Amazon Elastic File System sample for AWS CodeBuild - AWS CodeBuild

Amazon Elastic File System sample for AWS CodeBuild

You might want to create your AWS CodeBuild builds on Amazon Elastic File System, a scalable, shared file service for Amazon EC2 instances. The storage capacity with Amazon EFS is elastic, so it grows or shrinks as files are added and removed. It has a simple web services interface that you can use to create and configure file systems. It also manages all of the file storage infrastructure for you, so you do not need to worry about deploying, patching, or maintaining file system configurations. For more information, see What is Amazon Elastic File System? in the Amazon Elastic File System User Guide.

This sample shows you how to configure a CodeBuild project so that it mounts and then builds a Java application to an Amazon EFS file system. Before you begin, you must have a Java application ready to build that is uploaded to an S3 input bucket or an AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, GitHub Enterprise Server, or Bitbucket repository.

Data in transit for your file system is encrypted. To encrypt data in transit using a different image, see Encrypting data in transit.

Use AWS CodeBuild with Amazon Elastic File System

The sample covers the four high-level steps required to use Amazon EFS with AWS CodeBuild. They are:

  1. Create a virtual private cloud (VPC) in your AWS account.

  2. Create a file system that uses this VPC.

  3. Create and build a CodeBuild project that uses the VPC. The CodeBuild project uses the following to identify the file system:

    • A unique file system identifier. You choose the identifier when you specify the file system in your build project.

    • The file system ID. The ID is displayed when you view your file system in the Amazon EFS console.

    • A mount point. This is a directory in your Docker container that mounts the file system.

    • Mount options. These include details about how to mount the file system.

  4. Review the build project to ensure that the correct project files and variables were generated.


A file system created in Amazon EFS is supported on Linux platforms only.

Step 1: Create a VPC using AWS CloudFormation

Create your VPC with an AWS CloudFormation template.

  1. Follow the instructions in AWS CloudFormation VPC template to use AWS CloudFormation to create a VPC.


    The VPC created by this AWS CloudFormation template has two private subnets and two public subnets. You must only use private subnets when you use AWS CodeBuild to mount the file system you created in Amazon EFS. If you use one of the public subnets, the build fails.

  2. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at

  3. Choose the VPC you created with AWS CloudFormation.

  4. On the Description tab, make a note of the name of your VPC and its ID. Both are required when you create your AWS CodeBuild project later in this sample.

Step 2: Create an Amazon Elastic File System file system with your VPC

Create a simple Amazon EFS file system for this sample using the VPC you created earlier.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EFS console at

  2. Choose Create file system.

  3. From VPC, choose the VPC name you noted earlier in this sample.

  4. Leave the Availability Zones associated with your subnets selected.

  5. Choose Next Step.

  6. In Add tags, for the default Name key, in Value, enter the name of your Amazon EFS file system.

  7. Keep Bursting and General Purpose selected as your default performance and throughput modes, and then choose Next Step.

  8. For Configure client access, choose Next Step.

  9. Choose Create File System.

  10. (Optional) We recommend adding a policy to your Amazon EFS file system that enforces encryption of data in transit. In the Amazon EFS console, choose File system policy, choose Edit, select the box labeled Enforce in-transit encryption for all clients, and then choose Save.

Step 3: Create a CodeBuild project to use with Amazon EFS

Create a AWS CodeBuild project that uses the VPC you created earlier in this sample. When the build is run, it mounts the Amazon EFS file system created earlier. Next, it stores the .jar file created by your Java application in your file system's mount point directory.

  1. Open the AWS CodeBuild console at

  2. From the navigation pane, choose Build projects, and then choose Create build project.

  3. In Project name, enter a name for your project.

  4. From Source provider, choose the repository that contains the Java application you want to build.

  5. Enter information, such as a repository URL, that CodeBuild uses to locate your application. The options are different for each source provider. For more information, see Choose source provider.

  6. From Environment image, choose Managed image.

  7. From Operating system, choose Amazon Linux 2.

  8. From Runtime(s), choose Standard.

  9. From Image, choose aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:4.0.

  10. From Environment type, choose Linux.

  11. Under Service role, choose New service role. In Role name, enter a name for the role CodeBuild creates for you.

  12. Expand Additional configuration.

  13. Select Enable this flag if you want to build Docker images or want your builds to get elevated privileges.


    By default, Docker daemon is enabled for non-VPC builds. If you would like to use Docker containers for VPC builds, see Runtime Privilege and Linux Capabilities on the Docker Docs website and enable privileged mode. Also, Windows does not support privileged mode.

  14. From VPC, choose the VPC ID.

  15. From Subnets, choose one or more of the private subnets associated with your VPC. You must use private subnets in a build that mounts an Amazon EFS file system. If you use a public subnet, the build fails.

  16. From Security Groups, choose the default security group.

  17. In File systems, enter the following information:

    • For Identifier, enter a unique file system identifier. It must be fewer than 129 characters and contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. CodeBuild uses this identifier to create an environment variable that identifies the elastic file system. The environment variable format is CODEBUILD_<file_system_identifier> in capital letters. For example, if you enter my_efs, the environment variable is CODEBUILD_MY_EFS.

    • For ID, choose the file system ID.

    • (Optional) Enter a directory in the file system. CodeBuild mounts this directory. If you leave Directory path blank, CodeBuild mounts the entire file system. The path is relative to the root of the file system.

    • For Mount point, enter the absolute path of the directory in your build container where the file system is mounted. If this directory does not exist, CodeBuild creates it during the build.

    • (Optional) Enter mount options. If you leave Mount options blank, CodeBuild uses its default mount options:

      nfsvers=4.1 rsize=1048576 wsize=1048576 hard timeo=600 retrans=2

      For more information, see Recommended NFS Mount Options in the Amazon Elastic File System User Guide.

  18. For Build specification, choose Insert build commands, and then choose Switch to editor.

  19. Enter the following build spec commands into the editor. Replace <file_system_identifier> with the identifier you entered in step 17. Use capital letters (for example, CODEBUILD_MY_EFS).

    version: 0.2 phases: install: runtime-versions: java: corretto11 build: commands: - mvn compile -Dgpg.skip=true -Dmaven.repo.local=$CODEBUILD_<file_system_identifier>
  20. Use the default values for all other settings, and then choose Create build project. When your build is complete, the console page for your project is displayed.

  21. Choose Start build.

Step 4: Review the build project

After your AWS CodeBuild project is built:

  • You have a .jar file created by your Java application that is built to your Amazon EFS file system under your mount point directory.

  • An environment variable that identifies your file system is created using the file system identifier you entered when you created the project.

For more information, see Mounting file systems in the Amazon Elastic File System User Guide.