Class | Description |
ActionGroupExecutor |
Contains details about the Lambda function containing the business logic that is carried out upon invoking the action
or the custom control method for handling the information elicited from the user.
ActionGroupSummary |
Contains details about an action group.
Agent |
Contains details about an agent.
AgentActionGroup |
Contains details about an action group.
AgentAlias |
Contains details about an alias of an agent.
AgentAliasHistoryEvent |
Contains details about the history of the alias.
AgentAliasRoutingConfigurationListItem |
Contains details about the routing configuration of the alias.
AgentAliasSummary |
Contains details about an alias of an agent.
AgentFlowNodeConfiguration |
Defines an agent node in your flow.
AgentKnowledgeBase |
Contains details about a knowledge base that is associated with an agent.
AgentKnowledgeBaseSummary |
Contains details about a knowledge base associated with an agent.
AgentSummary |
Contains details about an agent.
AgentVersion |
Contains details about a version of an agent.
AgentVersionSummary |
Contains details about a version of an agent.
APISchema |
Contains details about the OpenAPI schema for the action group.
AssociateAgentKnowledgeBaseRequest | |
AssociateAgentKnowledgeBaseResult | |
BedrockEmbeddingModelConfiguration |
The vector configuration details for the Bedrock embeddings model.
BedrockFoundationModelConfiguration |
Settings for a foundation model used to parse documents for a data source.
ChunkingConfiguration |
Details about how to chunk the documents in the data source.
CollectorFlowNodeConfiguration |
Defines a collector node in your flow.
ConditionFlowNodeConfiguration |
Defines a condition node in your flow.
ConfluenceCrawlerConfiguration |
The configuration of the Confluence content.
ConfluenceDataSourceConfiguration |
The configuration information to connect to Confluence as your data source.
ConfluenceSourceConfiguration |
The endpoint information to connect to your Confluence data source.
CrawlFilterConfiguration |
The configuration of filtering the data source content.
CreateAgentActionGroupRequest | |
CreateAgentActionGroupResult | |
CreateAgentAliasRequest | |
CreateAgentAliasResult | |
CreateAgentRequest | |
CreateAgentResult | |
CreateDataSourceRequest | |
CreateDataSourceResult | |
CreateFlowAliasRequest | |
CreateFlowAliasResult | |
CreateFlowRequest | |
CreateFlowResult | |
CreateFlowVersionRequest | |
CreateFlowVersionResult | |
CreateKnowledgeBaseRequest | |
CreateKnowledgeBaseResult | |
CreatePromptRequest | |
CreatePromptResult | |
CreatePromptVersionRequest | |
CreatePromptVersionResult | |
CustomTransformationConfiguration |
Settings for customizing steps in the data source content ingestion pipeline.
DataSource |
Contains details about a data source.
DataSourceConfiguration |
The connection configuration for the data source.
DataSourceSummary |
Contains details about a data source.
DeleteAgentActionGroupRequest | |
DeleteAgentActionGroupResult | |
DeleteAgentAliasRequest | |
DeleteAgentAliasResult | |
DeleteAgentRequest | |
DeleteAgentResult | |
DeleteAgentVersionRequest | |
DeleteAgentVersionResult | |
DeleteDataSourceRequest | |
DeleteDataSourceResult | |
DeleteFlowAliasRequest | |
DeleteFlowAliasResult | |
DeleteFlowRequest | |
DeleteFlowResult | |
DeleteFlowVersionRequest | |
DeleteFlowVersionResult | |
DeleteKnowledgeBaseRequest | |
DeleteKnowledgeBaseResult | |
DeletePromptRequest | |
DeletePromptResult | |
DisassociateAgentKnowledgeBaseRequest | |
DisassociateAgentKnowledgeBaseResult | |
EmbeddingModelConfiguration |
The configuration details for the embeddings model.
FixedSizeChunkingConfiguration |
Configurations for when you choose fixed-size chunking.
FlowAliasRoutingConfigurationListItem |
Contains information about a version that the alias maps to.
FlowAliasSummary |
Contains information about an alias of a flow.
FlowCondition |
Defines a condition in the condition node.
FlowConditionalConnectionConfiguration |
The configuration of a connection between a condition node and another node.
FlowConnection |
Contains information about a connection between two nodes in the flow.
FlowConnectionConfiguration |
The configuration of the connection.
FlowDataConnectionConfiguration |
The configuration of a connection originating from a node that isn't a Condition node.
FlowDefinition |
The definition of the nodes and connections between nodes in the flow.
FlowNode |
Contains configurations about a node in the flow.
FlowNodeConfiguration |
Contains configurations for a node in your flow.
FlowNodeInput |
Contains configurations for an input to a node.
FlowNodeOutput |
Contains configurations for an output from a node.
FlowSummary |
Contains the definition of a flow.
FlowValidation |
Contains information about validation of the flow.
FlowVersionSummary |
Contains information about the flow version.
Function |
Defines parameters that the agent needs to invoke from the user to complete the function.
FunctionSchema |
Defines functions that each define parameters that the agent needs to invoke from the user.
GetAgentActionGroupRequest | |
GetAgentActionGroupResult | |
GetAgentAliasRequest | |
GetAgentAliasResult | |
GetAgentKnowledgeBaseRequest | |
GetAgentKnowledgeBaseResult | |
GetAgentRequest | |
GetAgentResult | |
GetAgentVersionRequest | |
GetAgentVersionResult | |
GetDataSourceRequest | |
GetDataSourceResult | |
GetFlowAliasRequest | |
GetFlowAliasResult | |
GetFlowRequest | |
GetFlowResult | |
GetFlowVersionRequest | |
GetFlowVersionResult | |
GetIngestionJobRequest | |
GetIngestionJobResult | |
GetKnowledgeBaseRequest | |
GetKnowledgeBaseResult | |
GetPromptRequest | |
GetPromptResult | |
GuardrailConfiguration |
Details about the guardrail associated with an agent.
HierarchicalChunkingConfiguration |
Settings for hierarchical document chunking for a data source.
HierarchicalChunkingLevelConfiguration |
Token settings for a layer in a hierarchical chunking configuration.
InferenceConfiguration |
Contains inference parameters to use when the agent invokes a foundation model in the part of the agent sequence
defined by the
promptType . |
IngestionJob |
Contains details about an ingestion job, which converts a data source to embeddings for a vector store in knowledge
IngestionJobFilter |
Defines a filter by which to filter the results.
IngestionJobSortBy |
Parameters by which to sort the results.
IngestionJobStatistics |
Contains the statistics for the ingestion job.
IngestionJobSummary |
Contains details about an ingestion job.
InputFlowNodeConfiguration |
Contains configurations for the input flow node for a flow.
IntermediateStorage |
A location for storing content from data sources temporarily as it is processed by custom components in the ingestion
IteratorFlowNodeConfiguration |
Contains configurations for an iterator node in a flow.
KnowledgeBase |
Contains information about a knowledge base.
KnowledgeBaseConfiguration |
Contains details about the embeddings configuration of the knowledge base.
KnowledgeBaseFlowNodeConfiguration |
Contains configurations for a knowledge base node in a flow.
KnowledgeBaseSummary |
Contains details about a knowledge base.
LambdaFunctionFlowNodeConfiguration |
Contains configurations for a Lambda function node in the flow.
LexFlowNodeConfiguration |
Contains configurations for a Lex node in the flow.
ListAgentActionGroupsRequest | |
ListAgentActionGroupsResult | |
ListAgentAliasesRequest | |
ListAgentAliasesResult | |
ListAgentKnowledgeBasesRequest | |
ListAgentKnowledgeBasesResult | |
ListAgentsRequest | |
ListAgentsResult | |
ListAgentVersionsRequest | |
ListAgentVersionsResult | |
ListDataSourcesRequest | |
ListDataSourcesResult | |
ListFlowAliasesRequest | |
ListFlowAliasesResult | |
ListFlowsRequest | |
ListFlowsResult | |
ListFlowVersionsRequest | |
ListFlowVersionsResult | |
ListIngestionJobsRequest | |
ListIngestionJobsResult | |
ListKnowledgeBasesRequest | |
ListKnowledgeBasesResult | |
ListPromptsRequest | |
ListPromptsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
MemoryConfiguration |
Details of the memory configuration.
MongoDbAtlasConfiguration |
Contains details about the storage configuration of the knowledge base in MongoDB Atlas.
MongoDbAtlasFieldMapping |
Contains the names of the fields to which to map information about the vector store.
OpenSearchServerlessConfiguration |
Contains details about the storage configuration of the knowledge base in Amazon OpenSearch Service.
OpenSearchServerlessFieldMapping |
Contains the names of the fields to which to map information about the vector store.
OutputFlowNodeConfiguration |
Contains configurations for an output flow node in the flow.
ParameterDetail |
Contains details about a parameter in a function for an action group.
ParsingConfiguration |
Settings for parsing document contents.
ParsingPrompt |
Instructions for interpreting the contents of a document.
PatternObjectFilter |
The specific filters applied to your data source content.
PatternObjectFilterConfiguration |
The configuration of filtering certain objects or content types of the data source.
PineconeConfiguration |
Contains details about the storage configuration of the knowledge base in Pinecone.
PineconeFieldMapping |
Contains the names of the fields to which to map information about the vector store.
PrepareAgentRequest | |
PrepareAgentResult | |
PrepareFlowRequest | |
PrepareFlowResult | |
PromptConfiguration |
Contains configurations to override a prompt template in one part of an agent sequence.
PromptFlowNodeConfiguration |
Contains configurations for a prompt node in the flow.
PromptFlowNodeInlineConfiguration |
Contains configurations for a prompt defined inline in the node.
PromptFlowNodeResourceConfiguration |
Contains configurations for a prompt from Prompt management to use in a node.
PromptFlowNodeSourceConfiguration |
Contains configurations for a prompt and whether it is from Prompt management or defined inline.
PromptInferenceConfiguration |
Contains inference configurations for the prompt.
PromptInputVariable |
Contains information about a variable in the prompt.
PromptModelInferenceConfiguration |
Contains inference configurations related to model inference for a prompt.
PromptOverrideConfiguration |
Contains configurations to override prompts in different parts of an agent sequence.
PromptSummary |
Contains information about a prompt in your Prompt management tool.
PromptTemplateConfiguration |
Contains the message for a prompt.
PromptVariant |
Contains details about a variant of the prompt.
RdsConfiguration |
Contains details about the storage configuration of the knowledge base in Amazon RDS.
RdsFieldMapping |
Contains the names of the fields to which to map information about the vector store.
RedisEnterpriseCloudConfiguration |
Contains details about the storage configuration of the knowledge base in Redis Enterprise Cloud.
RedisEnterpriseCloudFieldMapping |
Contains the names of the fields to which to map information about the vector store.
RetrievalFlowNodeConfiguration |
Contains configurations for a Retrieval node in a flow.
RetrievalFlowNodeS3Configuration |
Contains configurations for the Amazon S3 location from which to retrieve data to return as the output from the node.
RetrievalFlowNodeServiceConfiguration |
Contains configurations for the service to use for retrieving data to return as the output from the node.
S3DataSourceConfiguration |
The configuration information to connect to Amazon S3 as your data source.
S3Identifier |
The identifier information for an Amazon S3 bucket.
S3Location |
An Amazon S3 location.
SalesforceCrawlerConfiguration |
The configuration of the Salesforce content.
SalesforceDataSourceConfiguration |
The configuration information to connect to Salesforce as your data source.
SalesforceSourceConfiguration |
The endpoint information to connect to your Salesforce data source.
SeedUrl |
The seed or starting point URL.
SemanticChunkingConfiguration |
Settings for semantic document chunking for a data source.
ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration |
Contains the configuration for server-side encryption.
SharePointCrawlerConfiguration |
The configuration of the SharePoint content.
SharePointDataSourceConfiguration |
The configuration information to connect to SharePoint as your data source.
SharePointSourceConfiguration |
The endpoint information to connect to your SharePoint data source.
StartIngestionJobRequest | |
StartIngestionJobResult | |
StorageConfiguration |
Contains the storage configuration of the knowledge base.
StorageFlowNodeConfiguration |
Contains configurations for a Storage node in a flow.
StorageFlowNodeS3Configuration |
Contains configurations for the Amazon S3 location in which to store the input into the node.
StorageFlowNodeServiceConfiguration |
Contains configurations for the service to use for storing the input into the node.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TextPromptTemplateConfiguration |
Contains configurations for a text prompt template.
Transformation |
A custom processing step for documents moving through a data source ingestion pipeline.
TransformationFunction |
A Lambda function that processes documents.
TransformationLambdaConfiguration |
A Lambda function that processes documents.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateAgentActionGroupRequest | |
UpdateAgentActionGroupResult | |
UpdateAgentAliasRequest | |
UpdateAgentAliasResult | |
UpdateAgentKnowledgeBaseRequest | |
UpdateAgentKnowledgeBaseResult | |
UpdateAgentRequest | |
UpdateAgentResult | |
UpdateDataSourceRequest | |
UpdateDataSourceResult | |
UpdateFlowAliasRequest | |
UpdateFlowAliasResult | |
UpdateFlowRequest | |
UpdateFlowResult | |
UpdateKnowledgeBaseRequest | |
UpdateKnowledgeBaseResult | |
UpdatePromptRequest | |
UpdatePromptResult | |
UrlConfiguration |
The configuration of web URLs that you want to crawl.
ValidationExceptionField |
Stores information about a field passed inside a request that resulted in an validation error.
VectorIngestionConfiguration |
Contains details about how to ingest the documents in a data source.
VectorKnowledgeBaseConfiguration |
Contains details about the model used to create vector embeddings for the knowledge base.
WebCrawlerConfiguration |
The configuration of web URLs that you want to crawl.
WebCrawlerLimits |
The rate limits for the URLs that you want to crawl.
WebDataSourceConfiguration |
The configuration details for the web data source.
WebSourceConfiguration |
The configuration of the URL/URLs for the web content that you want to crawl.
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
The request is denied because of missing access permissions.
AWSBedrockAgentException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Agents for Amazon Bedrock
ConflictException |
There was a conflict performing an operation.
InternalServerException |
An internal server error occurred.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The specified resource Amazon Resource Name (ARN) was not found.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
The number of requests exceeds the service quota.
ThrottlingException |
The number of requests exceeds the limit.
ValidationException |
Input validation failed.