Delete a build project in AWS CodeBuild - AWS CodeBuild

Delete a build project in AWS CodeBuild

You can use the CodeBuild console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs to delete a build project in CodeBuild. If you delete a project, its builds are not deleted.


You cannot delete a project that has builds and a resource policy. To delete a project with a resource policy and builds, you must first remove the resource policy and delete its builds.

Delete a build project (console)

  1. Open the AWS CodeBuild console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Build projects.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Choose the radio button next to the build project you want to delete, and then choose Delete.

    • Choose the link for the build project you want to delete, and then choose Delete.


    By default, only the most recent 10 build projects are displayed. To view more build projects, choose a different value for Projects per page or use the back and forward arrows for viewing projects.

Delete a build project (AWS CLI)

  1. Run the delete-project command:

    aws codebuild delete-project --name name

    Replace the following placeholder:

  2. If successful, no data and no errors appear in the output.

For more information about using the AWS CLI with AWS CodeBuild, see the Command line reference.

Delete a build project (AWS SDKs)

For more information about using AWS CodeBuild with the AWS SDKs, see the AWS SDKs and tools reference.