SAML signing and encryption
SAML 2.0 sign-in is built around the user of an application as a bearer of requests and responses in their authentication flow. You might want to ensure that users aren't reading or modifying these SAML documents in transit. To accomplish this, add SAML signing and encryption to the SAML identity providers (IdPs) in your user pool. With SAML signing, your user pools adds a signature to SAML sign-in and sign-out requests. With your user pool public key, your IdP can verify that it's receiving unmodified SAML requests. Then, when your IdP responds and passes SAML assertions to users' browser sessions, the IdP can encrypt that response so that the user can't inspect their own attributes and entitlements.
With SAML signing and encryption, all cryptographic operations during user pool SAML operations must generate signatures and ciphertext with user-pool-provided keys that Amazon Cognito generates. Currently, you can't configure a user pool to sign requests or accept encrypted assertions with an external key.
Your user pool certificates are valid for 10 years. Once per year, Amazon Cognito generates new signing and encryption certificates for your user pool. Amazon Cognito returns the most recent certificate when you request the signing certificate, and signs requests with the most recent signing certificate. Your IdP can encrypt SAML assertions with any user pool encryption certificate that isn’t expired. Your previous certificates continue to be valid for their entire duration and the public key doesn't change between certificates. As a best practice, update the certificate in your provider configuration annually.
Accepting encrypted SAML responses from your IdP
Amazon Cognito and your IdP can establish confidentiality in SAML responses when users sign in and sign out. Amazon Cognito assigns a public-private RSA key pair and a certificate to each external SAML provider that you configure in your user pool. When you enable response encryption for your user pool SAML provider, you must upload your certificate to an IdP that supports encrypted SAML responses. Your user pool connection to your SAML IdP isn’t functional before your IdP begins to encrypt all SAML assertions with the provided key.
The following is an overview of the flow of an encrypted SAML sign-in.
Your user starts sign-in and chooses their SAML IdP.
Your user pool Authorize endpoint redirects your user to their SAML IdP with a SAML sign-in request. Your user pool can optionally accompany this request with a signature that enables integrity verification by the IdP. When you want to sign SAML requests, you must configure your IdP to accept requests that your user pool has signed with the public key in the signing certificate.
The SAML IdP signs in your user and generates a SAML response. The IdP encrypts the response with the public key and redirects your user to your user pool
endpoint. The IdP must encrypt the response as defined by the SAML 2.0 specification. For more information, seeElement <EncryptedAssertion>
in Assertions and Protocols for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0. -
Your user pool decrypts the ciphertext in the SAML response with the private key and signs in your user.
When you enable response encryption for a SAML IdP in your user pool, your IdP must encrypt all responses with a public key that's specific to the provider. Amazon Cognito doesn't accept unencrypted SAML responses from a SAML external IdP that you configure to support encryption.
Any external SAML IdP in your user pool can support response encryption, and each IdP receives its own key pair.
Signing SAML requests
The ability to prove the integrity of SAML 2.0 requests to your IdP is a security advantage of Amazon Cognito SP-initiated SAML sign-in. Each user pool with a domain receives a user pool X.509 signing certificate. With the public key in this certificate, user pools apply a cryptographic signature to the sign-out requests that your user pool generates when your users select a SAML IdP. You can optionally configure your app client to sign SAML sign-in requests. When you sign your SAML requests, your IdP can check that the signature in the XML metadata of your requests matches the public key in the user pool certificate that you provide.