops -> (list)

The list of gradient color stops.


Determines the gradient stop configuration.

GradientOffset -> (double)

Determines gradient offset value.

DataValue -> (double)

Determines the data value.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Icon -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for the icon.

IconSet -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for icon set.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for the icon set.

IconSetType -> (string)

Determines the icon set type.

CustomCondition -> (structure)

Determines the custom condition for an icon set.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the condition of the icon set.

IconOptions -> (structure)

Custom icon options for an icon set.

Icon -> (string)

Determines the type of icon.

UnicodeIcon -> (string)

Determines the Unicode icon type.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color of the icon.

DisplayConfiguration -> (structure)

Determines the icon display configuration.

IconDisplayOption -> (string)

Determines the icon display configuration.

Row -> (structure)

The row conditional formatting option for a table.

BackgroundColor -> (structure)

The conditional formatting color (solid, gradient) of the background for a table row.

Solid -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for solid color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Gradient -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

Color -> (structure)

Determines the color.

Stops -> (list)

The list of gradient color stops.


Determines the gradient stop configuration.

GradientOffset -> (double)

Determines gradient offset value.

DataValue -> (double)

Determines the data value.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

TextColor -> (structure)

The conditional formatting color (solid, gradient) of the text for a table row.

Solid -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for solid color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Gradient -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

Color -> (structure)

Determines the color.

Stops -> (list)

The list of gradient color stops.


Determines the gradient stop configuration.

GradientOffset -> (double)

Determines gradient offset value.

DataValue -> (double)

Determines the data value.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Actions -> (list)

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.


A custom action defined on a visual.

CustomActionId -> (string)

The ID of the VisualCustomAction .

Name -> (string)

The name of the VisualCustomAction .

Status -> (string)

The status of the VisualCustomAction .

Trigger -> (string)

The trigger of the VisualCustomAction .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • DATA_POINT_CLICK : Initiates a custom action by a left pointer click on a data point.
  • DATA_POINT_MENU : Initiates a custom action by right pointer click from the menu.

ActionOperations -> (list)

A list of VisualCustomActionOperations .

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.


The operation that is defined by the custom action.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

FilterOperation -> (structure)

The filter operation that filters data included in a visual or in an entire sheet.

SelectedFieldsConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the fields to be filtered.

SelectedFields -> (list)

Chooses the fields that are filtered in CustomActionFilterOperation .


SelectedFieldOptions -> (string)

A structure that contains the options that choose which fields are filtered in the CustomActionFilterOperation .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • ALL_FIELDS : Applies the filter operation to all fields.

SelectedColumns -> (list)

The selected columns of a dataset.


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

TargetVisualsConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the target visuals to be filtered.

SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of the same-sheet target visuals that you want to be filtered.

TargetVisuals -> (list)

A list of the target visual IDs that are located in the same sheet of the analysis.


TargetVisualOptions -> (string)

The options that choose the target visual in the same sheet.

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • ALL_VISUALS : Applies the filter operation to all visuals in the same sheet.

NavigationOperation -> (structure)

The navigation operation that navigates between different sheets in the same analysis.

LocalNavigationConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the navigation target.

TargetSheetId -> (string)

The sheet that is targeted for navigation in the same analysis.

URLOperation -> (structure)

The URL operation that opens a link to another webpage.

URLTemplate -> (string)

THe URL link of the CustomActionURLOperation .

URLTarget -> (string)

The target of the CustomActionURLOperation .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • NEW_TAB : Opens the target URL in a new browser tab.
  • NEW_WINDOW : Opens the target URL in a new browser window.
  • SAME_TAB : Opens the target URL in the same browser tab.

SetParametersOperation -> (structure)

The set parameter operation that sets parameters in custom action.

ParameterValueConfigurations -> (list)

The parameter that determines the value configuration.


The configuration of adding parameters in action.

DestinationParameterName -> (string)

The destination parameter name of the SetParameterValueConfiguration .

Value -> (structure)

The configuration of destination parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

CustomValuesConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of custom values for destination parameter in DestinationParameterValueConfiguration .

IncludeNullValue -> (boolean)

Includes the null value in custom action parameter values.

CustomValues -> (structure)

The customized parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

StringValues -> (list)

A list of string-type parameter values.


IntegerValues -> (list)

A list of integer-type parameter values.


DecimalValues -> (list)

A list of decimal-type parameter values.


DateTimeValues -> (list)

A list of datetime-type parameter values.


SelectAllValueOptions -> (string)

The configuration that selects all options.

SourceParameterName -> (string)

The source parameter name of the destination parameter.

SourceField -> (string)

The source field ID of the destination parameter.

SourceColumn -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

VisualContentAltText -> (string)

The alt text for the visual.

PivotTableVisual -> (structure)

A pivot table.

For more information, see Using pivot tables in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide .

VisualId -> (string)

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers..

Title -> (structure)

The title that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the title label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The short text format of the title label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

Subtitle -> (structure)

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the subtitle label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The long text format of the subtitle label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

ChartConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration settings of the visual.

FieldWells -> (structure)

The field wells of the visual.

PivotTableAggregatedFieldWells -> (structure)

The aggregated field well for the pivot table.

Rows -> (list)

The rows field well for a pivot table. Values are grouped by rows fields.


The dimension type field.

NumericalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DateGranularity -> (string)

The date granularity of the DateDimensionField . Choose one of the following options:

  • YEAR
  • WEEK
  • DAY
  • HOUR

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

Columns -> (list)

The columns field well for a pivot table. Values are grouped by columns fields.


The dimension type field.

NumericalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DateGranularity -> (string)

The date granularity of the DateDimensionField . Choose one of the following options:

  • YEAR
  • WEEK
  • DAY
  • HOUR

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

Values -> (list)

The values field well for a pivot table. Values are aggregated based on rows and columns fields.


The measure (metric) type field.

NumericalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CalculatedMeasureField -> (structure)

The calculated measure field only used in pivot tables.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Expression -> (string)

The expression in the table calculation.

SortConfiguration -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a PivotTableVisual .

FieldSortOptions -> (list)

The field sort options for a pivot table sort configuration.


The field sort options for a pivot table sort configuration.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID for the field sort options.

SortBy -> (structure)

The sort by field for the field sort options.

Field -> (structure)

The field sort (field id, direction) for the pivot table sort by options.

FieldId -> (string)

The sort configuration target field.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction. Choose one of the following options:

  • ASC : Ascending
  • DESC : Descending

Column -> (structure)

The column sort (field id, direction) for the pivot table sort by options.

SortBy -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function that is defined in the column sort.

NumericalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for numerical values.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

CategoricalAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for categorical values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.

DateAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for date values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.
  • MIN : Select the smallest date value.
  • MAX : Select the largest date value.

AttributeAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for attributes.

SimpleAttributeAggregation -> (string)

The built-in aggregation functions for attributes.

  • UNIQUE_VALUE : Returns the unique value for a field, aggregated by the dimension fields.

ValueForMultipleValues -> (string)

Used by the UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation function. If there are multiple values for the field used by the aggregation, the value for this property will be returned instead. Defaults to '*'.

DataPath -> (structure)

The data path sort (data path value, direction) for the pivot table sort by options.

Direction -> (string)

Determines the sort direction.

SortPaths -> (list)

The list of data paths that need to be sorted.


The data path that needs to be sorted.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the field that needs to be sorted.

FieldValue -> (string)

The actual value of the field that needs to be sorted.

DataPathType -> (structure)

The type configuration of the field.

PivotTableDataPathType -> (string)

The type of data path value utilized in a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:

  • HIERARCHY_ROWS_LAYOUT_COLUMN - The type of data path for the rows layout column, when RowsLayout is set to HIERARCHY .
  • MULTIPLE_ROW_METRICS_COLUMN - The type of data path for the metric column when the row is set to Metric Placement.
  • EMPTY_COLUMN_HEADER - The type of data path for the column with empty column header, when there is no field in ColumnsFieldWell and the row is set to Metric Placement.
  • COUNT_METRIC_COLUMN - The type of data path for the column with COUNT as the metric, when there is no field in the ValuesFieldWell .

TableOptions -> (structure)

The table options for a pivot table visual.

MetricPlacement -> (string)

The metric placement (row, column) options.

SingleMetricVisibility -> (string)

The visibility of the single metric options.

ColumnNamesVisibility -> (string)

The visibility of the column names.

ToggleButtonsVisibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the pivot table.

ColumnHeaderStyle -> (structure)

The table cell style of the column header.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

RowHeaderStyle -> (structure)

The table cell style of the row headers.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

CellStyle -> (structure)

The table cell style of cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

RowFieldNamesStyle -> (structure)

The table cell style of row field names.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

RowAlternateColorOptions -> (structure)

The row alternate color options (widget status, row alternate colors).

Status -> (string)

Determines the widget status.

RowAlternateColors -> (list)

Determines the list of row alternate colors.


UsePrimaryBackgroundColor -> (string)

The primary background color options for alternate rows.

CollapsedRowDimensionsVisibility -> (string)

The visibility setting of a pivot table's collapsed row dimension fields. If the value of this structure is HIDDEN , all collapsed columns in a pivot table are automatically hidden. The default value is VISIBLE .

RowsLayout -> (string)

The layout for the row dimension headers of a pivot table. Choose one of the following options.

  • TABULAR : (Default) Each row field is displayed in a separate column.
  • HIERARCHY : All row fields are displayed in a single column. Indentation is used to differentiate row headers of different fields.

RowsLabelOptions -> (structure)

The options for the label that is located above the row headers. This option is only applicable when RowsLayout is set to HIERARCHY .

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the rows label.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The custom label string for the rows label.

DefaultCellWidth -> (string)

The default cell width of the pivot table.

TotalOptions -> (structure)

The total options for a pivot table visual.

RowSubtotalOptions -> (structure)

The row subtotal options.

TotalsVisibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration for the subtotal cells.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The custom label string for the subtotal cells.

FieldLevel -> (string)

The field level (all, custom, last) for the subtotal cells.

FieldLevelOptions -> (list)

The optional configuration of subtotal cells.


The optional configuration of subtotals cells.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the subtotal options.

TotalCellStyle -> (structure)

The cell styling options for the subtotal cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

ValueCellStyle -> (structure)

The cell styling options for the subtotals of value cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

MetricHeaderCellStyle -> (structure)

The cell styling options for the subtotals of header cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

StyleTargets -> (list)

The style targets options for subtotals.


The table style target.

CellType -> (string)

The cell type of the table style target.

ColumnSubtotalOptions -> (structure)

The column subtotal options.

TotalsVisibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration for the subtotal cells.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The custom label string for the subtotal cells.

FieldLevel -> (string)

The field level (all, custom, last) for the subtotal cells.

FieldLevelOptions -> (list)

The optional configuration of subtotal cells.


The optional configuration of subtotals cells.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the subtotal options.

TotalCellStyle -> (structure)

The cell styling options for the subtotal cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

ValueCellStyle -> (structure)

The cell styling options for the subtotals of value cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

MetricHeaderCellStyle -> (structure)

The cell styling options for the subtotals of header cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

StyleTargets -> (list)

The style targets options for subtotals.


The table style target.

CellType -> (string)

The cell type of the table style target.

RowTotalOptions -> (structure)

The row total options.

TotalsVisibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration for the total cells.

Placement -> (string)

The placement (start, end) for the total cells.

ScrollStatus -> (string)

The scroll status (pinned, scrolled) for the total cells.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The custom label string for the total cells.

TotalCellStyle -> (structure)

The cell styling options for the total cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

ValueCellStyle -> (structure)

The cell styling options for the totals of value cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

MetricHeaderCellStyle -> (structure)

The cell styling options for the total of header cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

TotalAggregationOptions -> (list)

The total aggregation options for each value field.


The total aggregation settings map of a field id.

FieldId -> (string)

The field id that's associated with the total aggregation option.

TotalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

The total aggregation function that you want to set for a specified field id.

SimpleTotalAggregationFunction -> (string)

A built in aggregation function for total values.

ColumnTotalOptions -> (structure)

The column total options.

TotalsVisibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration for the total cells.

Placement -> (string)

The placement (start, end) for the total cells.

ScrollStatus -> (string)

The scroll status (pinned, scrolled) for the total cells.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The custom label string for the total cells.

TotalCellStyle -> (structure)

The cell styling options for the total cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

ValueCellStyle -> (structure)

The cell styling options for the totals of value cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

MetricHeaderCellStyle -> (structure)

The cell styling options for the total of header cells.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the table cells.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the table cells.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

TextWrap -> (string)

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

VerticalTextAlignment -> (string)

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color for the table cells.

Height -> (integer)

The height color for the table cells.

Border -> (structure)

The borders for the table cells.

UniformBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for uniform border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

SideSpecificBorder -> (structure)

Determines the options for side specific border.

InnerVertical -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

InnerHorizontal -> (structure)

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Left -> (structure)

The table border options of the left border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Right -> (structure)

The table border options of the right border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Top -> (structure)

The table border options of the top border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

Bottom -> (structure)

The table border options of the bottom border.

Color -> (string)

The color of a table border.

Thickness -> (integer)

The thickness of a table border.

Style -> (string)

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

TotalAggregationOptions -> (list)

The total aggregation options for each value field.


The total aggregation settings map of a field id.

FieldId -> (string)

The field id that's associated with the total aggregation option.

TotalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

The total aggregation function that you want to set for a specified field id.

SimpleTotalAggregationFunction -> (string)

A built in aggregation function for total values.

FieldOptions -> (structure)

The field options for a pivot table visual.

SelectedFieldOptions -> (list)

The selected field options for the pivot table field options.


The selected field options for the pivot table field options.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the pivot table field.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The custom label of the pivot table field.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the pivot table field.

DataPathOptions -> (list)

The data path options for the pivot table field options.


The data path options for the pivot table field options.

DataPathList -> (list)

The list of data path values for the data path options.


The data path that needs to be sorted.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the field that needs to be sorted.

FieldValue -> (string)

The actual value of the field that needs to be sorted.

DataPathType -> (structure)

The type configuration of the field.

PivotTableDataPathType -> (string)

The type of data path value utilized in a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:

  • HIERARCHY_ROWS_LAYOUT_COLUMN - The type of data path for the rows layout column, when RowsLayout is set to HIERARCHY .
  • MULTIPLE_ROW_METRICS_COLUMN - The type of data path for the metric column when the row is set to Metric Placement.
  • EMPTY_COLUMN_HEADER - The type of data path for the column with empty column header, when there is no field in ColumnsFieldWell and the row is set to Metric Placement.
  • COUNT_METRIC_COLUMN - The type of data path for the column with COUNT as the metric, when there is no field in the ValuesFieldWell .

Width -> (string)

The width of the data path option.

CollapseStateOptions -> (list)

The collapse state options for the pivot table field options.


The collapse state options for the pivot table field options.

Target -> (structure)

A tagged-union object that sets the collapse state.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the pivot table that the collapse state needs to be set to.

FieldDataPathValues -> (list)

The data path of the pivot table's header. Used to set the collapse state.


The data path that needs to be sorted.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the field that needs to be sorted.

FieldValue -> (string)

The actual value of the field that needs to be sorted.

DataPathType -> (structure)

The type configuration of the field.

PivotTableDataPathType -> (string)

The type of data path value utilized in a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:

  • HIERARCHY_ROWS_LAYOUT_COLUMN - The type of data path for the rows layout column, when RowsLayout is set to HIERARCHY .
  • MULTIPLE_ROW_METRICS_COLUMN - The type of data path for the metric column when the row is set to Metric Placement.
  • EMPTY_COLUMN_HEADER - The type of data path for the column with empty column header, when there is no field in ColumnsFieldWell and the row is set to Metric Placement.
  • COUNT_METRIC_COLUMN - The type of data path for the column with COUNT as the metric, when there is no field in the ValuesFieldWell .

State -> (string)

The state of the field target of a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:


PaginatedReportOptions -> (structure)

The paginated report options for a pivot table visual.

VerticalOverflowVisibility -> (string)

The visibility of the printing table overflow across pages.

OverflowColumnHeaderVisibility -> (string)

The visibility of the repeating header rows on each page.

Interactions -> (structure)

The general visual interactions setup for a visual.

VisualMenuOption -> (structure)

The on-visual menu options for a visual.

AvailabilityStatus -> (string)

The availaiblity status of a visual's menu options.

ContextMenuOption -> (structure)

The context menu options for a visual.

AvailabilityStatus -> (string)

The availability status of the context menu options. If the value of this property is set to ENABLED , dashboard readers can interact with the context menu.

ConditionalFormatting -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for a PivotTableVisual .

ConditionalFormattingOptions -> (list)

Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual .


Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual .

Cell -> (structure)

The cell conditional formatting option for a pivot table.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the cell for conditional formatting.

TextFormat -> (structure)

The text format of the cell for conditional formatting.

BackgroundColor -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for the text background color.

Solid -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for solid color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Gradient -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

Color -> (structure)

Determines the color.

Stops -> (list)

The list of gradient color stops.


Determines the gradient stop configuration.

GradientOffset -> (double)

Determines gradient offset value.

DataValue -> (double)

Determines the data value.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

TextColor -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for the text color.

Solid -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for solid color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Gradient -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

Color -> (structure)

Determines the color.

Stops -> (list)

The list of gradient color stops.


Determines the gradient stop configuration.

GradientOffset -> (double)

Determines gradient offset value.

DataValue -> (double)

Determines the data value.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Icon -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for the icon.

IconSet -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for icon set.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for the icon set.

IconSetType -> (string)

Determines the icon set type.

CustomCondition -> (structure)

Determines the custom condition for an icon set.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the condition of the icon set.

IconOptions -> (structure)

Custom icon options for an icon set.

Icon -> (string)

Determines the type of icon.

UnicodeIcon -> (string)

Determines the Unicode icon type.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color of the icon.

DisplayConfiguration -> (structure)

Determines the icon display configuration.

IconDisplayOption -> (string)

Determines the icon display configuration.

Scope -> (structure)

The scope of the cell for conditional formatting.

Role -> (string)

The role (field, field total, grand total) of the cell for conditional formatting.

Scopes -> (list)

A list of cell scopes for conditional formatting.


The scope of the cell for conditional formatting.

Role -> (string)

The role (field, field total, grand total) of the cell for conditional formatting.

Actions -> (list)

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.


A custom action defined on a visual.

CustomActionId -> (string)

The ID of the VisualCustomAction .

Name -> (string)

The name of the VisualCustomAction .

Status -> (string)

The status of the VisualCustomAction .

Trigger -> (string)

The trigger of the VisualCustomAction .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • DATA_POINT_CLICK : Initiates a custom action by a left pointer click on a data point.
  • DATA_POINT_MENU : Initiates a custom action by right pointer click from the menu.

ActionOperations -> (list)

A list of VisualCustomActionOperations .

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.


The operation that is defined by the custom action.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

FilterOperation -> (structure)

The filter operation that filters data included in a visual or in an entire sheet.

SelectedFieldsConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the fields to be filtered.

SelectedFields -> (list)

Chooses the fields that are filtered in CustomActionFilterOperation .


SelectedFieldOptions -> (string)

A structure that contains the options that choose which fields are filtered in the CustomActionFilterOperation .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • ALL_FIELDS : Applies the filter operation to all fields.

SelectedColumns -> (list)

The selected columns of a dataset.


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

TargetVisualsConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the target visuals to be filtered.

SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of the same-sheet target visuals that you want to be filtered.

TargetVisuals -> (list)

A list of the target visual IDs that are located in the same sheet of the analysis.


TargetVisualOptions -> (string)

The options that choose the target visual in the same sheet.

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • ALL_VISUALS : Applies the filter operation to all visuals in the same sheet.

NavigationOperation -> (structure)

The navigation operation that navigates between different sheets in the same analysis.

LocalNavigationConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the navigation target.

TargetSheetId -> (string)

The sheet that is targeted for navigation in the same analysis.

URLOperation -> (structure)

The URL operation that opens a link to another webpage.

URLTemplate -> (string)

THe URL link of the CustomActionURLOperation .

URLTarget -> (string)

The target of the CustomActionURLOperation .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • NEW_TAB : Opens the target URL in a new browser tab.
  • NEW_WINDOW : Opens the target URL in a new browser window.
  • SAME_TAB : Opens the target URL in the same browser tab.

SetParametersOperation -> (structure)

The set parameter operation that sets parameters in custom action.

ParameterValueConfigurations -> (list)

The parameter that determines the value configuration.


The configuration of adding parameters in action.

DestinationParameterName -> (string)

The destination parameter name of the SetParameterValueConfiguration .

Value -> (structure)

The configuration of destination parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

CustomValuesConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of custom values for destination parameter in DestinationParameterValueConfiguration .

IncludeNullValue -> (boolean)

Includes the null value in custom action parameter values.

CustomValues -> (structure)

The customized parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

StringValues -> (list)

A list of string-type parameter values.


IntegerValues -> (list)

A list of integer-type parameter values.


DecimalValues -> (list)

A list of decimal-type parameter values.


DateTimeValues -> (list)

A list of datetime-type parameter values.


SelectAllValueOptions -> (string)

The configuration that selects all options.

SourceParameterName -> (string)

The source parameter name of the destination parameter.

SourceField -> (string)

The source field ID of the destination parameter.

SourceColumn -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

VisualContentAltText -> (string)

The alt text for the visual.

BarChartVisual -> (structure)

A bar chart.

For more information, see Using bar charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide .

VisualId -> (string)

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

Title -> (structure)

The title that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the title label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The short text format of the title label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

Subtitle -> (structure)

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the subtitle label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The long text format of the subtitle label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

ChartConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration settings of the visual.

FieldWells -> (structure)

The field wells of the visual.

BarChartAggregatedFieldWells -> (structure)

The aggregated field wells of a bar chart.

Category -> (list)

The category (y-axis) field well of a bar chart.


The dimension type field.

NumericalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DateGranularity -> (string)

The date granularity of the DateDimensionField . Choose one of the following options:

  • YEAR
  • WEEK
  • DAY
  • HOUR

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

Values -> (list)

The value field wells of a bar chart. Values are aggregated by category.


The measure (metric) type field.

NumericalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CalculatedMeasureField -> (structure)

The calculated measure field only used in pivot tables.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Expression -> (string)

The expression in the table calculation.

Colors -> (list)

The color (group/color) field well of a bar chart.


The dimension type field.

NumericalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DateGranularity -> (string)

The date granularity of the DateDimensionField . Choose one of the following options:

  • YEAR
  • WEEK
  • DAY
  • HOUR

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

SmallMultiples -> (list)

The small multiples field well of a bar chart.


The dimension type field.

NumericalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DateGranularity -> (string)

The date granularity of the DateDimensionField . Choose one of the following options:

  • YEAR
  • WEEK
  • DAY
  • HOUR

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

SortConfiguration -> (structure)

The sort configuration of a BarChartVisual .

CategorySort -> (list)

The sort configuration of category fields.


The field sort options in a chart configuration.

FieldSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a field in a field well.

FieldId -> (string)

The sort configuration target field.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction. Choose one of the following options:

  • ASC : Ascending
  • DESC : Descending

ColumnSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a column that is not used in a field well.

SortBy -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function that is defined in the column sort.

NumericalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for numerical values.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

CategoricalAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for categorical values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.

DateAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for date values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.
  • MIN : Select the smallest date value.
  • MAX : Select the largest date value.

AttributeAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for attributes.

SimpleAttributeAggregation -> (string)

The built-in aggregation functions for attributes.

  • UNIQUE_VALUE : Returns the unique value for a field, aggregated by the dimension fields.

ValueForMultipleValues -> (string)

Used by the UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation function. If there are multiple values for the field used by the aggregation, the value for this property will be returned instead. Defaults to '*'.

CategoryItemsLimit -> (structure)

The limit on the number of categories displayed in a bar chart.

ItemsLimit -> (long)

The limit on how many items of a field are showed in the chart. For example, the number of slices that are displayed in a pie chart.

OtherCategories -> (string)

The Show other of an axis in the chart. Choose one of the following options:


ColorSort -> (list)

The sort configuration of color fields in a bar chart.


The field sort options in a chart configuration.

FieldSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a field in a field well.

FieldId -> (string)

The sort configuration target field.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction. Choose one of the following options:

  • ASC : Ascending
  • DESC : Descending

ColumnSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a column that is not used in a field well.

SortBy -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function that is defined in the column sort.

NumericalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for numerical values.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

CategoricalAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for categorical values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.

DateAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for date values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.
  • MIN : Select the smallest date value.
  • MAX : Select the largest date value.

AttributeAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for attributes.

SimpleAttributeAggregation -> (string)

The built-in aggregation functions for attributes.

  • UNIQUE_VALUE : Returns the unique value for a field, aggregated by the dimension fields.

ValueForMultipleValues -> (string)

Used by the UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation function. If there are multiple values for the field used by the aggregation, the value for this property will be returned instead. Defaults to '*'.

ColorItemsLimit -> (structure)

The limit on the number of values displayed in a bar chart.

ItemsLimit -> (long)

The limit on how many items of a field are showed in the chart. For example, the number of slices that are displayed in a pie chart.

OtherCategories -> (string)

The Show other of an axis in the chart. Choose one of the following options:


SmallMultiplesSort -> (list)

The sort configuration of the small multiples field.


The field sort options in a chart configuration.

FieldSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a field in a field well.

FieldId -> (string)

The sort configuration target field.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction. Choose one of the following options:

  • ASC : Ascending
  • DESC : Descending

ColumnSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a column that is not used in a field well.

SortBy -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function that is defined in the column sort.

NumericalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for numerical values.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

CategoricalAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for categorical values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.

DateAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for date values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.
  • MIN : Select the smallest date value.
  • MAX : Select the largest date value.

AttributeAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for attributes.

SimpleAttributeAggregation -> (string)

The built-in aggregation functions for attributes.

  • UNIQUE_VALUE : Returns the unique value for a field, aggregated by the dimension fields.

ValueForMultipleValues -> (string)

Used by the UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation function. If there are multiple values for the field used by the aggregation, the value for this property will be returned instead. Defaults to '*'.

SmallMultiplesLimitConfiguration -> (structure)

The limit on the number of small multiples panels that are displayed.

ItemsLimit -> (long)

The limit on how many items of a field are showed in the chart. For example, the number of slices that are displayed in a pie chart.

OtherCategories -> (string)

The Show other of an axis in the chart. Choose one of the following options:


Orientation -> (string)

The orientation of the bars in a bar chart visual. There are two valid values in this structure:

  • HORIZONTAL : Used for charts that have horizontal bars. Visuals that use this value are horizontal bar charts, horizontal stacked bar charts, and horizontal stacked 100% bar charts.
  • VERTICAL : Used for charts that have vertical bars. Visuals that use this value are vertical bar charts, vertical stacked bar charts, and vertical stacked 100% bar charts.

BarsArrangement -> (string)

Determines the arrangement of the bars. The orientation and arrangement of bars determine the type of bar that is used in the visual.

VisualPalette -> (structure)

The palette (chart color) display setup of the visual.

ChartColor -> (string)

The chart color options for the visual palette.

ColorMap -> (list)

The color map options for the visual palette.


The color map that determines the color options for a particular element.

Element -> (structure)

The element that the color needs to be applied to.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the field that needs to be sorted.

FieldValue -> (string)

The actual value of the field that needs to be sorted.

DataPathType -> (structure)

The type configuration of the field.

PivotTableDataPathType -> (string)

The type of data path value utilized in a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:

  • HIERARCHY_ROWS_LAYOUT_COLUMN - The type of data path for the rows layout column, when RowsLayout is set to HIERARCHY .
  • MULTIPLE_ROW_METRICS_COLUMN - The type of data path for the metric column when the row is set to Metric Placement.
  • EMPTY_COLUMN_HEADER - The type of data path for the column with empty column header, when there is no field in ColumnsFieldWell and the row is set to Metric Placement.
  • COUNT_METRIC_COLUMN - The type of data path for the column with COUNT as the metric, when there is no field in the ValuesFieldWell .

Color -> (string)

The color that needs to be applied to the element.

TimeGranularity -> (string)

The time granularity of the field that the color needs to be applied to.

SmallMultiplesOptions -> (structure)

The small multiples setup for the visual.

MaxVisibleRows -> (long)

Sets the maximum number of visible rows to display in the grid of small multiples panels.

The default value is Auto , which automatically adjusts the rows in the grid to fit the overall layout and size of the given chart.

MaxVisibleColumns -> (long)

Sets the maximum number of visible columns to display in the grid of small multiples panels.

The default is Auto , which automatically adjusts the columns in the grid to fit the overall layout and size of the given chart.

PanelConfiguration -> (structure)

Configures the display options for each small multiples panel.

Title -> (structure)

Configures the title display within each small multiples panel.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not panel titles are displayed.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

Configures the display properties of the given text.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

Sets the horizontal text alignment of the title within each panel.

BorderVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not each panel displays a border.

BorderThickness -> (string)

Sets the line thickness of panel borders.

BorderStyle -> (string)

Sets the line style of panel borders.

BorderColor -> (string)

Sets the line color of panel borders.

GutterVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not negative space between sibling panels is rendered.

GutterSpacing -> (string)

Sets the total amount of negative space to display between sibling panels.

BackgroundVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not a background for each small multiples panel is rendered.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

Sets the background color for each panel.

XAxis -> (structure)

The properties of a small multiples X axis.

Scale -> (string)

Determines whether scale of the axes are shared or independent. The default value is SHARED .

Placement -> (string)

Defines the placement of the axis. By default, axes are rendered OUTSIDE of the panels. Axes with INDEPENDENT scale are rendered INSIDE the panels.

YAxis -> (structure)

The properties of a small multiples Y axis.

Scale -> (string)

Determines whether scale of the axes are shared or independent. The default value is SHARED .

Placement -> (string)

Defines the placement of the axis. By default, axes are rendered OUTSIDE of the panels. Axes with INDEPENDENT scale are rendered INSIDE the panels.

CategoryAxis -> (structure)

The label display options (grid line, range, scale, axis step) for bar chart category.

TickLabelOptions -> (structure)

The tick label options of an axis.

LabelOptions -> (structure)

Determines whether or not the axis ticks are visible.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

RotationAngle -> (double)

The rotation angle of the axis tick labels.

AxisLineVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the axis line is visible.

GridLineVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the grid line is visible.

DataOptions -> (structure)

The data options for an axis.

NumericAxisOptions -> (structure)

The options for an axis with a numeric field.

Scale -> (structure)

The scale setup of a numeric axis.

Linear -> (structure)

The linear axis scale setup.

StepCount -> (integer)

The step count setup of a linear axis.

StepSize -> (double)

The step size setup of a linear axis.

Logarithmic -> (structure)

The logarithmic axis scale setup.

Base -> (double)

The base setup of a logarithmic axis scale.

Range -> (structure)

The range setup of a numeric axis.

MinMax -> (structure)

The minimum and maximum setup of an axis display range.

Minimum -> (double)

The minimum setup for an axis display range.

Maximum -> (double)

The maximum setup for an axis display range.

DataDriven -> (structure)

The data-driven setup of an axis display range.

DateAxisOptions -> (structure)

The options for an axis with a date field.

MissingDateVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not missing dates are displayed.

ScrollbarOptions -> (structure)

The scroll bar options for an axis.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the data zoom scroll bar.

VisibleRange -> (structure)

The visibility range for the data zoom scroll bar.

PercentRange -> (structure)

The percent range in the visible range.

From -> (double)

The lower bound of the range.

To -> (double)

The top bound of the range.

AxisOffset -> (string)

The offset value that determines the starting placement of the axis within a visual's bounds.

CategoryLabelOptions -> (structure)

The label options (label text, label visibility and sort icon visibility) for a bar chart.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of an axis label on a chart. Choose one of the following options:

  • VISIBLE : Shows the axis.
  • HIDDEN : Hides the axis.

SortIconVisibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the sort icon on a chart's axis label.

AxisLabelOptions -> (list)

The label options for a chart axis.


The label options for a chart axis. You must specify the field that the label is targeted to.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the axis label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the axis label.

ApplyTo -> (structure)

The options that indicate which field the label belongs to.

FieldId -> (string)

The field that the axis label is targeted to.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the axis label is targeted to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

ValueAxis -> (structure)

The label display options (grid line, range, scale, axis step) for a bar chart value.

TickLabelOptions -> (structure)

The tick label options of an axis.

LabelOptions -> (structure)

Determines whether or not the axis ticks are visible.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

RotationAngle -> (double)

The rotation angle of the axis tick labels.

AxisLineVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the axis line is visible.

GridLineVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the grid line is visible.

DataOptions -> (structure)

The data options for an axis.

NumericAxisOptions -> (structure)

The options for an axis with a numeric field.

Scale -> (structure)

The scale setup of a numeric axis.

Linear -> (structure)

The linear axis scale setup.

StepCount -> (integer)

The step count setup of a linear axis.

StepSize -> (double)

The step size setup of a linear axis.

Logarithmic -> (structure)

The logarithmic axis scale setup.

Base -> (double)

The base setup of a logarithmic axis scale.

Range -> (structure)

The range setup of a numeric axis.

MinMax -> (structure)

The minimum and maximum setup of an axis display range.

Minimum -> (double)

The minimum setup for an axis display range.

Maximum -> (double)

The maximum setup for an axis display range.

DataDriven -> (structure)

The data-driven setup of an axis display range.

DateAxisOptions -> (structure)

The options for an axis with a date field.

MissingDateVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not missing dates are displayed.

ScrollbarOptions -> (structure)

The scroll bar options for an axis.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the data zoom scroll bar.

VisibleRange -> (structure)

The visibility range for the data zoom scroll bar.

PercentRange -> (structure)

The percent range in the visible range.

From -> (double)

The lower bound of the range.

To -> (double)

The top bound of the range.

AxisOffset -> (string)

The offset value that determines the starting placement of the axis within a visual's bounds.

ValueLabelOptions -> (structure)

The label options (label text, label visibility and sort icon visibility) for a bar chart value.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of an axis label on a chart. Choose one of the following options:

  • VISIBLE : Shows the axis.
  • HIDDEN : Hides the axis.

SortIconVisibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the sort icon on a chart's axis label.

AxisLabelOptions -> (list)

The label options for a chart axis.


The label options for a chart axis. You must specify the field that the label is targeted to.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the axis label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the axis label.

ApplyTo -> (structure)

The options that indicate which field the label belongs to.

FieldId -> (string)

The field that the axis label is targeted to.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the axis label is targeted to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

ColorLabelOptions -> (structure)

The label options (label text, label visibility and sort icon visibility) for a color that is used in a bar chart.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of an axis label on a chart. Choose one of the following options:

  • VISIBLE : Shows the axis.
  • HIDDEN : Hides the axis.

SortIconVisibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the sort icon on a chart's axis label.

AxisLabelOptions -> (list)

The label options for a chart axis.


The label options for a chart axis. You must specify the field that the label is targeted to.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the axis label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the axis label.

ApplyTo -> (structure)

The options that indicate which field the label belongs to.

FieldId -> (string)

The field that the axis label is targeted to.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the axis label is targeted to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Legend -> (structure)

The legend display setup of the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the legend is visible.

Title -> (structure)

The custom title for the legend.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

Position -> (string)

The positions for the legend. Choose one of the following options:

  • AUTO
  • LEFT

Width -> (string)

The width of the legend. If this value is omitted, a default width is used when rendering.

Height -> (string)

The height of the legend. If this value is omitted, a default height is used when rendering.

ValueFontConfiguration -> (structure)

Configures the display properties of the given text.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

DataLabels -> (structure)

The options that determine if visual data labels are displayed.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the data labels.

CategoryLabelVisibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the category field labels.

MeasureLabelVisibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the measure field labels.

DataLabelTypes -> (list)

The option that determines the data label type.


The option that determines the data label type.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

FieldLabelType -> (structure)

Determines the label configuration for the entire field.

FieldId -> (string)

Indicates the field that is targeted by the field label.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the field label.

DataPathLabelType -> (structure)

The option that specifies individual data values for labels.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the field that the data label needs to be applied to.

FieldValue -> (string)

The actual value of the field that is labeled.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the data label.

RangeEndsLabelType -> (structure)

Determines the label configuration for range end value in a visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the range ends label.

MinimumLabelType -> (structure)

Determines the label configuration for the minimum value in a visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the minimum label.

MaximumLabelType -> (structure)

Determines the label configuration for the maximum value in a visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the maximum label.

Position -> (string)

Determines the position of the data labels.

LabelContent -> (string)

Determines the content of the data labels.

LabelFontConfiguration -> (structure)

Determines the font configuration of the data labels.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

LabelColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the data labels.

Overlap -> (string)

Determines whether overlap is enabled or disabled for the data labels.

TotalsVisibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the total.

Tooltip -> (structure)

The tooltip display setup of the visual.

TooltipVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the tooltip is visible.

SelectedTooltipType -> (string)

The selected type for the tooltip. Choose one of the following options:

  • BASIC : A basic tooltip.
  • DETAILED : A detailed tooltip.

FieldBasedTooltip -> (structure)

The setup for the detailed tooltip. The tooltip setup is always saved. The display type is decided based on the tooltip type.

AggregationVisibility -> (string)

The visibility of Show aggregations .

TooltipTitleType -> (string)

The type for the >tooltip title. Choose one of the following options:

  • NONE : Doesn't use the primary value as the title.
  • PRIMARY_VALUE : Uses primary value as the title.

TooltipFields -> (list)

The fields configuration in the tooltip.


The tooltip.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

FieldTooltipItem -> (structure)

The tooltip item for the fields.

FieldId -> (string)

The unique ID of the field that is targeted by the tooltip.

Label -> (string)

The label of the tooltip item.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the tooltip item.

TooltipTarget -> (string)

Determines the target of the field tooltip item in a combo chart visual.

ColumnTooltipItem -> (structure)

The tooltip item for the columns that are not part of a field well.

Column -> (structure)

The target column of the tooltip item.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Label -> (string)

The label of the tooltip item.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the tooltip item.

Aggregation -> (structure)

The aggregation function of the column tooltip item.

NumericalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for numerical values.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

CategoricalAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for categorical values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.

DateAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for date values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.
  • MIN : Select the smallest date value.
  • MAX : Select the largest date value.

AttributeAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for attributes.

SimpleAttributeAggregation -> (string)

The built-in aggregation functions for attributes.

  • UNIQUE_VALUE : Returns the unique value for a field, aggregated by the dimension fields.

ValueForMultipleValues -> (string)

Used by the UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation function. If there are multiple values for the field used by the aggregation, the value for this property will be returned instead. Defaults to '*'.

TooltipTarget -> (string)

Determines the target of the column tooltip item in a combo chart visual.

ReferenceLines -> (list)

The reference line setup of the visual.


The reference line visual display options.

Status -> (string)

The status of the reference line. Choose one of the following options:


DataConfiguration -> (structure)

The data configuration of the reference line.

StaticConfiguration -> (structure)

The static data configuration of the reference line data configuration.

Value -> (double)

The double input of the static data.

DynamicConfiguration -> (structure)

The dynamic configuration of the reference line data configuration.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the dynamic data targets.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

MeasureAggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function that is used in the dynamic data.

NumericalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for numerical values.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

CategoricalAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for categorical values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.

DateAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for date values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.
  • MIN : Select the smallest date value.
  • MAX : Select the largest date value.

AttributeAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for attributes.

SimpleAttributeAggregation -> (string)

The built-in aggregation functions for attributes.

  • UNIQUE_VALUE : Returns the unique value for a field, aggregated by the dimension fields.

ValueForMultipleValues -> (string)

Used by the UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation function. If there are multiple values for the field used by the aggregation, the value for this property will be returned instead. Defaults to '*'.

Calculation -> (structure)

The calculation that is used in the dynamic data.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

AxisBinding -> (string)

The axis binding type of the reference line. Choose one of the following options:

  • PrimaryY
  • SecondaryY

SeriesType -> (string)

The series type of the reference line data configuration. Choose one of the following options:

  • BAR
  • LINE

StyleConfiguration -> (structure)

The style configuration of the reference line.

Pattern -> (string)

The pattern type of the line style. Choose one of the following options:


Color -> (string)

The hex color of the reference line.

LabelConfiguration -> (structure)

The label configuration of the reference line.

ValueLabelConfiguration -> (structure)

The value label configuration of the label in a reference line.

RelativePosition -> (string)

The relative position of the value label. Choose one of the following options:


FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the value label.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CustomLabelConfiguration -> (structure)

The custom label configuration of the label in a reference line.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The string text of the custom label.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label in a reference line.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

FontColor -> (string)

The font color configuration of the label in a reference line.

HorizontalPosition -> (string)

The horizontal position configuration of the label in a reference line. Choose one of the following options:

  • LEFT

VerticalPosition -> (string)

The vertical position configuration of the label in a reference line. Choose one of the following options:


ContributionAnalysisDefaults -> (list)

The contribution analysis (anomaly configuration) setup of the visual.


The contribution analysis visual display for a line, pie, or bar chart.

MeasureFieldId -> (string)

The measure field that is used in the contribution analysis.

ContributorDimensions -> (list)

The dimensions columns that are used in the contribution analysis, usually a list of ColumnIdentifiers .


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Interactions -> (structure)

The general visual interactions setup for a visual.

VisualMenuOption -> (structure)

The on-visual menu options for a visual.

AvailabilityStatus -> (string)

The availaiblity status of a visual's menu options.

ContextMenuOption -> (structure)

The context menu options for a visual.

AvailabilityStatus -> (string)

The availability status of the context menu options. If the value of this property is set to ENABLED , dashboard readers can interact with the context menu.

Actions -> (list)

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.


A custom action defined on a visual.

CustomActionId -> (string)

The ID of the VisualCustomAction .

Name -> (string)

The name of the VisualCustomAction .

Status -> (string)

The status of the VisualCustomAction .

Trigger -> (string)

The trigger of the VisualCustomAction .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • DATA_POINT_CLICK : Initiates a custom action by a left pointer click on a data point.
  • DATA_POINT_MENU : Initiates a custom action by right pointer click from the menu.

ActionOperations -> (list)

A list of VisualCustomActionOperations .

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.


The operation that is defined by the custom action.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

FilterOperation -> (structure)

The filter operation that filters data included in a visual or in an entire sheet.

SelectedFieldsConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the fields to be filtered.

SelectedFields -> (list)

Chooses the fields that are filtered in CustomActionFilterOperation .


SelectedFieldOptions -> (string)

A structure that contains the options that choose which fields are filtered in the CustomActionFilterOperation .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • ALL_FIELDS : Applies the filter operation to all fields.

SelectedColumns -> (list)

The selected columns of a dataset.


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

TargetVisualsConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the target visuals to be filtered.

SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of the same-sheet target visuals that you want to be filtered.

TargetVisuals -> (list)

A list of the target visual IDs that are located in the same sheet of the analysis.


TargetVisualOptions -> (string)

The options that choose the target visual in the same sheet.

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • ALL_VISUALS : Applies the filter operation to all visuals in the same sheet.

NavigationOperation -> (structure)

The navigation operation that navigates between different sheets in the same analysis.

LocalNavigationConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the navigation target.

TargetSheetId -> (string)

The sheet that is targeted for navigation in the same analysis.

URLOperation -> (structure)

The URL operation that opens a link to another webpage.

URLTemplate -> (string)

THe URL link of the CustomActionURLOperation .

URLTarget -> (string)

The target of the CustomActionURLOperation .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • NEW_TAB : Opens the target URL in a new browser tab.
  • NEW_WINDOW : Opens the target URL in a new browser window.
  • SAME_TAB : Opens the target URL in the same browser tab.

SetParametersOperation -> (structure)

The set parameter operation that sets parameters in custom action.

ParameterValueConfigurations -> (list)

The parameter that determines the value configuration.


The configuration of adding parameters in action.

DestinationParameterName -> (string)

The destination parameter name of the SetParameterValueConfiguration .

Value -> (structure)

The configuration of destination parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

CustomValuesConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of custom values for destination parameter in DestinationParameterValueConfiguration .

IncludeNullValue -> (boolean)

Includes the null value in custom action parameter values.

CustomValues -> (structure)

The customized parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

StringValues -> (list)

A list of string-type parameter values.


IntegerValues -> (list)

A list of integer-type parameter values.


DecimalValues -> (list)

A list of decimal-type parameter values.


DateTimeValues -> (list)

A list of datetime-type parameter values.


SelectAllValueOptions -> (string)

The configuration that selects all options.

SourceParameterName -> (string)

The source parameter name of the destination parameter.

SourceField -> (string)

The source field ID of the destination parameter.

SourceColumn -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

ColumnHierarchies -> (list)

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.


The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields for a visual element.

ExplicitHierarchy -> (structure)

The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are built within a visual's field wells. These fields can't be duplicated to other visuals.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The hierarchy ID of the explicit hierarchy.

Columns -> (list)

The list of columns that define the explicit hierarchy.


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DrillDownFilters -> (list)

The option that determines the drill down filters for the explicit hierarchy.


The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

NumericEqualityFilter -> (structure)

The numeric equality type drill down filter. This filter is used for number type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Value -> (double)

The value of the double input numeric drill down filter.

CategoryFilter -> (structure)

The category type drill down filter. This filter is used for string type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CategoryValues -> (list)

A list of the string inputs that are the values of the category drill down filter.


TimeRangeFilter -> (structure)

The time range drill down filter. This filter is used for date time columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

RangeMinimum -> (timestamp)

The minimum value for the filter value range.

RangeMaximum -> (timestamp)

The maximum value for the filter value range.

TimeGranularity -> (string)

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

DateTimeHierarchy -> (structure)

The option that determines the hierarchy of any DateTime fields.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The hierarchy ID of the DateTime hierarchy.

DrillDownFilters -> (list)

The option that determines the drill down filters for the DateTime hierarchy.


The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

NumericEqualityFilter -> (structure)

The numeric equality type drill down filter. This filter is used for number type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Value -> (double)

The value of the double input numeric drill down filter.

CategoryFilter -> (structure)

The category type drill down filter. This filter is used for string type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CategoryValues -> (list)

A list of the string inputs that are the values of the category drill down filter.


TimeRangeFilter -> (structure)

The time range drill down filter. This filter is used for date time columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

RangeMinimum -> (timestamp)

The minimum value for the filter value range.

RangeMaximum -> (timestamp)

The maximum value for the filter value range.

TimeGranularity -> (string)

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

PredefinedHierarchy -> (structure)

The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are defined during data preparation. These fields are available to use in any analysis that uses the data source.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The hierarchy ID of the predefined hierarchy.

Columns -> (list)

The list of columns that define the predefined hierarchy.


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DrillDownFilters -> (list)

The option that determines the drill down filters for the predefined hierarchy.


The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

NumericEqualityFilter -> (structure)

The numeric equality type drill down filter. This filter is used for number type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Value -> (double)

The value of the double input numeric drill down filter.

CategoryFilter -> (structure)

The category type drill down filter. This filter is used for string type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CategoryValues -> (list)

A list of the string inputs that are the values of the category drill down filter.


TimeRangeFilter -> (structure)

The time range drill down filter. This filter is used for date time columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

RangeMinimum -> (timestamp)

The minimum value for the filter value range.

RangeMaximum -> (timestamp)

The maximum value for the filter value range.

TimeGranularity -> (string)

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

VisualContentAltText -> (string)

The alt text for the visual.

KPIVisual -> (structure)

A key performance indicator (KPI).

For more information, see Using KPIs in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide .

VisualId -> (string)

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

Title -> (structure)

The title that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the title label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The short text format of the title label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

Subtitle -> (structure)

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the subtitle label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The long text format of the subtitle label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

ChartConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of a KPI visual.

FieldWells -> (structure)

The field well configuration of a KPI visual.

Values -> (list)

The value field wells of a KPI visual.


The measure (metric) type field.

NumericalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CalculatedMeasureField -> (structure)

The calculated measure field only used in pivot tables.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Expression -> (string)

The expression in the table calculation.

TargetValues -> (list)

The target value field wells of a KPI visual.


The measure (metric) type field.

NumericalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CalculatedMeasureField -> (structure)

The calculated measure field only used in pivot tables.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Expression -> (string)

The expression in the table calculation.

TrendGroups -> (list)

The trend group field wells of a KPI visual.


The dimension type field.

NumericalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DateGranularity -> (string)

The date granularity of the DateDimensionField . Choose one of the following options:

  • YEAR
  • WEEK
  • DAY
  • HOUR

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

SortConfiguration -> (structure)

The sort configuration of a KPI visual.

TrendGroupSort -> (list)

The sort configuration of the trend group fields.


The field sort options in a chart configuration.

FieldSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a field in a field well.

FieldId -> (string)

The sort configuration target field.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction. Choose one of the following options:

  • ASC : Ascending
  • DESC : Descending

ColumnSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a column that is not used in a field well.

SortBy -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function that is defined in the column sort.

NumericalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for numerical values.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

CategoricalAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for categorical values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.

DateAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for date values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.
  • MIN : Select the smallest date value.
  • MAX : Select the largest date value.

AttributeAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for attributes.

SimpleAttributeAggregation -> (string)

The built-in aggregation functions for attributes.

  • UNIQUE_VALUE : Returns the unique value for a field, aggregated by the dimension fields.

ValueForMultipleValues -> (string)

Used by the UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation function. If there are multiple values for the field used by the aggregation, the value for this property will be returned instead. Defaults to '*'.

KPIOptions -> (structure)

The options that determine the presentation of a KPI visual.

ProgressBar -> (structure)

The options that determine the presentation of the progress bar of a KPI visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the progress bar.

TrendArrows -> (structure)

The options that determine the presentation of trend arrows in a KPI visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the trend arrows.

SecondaryValue -> (structure)

The options that determine the presentation of the secondary value of a KPI visual.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the secondary value.

Comparison -> (structure)

The comparison configuration of a KPI visual.

ComparisonMethod -> (string)

The method of the comparison. Choose from the following options:


ComparisonFormat -> (structure)

The format of the comparison.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The number display format.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The percentage display format.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PrimaryValueDisplayType -> (string)

The options that determine the primary value display type.

PrimaryValueFontConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the primary value font configuration.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

SecondaryValueFontConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the secondary value font configuration.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

Sparkline -> (structure)

The options that determine the visibility, color, type, and tooltip visibility of the sparkline of a KPI visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the sparkline.

Type -> (string)

The type of the sparkline.

Color -> (string)

The color of the sparkline.

TooltipVisibility -> (string)

The tooltip visibility of the sparkline.

VisualLayoutOptions -> (structure)

The options that determine the layout a KPI visual.

StandardLayout -> (structure)

The standard layout of the KPI visual.

Type -> (string)

The standard layout type.

Interactions -> (structure)

The general visual interactions setup for a visual.

VisualMenuOption -> (structure)

The on-visual menu options for a visual.

AvailabilityStatus -> (string)

The availaiblity status of a visual's menu options.

ContextMenuOption -> (structure)

The context menu options for a visual.

AvailabilityStatus -> (string)

The availability status of the context menu options. If the value of this property is set to ENABLED , dashboard readers can interact with the context menu.

ConditionalFormatting -> (structure)

The conditional formatting of a KPI visual.

ConditionalFormattingOptions -> (list)

The conditional formatting options of a KPI visual.


The conditional formatting options of a KPI visual.

PrimaryValue -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for the primary value of a KPI visual.

TextColor -> (structure)

The conditional formatting of the primary value's text color.

Solid -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for solid color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Gradient -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

Color -> (structure)

Determines the color.

Stops -> (list)

The list of gradient color stops.


Determines the gradient stop configuration.

GradientOffset -> (double)

Determines gradient offset value.

DataValue -> (double)

Determines the data value.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Icon -> (structure)

The conditional formatting of the primary value's icon.

IconSet -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for icon set.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for the icon set.

IconSetType -> (string)

Determines the icon set type.

CustomCondition -> (structure)

Determines the custom condition for an icon set.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the condition of the icon set.

IconOptions -> (structure)

Custom icon options for an icon set.

Icon -> (string)

Determines the type of icon.

UnicodeIcon -> (string)

Determines the Unicode icon type.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color of the icon.

DisplayConfiguration -> (structure)

Determines the icon display configuration.

IconDisplayOption -> (string)

Determines the icon display configuration.

ProgressBar -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for the progress bar of a KPI visual.

ForegroundColor -> (structure)

The conditional formatting of the progress bar's foreground color.

Solid -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for solid color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Gradient -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

Color -> (structure)

Determines the color.

Stops -> (list)

The list of gradient color stops.


Determines the gradient stop configuration.

GradientOffset -> (double)

Determines gradient offset value.

DataValue -> (double)

Determines the data value.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

ActualValue -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for the actual value of a KPI visual.

TextColor -> (structure)

The conditional formatting of the actual value's text color.

Solid -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for solid color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Gradient -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

Color -> (structure)

Determines the color.

Stops -> (list)

The list of gradient color stops.


Determines the gradient stop configuration.

GradientOffset -> (double)

Determines gradient offset value.

DataValue -> (double)

Determines the data value.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Icon -> (structure)

The conditional formatting of the actual value's icon.

IconSet -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for icon set.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for the icon set.

IconSetType -> (string)

Determines the icon set type.

CustomCondition -> (structure)

Determines the custom condition for an icon set.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the condition of the icon set.

IconOptions -> (structure)

Custom icon options for an icon set.

Icon -> (string)

Determines the type of icon.

UnicodeIcon -> (string)

Determines the Unicode icon type.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color of the icon.

DisplayConfiguration -> (structure)

Determines the icon display configuration.

IconDisplayOption -> (string)

Determines the icon display configuration.

ComparisonValue -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for the comparison value of a KPI visual.

TextColor -> (structure)

The conditional formatting of the comparison value's text color.

Solid -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for solid color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Gradient -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

Color -> (structure)

Determines the color.

Stops -> (list)

The list of gradient color stops.


Determines the gradient stop configuration.

GradientOffset -> (double)

Determines gradient offset value.

DataValue -> (double)

Determines the data value.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Icon -> (structure)

The conditional formatting of the comparison value's icon.

IconSet -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for icon set.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for the icon set.

IconSetType -> (string)

Determines the icon set type.

CustomCondition -> (structure)

Determines the custom condition for an icon set.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the condition of the icon set.

IconOptions -> (structure)

Custom icon options for an icon set.

Icon -> (string)

Determines the type of icon.

UnicodeIcon -> (string)

Determines the Unicode icon type.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color of the icon.

DisplayConfiguration -> (structure)

Determines the icon display configuration.

IconDisplayOption -> (string)

Determines the icon display configuration.

Actions -> (list)

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.


A custom action defined on a visual.

CustomActionId -> (string)

The ID of the VisualCustomAction .

Name -> (string)

The name of the VisualCustomAction .

Status -> (string)

The status of the VisualCustomAction .

Trigger -> (string)

The trigger of the VisualCustomAction .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • DATA_POINT_CLICK : Initiates a custom action by a left pointer click on a data point.
  • DATA_POINT_MENU : Initiates a custom action by right pointer click from the menu.

ActionOperations -> (list)

A list of VisualCustomActionOperations .

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.


The operation that is defined by the custom action.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

FilterOperation -> (structure)

The filter operation that filters data included in a visual or in an entire sheet.

SelectedFieldsConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the fields to be filtered.

SelectedFields -> (list)

Chooses the fields that are filtered in CustomActionFilterOperation .


SelectedFieldOptions -> (string)

A structure that contains the options that choose which fields are filtered in the CustomActionFilterOperation .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • ALL_FIELDS : Applies the filter operation to all fields.

SelectedColumns -> (list)

The selected columns of a dataset.


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

TargetVisualsConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the target visuals to be filtered.

SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of the same-sheet target visuals that you want to be filtered.

TargetVisuals -> (list)

A list of the target visual IDs that are located in the same sheet of the analysis.


TargetVisualOptions -> (string)

The options that choose the target visual in the same sheet.

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • ALL_VISUALS : Applies the filter operation to all visuals in the same sheet.

NavigationOperation -> (structure)

The navigation operation that navigates between different sheets in the same analysis.

LocalNavigationConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the navigation target.

TargetSheetId -> (string)

The sheet that is targeted for navigation in the same analysis.

URLOperation -> (structure)

The URL operation that opens a link to another webpage.

URLTemplate -> (string)

THe URL link of the CustomActionURLOperation .

URLTarget -> (string)

The target of the CustomActionURLOperation .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • NEW_TAB : Opens the target URL in a new browser tab.
  • NEW_WINDOW : Opens the target URL in a new browser window.
  • SAME_TAB : Opens the target URL in the same browser tab.

SetParametersOperation -> (structure)

The set parameter operation that sets parameters in custom action.

ParameterValueConfigurations -> (list)

The parameter that determines the value configuration.


The configuration of adding parameters in action.

DestinationParameterName -> (string)

The destination parameter name of the SetParameterValueConfiguration .

Value -> (structure)

The configuration of destination parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

CustomValuesConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of custom values for destination parameter in DestinationParameterValueConfiguration .

IncludeNullValue -> (boolean)

Includes the null value in custom action parameter values.

CustomValues -> (structure)

The customized parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

StringValues -> (list)

A list of string-type parameter values.


IntegerValues -> (list)

A list of integer-type parameter values.


DecimalValues -> (list)

A list of decimal-type parameter values.


DateTimeValues -> (list)

A list of datetime-type parameter values.


SelectAllValueOptions -> (string)

The configuration that selects all options.

SourceParameterName -> (string)

The source parameter name of the destination parameter.

SourceField -> (string)

The source field ID of the destination parameter.

SourceColumn -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

ColumnHierarchies -> (list)

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.


The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields for a visual element.

ExplicitHierarchy -> (structure)

The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are built within a visual's field wells. These fields can't be duplicated to other visuals.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The hierarchy ID of the explicit hierarchy.

Columns -> (list)

The list of columns that define the explicit hierarchy.


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DrillDownFilters -> (list)

The option that determines the drill down filters for the explicit hierarchy.


The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

NumericEqualityFilter -> (structure)

The numeric equality type drill down filter. This filter is used for number type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Value -> (double)

The value of the double input numeric drill down filter.

CategoryFilter -> (structure)

The category type drill down filter. This filter is used for string type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CategoryValues -> (list)

A list of the string inputs that are the values of the category drill down filter.


TimeRangeFilter -> (structure)

The time range drill down filter. This filter is used for date time columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

RangeMinimum -> (timestamp)

The minimum value for the filter value range.

RangeMaximum -> (timestamp)

The maximum value for the filter value range.

TimeGranularity -> (string)

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

DateTimeHierarchy -> (structure)

The option that determines the hierarchy of any DateTime fields.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The hierarchy ID of the DateTime hierarchy.

DrillDownFilters -> (list)

The option that determines the drill down filters for the DateTime hierarchy.


The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

NumericEqualityFilter -> (structure)

The numeric equality type drill down filter. This filter is used for number type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Value -> (double)

The value of the double input numeric drill down filter.

CategoryFilter -> (structure)

The category type drill down filter. This filter is used for string type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CategoryValues -> (list)

A list of the string inputs that are the values of the category drill down filter.


TimeRangeFilter -> (structure)

The time range drill down filter. This filter is used for date time columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

RangeMinimum -> (timestamp)

The minimum value for the filter value range.

RangeMaximum -> (timestamp)

The maximum value for the filter value range.

TimeGranularity -> (string)

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

PredefinedHierarchy -> (structure)

The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are defined during data preparation. These fields are available to use in any analysis that uses the data source.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The hierarchy ID of the predefined hierarchy.

Columns -> (list)

The list of columns that define the predefined hierarchy.


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DrillDownFilters -> (list)

The option that determines the drill down filters for the predefined hierarchy.


The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

NumericEqualityFilter -> (structure)

The numeric equality type drill down filter. This filter is used for number type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Value -> (double)

The value of the double input numeric drill down filter.

CategoryFilter -> (structure)

The category type drill down filter. This filter is used for string type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CategoryValues -> (list)

A list of the string inputs that are the values of the category drill down filter.


TimeRangeFilter -> (structure)

The time range drill down filter. This filter is used for date time columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

RangeMinimum -> (timestamp)

The minimum value for the filter value range.

RangeMaximum -> (timestamp)

The maximum value for the filter value range.

TimeGranularity -> (string)

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

VisualContentAltText -> (string)

The alt text for the visual.

PieChartVisual -> (structure)

A pie or donut chart.

For more information, see Using pie charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide .

VisualId -> (string)

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

Title -> (structure)

The title that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the title label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The short text format of the title label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

Subtitle -> (structure)

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the subtitle label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The long text format of the subtitle label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

ChartConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of a pie chart.

FieldWells -> (structure)

The field wells of the visual.

PieChartAggregatedFieldWells -> (structure)

The field well configuration of a pie chart.

Category -> (list)

The category (group/color) field wells of a pie chart.


The dimension type field.

NumericalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DateGranularity -> (string)

The date granularity of the DateDimensionField . Choose one of the following options:

  • YEAR
  • WEEK
  • DAY
  • HOUR

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

Values -> (list)

The value field wells of a pie chart. Values are aggregated based on categories.


The measure (metric) type field.

NumericalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CalculatedMeasureField -> (structure)

The calculated measure field only used in pivot tables.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Expression -> (string)

The expression in the table calculation.

SmallMultiples -> (list)

The small multiples field well of a pie chart.


The dimension type field.

NumericalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DateGranularity -> (string)

The date granularity of the DateDimensionField . Choose one of the following options:

  • YEAR
  • WEEK
  • DAY
  • HOUR

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

SortConfiguration -> (structure)

The sort configuration of a pie chart.

CategorySort -> (list)

The sort configuration of the category fields.


The field sort options in a chart configuration.

FieldSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a field in a field well.

FieldId -> (string)

The sort configuration target field.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction. Choose one of the following options:

  • ASC : Ascending
  • DESC : Descending

ColumnSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a column that is not used in a field well.

SortBy -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function that is defined in the column sort.

NumericalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for numerical values.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

CategoricalAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for categorical values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.

DateAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for date values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.
  • MIN : Select the smallest date value.
  • MAX : Select the largest date value.

AttributeAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for attributes.

SimpleAttributeAggregation -> (string)

The built-in aggregation functions for attributes.

  • UNIQUE_VALUE : Returns the unique value for a field, aggregated by the dimension fields.

ValueForMultipleValues -> (string)

Used by the UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation function. If there are multiple values for the field used by the aggregation, the value for this property will be returned instead. Defaults to '*'.

CategoryItemsLimit -> (structure)

The limit on the number of categories that are displayed in a pie chart.

ItemsLimit -> (long)

The limit on how many items of a field are showed in the chart. For example, the number of slices that are displayed in a pie chart.

OtherCategories -> (string)

The Show other of an axis in the chart. Choose one of the following options:


SmallMultiplesSort -> (list)

The sort configuration of the small multiples field.


The field sort options in a chart configuration.

FieldSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a field in a field well.

FieldId -> (string)

The sort configuration target field.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction. Choose one of the following options:

  • ASC : Ascending
  • DESC : Descending

ColumnSort -> (structure)

The sort configuration for a column that is not used in a field well.

SortBy -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Direction -> (string)

The sort direction.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function that is defined in the column sort.

NumericalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for numerical values.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

CategoricalAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for categorical values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.

DateAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for date values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.
  • MIN : Select the smallest date value.
  • MAX : Select the largest date value.

AttributeAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for attributes.

SimpleAttributeAggregation -> (string)

The built-in aggregation functions for attributes.

  • UNIQUE_VALUE : Returns the unique value for a field, aggregated by the dimension fields.

ValueForMultipleValues -> (string)

Used by the UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation function. If there are multiple values for the field used by the aggregation, the value for this property will be returned instead. Defaults to '*'.

SmallMultiplesLimitConfiguration -> (structure)

The limit on the number of small multiples panels that are displayed.

ItemsLimit -> (long)

The limit on how many items of a field are showed in the chart. For example, the number of slices that are displayed in a pie chart.

OtherCategories -> (string)

The Show other of an axis in the chart. Choose one of the following options:


DonutOptions -> (structure)

The options that determine the shape of the chart. This option determines whether the chart is a pie chart or a donut chart.

ArcOptions -> (structure)

The option for define the arc of the chart shape. Valid values are as follows:

  • WHOLE - A pie chart
  • SMALL - A small-sized donut chart
  • MEDIUM - A medium-sized donut chart
  • LARGE - A large-sized donut chart

ArcThickness -> (string)

The arc thickness of a GaugeChartVisual .

DonutCenterOptions -> (structure)

The label options of the label that is displayed in the center of a donut chart. This option isn't available for pie charts.

LabelVisibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the label in a donut chart. In the Amazon QuickSight console, this option is called 'Show total' .

SmallMultiplesOptions -> (structure)

The small multiples setup for the visual.

MaxVisibleRows -> (long)

Sets the maximum number of visible rows to display in the grid of small multiples panels.

The default value is Auto , which automatically adjusts the rows in the grid to fit the overall layout and size of the given chart.

MaxVisibleColumns -> (long)

Sets the maximum number of visible columns to display in the grid of small multiples panels.

The default is Auto , which automatically adjusts the columns in the grid to fit the overall layout and size of the given chart.

PanelConfiguration -> (structure)

Configures the display options for each small multiples panel.

Title -> (structure)

Configures the title display within each small multiples panel.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not panel titles are displayed.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

Configures the display properties of the given text.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

HorizontalTextAlignment -> (string)

Sets the horizontal text alignment of the title within each panel.

BorderVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not each panel displays a border.

BorderThickness -> (string)

Sets the line thickness of panel borders.

BorderStyle -> (string)

Sets the line style of panel borders.

BorderColor -> (string)

Sets the line color of panel borders.

GutterVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not negative space between sibling panels is rendered.

GutterSpacing -> (string)

Sets the total amount of negative space to display between sibling panels.

BackgroundVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not a background for each small multiples panel is rendered.

BackgroundColor -> (string)

Sets the background color for each panel.

XAxis -> (structure)

The properties of a small multiples X axis.

Scale -> (string)

Determines whether scale of the axes are shared or independent. The default value is SHARED .

Placement -> (string)

Defines the placement of the axis. By default, axes are rendered OUTSIDE of the panels. Axes with INDEPENDENT scale are rendered INSIDE the panels.

YAxis -> (structure)

The properties of a small multiples Y axis.

Scale -> (string)

Determines whether scale of the axes are shared or independent. The default value is SHARED .

Placement -> (string)

Defines the placement of the axis. By default, axes are rendered OUTSIDE of the panels. Axes with INDEPENDENT scale are rendered INSIDE the panels.

CategoryLabelOptions -> (structure)

The label options of the group/color that is displayed in a pie chart.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of an axis label on a chart. Choose one of the following options:

  • VISIBLE : Shows the axis.
  • HIDDEN : Hides the axis.

SortIconVisibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the sort icon on a chart's axis label.

AxisLabelOptions -> (list)

The label options for a chart axis.


The label options for a chart axis. You must specify the field that the label is targeted to.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the axis label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the axis label.

ApplyTo -> (structure)

The options that indicate which field the label belongs to.

FieldId -> (string)

The field that the axis label is targeted to.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the axis label is targeted to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

ValueLabelOptions -> (structure)

The label options for the value that is displayed in a pie chart.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of an axis label on a chart. Choose one of the following options:

  • VISIBLE : Shows the axis.
  • HIDDEN : Hides the axis.

SortIconVisibility -> (string)

The visibility configuration of the sort icon on a chart's axis label.

AxisLabelOptions -> (list)

The label options for a chart axis.


The label options for a chart axis. You must specify the field that the label is targeted to.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the axis label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the axis label.

ApplyTo -> (structure)

The options that indicate which field the label belongs to.

FieldId -> (string)

The field that the axis label is targeted to.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the axis label is targeted to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Legend -> (structure)

The legend display setup of the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the legend is visible.

Title -> (structure)

The custom title for the legend.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

FontConfiguration -> (structure)

The font configuration of the label.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

CustomLabel -> (string)

The text for the label.

Position -> (string)

The positions for the legend. Choose one of the following options:

  • AUTO
  • LEFT

Width -> (string)

The width of the legend. If this value is omitted, a default width is used when rendering.

Height -> (string)

The height of the legend. If this value is omitted, a default height is used when rendering.

ValueFontConfiguration -> (structure)

Configures the display properties of the given text.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

DataLabels -> (structure)

The options that determine if visual data labels are displayed.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the data labels.

CategoryLabelVisibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the category field labels.

MeasureLabelVisibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the measure field labels.

DataLabelTypes -> (list)

The option that determines the data label type.


The option that determines the data label type.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

FieldLabelType -> (structure)

Determines the label configuration for the entire field.

FieldId -> (string)

Indicates the field that is targeted by the field label.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the field label.

DataPathLabelType -> (structure)

The option that specifies individual data values for labels.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the field that the data label needs to be applied to.

FieldValue -> (string)

The actual value of the field that is labeled.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the data label.

RangeEndsLabelType -> (structure)

Determines the label configuration for range end value in a visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the range ends label.

MinimumLabelType -> (structure)

Determines the label configuration for the minimum value in a visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the minimum label.

MaximumLabelType -> (structure)

Determines the label configuration for the maximum value in a visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the maximum label.

Position -> (string)

Determines the position of the data labels.

LabelContent -> (string)

Determines the content of the data labels.

LabelFontConfiguration -> (structure)

Determines the font configuration of the data labels.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

LabelColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the data labels.

Overlap -> (string)

Determines whether overlap is enabled or disabled for the data labels.

TotalsVisibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the total.

Tooltip -> (structure)

The tooltip display setup of the visual.

TooltipVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the tooltip is visible.

SelectedTooltipType -> (string)

The selected type for the tooltip. Choose one of the following options:

  • BASIC : A basic tooltip.
  • DETAILED : A detailed tooltip.

FieldBasedTooltip -> (structure)

The setup for the detailed tooltip. The tooltip setup is always saved. The display type is decided based on the tooltip type.

AggregationVisibility -> (string)

The visibility of Show aggregations .

TooltipTitleType -> (string)

The type for the >tooltip title. Choose one of the following options:

  • NONE : Doesn't use the primary value as the title.
  • PRIMARY_VALUE : Uses primary value as the title.

TooltipFields -> (list)

The fields configuration in the tooltip.


The tooltip.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

FieldTooltipItem -> (structure)

The tooltip item for the fields.

FieldId -> (string)

The unique ID of the field that is targeted by the tooltip.

Label -> (string)

The label of the tooltip item.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the tooltip item.

TooltipTarget -> (string)

Determines the target of the field tooltip item in a combo chart visual.

ColumnTooltipItem -> (structure)

The tooltip item for the columns that are not part of a field well.

Column -> (structure)

The target column of the tooltip item.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Label -> (string)

The label of the tooltip item.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the tooltip item.

Aggregation -> (structure)

The aggregation function of the column tooltip item.

NumericalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for numerical values.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

CategoricalAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for categorical values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.

DateAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for date values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.
  • MIN : Select the smallest date value.
  • MAX : Select the largest date value.

AttributeAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for attributes.

SimpleAttributeAggregation -> (string)

The built-in aggregation functions for attributes.

  • UNIQUE_VALUE : Returns the unique value for a field, aggregated by the dimension fields.

ValueForMultipleValues -> (string)

Used by the UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation function. If there are multiple values for the field used by the aggregation, the value for this property will be returned instead. Defaults to '*'.

TooltipTarget -> (string)

Determines the target of the column tooltip item in a combo chart visual.

VisualPalette -> (structure)

The palette (chart color) display setup of the visual.

ChartColor -> (string)

The chart color options for the visual palette.

ColorMap -> (list)

The color map options for the visual palette.


The color map that determines the color options for a particular element.

Element -> (structure)

The element that the color needs to be applied to.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the field that needs to be sorted.

FieldValue -> (string)

The actual value of the field that needs to be sorted.

DataPathType -> (structure)

The type configuration of the field.

PivotTableDataPathType -> (string)

The type of data path value utilized in a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:

  • HIERARCHY_ROWS_LAYOUT_COLUMN - The type of data path for the rows layout column, when RowsLayout is set to HIERARCHY .
  • MULTIPLE_ROW_METRICS_COLUMN - The type of data path for the metric column when the row is set to Metric Placement.
  • EMPTY_COLUMN_HEADER - The type of data path for the column with empty column header, when there is no field in ColumnsFieldWell and the row is set to Metric Placement.
  • COUNT_METRIC_COLUMN - The type of data path for the column with COUNT as the metric, when there is no field in the ValuesFieldWell .

Color -> (string)

The color that needs to be applied to the element.

TimeGranularity -> (string)

The time granularity of the field that the color needs to be applied to.

ContributionAnalysisDefaults -> (list)

The contribution analysis (anomaly configuration) setup of the visual.


The contribution analysis visual display for a line, pie, or bar chart.

MeasureFieldId -> (string)

The measure field that is used in the contribution analysis.

ContributorDimensions -> (list)

The dimensions columns that are used in the contribution analysis, usually a list of ColumnIdentifiers .


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Interactions -> (structure)

The general visual interactions setup for a visual.

VisualMenuOption -> (structure)

The on-visual menu options for a visual.

AvailabilityStatus -> (string)

The availaiblity status of a visual's menu options.

ContextMenuOption -> (structure)

The context menu options for a visual.

AvailabilityStatus -> (string)

The availability status of the context menu options. If the value of this property is set to ENABLED , dashboard readers can interact with the context menu.

Actions -> (list)

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.


A custom action defined on a visual.

CustomActionId -> (string)

The ID of the VisualCustomAction .

Name -> (string)

The name of the VisualCustomAction .

Status -> (string)

The status of the VisualCustomAction .

Trigger -> (string)

The trigger of the VisualCustomAction .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • DATA_POINT_CLICK : Initiates a custom action by a left pointer click on a data point.
  • DATA_POINT_MENU : Initiates a custom action by right pointer click from the menu.

ActionOperations -> (list)

A list of VisualCustomActionOperations .

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.


The operation that is defined by the custom action.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

FilterOperation -> (structure)

The filter operation that filters data included in a visual or in an entire sheet.

SelectedFieldsConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the fields to be filtered.

SelectedFields -> (list)

Chooses the fields that are filtered in CustomActionFilterOperation .


SelectedFieldOptions -> (string)

A structure that contains the options that choose which fields are filtered in the CustomActionFilterOperation .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • ALL_FIELDS : Applies the filter operation to all fields.

SelectedColumns -> (list)

The selected columns of a dataset.


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

TargetVisualsConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the target visuals to be filtered.

SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of the same-sheet target visuals that you want to be filtered.

TargetVisuals -> (list)

A list of the target visual IDs that are located in the same sheet of the analysis.


TargetVisualOptions -> (string)

The options that choose the target visual in the same sheet.

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • ALL_VISUALS : Applies the filter operation to all visuals in the same sheet.

NavigationOperation -> (structure)

The navigation operation that navigates between different sheets in the same analysis.

LocalNavigationConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the navigation target.

TargetSheetId -> (string)

The sheet that is targeted for navigation in the same analysis.

URLOperation -> (structure)

The URL operation that opens a link to another webpage.

URLTemplate -> (string)

THe URL link of the CustomActionURLOperation .

URLTarget -> (string)

The target of the CustomActionURLOperation .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • NEW_TAB : Opens the target URL in a new browser tab.
  • NEW_WINDOW : Opens the target URL in a new browser window.
  • SAME_TAB : Opens the target URL in the same browser tab.

SetParametersOperation -> (structure)

The set parameter operation that sets parameters in custom action.

ParameterValueConfigurations -> (list)

The parameter that determines the value configuration.


The configuration of adding parameters in action.

DestinationParameterName -> (string)

The destination parameter name of the SetParameterValueConfiguration .

Value -> (structure)

The configuration of destination parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

CustomValuesConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of custom values for destination parameter in DestinationParameterValueConfiguration .

IncludeNullValue -> (boolean)

Includes the null value in custom action parameter values.

CustomValues -> (structure)

The customized parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

StringValues -> (list)

A list of string-type parameter values.


IntegerValues -> (list)

A list of integer-type parameter values.


DecimalValues -> (list)

A list of decimal-type parameter values.


DateTimeValues -> (list)

A list of datetime-type parameter values.


SelectAllValueOptions -> (string)

The configuration that selects all options.

SourceParameterName -> (string)

The source parameter name of the destination parameter.

SourceField -> (string)

The source field ID of the destination parameter.

SourceColumn -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

ColumnHierarchies -> (list)

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.


The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields for a visual element.

ExplicitHierarchy -> (structure)

The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are built within a visual's field wells. These fields can't be duplicated to other visuals.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The hierarchy ID of the explicit hierarchy.

Columns -> (list)

The list of columns that define the explicit hierarchy.


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DrillDownFilters -> (list)

The option that determines the drill down filters for the explicit hierarchy.


The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

NumericEqualityFilter -> (structure)

The numeric equality type drill down filter. This filter is used for number type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Value -> (double)

The value of the double input numeric drill down filter.

CategoryFilter -> (structure)

The category type drill down filter. This filter is used for string type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CategoryValues -> (list)

A list of the string inputs that are the values of the category drill down filter.


TimeRangeFilter -> (structure)

The time range drill down filter. This filter is used for date time columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

RangeMinimum -> (timestamp)

The minimum value for the filter value range.

RangeMaximum -> (timestamp)

The maximum value for the filter value range.

TimeGranularity -> (string)

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

DateTimeHierarchy -> (structure)

The option that determines the hierarchy of any DateTime fields.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The hierarchy ID of the DateTime hierarchy.

DrillDownFilters -> (list)

The option that determines the drill down filters for the DateTime hierarchy.


The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

NumericEqualityFilter -> (structure)

The numeric equality type drill down filter. This filter is used for number type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Value -> (double)

The value of the double input numeric drill down filter.

CategoryFilter -> (structure)

The category type drill down filter. This filter is used for string type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CategoryValues -> (list)

A list of the string inputs that are the values of the category drill down filter.


TimeRangeFilter -> (structure)

The time range drill down filter. This filter is used for date time columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

RangeMinimum -> (timestamp)

The minimum value for the filter value range.

RangeMaximum -> (timestamp)

The maximum value for the filter value range.

TimeGranularity -> (string)

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

PredefinedHierarchy -> (structure)

The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are defined during data preparation. These fields are available to use in any analysis that uses the data source.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The hierarchy ID of the predefined hierarchy.

Columns -> (list)

The list of columns that define the predefined hierarchy.


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DrillDownFilters -> (list)

The option that determines the drill down filters for the predefined hierarchy.


The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

NumericEqualityFilter -> (structure)

The numeric equality type drill down filter. This filter is used for number type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Value -> (double)

The value of the double input numeric drill down filter.

CategoryFilter -> (structure)

The category type drill down filter. This filter is used for string type columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

CategoryValues -> (list)

A list of the string inputs that are the values of the category drill down filter.


TimeRangeFilter -> (structure)

The time range drill down filter. This filter is used for date time columns.

Column -> (structure)

The column that the filter is applied to.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

RangeMinimum -> (timestamp)

The minimum value for the filter value range.

RangeMaximum -> (timestamp)

The maximum value for the filter value range.

TimeGranularity -> (string)

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

VisualContentAltText -> (string)

The alt text for the visual.

GaugeChartVisual -> (structure)

A gauge chart.

For more information, see Using gauge charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide .

VisualId -> (string)

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

Title -> (structure)

The title that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the title label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The short text format of the title label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

Subtitle -> (structure)

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the subtitle label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The long text format of the subtitle label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

ChartConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .

FieldWells -> (structure)

The field well configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .

Values -> (list)

The value field wells of a GaugeChartVisual .


The measure (metric) type field.

NumericalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CalculatedMeasureField -> (structure)

The calculated measure field only used in pivot tables.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Expression -> (string)

The expression in the table calculation.

TargetValues -> (list)

The target value field wells of a GaugeChartVisual .


The measure (metric) type field.

NumericalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (structure)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateMeasureField -> (structure)

The measure type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateMeasureField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

AggregationFunction -> (string)

The aggregation function of the measure field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CalculatedMeasureField -> (structure)

The calculated measure field only used in pivot tables.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Expression -> (string)

The expression in the table calculation.

GaugeChartOptions -> (structure)

The options that determine the presentation of the GaugeChartVisual .

PrimaryValueDisplayType -> (string)

The options that determine the primary value display type.

Comparison -> (structure)

The comparison configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .

ComparisonMethod -> (string)

The method of the comparison. Choose from the following options:


ComparisonFormat -> (structure)

The format of the comparison.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The number display format.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The percentage display format.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

ArcAxis -> (structure)

The arc axis configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .

Range -> (structure)

The arc axis range of a GaugeChartVisual .

Min -> (double)

The minimum value of the arc axis range.

Max -> (double)

The maximum value of the arc axis range.

ReserveRange -> (integer)

The reserved range of the arc axis.

Arc -> (structure)

The arc configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .

ArcAngle -> (double)

The option that determines the arc angle of a GaugeChartVisual .

ArcThickness -> (string)

The options that determine the arc thickness of a GaugeChartVisual .

PrimaryValueFontConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the primary value font configuration.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

DataLabels -> (structure)

The data label configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the data labels.

CategoryLabelVisibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the category field labels.

MeasureLabelVisibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the measure field labels.

DataLabelTypes -> (list)

The option that determines the data label type.


The option that determines the data label type.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

FieldLabelType -> (structure)

Determines the label configuration for the entire field.

FieldId -> (string)

Indicates the field that is targeted by the field label.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the field label.

DataPathLabelType -> (structure)

The option that specifies individual data values for labels.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the field that the data label needs to be applied to.

FieldValue -> (string)

The actual value of the field that is labeled.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the data label.

RangeEndsLabelType -> (structure)

Determines the label configuration for range end value in a visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the range ends label.

MinimumLabelType -> (structure)

Determines the label configuration for the minimum value in a visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the minimum label.

MaximumLabelType -> (structure)

Determines the label configuration for the maximum value in a visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the maximum label.

Position -> (string)

Determines the position of the data labels.

LabelContent -> (string)

Determines the content of the data labels.

LabelFontConfiguration -> (structure)

Determines the font configuration of the data labels.

FontSize -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display size.

Relative -> (string)

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

Absolute -> (string)

The font size that you want to use in px.

FontDecoration -> (string)

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

FontColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the text.

FontWeight -> (structure)

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

Name -> (string)

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

FontStyle -> (string)

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

FontFamily -> (string)

The font family that you want to use.

LabelColor -> (string)

Determines the color of the data labels.

Overlap -> (string)

Determines whether overlap is enabled or disabled for the data labels.

TotalsVisibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the total.

TooltipOptions -> (structure)

The tooltip configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .

TooltipVisibility -> (string)

Determines whether or not the tooltip is visible.

SelectedTooltipType -> (string)

The selected type for the tooltip. Choose one of the following options:

  • BASIC : A basic tooltip.
  • DETAILED : A detailed tooltip.

FieldBasedTooltip -> (structure)

The setup for the detailed tooltip. The tooltip setup is always saved. The display type is decided based on the tooltip type.

AggregationVisibility -> (string)

The visibility of Show aggregations .

TooltipTitleType -> (string)

The type for the >tooltip title. Choose one of the following options:

  • NONE : Doesn't use the primary value as the title.
  • PRIMARY_VALUE : Uses primary value as the title.

TooltipFields -> (list)

The fields configuration in the tooltip.


The tooltip.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

FieldTooltipItem -> (structure)

The tooltip item for the fields.

FieldId -> (string)

The unique ID of the field that is targeted by the tooltip.

Label -> (string)

The label of the tooltip item.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the tooltip item.

TooltipTarget -> (string)

Determines the target of the field tooltip item in a combo chart visual.

ColumnTooltipItem -> (structure)

The tooltip item for the columns that are not part of a field well.

Column -> (structure)

The target column of the tooltip item.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

Label -> (string)

The label of the tooltip item.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the tooltip item.

Aggregation -> (structure)

The aggregation function of the column tooltip item.

NumericalAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for numerical values.

SimpleNumericalAggregation -> (string)

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

  • SUM : The sum of a dimension or measure.
  • AVERAGE : The average of a dimension or measure.
  • MIN : The minimum value of a dimension or measure.
  • MAX : The maximum value of a dimension or measure.
  • COUNT : The count of a dimension or measure.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : The count of distinct values in a dimension or measure.
  • VAR : The variance of a dimension or measure.
  • VARP : The partitioned variance of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEV : The standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • STDEVP : The partitioned standard deviation of a dimension or measure.
  • MEDIAN : The median value of a dimension or measure.

PercentileAggregation -> (structure)

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

PercentileValue -> (double)

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

CategoricalAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for categorical values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.

DateAggregationFunction -> (string)

Aggregation for date values.

  • COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of values, including duplicates.
  • DISTINCT_COUNT : Aggregate by the total number of distinct values.
  • MIN : Select the smallest date value.
  • MAX : Select the largest date value.

AttributeAggregationFunction -> (structure)

Aggregation for attributes.

SimpleAttributeAggregation -> (string)

The built-in aggregation functions for attributes.

  • UNIQUE_VALUE : Returns the unique value for a field, aggregated by the dimension fields.

ValueForMultipleValues -> (string)

Used by the UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation function. If there are multiple values for the field used by the aggregation, the value for this property will be returned instead. Defaults to '*'.

TooltipTarget -> (string)

Determines the target of the column tooltip item in a combo chart visual.

VisualPalette -> (structure)

The visual palette configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .

ChartColor -> (string)

The chart color options for the visual palette.

ColorMap -> (list)

The color map options for the visual palette.


The color map that determines the color options for a particular element.

Element -> (structure)

The element that the color needs to be applied to.

FieldId -> (string)

The field ID of the field that needs to be sorted.

FieldValue -> (string)

The actual value of the field that needs to be sorted.

DataPathType -> (structure)

The type configuration of the field.

PivotTableDataPathType -> (string)

The type of data path value utilized in a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:

  • HIERARCHY_ROWS_LAYOUT_COLUMN - The type of data path for the rows layout column, when RowsLayout is set to HIERARCHY .
  • MULTIPLE_ROW_METRICS_COLUMN - The type of data path for the metric column when the row is set to Metric Placement.
  • EMPTY_COLUMN_HEADER - The type of data path for the column with empty column header, when there is no field in ColumnsFieldWell and the row is set to Metric Placement.
  • COUNT_METRIC_COLUMN - The type of data path for the column with COUNT as the metric, when there is no field in the ValuesFieldWell .

Color -> (string)

The color that needs to be applied to the element.

TimeGranularity -> (string)

The time granularity of the field that the color needs to be applied to.

ColorConfiguration -> (structure)

The color configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .

ForegroundColor -> (string)

The foreground color configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .

BackgroundColor -> (string)

The background color configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .

Interactions -> (structure)

The general visual interactions setup for a visual.

VisualMenuOption -> (structure)

The on-visual menu options for a visual.

AvailabilityStatus -> (string)

The availaiblity status of a visual's menu options.

ContextMenuOption -> (structure)

The context menu options for a visual.

AvailabilityStatus -> (string)

The availability status of the context menu options. If the value of this property is set to ENABLED , dashboard readers can interact with the context menu.

ConditionalFormatting -> (structure)

The conditional formatting of a GaugeChartVisual .

ConditionalFormattingOptions -> (list)

Conditional formatting options of a GaugeChartVisual .


Conditional formatting options of a GaugeChartVisual .

PrimaryValue -> (structure)

The conditional formatting for the primary value of a GaugeChartVisual .

TextColor -> (structure)

The conditional formatting of the primary value text color.

Solid -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for solid color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Gradient -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

Color -> (structure)

Determines the color.

Stops -> (list)

The list of gradient color stops.


Determines the gradient stop configuration.

GradientOffset -> (double)

Determines gradient offset value.

DataValue -> (double)

Determines the data value.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Icon -> (structure)

The conditional formatting of the primary value icon.

IconSet -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for icon set.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for the icon set.

IconSetType -> (string)

Determines the icon set type.

CustomCondition -> (structure)

Determines the custom condition for an icon set.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the condition of the icon set.

IconOptions -> (structure)

Custom icon options for an icon set.

Icon -> (string)

Determines the type of icon.

UnicodeIcon -> (string)

Determines the Unicode icon type.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color of the icon.

DisplayConfiguration -> (structure)

Determines the icon display configuration.

IconDisplayOption -> (string)

Determines the icon display configuration.

Arc -> (structure)

The options that determine the presentation of the arc of a GaugeChartVisual .

ForegroundColor -> (structure)

The conditional formatting of the arc foreground color.

Solid -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for solid color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Gradient -> (structure)

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

Expression -> (string)

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

Color -> (structure)

Determines the color.

Stops -> (list)

The list of gradient color stops.


Determines the gradient stop configuration.

GradientOffset -> (double)

Determines gradient offset value.

DataValue -> (double)

Determines the data value.

Color -> (string)

Determines the color.

Actions -> (list)

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.


A custom action defined on a visual.

CustomActionId -> (string)

The ID of the VisualCustomAction .

Name -> (string)

The name of the VisualCustomAction .

Status -> (string)

The status of the VisualCustomAction .

Trigger -> (string)

The trigger of the VisualCustomAction .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • DATA_POINT_CLICK : Initiates a custom action by a left pointer click on a data point.
  • DATA_POINT_MENU : Initiates a custom action by right pointer click from the menu.

ActionOperations -> (list)

A list of VisualCustomActionOperations .

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.


The operation that is defined by the custom action.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

FilterOperation -> (structure)

The filter operation that filters data included in a visual or in an entire sheet.

SelectedFieldsConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the fields to be filtered.

SelectedFields -> (list)

Chooses the fields that are filtered in CustomActionFilterOperation .


SelectedFieldOptions -> (string)

A structure that contains the options that choose which fields are filtered in the CustomActionFilterOperation .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • ALL_FIELDS : Applies the filter operation to all fields.

SelectedColumns -> (list)

The selected columns of a dataset.


A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

TargetVisualsConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the target visuals to be filtered.

SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of the same-sheet target visuals that you want to be filtered.

TargetVisuals -> (list)

A list of the target visual IDs that are located in the same sheet of the analysis.


TargetVisualOptions -> (string)

The options that choose the target visual in the same sheet.

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • ALL_VISUALS : Applies the filter operation to all visuals in the same sheet.

NavigationOperation -> (structure)

The navigation operation that navigates between different sheets in the same analysis.

LocalNavigationConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration that chooses the navigation target.

TargetSheetId -> (string)

The sheet that is targeted for navigation in the same analysis.

URLOperation -> (structure)

The URL operation that opens a link to another webpage.

URLTemplate -> (string)

THe URL link of the CustomActionURLOperation .

URLTarget -> (string)

The target of the CustomActionURLOperation .

Valid values are defined as follows:

  • NEW_TAB : Opens the target URL in a new browser tab.
  • NEW_WINDOW : Opens the target URL in a new browser window.
  • SAME_TAB : Opens the target URL in the same browser tab.

SetParametersOperation -> (structure)

The set parameter operation that sets parameters in custom action.

ParameterValueConfigurations -> (list)

The parameter that determines the value configuration.


The configuration of adding parameters in action.

DestinationParameterName -> (string)

The destination parameter name of the SetParameterValueConfiguration .

Value -> (structure)

The configuration of destination parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

CustomValuesConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of custom values for destination parameter in DestinationParameterValueConfiguration .

IncludeNullValue -> (boolean)

Includes the null value in custom action parameter values.

CustomValues -> (structure)

The customized parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

StringValues -> (list)

A list of string-type parameter values.


IntegerValues -> (list)

A list of integer-type parameter values.


DecimalValues -> (list)

A list of decimal-type parameter values.


DateTimeValues -> (list)

A list of datetime-type parameter values.


SelectAllValueOptions -> (string)

The configuration that selects all options.

SourceParameterName -> (string)

The source parameter name of the destination parameter.

SourceField -> (string)

The source field ID of the destination parameter.

SourceColumn -> (structure)

A column of a data set.

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

VisualContentAltText -> (string)

The alt text for the visual.

LineChartVisual -> (structure)

A line chart.

For more information, see Using line charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide .

VisualId -> (string)

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

Title -> (structure)

The title that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the title label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The short text format of the title label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

Subtitle -> (structure)

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

Visibility -> (string)

The visibility of the subtitle label.

FormatText -> (structure)

The long text format of the subtitle label, such as plain text or rich text.

PlainText -> (string)

Plain text format.

RichText -> (string)

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

ChartConfiguration -> (structure)

The configuration of a line chart.

FieldWells -> (structure)

The field well configuration of a line chart.

LineChartAggregatedFieldWells -> (structure)

The field well configuration of a line chart.

Category -> (list)

The category field wells of a line chart. Values are grouped by category fields.


The dimension type field.

NumericalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with numerical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the NumericalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CategoricalDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with categorical type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the CategoricalDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

DateDimensionField -> (structure)

The dimension type field with date type columns.

FieldId -> (string)

The custom field ID.

Column -> (structure)

The column that is used in the DateDimensionField .

DataSetIdentifier -> (string)

The data set that the column belongs to.

ColumnName -> (string)

The name of the column.

DateGranularity -> (string)

The date granularity of the DateDimensionField . Choose one of the following options:

  • YEAR
  • WEEK
  • DAY
  • HOUR

HierarchyId -> (string)

The custom hierarchy ID.

FormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The format configuration of the field.

DateTimeFormat -> (string)

Determines the DateTime format.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

NumericFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

Symbol -> (string)

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

Visibility -> (string)

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

GroupingStyle -> (string)

Determines the way numbers are styled to accommodate different readability standards. The DEFAULT value uses the standard international grouping system and groups numbers by the thousands. The LAKHS value uses the Indian numbering system and groups numbers by lakhs and crores.

DecimalPlacesConfiguration -> (structure)

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

DecimalPlaces -> (long)

The values of the decimal places.

NumberScale -> (string)

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

NegativeValueConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

DisplayMode -> (string)

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

NullValueFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

NullString -> (string)

Determines the null string of null values.

CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

Prefix -> (string)

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

Suffix -> (string)

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

SeparatorConfiguration -> (structure)

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

DecimalSeparator -> (string)

Determines the decimal separator.

ThousandsSeparator -> (structure)