Monitoring AWS Config with Amazon EventBridge
Amazon EventBridge delivers a near real-time stream of system events that describe changes in AWS resources. Use Amazon EventBridge to detect and react to changes in the status of AWS Config events.
You can create a rule that runs whenever there is a state transition, or when there is a transition to one or more states that are of interest. Then, based on rules you create, Amazon EventBridge invokes one or more target actions when an event matches the values you specify in a rule. Depending on the type of event, you might want to send notifications, capture event information, take corrective action, initiate events, or take other actions.
Before you create event rules for AWS Config, however, you should do the following:
Familiarize yourself with events, rules, and targets in EventBridge. For more information, see What Is Amazon EventBridge?
For more information about how to get started with EventBridge and set up rules, see Getting started with Amazon EventBridge.
Create the target or targets you will use in your event rules.
Amazon EventBridge format for AWS Config
The EventBridge event for AWS Config has the following format:
{ "version": "0", "id": "cd4d811e-ab12-322b-8255-872ce65b1bc8", "detail-type": "
event type
", "source": "aws.config", "account": "111122223333", "time": "2018-03-22T00:38:11Z", "region": "us-east-1", "resources": [resources
], "detail": {specific message type
} }
Creating Amazon EventBridge Rule for AWS Config
Use the following steps to create an EventBridge rule that triggers on an event emitted by AWS Config. Events are emitted on a best effort basis.
In the navigation pane, choose Rules.
Choose Create rule.
Enter a name and description for the rule.
A rule can't have the same name as another rule in the same Region and on the same event bus.
An event bus receives events from a source, uses rules to evaluate them, applies any configured input transformation, and routes them to the appropriate target(s). Your account's default event bus receives events from AWS services. A custom event bus can receive events from your custom applications and services. A partner event bus receives events from an event source created by an SaaS partner. These events come from the partners services or applications. For more information, see Event buses in Amazon EventBridge in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.
For Rule type, choose Rule with an event pattern.
For Event source, choose AWS events or EventBridge partner events.
(Optional) For Sample event type, choose AWS events.
(Optional) For Sample events, choose the event type that triggers the rule:
Choose AWS API Call from CloudTrail to base rules on API calls made to this service. For more information about creating this type of rule, see Tutorial: Create an Amazon EventBridge rule for AWS CloudTrail API calls.
Choose Config Configuration Item Change to get notifications when a resource in your account changes.
As described in these support articles, you can use EventBridge to receive custom email notifications when a resource is created or deleted, How can I receive custom email notifications when a resource is created in my AWS account using AWS Config service?
and How can I receive custom email notifications when a resource is deleted in my AWS account using AWS Config service? . -
Choose Config Rules Compliance Change to get notifications when a compliance check to your rules fails.
As described in this support article, you can use EventBridge to receive custom email notifications when a resource is noncompliant, How can I be notified when an AWS resource is noncompliant using AWS Config?
. -
Choose Config Rules Re-evaluation Status to get reevaluation status notifications.
Choose Config Configuration Snapshot Delivery Status to get configuration snapshot delivery status notifications.
Choose Config Configuration History Delivery Status to get configuration history delivery status notifications.
For Creation method, choose Use pattern form.
For Event source, choose AWS services.
For AWS service, choose Config.
For Event type, choose the event type that triggers the rule:
Choose All Events to make a rule that applies to all AWS services. If you choose this option, you cannot choose specific message types, rule names, resource types, or resource IDs.
Choose AWS API Call from CloudTrail to base rules on API calls made to this service. For more information about creating this type of rule, see Tutorial: Create an Amazon EventBridge rule for AWS CloudTrail API calls.
Choose Config Configuration Item Change to get notifications when a resource in your account changes.
As described in these support articles, you can use EventBridge to receive custom email notifications when a resource is created or deleted, How can I receive custom email notifications when a resource is created in my AWS account using AWS Config service?
and How can I receive custom email notifications when a resource is deleted in my AWS account using AWS Config service? . -
Choose Config Rules Compliance Change to get notifications when a compliance check to your rules fails.
As described in this support article, you can use EventBridge to receive custom email notifications when a resource is noncompliant, How can I be notified when an AWS resource is noncompliant using AWS Config?
. -
Choose Config Rules Re-evaluation Status to get reevaluation status notifications.
Choose Config Configuration Snapshot Delivery Status to get configuration snapshot delivery status notifications.
Choose Config Configuration History Delivery Status to get configuration history delivery status notifications.
Choose Any message type to receive notifications of any type. Choose Specific message type(s) to receive the following types of notifications:
If you choose ConfigurationItemChangeNotification, you receive messages when the configuration of a resource that AWS Config evaluates has changed.
If you choose ComplianceChangeNotification, you receive messages when the compliance type of a resource that AWS Config evaluates has changed.
If you choose ConfigRulesEvaluationStarted, you receive messages when AWS Config starts evaluating your rule against the specified resources.
If you choose ConfigurationSnapshotDeliveryCompleted, you receive messages when AWS Config successfully delivers the configuration snapshot to your Amazon S3 bucket.
If you choose ConfigurationSnapshotDeliveryFailed, you receive messages when AWS Config fails to deliver the configuration snapshot to your Amazon S3 bucket.
If you choose ConfigurationSnapshotDeliveryStarted, you receive messages when AWS Config starts delivering the configuration snapshot to your Amazon S3 bucket.
If you choose ConfigurationHistoryDeliveryCompleted, you receive messages when AWS Config successfully delivers the configuration history to your Amazon S3 bucket.
If you chose a specific event type from the Event Type dropdown list, choose Any resource type to make a rule that applies to all AWS Config supported resource types.
Or choose Specific resource type(s), and then type the AWS Config supported resource type (for example,
). -
If you chose a specific event type from the Event Type dropdown list, choose Any resource ID to include any AWS Config supported resource ID.
Or choose Specific resource ID(s), and then type the AWS Config supported resource ID (for example,
). -
If you chose a specific event type from the Event Type dropdown list, choose Any rule name to include any AWS Config supported rule.
Or choose Specific rule name(s), and then type the AWS Config supported rule (for example, required-tags).
For Select target(s), choose the type of target you have prepared to use with this rule, and then configure any additional options required by that type.
The fields displayed vary depending on the service you choose. Enter information specific to this target type as needed.
For many target types, EventBridge needs permissions to send events to the target. In these cases, EventBridge can create the IAM role needed for your rule to run.
To create an IAM role automatically, choose Create a new role for this specific resource.
To use an IAM role that you created earlier, choose Use existing role.
(Optional) Choose Add target to add another target for this rule.
(Optional) Enter one or more tags for the rule. For more information, see Amazon EventBridge tags.
Review your rule setup to make sure it meets your event-monitoring requirements.
Choose Create to confirm your selection.