Issues concepts - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Issues concepts

Creating an issue is a quick and efficient way to track work being done within a project. You can use issues to help you discuss work in daily sync-up meetings, prioritize work, and more.

This page includes a list of concepts that will help you effectively use issues in CodeCatalyst.

Active issues

Active issues are issues that are any issues that are not in a Draft status or archived. In other words, active issues are issues with a status in any of the following status categories: Not started, Started, and Completed. For more information about statuses and status categories, see Status and status categories.

You can view all of the active issues in your project from the default Active issues view.

Archived issues

An archived issue is an issue that is no longer relevant to your project. For example, you can archive an issue if it is completed and you no longer need to see it in the Done column, or if it was created in error. Archived issues can be unarchived if needed.


The assignee is the person the issue is assigned to. If the person doesn't appear in the list when you search for them, they have not been added to your project. To add them, see Inviting a user to your project. To enable multiple assignees to an issue, see Enabling or disabling multiple assignees. Issues with multiple assignees will appear on your board with different colored avatars, each representing one of the assignees.

Custom fields

Custom fields allow you to customize different attributes of an issue according to your needs for tracking and maintaining issues within a project. For example, you can add a field for roadmapping, a specific due date, or a requester field.


In agile development, the estimate is known as story points. Use the estimate to include the amount of work required, in addition to the ambiguity and complexity of the issue. Use higher estimates for issues with greater risk, difficulty, and unknowns. You can change the estimation type for your project. For more information about the estimation types and how to configure them, see Configuring issue effort estimation.


An issue is a record that tracks the work related to your project. You can create an issue for a feature, a task, a bug, or any other body of work related to your project. If you're using agile development, an issue can also describe an epic or user story.


The label is used to group, sort and filter issues. You can enter a new label name or choose one of the labels from the populated list. This list consists of recently used labels in the project. An issue can have multiple labels, and a label can be removed from an issue. To customize labels, see Labels.


Priority refers to the level of importance of the issue. There are four options: Low, Medium, High, and No priority.

Status and status categories

The status is the current state of the issue and is used to quickly check the progress of an issue through its lifecycle, from inception to completion. All issues must have a status, and each status belongs to a status category. Status categories are used to help organize your statuses and populate the default issue views.

There are five default statuses and four status categories in CodeCatalyst. You can create other statuses, but you cannot create other status categories. The following list contains the default statuses and their status categories in parenthesis: Backlog (Draft), To do (Not started), In progress (Started), In review (Started), and Done (Completed).

For more information on working with statuses, see Statuses.


Tasks can be added to issues to further break down and organize the work of that issue. You can add tasks to an issue on creation, or add tasks to an existing issue. When viewing an issue, you can reorder, remove, or mark its tasks as completed.


Issues in your CodeCatalyst project are displayed in views. Views can either be grid views that show issues in list format or board views that show issues as tiles in columns organized by issue status. There are four default views, and you can create your own views with custom grouping, filtering, and sorting. The following list contains details about the four default views.

  • The Drafts view is a grid view that shows issues not currently being worked on. Any issue created with a status in the Draft status category shows up in this view. This view can be used by teams to see which issues are still being defined or are waiting to be assigned and worked on.

  • The Active issues view is a board view of all issues that are currently being worked on. Any issue with a status in the Not started, Started, or Completed status categories will show up in this view.

  • The All issues view is a grid view that shows all the issues in the project, both drafts and active issues.

  • The Archived view shows all archived issues.