Data Type Definitions - Amazon Connect

Data Type Definitions

Contacts Record

Column Type Description
instance_id string The ID of the AWS Connect instance.
aws_account_id string The ID of the AWS account that owns the contact.
contact_id string The ID of the contact in the contact record
initial_contact_id string The unique identifier for the contact associated with the first interaction between the customer and your contact center. Use the initial contact ID to track contacts between flows
previous_contact_id string The unique identifier for the contact before it was transferred. Use the previous contact ID to trace contacts between flows.
related_contact_id string Each time a contact is connected to an agent, a new contact record is created. The contact records for a contact are linked together through the contactId fields: related
next_contact_id string Each time a contact is connected to an agent, a new contact record is created. The contact records for a contact are linked together through the contactId fields: initial, next, previous
channel string The method used to contact your contact center: VOICE, CHAT, TASK.
initiation_method string How the contact was initiated. Valid values include: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, TRANSFER, CALLBACK, QUEUE_TRANSFER, EXTERNAL_OUTBOUND, MONITOR, DISCONNECT, and API
initiation_timestamp timestamp contact initiation timestamp
connected_to_system_timestamp timestamp The timestamp marking the time the contact connected to the system
last_update_timestamp timestamp Timestamp which shows the last time the data late touched a record in the data lake.
scheduled_timestamp timestamp The date and time when this contact was scheduled to trigger the flow to run, in UTC time. This is supported only for the task channel.
transfer_completed_timestamp timestamp The timestamp for the completion of the transfer
disconnect_timestamp timestamp contact disconnect timestamp
disconnect_reason string The reason for disconnect of the call
queue_duration_ms bigint The duration that a contact spent waiting in the queue in milliseconds.
queue_dequeue_timestamp timestamp The timestamp of contacts transferred out of the queue from another queue during a Customer queue flow.
queue_enqueue_timestamp timestamp The timestamp of contacts transferred into the queue from another queue during a Customer queue flow.
queue_name string The name of the queue
queue_arn string ARN of the queue
queue_id string ID of the queue
agent_connection_attempts bigint The number of contacts where a callback was attempted
agent_connected_to_agent_timestamp timestamp The timestamp for the connection between agents
agent_interaction_duration_ms bigint Total time that agents spent interacting with customers  in milliseconds
agent_customer_hold_duration_ms bigint Total time that agents and contact were on hold  in milliseconds
agent_number_of_holds bigint The count of contacts that were placed on hold by the agent
agent_longest_hold_duration_ms bigint The longest time, in whole seconds, that the customer was put on hold by the agent.
agent_after_contact_work_start_timestamp timestamp The timestamp marking the start of the AfterContactWork state
agent_after_contact_work_end_timestamp timestamp The timestamp marking the end of the AfterContactWork state
agent_after_contact_work_duration_ms bigint The total time that an agent spent doing ACW for a contact in milliseconds. In some businesses, also known as Call Wrap Up time.
attributes map(string,string) A contact attribute represents this data as a key-value pair. You might think of it as a field name together with the data entered into that field.
agent_username string The user name of the agent, as entered in their Amazon Connect user account.
agent_arn string The ARN of the agent, as created in their Amazon Connect user account.
agent_id string The ID of the agent, as created in their Amazon Connect user account.
instance_arn string The ARN of the AWS Connect instance.
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_1_name string The hierarchy name the agent is assigned to, for first level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_1_arn string The hierarchy ARN the agent is assigned to, for first level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_1_id string The hierarchy ID the agent is assigned to, for first level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_2_name string The hierarchy name the agent is assigned to, for second level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_2_arn string The hierarchy ARN the agent is assigned to, for second level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_2_id string The hierarchy ID the agent is assigned to, for second level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_3_name string The hierarchy name the agent is assigned to, for third level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_3_arn string The hierarchy ARN the agent is assigned to, for third level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_3_id string The hierarchy ID the agent is assigned to, for third level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_4_name string The hierarchy name the agent is assigned to, for forth level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_4_arn string The hierarchy ARN the agent is assigned to, for forth level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_4_id string The hierarchy ID the agent is assigned to, for fourth level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_5_name string The hierarchy name the agent is assigned to, for fifth level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_5_arn string The hierarchy ARN the agent is assigned to, for fifth level
agent_hierarchy_groups_level_5_id string The hierarchy ID the agent is assigned to, for fifth level
agent_routing_profile_name string The name of routing profile for the agent.
agent_routing_profile_arn string The ARN of routing profile for the agent.
agent_routing_profile_id string The ID of the routing profile for the agent.
aws_contact_trace_record_format_version string The record format version.
campaign_Id string The ID associated with an outbound campaign to assit with tracking campaigns
customer_endpoint_type string The type of the customer endpoint. Valid value is TELEPHONE_NUMBER.
customer_endpoint_address string The customer or external third party participant endpoint adress.
transferred_endpoint_type string The customer or external third party participant transferred endpoint type
transferred_endpoint_address string The customer or external third party participant transferred endpoint address.
system_endpoint_type string The type of the system endpoint. Valid value is TELEPHONE_NUMBER.
system_endpoint_address string The system endpoint type address
recording_deletion_reason string If the recording was deleted, this is the reason entered for the deletion.
recording_location string The location, in Amazon S3, for the recording.
recording_status string The recording status. Valid values: AVAILABLE | DELETED | NULL
recording_type string The recording type. Valid values: AUDIO
answering_machine_detection_Status string The status of whether an answering machine was detected
voice_id_result_authentication_result string The voice authentication information for the call.
voice_id_result_fraud_detection_watch_list_id string The fraud detection information for the call for watch list
voice_id_result_speaker_id string he fraud detection result produced by Voice ID, processed against the current session state and streamed audio of the speaker.
voice_id_result_fraud_detection_result string The fraud detection result information for the call.
voice_id_result_fraud_detection_fraudster_Id string The fraud detection information for the call detecting a fraudster.
external_third_party_interaction_duration_ms bigint The interaction duration for external third party in milliseconds
voice_id_result_authentication_minimum_speech_ms bigint The minimum authentication score required for a user to be authenticated. Values MIN 0 and MAX 100
voice_id_result_authentication_score bigint The minimum authentication score required for a user to be authenticated. Values MIN 0 and MAX 100
voice_id_result_authentication_score_threshold bigint The minimum authentication score required for a user to be authenticated. Values MIN 0 and MAX 100
voice_id_result_fraud_detection_risk_score_known_fraudster bigint The detection of fraudsters in a watchlist score for Known Fraudster category.
voice_id_result_fraud_detection_risk_score_synthetic_speech bigint This score is presented as a combined risk score for Voice Spoofing.
voice_id_result_fraud_detection_risk_score_voice_spoofing bigint The fraud risk score based on Voice Spoofing, such as playback of audio from Text-to-Speech systems recorded audio.
voice_id_result_fraud_detection_score_threshold bigint The threshold for detection of fraudsters in a watchlist that was set in the flow for the contact.
agent_pause_duration_ms bigint Agent pause duration for a contact in seconds.
voice_id_result_speaker_enrolled boolean Enrolled: The caller is enrolled in voice authentication.
voice_id_result_speaker_opted_out boolean Opted out: The caller has opted out of voice authentication.
media_streams_items array(struct(type:string)) Information about the media stream used during the contact. Valid values: AUDIO, VIDEO, CHAT
voice_id_result_fraud_detection_reasons_items array(string) Contains fraud types: Known Fraudster and Voice Spoofing.
tags_references_items map(string,string) Adds the specified tags to the specified resource.
contact_details map(string,string) The details for the contact between agent and caller
contact_evaluations map(string,struct(form_id:string,evaluation_arn:string,status:string, start_timestamp:timestamp,end_timestamp:timestamp,delete_timestamp:timestamp, export_location:string)) The list with the fields and data in the evaluation form.
references array(struct(name:string,type:string,value:string)) Contains links to other documents that are related to a contact. Type: URL | ATTACHMENT | NUMBER | STRING | DATE | EMAIL
agent_state_transitions array(struct(state_start_timestamp:timestamp,state_end_timestamp:timestamp, state:string)) Information about the state transitions of the agent
recordings array(struct(storage_type:string,location:string,media_stream_type:string, participant_type:string,fragment_start_number:string,fragment_stop_number:string, start_timestamp:timestamp,stop_timestamp:timestamp,status:string, deletion_reason:string)) Information about a voice recording, chat transcript, or screen recording
data_lake_last_processed_timestamp timestamp Timestamp which shows the last time the data late touched a record in the data lake. This can be include transformation and backfill. This field cannot be used to reliably determine data freshness

Contact Lens Conversational Analytics

Column Type Description
aws_account_id string The ID of the AWS account that owns the contact.
version string Indicates real-time or post call/chat analysis
instance_id string The ID of the AWS Connect instance.
instance_arn string The ARN of the AWS Connect instance.
contact_id string The ID of the contact being evaluated
channel string The method used to contact your contact center: VOICE, CHAT, TASK.
language_locale string Language used to analyze contact -
feature string Will always have the same value "contact_lens_conversational_analytics"
categories array(string) Array of categories assigned to the contact
disconnect_timestamp timestamp contact disconnect timestamp
greeting_time_agent_ms bigint First response time of agents on chat, indicating how quickly they engage with customers after joining the chat
non_talk_time_total_ms bigint Total non-talk time in a voice conversation. Non-talk time refers to the combined duration of hold time and periods of silence exceeding 3 seconds, during which neither the agent nor the customer is engaged in conversation
talk_time_total_ms bigint Time that was spent talking during a voice contact across either the customer or the agent.
talk_time_agent_ms bigint Time that was spent talking during a voice contact by the agent.
talk_time_customer_ms bigint Time that was spent talking during a voice contact by the customer.
total_conversation_duration_ms bigint The total time from the start of the conversation until the last word spoken by either the agent or the customer.
talk_speed_agent_wpm float Words per minute spoken by the agent
talk_speed_customer_wpm float Words per minute spoken by the customer
interruptions_time_total_ms bigint Amount of time agent or customer were speaking at the same time
interruptions_time_agent_ms bigint Amount of time the agent spoke while the customer was already speaking
interruptions_time_customer_ms bigint Amount of time the customer spoke while the agent was already speaking
interruptions_total_count bigint Count of times interuptions were detected during a conversation
interruptions_agent_count bigint Count of time an agent interuption was detected during a conversation
interruptions_customer_count bigint Count of times a customer interuption was detected during a conversation
sentiment_overall_score_agent float A sentiment score is an analysis of text, and a rating of whether it includes mostly positive, negative, or neutral language. This is overall sentiment score for the agent during the call. The overall sentiment score is the average of the scores assigned during each portion of the call.
sentiment_overall_score_customer float A sentiment score is an analysis of text, and a rating of whether it includes mostly positive, negative, or neutral language. This is overall sentiment score for customer during the call. The overall sentiment score is the average of the scores assigned during each portion of the call.
sentiment_interaction_score_customer_with_agent float A sentiment score is an analysis of text, and a rating of whether it includes mostly positive, negative, or neutral language. This is sentiment score of agent without customer.
sentiment_interaction_score_customer_without_agent float A sentiment score is an analysis of text, and a rating of whether it includes mostly positive, negative, or neutral language. This is sentiment score of customer without the agent.
sentiment_end_score_agent float A sentiment score is an analysis of text, and a rating of whether it includes mostly positive, negative, or neutral language. This is sentiment score for agentat the end of the call.
sentiment_end_score_customer float A sentiment score is an analysis of text, and a rating of whether it includes mostly positive, negative, or neutral language. This is sentiment score for customer at the end of the call.
response_time_average_agent_ms bigint For Chat, average time to send a response after the customers last message
response_time_average_customer_ms bigint For Chat, average time to send a response after the agents last message
response_time_maximum_agent_ms bigint For Chat, maximum time to send a response after the customers last message
response_time_maximum_customer_ms bigint For Chat, maximum time to send a response after the customers last message
data_lake_last_processed_timestamp timestamp Timestamp which shows the last time the data late touched a record in the data lake. This can be include transformation and backfill. This field cannot be used to reliably determine data freshness

Contact Statistic Record

Column Type Description
instance_id string The ID of the AWS Connect instance.
aws_account_id string The ID of the AWS account that owns the contact.
contact_id string The ID of the contact
channel string The method used to contact your contact center: VOICE, CHAT, TASK.
queue_id string ID of the queue
agent_id string ID of the agent
disconnect_timestamp timestamp contact disconnect timestamp
enqueue_timestamp timestamp The timestamp of contacts transferred into the queue from another queue during a Customer queue flow.
contact_flow_time_ms bigint The time a contact spent in a contact flow.
abandon_time_ms bigint The time that contacts waited in the queue before being abandoned.
queue_time_ms bigint The time that a contact spent waiting in the queue.
queue_answer_time_ms bigint The time that contacts waited in the queue before being answered by an agent.
handle_time_ms bigint The time that an agent spent on contacts. Agent interaction + Customer Hold + ACW
customer_hold_time_ms bigint The time that customers spent on hold after being connected to an agent.
agent_interaction_time_ms bigint The time that customer spent to interact with agent.
agent_interaction_outbound_time_ms bigint The time that agents spent interacting with a customer during an outbound contact.
agent_interaction_and_hold_time_ms bigint The time that customer spent to interact with agent and put on hold.
after_contact_work_time_ms bigint The time that an agent spent doing ACW for a contact.
after_contact_work_outbound_time_ms bigint The time that agents spent doing After Contact Work (ACW) for an outbound contact.
is_connected bigint A flag indicating whether a contact is connected to customer.
is_abandoned bigint A flag indicating whether a contact is abandoned. (Determined by not having been handled by an agent, not being transferred by a flow and not having a next contact.)
is_agent_hung_up_first bigint A flag indicating whether a contact is disconnected where the agent disconnected before the customer.
is_handled bigint A flag indicating whether call was handled
is_handled_incoming bigint A flag indicating whether a contact is an incoming contact that was handled by an agent, including inbound contacts and transferred contacts.
is_handled_outbound bigint A flag indicating whether a contact is an outbound contact that was handled by an agent.
is_callback_handled bigint A flag indicating whether a contact is a callback and handled by an agent.
is_api_handled bigint A flag indicating whether a contact is initiated using an Amazon Connect API operation and handled by an agent.
is_put_on_hold bigint A flag indicating whether a contact is put on hold.
is_hold_disconnect bigint A flag indicating whether a contact is disconnected while the customer was on hold.
is_hold_agent_disconnect bigint A flag indicating whether a contact is disconnected by the agent while the customer was on hold.
is_hold_customer_disconnect bigint A flag indicating whether a contact is disconnected by the customer while the customer was on hold.
is_incoming bigint A flag indicating whether a contact is an incoming contacts, including inbound contacts and transferred contacts.
is_callback_contact bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is callback.
is_api_contact bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is initiated using an Amazon Connect API operation.
is_queued bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is put in queue.
is_queued_and_handled bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is put in queue and handled by agent.
is_transferred_in bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is transferred in.
is_transferred_in_from_handled bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is transferred in from a contact handled by agent.
is_transferred_in_from_queued bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is transferred to the queue from another in a Transfer to queue contact flow.
is_transferred_out bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is transferred out.
is_transferred_out_from_handled bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is transferred in from a contact handled by agent.
is_transferred_out_from_queued bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is transferred from the queue to another queue in a Transfer to queue contact flow.
is_transferred_out_internal bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is transferred to an internal source.
is_transferred_out_external bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is transferred from the queue to an external source.
is_transferred_out_external_from_contact_flow bigint A flag indicate whether a contact is transferred to an external destination by contact flow.
data_lake_last_processed_timestamp timestamp Timestamp which shows the last time the data late touched a record in the data lake. This can be include transformation and backfill. This field cannot be used to reliably determine data freshness

Agent Queue Statistic Record

Column Type Description
aqsr_statistic_id string Unique name for the AQSR record
instance_id string The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.
user_id string The identifier of the user account.
routing_profile_id string ID of routing profile
agent_hierarchy_level_1_id string ID of level 1 Hierarchy Group
agent_hierarchy_level_2_id string ID of level 2 Hierarchy Group
agent_hierarchy_level_3_id string ID of level 3 Hierarchy Group
agent_hierarchy_level_4_id string ID of level 4 Hierarchy Group
agent_hierarchy_level_5_id string ID of level 5 Hierarchy Group
interval_start_time timestamp Timestamp of the conversation when interval started.
interval_end_time timestamp Timestamp of the conversation when interval ended.
published_date timestamp
aws_account_id string The ID of the AWS account that owns the contact.
queue_id string The identifier of the queue.
channel string The method used to contact your contact center: VOICE, CHAT, TASK.
queue_type string QueueType specifies the classification of the queue, indicating its intended use and behavior. Valid values for QueueType are STANDARD, which is a general-purpose queue where contacts wait before they are routed to and accepted by agents, and AGENT, which are created automatically for every agent user you add Amazon Connect.
agent_non_response bigint The count of contacts routed to an agent but not answered by that agent, including contacts abandoned by the customer.
contacts_offered bigint
contacts_handled bigint The count of contacts that were connected to an agent. It doesn't matter how the contact got to the agent. It could be a customer calling your contact center, or an agent calling the customer. It could be a contact transferred from one agent to another. It could be a contact where the agent answered it, but then they weren't sure what to do and they transferred the contact away again. As long as the agent was connected to the contact, it increments Contacts handled.
handle_time bigint The average time, from start to finish, that a contact was connected with an agent (average handled time). It includes talk time, hold time, After Contact Work (ACW) time, custom status time, and agent pause duration (which applies only to tasks). AHT is calculated by averaging the amount of time between the contact being answered by an agent and the conversation ending. It applies to both inbound and outbound calls.
agent_incoming_connecting_time bigint The total time between when a contact is initiated by Amazon Connect reserving the agent for the contact, and the agent is connected.
agent_outbound_connecting_time bigint Total time between when an outbound contact is initiated by Amazon Connect reserving the agent for the contact, and the agent is connected.
agent_callback_connecting_time bigint The total time between when a callback contact is initiated by Amazon Connect reserving the agent for the contact, and the agent is connected.
agent_api_connecting_time bigint The total time between when a contact is initiated using an Amazon Connect API, and the agent is connected.
incoming_connecting_attempts bigint The number of attempts initiated by Amazon Connect reserving the agent for the contact for INBOUND initiation type contacts
outbound_connecting_attempts bigint The number of attempts initiated by Amazon Connect reserving the agent for the contact for outbound initiation type contacts
callback_connecting_attempts bigint The number of contacts where a callback was attempted, but the customer did not pick up.
api_connecting_attempts bigint Used for calculating - Average agent incoming connecting time
data_lake_last_processed_timestamp timestamp Timestamp which shows the last time the data late touched a record in the data lake. This can be include transformation and backfill. This field cannot be used to reliably determine data freshness

Agent Statistic Record

Column Type Description
asr_statistic_id string
instance_id string The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.
user_id string The identifier of the user account.
routing_profile_id string ID of routing profile
agent_hierarchy_level_1_id string ID of level 1 Hierarchy Group
agent_hierarchy_level_2_id string ID of level 2 Hierarchy Group
agent_hierarchy_level_3_id string ID of level 3 Hierarchy Group
agent_hierarchy_level_4_id string ID of level 4 Hierarchy Group
agent_hierarchy_level_5_id string ID of level 5 Hierarchy Group
interval_start_time timestamp Timestamp of the conversation when interval started.
interval_end_time timestamp Timestamp of the conversation when interval ended.
published_date timestamp
aws_account_id string The ID of the AWS account that owns the contact.
online_time bigint Total time that an agent spent with their CCP set to a status other than Offline. This includes any time spent in a custom status. When you create a historical metrics reports, this metric can't be grouped or filtered by queue, phone number, or channels.
error_time bigint For a specific agent, the total time contacts were in an error status. This metric can't be grouped or filtered by queue.
non_productive_time bigint Total time that agents spent in a custom status. That is, their CCP status is other than Available or Offline. This metric doesn't mean that the agent was spending their time unproductively.
agent_idle_time bigint After the agent sets their status in the CCP to Available, this is the amount of time they weren't handling contacts + any time their contacts were in an Error state. Agent idle time doesn't include the amount of time from when Amazon Connect starts routing the contact to the agent, to when agent picks up or declines the contact.
agent_on_contact_time bigint Total time that an agent spent on one or multiple contacts, including Customer hold time and After contact work time. This does not include time spent on a contact while in a custom status or Offline status. (Custom status = the agent's CCP status is other than Available or Offline. For example, Training would be a custom status).
custom_state_time_01 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_02 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_03 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_04 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_05 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_06 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_07 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_08 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_09 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_10 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_11 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_12 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_13 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_14 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_15 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_16 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_17 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_18 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_19 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_20 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_21 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_22 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_23 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_24 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_25 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_26 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_27 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_28 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_29 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_30 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_31 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_32 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_33 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_34 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_35 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_36 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_37 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_38 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_39 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_40 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_41 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_42 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_43 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_44 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_45 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_46 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_47 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_48 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_49 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
custom_state_time_50 bigint Represents custom agent states defined by a customer. Ex: Coffee_break.
data_lake_last_processed_timestamp timestamp Timestamp which shows the last time the data late touched a record in the data lake. This can be include transformation and backfill. This field cannot be used to reliably determine data freshness

Contact Evaluation Record

Column Type Description
aws_account_id string The ID of the AWS account that owns the contact.
instance_id string The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.
evaluation_id string primary key, ID of the evaluation to disambiguate multiple evaluations done of the call with the same form (by different evaluators)
item_reference_id string primary key - may represent form/ section/ sub-section/ question depending on type
item_type string Defines "Form/Section/sub-section/question or indicates a deleted record
contact_id string The ID of the contact being evaluated
evaluation_submitted_timestamp timestamp Timestamp when contact was evaluated
score double Score out of 1 - 10 for questions; score out of 100% for sections/ forms
weighted_score double Score adding up to 100% of form, e.g. 2 sections - one of 80, other out of 20
automatic_fail boolean Boolean to indicate if automatic fail was applied
evaluator_id string user_ID of evaluator
numeric_answer double Value for question where answer type is numeric
answer_reference_id string for single select answer type
to_delete boolean Set to true if Form/Section/sub-section/question was deleted
disconnect_timestamp timestamp contact disconnect timestamp
initiation_timestamp timestamp contact initiation timestamp
user_id string user_id of person being evaluated
queue_id string queue_id of queue which contact was handled from
channel string The method used to contact your contact center: VOICE, CHAT, TASK.
contact_aggregation_timestamp timestamp Timestamp used for building aggregated agent, queue and weekly aggregation tables
evaluated_contact_with_status string The status of the evaluated contact evaluation. Valid Values: DRAFT | SUBMITTED
data_lake_last_processed_timestamp timestamp Timestamp which shows the last time the data late touched a record in the data lake. This can be include transformation and backfill. This field cannot be used to reliably determine data freshness

Contact Flow Events

Column Type Description
instance_id string The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.
event_id string The ID of the contact as it interacts with the flow
aws_account_id string The ID of the AWS account that owns the contact.
instance_arn string The ARN of the AWS Connect instance.
contact_id string The ID of the contact in the contact record
flow_resource_id string Contact flow Id
module_resource_id string Module Id
resource_version string Version of the contact flow used
resource_type string Can be flow or module
channel string The method used to contact your contact center: VOICE, CHAT, TASK.
start_timestamp timestamp Date and time of the start event in unix epoch, UTC
end_timestamp timestamp Date and time of the end event    in unix epoch, UTC
next_flow_resource_id string Next contact flow resourceId
next_queue_resource_id string Next queue resourceId
next_resource_type string It can be flow or queue
flow_language_version string Flow language version
flow_outcome string This will contain the system defined and custom outcomes
sub_type string This field can be used to show channel subtype. For example, connect:Guide or connect:SMS.
flow_type string Amazon Connect includes a set of nine flow types. For more information, see Choose a flow type.
initiation_method string Every contact in your Amazon Connect contact center is initiated by one of the following methods: Inbound, Outbound, Transfer, Callback, API, Queue Transfer, Disconnect
resource_published_timestamp timestamp "Creation" or "revision" date of the flow itself
data_lake_last_processed_timestamp timestamp Timestamp which shows the last time the data late touched a record in the data lake. This can be include transformation and backfill. This field cannot be used to reliably determine data freshness