Monitoring Amazon Comprehend endpoints - Amazon Comprehend

Monitoring Amazon Comprehend endpoints

You can adjust the throughput of your endpoint by increasing or decreasing the number of inference units (IUs). For more information on updating your endpoint, see Updating Amazon Comprehend endpoints.

You can determine how to best adjust your endpoint's throughput by monitoring its usage with the Amazon CloudWatch console.

Monitor your endpoint usage with CloudWatch
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console.

  2. On the left, choose Metrics and select All metrics.

  3. Under All metrics, choose Comprehend.

    Console display of the Metrics page showing the Comprehend panel.
  4. The CloudWatch console displays the dimensions for the Comprehend metrics. Choose the EndpointArn dimension.

    Console display of the Amazon Comprehend metrics page showing the EndpointArn dimension.

    The console displays ProvisionedInferenceUnits, RequestedInferenceUnits, ConsumedInferenceUnits, and InferenceUtilization for each of your endpoints.

    CloudWatch console showing the four metrics.

    Select the four metrics and navigate to the Graphed metrics tab.

  5. Set the Statistic columns for RequestedInferenceUnits and ConsumedInferenceUnits to Sum.

  6. Set the Statistic column for InferenceUtilization to Sum.

  7. Set the Statistic column for ProvisionedInferenceUnits to Average.

  8. Change the Period column for all metrics to 1 Minute.

  9. Select InferenceUtilization and select the arrow to move it to a separate Y Axis.

    Your graph is ready for analysis.

    Console display showing the graphed metrics.

Based on the CloudWatch metrics, you can also set up auto scaling to automatically adjust the throughput of your endpoint. For more information about using auto scaling with your endpoints, see Auto scaling with endpoints.

  • ProvisionedInferenceUnits - This metric represents the number of average provisioned IUs at the time the request was made.

  • RequestedInferenceUnits - This is based on the usage of each request submitted to the service that was sent to be processed. This can be helpful to compare the request sent to be processed to what was actually processed without getting throttling (ConsumedInferenceUnits). The value for this metric is calculated by taking the number of characters sent to be processed and dividing it by the number of characters that can be processed in a minute for 1 IU.

  • ConsumedInferenceUnits - This is based on the usage of each request submitted to the service that was successfully processed (not throttled). This can be helpful when you compare what you're consuming against your provisioned IUs. The value for this metric is calculated by taking the number of characters processed and dividing it by the number of characters that can be processed in a minute for 1 IU.

  • InferenceUtilization - This is emitted per request. This value is calculated by taking the consumed IUs defined in ConsumedInferenceUnits and dividing it by ProvisionedInferenceUnits and converting to a percentage out of 100.


All of the metrics are emitted only for successful requests. The metric won't appear if it's from a request that is throttled or fails with an internal server error or a customer error.