Flow block: Set voice - Amazon Connect

Flow block: Set voice


  • Sets the text-to-speech (TTS) language and voice to use for the contact flow.

  • The default voice is configured to Joanna (Conversational speaking style).

  • You can choose Override speaking style to make it and other voices Neural Voices. Neural voices make automated conversations sound more lifelike by improving the pitch, inflection, intonation, and tempo.

    For a list of supported neural voices, see Neural Voices in the Amazon Polly Developer Guide.

  • After this block is run, any TTS invocation resolves to the neural or standard voice selected.

  • If this block is triggered during a chat conversation, the contact goes down the Success branch. It has no effect on the chat experience.

Supported channels

The following table lists how this block routes a contact who is using the specified channel.

Channel Supported?




No - Success branch


No - Success branch

Flow types

You can use this block in the following flow types:

  • All flows


The following image shows the Properties page of the Set voice block. It is configured for English, the voice is Joanna, and the speech style is Conversational.

The properties page of the Set voice block.

For voices that support only neural speaking styles but not standard, the Override speaking style is automatically selected. You do not have the option to clear it.

Use an Amazon Lex V2 bot with Amazon Connect

If you're using an Amazon Lex V2 bot, your language attribute in Amazon Connect must match the language model used to build your Lex bot. This is different than Amazon Lex (Classic).

  • If you build an Amazon Lex V2 bot with a different language model—for example, en_AU, fr_FR, es_ES, and more—under Voice, choose a voice that corresponds to that language, and then must choose Set language attribute, as shown in the following image.

  • If you're not using an en-US voice with an Amazon Lex V2 bot and don't choose Set language attribute, the Get customer input block results in an error.

  • For bots with multiple languages (for example, en_AU and en_GB) choose Set language attribute for one of the languages, as shown in the following image.

The properties page of the Set voice block configured for English (Australia).

Configuration tips

Configured block

The following image shows an example of what this block looks like when it is configured. It has the following branch: Success.

A configured Set voice block.


See these topics for scenarios that use this block: