Data model for conversational analytics segment streams to analyze voice contacts in Contact Lens - Amazon Connect

Data model for conversational analytics segment streams to analyze voice contacts in Contact Lens

Real-time contact analysis segment streams are generated in JSON. Event JSON blobs are published to the associated stream for every contact that has real-time conversational analytics enabled. The following types of events can be published for a conversational analytics session for a voice contact:

  • STARTED events—Each conversational analytics session publishes one STARTED event at the beginning of the session.

  • SEGMENTS events—Each conversational analytics session may publish zero or more SEGMENTS events during the session. These events contain a list of segments with analyzed information. For voice contacts, the list of segments may include "Utterance", "Transcript", "Categories", or "PostContactSummary" segments.

  • COMPLETED or FAILED events—Each conversational analytics session publishes one COMPLETED or FAILED event at the end of the session.

Common properties included in all events for voice contacts

Every event includes the following properties:


The version of the event schema.

Type: String


The type of channel for this contact.

Type: String

Valid values: VOICE, CHAT, TASK

For more information about channels, see Channels and concurrency for routing contacts in Amazon Connect.


The identifier of the account where this contact takes place.

Type: String


The identifier of the contact being analyzed.

Type: String


The identifier of the instance where this contact takes place.

Type: String


The language code associated to this contact.

Type: String

Valid values: the language code for one of the supported languages for Contact Lens real-time call analytics.


The type of event published.

Type: String



STARTED events include only the common properties:

  • Version

  • Channel

  • AccountId

  • ContactId

  • LanguageCode

  • EventType: STARTED


SEGMENTS events include the following properties:

  • Version

  • Channel

  • AccountId

  • ContactId

  • LanguageCode

  • EventType: SEGMENTS

  • Segments: In addition to the common properties, SEGMENTS events include a list of segments with analyzed information.

    Type: Array of Segment objects

  • PostContactSummary: Information about the post-contact summary for a voice contact segment.

    Type: PostContactSummary objects

    Required: No


An analyzed segment for a real-time analysis session.

Each segment is an object with the following optional properties. Only one of these properties is present, depending on the segment type:

  • Utterance

  • Transcript

  • Categories

  • PostContactSummary


The analyzed utterance.

Required: No

  • Id

    The identifier of the utterance.

    Type: String

  • TranscriptId

    The identifier of the transcript associated to this utterance.

    Type: String

  • ParticipantId

    The identifier of the participant.

    Type: String

  • ParticipantRole

    The role of participant. For example, is it a customer, agent, or system.

    Type: String

  • PartialContent

    The content of the utterance.

    Type: String

  • BeginOffsetMillis

    The beginning offset in the contact for this transcript.

    Type: Integer

  • EndOffsetMillis

    The end offset in the contact for this transcript.

    Type: Integer


The analyzed transcript.

Type: Transcript object

Required: No


The matched category rules.

Type: Categories object

Required: No


Information about the post-contact summary for a voice contact segment.

Type: PostContactSummary object

Required: No


COMPLETED events include only the following common properties:

  • Version

  • Channel

  • AccountId

  • ContactId

  • LanguageCode

  • EventType: COMPLETED

FAILED event

FAILED events include only the following common properties:

  • Version

  • Channel

  • AccountId

  • ContactId

  • LanguageCode

  • EventType: FAILED