Alternatives for version control of source code in AFT - AWS Control Tower

Alternatives for version control of source code in AFT

AFT natively uses AWS CodeCommit for a source code version control system (VCS), but it allows other CodeConnections that meet your business requirements or existing architecture. You can specify a third-party VCS as part of the AFT deployment prerequisites.

AFT supports the following source code control alternatives:
  • GitHub

  • GitHub Enterprise Server

  • BitBucket

If you select AWS CodeCommit as your VCS, no additional steps are required. By default, AFT creates the necessary git repositories in your environment, with default names. However, you can override the default repository names for CodeCommit, as needed, to comply with your organizational standards.

Set up an alternative source code version control system (custom VCS) with AFT

To set up an alternative source code version control system for your AFT deployment, follow these steps.

Step 1: Create git repositories in a supported third-party version control system (VCS).

If you are not using AWS CodeCommit, you must create git repositories in your AFT-supported, third-party VCS provider environment for the following items.

Step 2: Specify the VCS configuration parameters required for AFT deployment

The following input parameters are needed to configure your VCS provider as part of the AFT deployment.

  • vcs_provider: If you are not using AWS CodeCommit, specify the VCS provider as "bitbucket", "github", or "githubenterprise", based on your use case.

  • github_enterprise_url: For GitHub Enterprise customers only, specify the GitHub URL.

  • account_request_repo_name: By default, this value is set to aft-account-request for AWS CodeCommit users. If you created your repository with a new name in CodeCommit or in an AFT-supported, third-party VCS provider environment, update this input value with your actual repository name. For BitBucket, Github, and GitHub Enterprise, the repository name must have the format [Org]/[Repo].

  • account_customizations_repo_name: By default, this value is set to aft-account-customizations for AWS CodeCommit users. If you created repository with a new name in CodeCommit or in an AFT-supported, third-party VCS provider environment, update this input value with your repository name. For BitBucket, Github, and GitHub Enterprise, the repository name must have the format [Org]/[Repo].

  • account_provisioning_customizations_repo_name: By default, this value is set to aft-account-provisioning-customizations for AWS CodeCommit users. If you created repository with a new name in AWS CodeCommit or in an AFT- supported, third-party VCS provider environment, update this input value with your repository name. For BitBucket, Github, and GitHub Enterprise, the repository name must have the format [Org]/[Repo].

  • global_customizations_repo_name: By default, this value is set to aft-global-customizations for AWS CodeCommit users. If you created repository with a new name in CodeCommit or in an AFT-supported, third-party VCS provider environment, update this input value with your repository name. For BitBucket, Github, and GitHub Enterprise, the repository name must have the format [Org]/[Repo].

  • account_request_repo_branch: The branch is main by default, but the value can be overridden.

By default, AFT sources from the main branch of each git repository. You can override the branch name value with an additional input parameter. For more information about input parameters, refer to the README file in the AFT Terraform module.

Step 3: Complete the AWS CodeStar connection for third-party VCS providers

When your deployment runs, AFT either creates the required AWS CodeCommit repositories, or it creates an AWS CodeStar connection for your chosen third-party VCS provider. In case of the latter, you must manually sign in to the AFT management account’s console to complete the pending AWS CodeStar connection. See the AWS CodeStar documentation for further instructions on completing the AWS CodeStar connection.