Configuring a user pool domain - Amazon Cognito

Configuring a user pool domain

Configuring a domain is an optional part of setting up a user pool. A user pool domain hosts features for user authentication, federation with third-party providers, and OpenID Connect (OIDC) flows. It has the hosted UI, a prebuilt interface for key operations like signing up, signing in, and password recovery. It also hosts the standard OpenID Connect (OIDC) endpoints like authorize, userInfo, and token, for machine-to-machine (M2M) authorization and other OIDC and OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization flows.

Users sign in to the hosted UI at the domain associated with your user pool. You have two options for configuring this domain: you can either use the default Amazon Cognito hosted domain, or you can configure a custom domain that you own.

The custom domain option has more options for flexibility, security and control. For example, a familiar, organization-owned domain can encourage user trust and make the sign-in process more intuitive. However, the custom domain approach requires some additional overhead, like managing the SSL certificate and DNS configuration.

The OIDC discovery endpoints, /.well-known/openid-configuration for endpoint URLs and /.well-known/jwks.json for token signing keys, aren't hosted on your domain. For more information, see Identity provider and relying party endpoints.

Understanding how to configure and manage the domain for your Amazon Cognito user pool is an important step in integrating authentication into your application. Sign-in with the user pools API and an AWS SDK can be an alternative to configuring a domain. The API-based model delivers tokens directly in an API response, but for implementations that use the extended capabilities of user pools as an OIDC IdP, you must configure a domain. For more information about the authentication models that are available in user pools, see Using the user pools API and authorization server.


You can't use the text aws, amazon, or cognito in the domain prefix.