Natural language query processor for AWS Config advanced queries - AWS Config

Natural language query processor for AWS Config advanced queries

The natural language query processor for advanced queries is in preview release for AWS Config and is subject to change.

The natural language query processor for advanced queries uses Amazon Bedrock, a generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) technology which allows you to enter prompts in plain English and convert them into a ready-to-use query format. With the natural language query processor, you can query your AWS account or across an AWS organization.

A prompt can be a question or a statement. For example, you can enter prompts such as "Which load balancers are created after January 1, 2024?" and “List all my lambda function that is running node js 16.”


The natural language query processor cannot do the following actions:

  • Generate queries from languages other than English.

  • Generate queries from prompts that do not relate to advanced queries.

  • Generate queries from prompts with more than 1000 characters.

  • Generate queries from follow-up corrections or from previous sessions.

  • Explain code that has been generated.

Query using the natural language query processor

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Config console at

  2. Choose Advanced queries from the left navigation to query your resource configurations for a single account and Region or for multiple accounts and Regions.

  3. On the Advanced queries page, choose New query to go to the Query editor.

    • (Optional) To run a query on an aggregator, create an aggregator. For more information, see Creating Aggregators for AWS Config.

    • If you've already set up an aggregator, in the query scope, choose the aggregator to run an advanced query on that aggregator. When you select an aggregator, consider adding the AWS account ID and AWS Region in the query statement to view that information in the results.

  4. In the Query editor, go to the Natural language query processor section. Enter a prompt in plain English, and then choose Generate. For examples, see Example prompts.

  5. After you generate a query, you can choose Copy (functionally equivalent to Ctrl+C) to copy the query to your clipboard, or choose Populate to editor. If populated to the editor, you can edit the generated query to fit your needs.

  6. To save this query to a new query, choose Save As.

    • In the Query Name field, update the name of the query.

    • In the Description field, update the description of the query.

    • Enter up to 50 unique tags for this query.

    • Choose Save.

  7. Choose Run. The query results display in the table below the query editor.

  8. Choose Export as to export the query results in CSV or JSON format.


    The query results are paginated. When you export, up to 500 results are exported.

    You can also use the APIs to retrieve all the results. The results are paginated and you can retrieve 100 results at a time.

Example prompts

The following are prompts and the generate queries which you can use as examples.

Example: What load balancers were created after January 1, 2024?

Prompt: What load balancers were created after January 1, 2024?

Generated query:

SELECT resourceId, resourceType, resourceCreationTime WHERE resourceType IN ('AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer', 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer') AND resourceCreationTime > '2024-01-01T00:00:00.0Z' ORDER BY resourceCreationTime DESC
Example: Which of my RDS database instances are publicly accessible?

Prompt: Which of my RDS database instances are publicly accessible?

Generated query:

SELECT resourceId, resourceType, configuration.publiclyAccessible WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::RDS::DBInstance' AND configuration.publiclyAccessible = true
Example: How many EC2 instances were created in last one year?

Prompt: How many EC2 instances were created in last one year?

Generated query:

SELECT COUNT(*) WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::EC2::Instance' AND resourceCreationTime BETWEEN '2023-05-10T16:56:25.000Z' AND '2024-05-10T16:56:25.000Z'
Example: How many EC2 instances do I have in each of my AWS accounts?

Prompt: How many EC2 instances do I have in each of my AWS accounts?

Generated query:

SELECT accountId, COUNT(*) WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::EC2::Instance' GROUP BY accountId'
Example: Which IAM roles have the managed policy AdministratorAccess attached?

Prompt: Which IAM roles have the managed policy AdministratorAccess attached?

Generated query:

SELECT resourceId, resourceName, resourceType WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::IAM::Role' AND configuration.attachedManagedPolicies.policyName = 'AdministratorAccess'
Example: EBS volumes without encryption

Prompt: EBS volumes without encryption

Generated query:

SELECT accountId WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::EC2::Volume' AND configuration.encrypted = false
Example: Get noncompliant resources

Prompt: Get noncompliant resources

Generated query:

SELECT resourceId, resourceType WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::Config::ResourceCompliance' AND configuration.complianceType = 'NON_COMPLIANT'
Example: List all my lambda function that is running node js 16

Prompt: List all my lambda function that is running node js 16

Generated query:

SELECT accountId, resourceName WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::Lambda::Function' AND configuration.runtime = 'nodejs16.x'
Example: What ACM certificates expire the next 30 days?

Prompt: What ACM certificates expire the next 30 days?

Generated query:

SELECT resourceId, configuration.domainName, configuration.notAfter WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::ACM::Certificate' AND configuration.notAfter BETWEEN '2024-05-10 16:59:53' AND '2024-06-10 16:59:53

The times in the generated query depend on the time when you enter the prompt.

Providing feedback

You can provide overall feedback about the natural language query processor or feedback about a specific generated query.

Providing feedback on the natural language query processor

Choose the Provide feedback button that appears above natural language query processor to the right. You can enter your satisfaction or dissatisfaction and provide feedback on how AWS Config can make the natural language query more helpful.


Do not disclose any personal, commercially sensitive, or confidential information.

Providing feedback on a specific generated query

You can provide your feedback on a generated query by choose the thumbs up or thumbs down button that appears below the generated query.

Region Support

The natural language query processor is supported in the following Regions.

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 HTTPS
US West (Oregon) us-west-2 HTTPS