Getting Started with NICE DCV - NICE DCV

Getting Started with NICE DCV

To use NICE DCV, install the NICE DCV server software on a server. The NICE DCV server software is used to create a secure session. You install and run your applications on the server. The server uses its hardware to perform the high-performance processing that the installed applications require. Your users access the application by remotely connecting to the session using a NICE DCV client application. When the connection is established, the NICE DCV server software compresses the visual output of the application and streams it back to the client application in an encrypted pixel stream. The client application receives the compressed pixel stream, decrypts it, and then outputs it to the local display.

After you choose a NICE DCV client and connect to it, you are able to interact with the NICE DCV session. For more information about using the NICE DCV clients to interact with sessions, see Using NICE DCV.