AddFacetToObjectRequest |
AddFacetToObjectResult |
ApplySchemaRequest |
ApplySchemaResult |
AttachObjectRequest |
AttachObjectResult |
AttachPolicyRequest |
AttachPolicyResult |
AttachToIndexRequest |
AttachToIndexResult |
AttachTypedLinkRequest |
AttachTypedLinkResult |
AttributeKey |
A unique identifier for an attribute.
AttributeKeyAndValue |
The combination of an attribute key and an attribute value.
AttributeNameAndValue |
Identifies the attribute name and value for a typed link.
BatchAddFacetToObject |
Represents the output of a batch add facet to object operation.
BatchAddFacetToObjectResponse |
The result of a batch add facet to object operation.
BatchAttachObject |
BatchAttachObjectResponse |
Represents the output batch AttachObject response operation.
BatchAttachPolicy |
BatchAttachPolicyResponse |
Represents the output of an AttachPolicy response operation.
BatchAttachToIndex |
Attaches the specified object to the specified index inside a BatchRead operation.
BatchAttachToIndexResponse |
BatchAttachTypedLink |
Attaches a typed link to a specified source and target object inside a BatchRead operation.
BatchAttachTypedLinkResponse |
BatchCreateIndex |
Creates an index object inside of a BatchRead operation.
BatchCreateIndexResponse |
Represents the output of a CreateIndex response operation.
BatchCreateObject |
BatchCreateObjectResponse |
BatchDeleteObject |
BatchDeleteObjectResponse |
BatchDetachFromIndex |
Detaches the specified object from the specified index inside a BatchRead operation.
BatchDetachFromIndexResponse |
BatchDetachObject |
BatchDetachObjectResponse |
BatchDetachPolicy |
Detaches the specified policy from the specified directory inside a BatchWrite operation.
BatchDetachPolicyResponse |
BatchDetachTypedLink |
Detaches a typed link from a specified source and target object inside a BatchRead operation.
BatchDetachTypedLinkResponse |
BatchGetLinkAttributes |
Retrieves attributes that are associated with a typed link inside a BatchRead operation.
BatchGetLinkAttributesResponse |
BatchGetObjectAttributes |
Retrieves attributes within a facet that are associated with an object inside an BatchRead operation.
BatchGetObjectAttributesResponse |
BatchGetObjectInformation |
Retrieves metadata about an object inside a BatchRead operation.
BatchGetObjectInformationResponse |
BatchListAttachedIndices |
Lists indices attached to an object inside a BatchRead operation.
BatchListAttachedIndicesResponse |
BatchListIncomingTypedLinks |
BatchListIncomingTypedLinksResponse |
BatchListIndex |
Lists objects attached to the specified index inside a BatchRead operation.
BatchListIndexResponse |
Represents the output of a ListIndex response operation.
BatchListObjectAttributes |
BatchListObjectAttributesResponse |
BatchListObjectChildren |
BatchListObjectChildrenResponse |
BatchListObjectParentPaths |
Retrieves all available parent paths for any object type such as node, leaf node, policy node, and index node objects
inside a BatchRead operation.
BatchListObjectParentPathsResponse |
BatchListObjectParents |
Lists parent objects that are associated with a given object in pagination fashion.
BatchListObjectParentsResponse |
BatchListObjectPolicies |
Returns policies attached to an object in pagination fashion inside a BatchRead operation.
BatchListObjectPoliciesResponse |
BatchListOutgoingTypedLinks |
BatchListOutgoingTypedLinksResponse |
BatchListPolicyAttachments |
Returns all of the ObjectIdentifiers to which a given policy is attached inside a BatchRead
BatchListPolicyAttachmentsResponse |
BatchLookupPolicy |
Lists all policies from the root of the Directory to the object specified inside a BatchRead operation.
BatchLookupPolicyResponse |
BatchReadException |
The batch read exception structure, which contains the exception type and message.
BatchReadOperation |
Represents the output of a BatchRead operation.
BatchReadOperationResponse |
Represents the output of a BatchRead response operation.
BatchReadRequest |
BatchReadResult |
BatchReadSuccessfulResponse |
Represents the output of a BatchRead success response operation.
BatchRemoveFacetFromObject |
A batch operation to remove a facet from an object.
BatchRemoveFacetFromObjectResponse |
An empty result that represents success.
BatchUpdateLinkAttributes |
Updates a given typed link’s attributes inside a BatchRead operation.
BatchUpdateLinkAttributesResponse |
BatchUpdateObjectAttributes |
Represents the output of a BatchUpdate operation.
BatchUpdateObjectAttributesResponse |
Represents the output of a BatchUpdate response operation.
BatchWriteOperation |
Represents the output of a BatchWrite operation.
BatchWriteOperationResponse |
Represents the output of a BatchWrite response operation.
BatchWriteRequest |
BatchWriteResult |
CreateDirectoryRequest |
CreateDirectoryResult |
CreateFacetRequest |
CreateFacetResult |
CreateIndexRequest |
CreateIndexResult |
CreateObjectRequest |
CreateObjectResult |
CreateSchemaRequest |
CreateSchemaResult |
CreateTypedLinkFacetRequest |
CreateTypedLinkFacetResult |
DeleteDirectoryRequest |
DeleteDirectoryResult |
DeleteFacetRequest |
DeleteFacetResult |
DeleteObjectRequest |
DeleteObjectResult |
DeleteSchemaRequest |
DeleteSchemaResult |
DeleteTypedLinkFacetRequest |
DeleteTypedLinkFacetResult |
DetachFromIndexRequest |
DetachFromIndexResult |
DetachObjectRequest |
DetachObjectResult |
DetachPolicyRequest |
DetachPolicyResult |
DetachTypedLinkRequest |
DetachTypedLinkResult |
Directory |
Directory structure that includes the directory name and directory ARN.
DisableDirectoryRequest |
DisableDirectoryResult |
EnableDirectoryRequest |
EnableDirectoryResult |
Facet |
A structure that contains Name , ARN , Attributes , Rules ,
and ObjectTypes .
FacetAttribute |
An attribute that is associated with the Facet.
FacetAttributeDefinition |
A facet attribute definition.
FacetAttributeReference |
The facet attribute reference that specifies the attribute definition that contains the attribute facet name and
attribute name.
FacetAttributeUpdate |
A structure that contains information used to update an attribute.
GetAppliedSchemaVersionRequest |
GetAppliedSchemaVersionResult |
GetDirectoryRequest |
GetDirectoryResult |
GetFacetRequest |
GetFacetResult |
GetLinkAttributesRequest |
GetLinkAttributesResult |
GetObjectAttributesRequest |
GetObjectAttributesResult |
GetObjectInformationRequest |
GetObjectInformationResult |
GetSchemaAsJsonRequest |
GetSchemaAsJsonResult |
GetTypedLinkFacetInformationRequest |
GetTypedLinkFacetInformationResult |
IndexAttachment |
Represents an index and an attached object.
LinkAttributeAction |
The action to take on a typed link attribute value.
LinkAttributeUpdate |
Structure that contains attribute update information.
ListAppliedSchemaArnsRequest |
ListAppliedSchemaArnsResult |
ListAttachedIndicesRequest |
ListAttachedIndicesResult |
ListDevelopmentSchemaArnsRequest |
ListDevelopmentSchemaArnsResult |
ListDirectoriesRequest |
ListDirectoriesResult |
ListFacetAttributesRequest |
ListFacetAttributesResult |
ListFacetNamesRequest |
ListFacetNamesResult |
ListIncomingTypedLinksRequest |
ListIncomingTypedLinksResult |
ListIndexRequest |
ListIndexResult |
ListManagedSchemaArnsRequest |
ListManagedSchemaArnsResult |
ListObjectAttributesRequest |
ListObjectAttributesResult |
ListObjectChildrenRequest |
ListObjectChildrenResult |
ListObjectParentPathsRequest |
ListObjectParentPathsResult |
ListObjectParentsRequest |
ListObjectParentsResult |
ListObjectPoliciesRequest |
ListObjectPoliciesResult |
ListOutgoingTypedLinksRequest |
ListOutgoingTypedLinksResult |
ListPolicyAttachmentsRequest |
ListPolicyAttachmentsResult |
ListPublishedSchemaArnsRequest |
ListPublishedSchemaArnsResult |
ListTagsForResourceRequest |
ListTagsForResourceResult |
ListTypedLinkFacetAttributesRequest |
ListTypedLinkFacetAttributesResult |
ListTypedLinkFacetNamesRequest |
ListTypedLinkFacetNamesResult |
LookupPolicyRequest |
LookupPolicyResult |
ObjectAttributeAction |
The action to take on the object attribute.
ObjectAttributeRange |
A range of attributes.
ObjectAttributeUpdate |
Structure that contains attribute update information.
ObjectIdentifierAndLinkNameTuple |
A pair of ObjectIdentifier and LinkName.
ObjectReference |
The reference that identifies an object.
PathToObjectIdentifiers |
Returns the path to the ObjectIdentifiers that is associated with the directory.
PolicyAttachment |
Contains the PolicyType , PolicyId , and the ObjectIdentifier to which it is
PolicyToPath |
Used when a regular object exists in a Directory and you want to find all of the policies that are associated
with that object and the parent to that object.
PublishSchemaRequest |
PublishSchemaResult |
PutSchemaFromJsonRequest |
PutSchemaFromJsonResult |
RemoveFacetFromObjectRequest |
RemoveFacetFromObjectResult |
Rule |
Contains an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and parameters that are associated with the rule.
SchemaFacet |
A facet.
Tag |
The tag structure that contains a tag key and value.
TagResourceRequest |
TagResourceResult |
TypedAttributeValue |
Represents the data for a typed attribute.
TypedAttributeValueRange |
A range of attribute values.
TypedLinkAttributeDefinition |
A typed link attribute definition.
TypedLinkAttributeRange |
Identifies the range of attributes that are used by a specified filter.
TypedLinkFacet |
Defines the typed links structure and its attributes.
TypedLinkFacetAttributeUpdate |
A typed link facet attribute update.
TypedLinkSchemaAndFacetName |
Identifies the schema Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and facet name for the typed link.
TypedLinkSpecifier |
Contains all the information that is used to uniquely identify a typed link.
UntagResourceRequest |
UntagResourceResult |
UpdateFacetRequest |
UpdateFacetResult |
UpdateLinkAttributesRequest |
UpdateLinkAttributesResult |
UpdateObjectAttributesRequest |
UpdateObjectAttributesResult |
UpdateSchemaRequest |
UpdateSchemaResult |
UpdateTypedLinkFacetRequest |
UpdateTypedLinkFacetResult |
UpgradeAppliedSchemaRequest |
UpgradeAppliedSchemaResult |
UpgradePublishedSchemaRequest |
UpgradePublishedSchemaResult |