Events - Amazon Comprehend


Use event detection to analyze text documents for specific types of events and their related entities. Amazon Comprehend supports event detection across large collections of documents using asynchronous analysis jobs. For more information about events, including example event analysis jobs, see Announcing the launch of Amazon Comprehend Events


From the input text, Amazon Comprehend extracts a list of entities that are related to the detected event. An entity can be a real-world object, such as a person, place, or location; an entity can also be a concept, such as a measurement, date, or quantity. Each occurrence of an entity is identified by a mention, which is a textual reference to the entity in the input text. For each unique entity, all mentions are grouped into a list. This list provides details for each location in the input text where the entity occurs. Amazon Comprehend detects only the entities associated with supported event types.

Each entity associated with a supported event type returns with the following related details:

  • Mentions: Details for each occurrence of the same entity in the input text.

    • BeginOffset: A character offset in the input text that shows where the mention begins (the first character is at position 0).

    • EndOffset: A character offset in the input text that shows where the mention ends.

    • Score: The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend has in the accuracy of the entity's type.

    • GroupScore: The level of confidence from Amazon Comprehend that the mention is correctly grouped with other mentions of the same entity.

    • Text: The text of the entity.

    • Type: The entity's type. For all supported entity types, see Entity types.


Amazon Comprehend returns the list of events (of supported event types) that it detects in the input text. Each event returns with the following related details:

  • Type: The event's type. For all supported event types, see Event types.

  • Arguments: A list of arguments that are related to the detected event. An argument consists of an entity that is related to the detected event. The argument's role describes the relationship, such as who did what, where and when.

    • EntityIndex: An index value that identifies an entity from the list of entities that Amazon Comprehend returned for this analysis.

    • Role: The argument type, which describes how the entity for this argument is related to the event. For all supported argument types, see Argument types.

    • Score: The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend has in the accuracy of the role detection.

  • Triggers: A list of triggers for the detected event. A trigger is a single word or phrase that indicates the occurrence of the event.

    • BeginOffset: A character offset in the input text that shows where the trigger begins (the first character is at position 0).

    • EndOffset: A character offset in the input text that shows where the trigger ends.

    • Score: The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend has in the accuracy of the detection.

    • Text: The text of the trigger.

    • GroupScore: The level of confidence from Amazon Comprehend that the trigger is correctly grouped with other triggers for the same event.

    • Type: The type of event that this trigger indicates.

Detect events results format

When your event detection job completes, Amazon Comprehend writes the analysis results to the Amazon S3 output location that you specified when you started the job.

For each detected event, the output provides details in the following format:

{ "Entities": [ { "Mentions": [ { "BeginOffset": number, "EndOffset": number, "Score": number, "GroupScore": number, "Text": "string", "Type": "string" }, ... ] }, ... ], "Events": [ { "Type": "string", "Arguments": [ { "EntityIndex": number, "Role": "string", "Score": number }, ... ], "Triggers": [ { "BeginOffset": number, "EndOffset": number, "Score": number, "Text": "string", "GroupScore": number, "Type": "string" }, ... ] }, ... ] }

Supported types for entities, events, and arguments

Entity types

Type Description
DATE Any reference to a date or time, whether specific or general.
FACILITY Buildings, airports, highways, bridges, and other permanent man-made structures and real estate improvements.
LOCATION Physical locations such as streets, cities, states, countries, bodies of water, or geographic coordinates.
MONETARY_VALUE The value of something in US or other currency. The value can be specific or approximate.
ORGANIZATION Companies and other groups of people defined by an established organizational structure.
PERSON The names or nicknames of individuals or fictional characters.
PERSON_TITLE Any title which describes a person, which is usually an employment category (such as CEO) or honorific (such as Mr.).
QUANTITY A number or value and the unit of measurement.
STOCK_CODE A stock ticker symbol, such as AMZN, an International Securities Identification Number (ISIN), Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP), or Stock Exchange Daily Official List (SEDOL).

Event types

Type Description
BANKRUPTCY A legal proceeding involving a person or company unable to repay outstanding debts.
EMPLOYMENT Occurs when an employee is hired, fired, retired, or otherwise changes employment state.
CORPORATE_ACQUISTION Occurs when a company obtains the possession of most or all of another company's shares or physical assets to gain control of that company.
INVESTMENT_GENERAL Occurs when a person or company purchases an asset with the prospect of generating future income or appreciation.
CORPORATE_MERGER Occurs when two or more companies unite to create a new legal entity.
IPO An initial public offering (IPO) of shares of a private corporation to the public in a new stock issuance.
RIGHTS_ISSUE A group of rights offered to existing shareholders to purchase additional stock shares, known as subscription warrants, in proportion to their existing holdings.
SECONDARY_OFFERING An offer of securities by a shareholder of a company.
SHELF_OFFERING A Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) provision that allows an issuer to register a new issue of security and sell portions of the issue over a period of time without re-registering the security or incurring penalties. Also known as a shelf registration.
TENDER_OFFERING An offer to purchase some or all of shareholders' shares in a company.
STOCK_SPLIT Occurs when a company's board of directors increases the number of shares that are outstanding by issuing more shares to current shareholders. This event also applies to reverse stock splits.

Argument types

Argument types for BANKRUPTCY
Argument type Description
FILER The person or company filing the bankruptcy.
DATE The date or time of bankruptcy.
PLACE Location or facility where (or nearest to where) the bankruptcy took place.
Argument types for EMPLOYMENT
Type Description
EMPLOYEE The person employed by a company.
EMPLOYEE_TITLE The title of the employee.
EMPLOYER The person or company employing the employee.
START_DATE The start date or time of the employment.
END_DATE The end date or time of the employment.
Type Description
AMOUNT The monetary value associated with the transaction.
INVESTEE The person or company associated with the investment.
INVESTOR The person or company investing in the asset.
DATE The date or time of the acquisition or investment.
PLACE Location where (or nearest to where) the acquisition or investment took place.
Argument types for CORPORATE_MERGER
Type Description
DATE The date or time of the merger.
NEW_COMPANY The new legal entity resulting from the merger.
PARTICIPANT The company involved in the merger.
Type Description
EXPIRE_DATE The expiration date or time of the offering.
INVESTOR The person or company investing in the asset.
OFFEREE The person or company receiving the offering.
OFFERING_AMOUNT The monetary value associated with the offering.
OFFERING_DATE The date or time of the offering.
OFFEROR The person or company initiating the offering.
OFFEROR_TOTAL_VALUE The total monetary value associated with the offering.
RECORD_DATE The record date or time of the offering.
SELLING_AGENT The person or company facilitating the sale of the offering.
SHARE_PRICE The monetary value associated with the share price.
SHARE_QUANTITY The number of shares associated with the offering.
UNDERWRITERS The company associated with the underwriting of the offering.
Argument types for STOCK_SPLIT
Type Description
COMPANY The company issuing shares of the stock split.
DATE The date or time of the stock split.
SPLIT_RATIO The ratio of the increased new number of shares outstanding to the current number of shares before the stock split.