AppInstanceUserMembershipSummary |
Summary of the membership details of an AppInstanceUser .
AssociateChannelFlowRequest |
AssociateChannelFlowResult |
BatchChannelMemberships |
The membership information, including member ARNs, the channel ARN, and membership types.
BatchCreateChannelMembershipError |
A list of failed member ARNs, error codes, and error messages.
BatchCreateChannelMembershipRequest |
BatchCreateChannelMembershipResult |
Channel |
The details of a channel.
ChannelAssociatedWithFlowSummary |
Summary of details of a channel associated with channel flow.
ChannelBan |
The details of a channel ban.
ChannelBanSummary |
Summary of the details of a ChannelBan .
ChannelFlow |
The details of a channel flow.
ChannelFlowCallbackRequest |
ChannelFlowCallbackResult |
ChannelFlowSummary |
Summary of details of a channel flow.
ChannelMembership |
The details of a channel member.
ChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserSummary |
Summary of the channel membership details of an AppInstanceUser .
ChannelMembershipPreferences |
The channel membership preferences for an AppInstanceUser .
ChannelMembershipSummary |
Summary of the details of a ChannelMembership .
ChannelMessage |
The details of a message in a channel.
ChannelMessageCallback |
Stores information about a callback.
ChannelMessageStatusStructure |
Stores information about a message status.
ChannelMessageSummary |
Summary of the messages in a Channel .
ChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserSummary |
Summary of the details of a moderated channel.
ChannelModerator |
The details of a channel moderator.
ChannelModeratorSummary |
Summary of the details of a ChannelModerator .
ChannelSummary |
Summary of the details of a Channel .
CreateChannelBanRequest |
CreateChannelBanResult |
CreateChannelFlowRequest |
CreateChannelFlowResult |
CreateChannelMembershipRequest |
CreateChannelMembershipResult |
CreateChannelModeratorRequest |
CreateChannelModeratorResult |
CreateChannelRequest |
CreateChannelResult |
DeleteChannelBanRequest |
DeleteChannelBanResult |
DeleteChannelFlowRequest |
DeleteChannelFlowResult |
DeleteChannelMembershipRequest |
DeleteChannelMembershipResult |
DeleteChannelMessageRequest |
DeleteChannelMessageResult |
DeleteChannelModeratorRequest |
DeleteChannelModeratorResult |
DeleteChannelRequest |
DeleteChannelResult |
DeleteMessagingStreamingConfigurationsRequest |
DeleteMessagingStreamingConfigurationsResult |
DescribeChannelBanRequest |
DescribeChannelBanResult |
DescribeChannelFlowRequest |
DescribeChannelFlowResult |
DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserRequest |
DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserResult |
DescribeChannelMembershipRequest |
DescribeChannelMembershipResult |
DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest |
DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserResult |
DescribeChannelModeratorRequest |
DescribeChannelModeratorResult |
DescribeChannelRequest |
DescribeChannelResult |
DisassociateChannelFlowRequest |
DisassociateChannelFlowResult |
ElasticChannelConfiguration |
The attributes required to configure and create an elastic channel.
ExpirationSettings |
Settings that control the interval after which a channel is deleted.
GetChannelMembershipPreferencesRequest |
GetChannelMembershipPreferencesResult |
GetChannelMessageRequest |
GetChannelMessageResult |
GetChannelMessageStatusRequest |
GetChannelMessageStatusResult |
GetMessagingSessionEndpointRequest |
GetMessagingSessionEndpointResult |
GetMessagingStreamingConfigurationsRequest |
GetMessagingStreamingConfigurationsResult |
Identity |
The details of a user or bot.
LambdaConfiguration |
Stores metadata about a Lambda processor.
ListChannelBansRequest |
ListChannelBansResult |
ListChannelFlowsRequest |
ListChannelFlowsResult |
ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserRequest |
ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserResult |
ListChannelMembershipsRequest |
ListChannelMembershipsResult |
ListChannelMessagesRequest |
ListChannelMessagesResult |
ListChannelModeratorsRequest |
ListChannelModeratorsResult |
ListChannelsAssociatedWithChannelFlowRequest |
ListChannelsAssociatedWithChannelFlowResult |
ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest |
ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserResult |
ListChannelsRequest |
ListChannelsResult |
ListSubChannelsRequest |
ListSubChannelsResult |
ListTagsForResourceRequest |
ListTagsForResourceResult |
MessageAttributeValue |
A list of message attribute values.
MessagingSessionEndpoint |
The websocket endpoint used to connect to Amazon Chime SDK messaging.
Processor |
The information about a processor in a channel flow.
ProcessorConfiguration |
A processor's metadata.
PushNotificationConfiguration |
The push notification configuration of the message.
PushNotificationPreferences |
The channel membership preferences for push notification.
PutChannelExpirationSettingsRequest |
PutChannelExpirationSettingsResult |
PutChannelMembershipPreferencesRequest |
PutChannelMembershipPreferencesResult |
PutMessagingStreamingConfigurationsRequest |
PutMessagingStreamingConfigurationsResult |
RedactChannelMessageRequest |
RedactChannelMessageResult |
SearchChannelsRequest |
SearchChannelsResult |
SearchField |
A Field of the channel that you want to search.
SendChannelMessageRequest |
SendChannelMessageResult |
StreamingConfiguration |
The configuration for connecting a messaging stream to Amazon Kinesis.
SubChannelSummary |
Summary of the sub-channels associated with the elastic channel.
Tag |
A tag object containing a key-value pair.
TagResourceRequest |
TagResourceResult |
Target |
The target of a message, a sender, a user, or a bot.
UntagResourceRequest |
UntagResourceResult |
UpdateChannelFlowRequest |
UpdateChannelFlowResult |
UpdateChannelMessageRequest |
UpdateChannelMessageResult |
UpdateChannelReadMarkerRequest |
UpdateChannelReadMarkerResult |
UpdateChannelRequest |
UpdateChannelResult |