Class | Description |
ActivateEventSourceRequest | |
ActivateEventSourceResult | |
ApiDestination |
Contains details about an API destination.
Archive |
Archive object that contains details about an archive. |
AwsVpcConfiguration |
This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be
BatchArrayProperties |
The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array.
BatchParameters |
The custom parameters to be used when the target is an Batch job.
BatchRetryStrategy |
The retry strategy to use for failed jobs, if the target is an Batch job.
CancelReplayRequest | |
CancelReplayResult | |
CapacityProviderStrategyItem |
The details of a capacity provider strategy.
Condition |
A JSON string which you can use to limit the event bus permissions you are granting to only accounts that fulfill the
Connection |
Contains information about a connection.
ConnectionApiKeyAuthResponseParameters |
Contains the authorization parameters for the connection if API Key is specified as the authorization type.
ConnectionAuthResponseParameters |
Contains the authorization parameters to use for the connection.
ConnectionBasicAuthResponseParameters |
Contains the authorization parameters for the connection if Basic is specified as the authorization type.
ConnectionBodyParameter |
Additional parameter included in the body.
ConnectionHeaderParameter |
Additional parameter included in the header.
ConnectionHttpParameters |
Contains additional parameters for the connection.
ConnectionOAuthClientResponseParameters |
Contains the client response parameters for the connection when OAuth is specified as the authorization type.
ConnectionOAuthResponseParameters |
Contains the response parameters when OAuth is specified as the authorization type.
ConnectionQueryStringParameter |
Additional query string parameter for the connection.
CreateApiDestinationRequest | |
CreateApiDestinationResult | |
CreateArchiveRequest | |
CreateArchiveResult | |
CreateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters |
Contains the API key authorization parameters for the connection.
CreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters |
Contains the authorization parameters for the connection.
CreateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters |
Contains the Basic authorization parameters to use for the connection.
CreateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters |
Contains the Basic authorization parameters to use for the connection.
CreateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters |
Contains the OAuth authorization parameters to use for the connection.
CreateConnectionRequest | |
CreateConnectionResult | |
CreateEventBusRequest | |
CreateEventBusResult | |
CreatePartnerEventSourceRequest | |
CreatePartnerEventSourceResult | |
DeactivateEventSourceRequest | |
DeactivateEventSourceResult | |
DeadLetterConfig |
DeadLetterConfig object that contains information about a dead-letter queue configuration. |
DeauthorizeConnectionRequest | |
DeauthorizeConnectionResult | |
DeleteApiDestinationRequest | |
DeleteApiDestinationResult | |
DeleteArchiveRequest | |
DeleteArchiveResult | |
DeleteConnectionRequest | |
DeleteConnectionResult | |
DeleteEventBusRequest | |
DeleteEventBusResult | |
DeletePartnerEventSourceRequest | |
DeletePartnerEventSourceResult | |
DeleteRuleRequest | |
DeleteRuleResult | |
DescribeApiDestinationRequest | |
DescribeApiDestinationResult | |
DescribeArchiveRequest | |
DescribeArchiveResult | |
DescribeConnectionRequest | |
DescribeConnectionResult | |
DescribeEventBusRequest | |
DescribeEventBusResult | |
DescribeEventSourceRequest | |
DescribeEventSourceResult | |
DescribePartnerEventSourceRequest | |
DescribePartnerEventSourceResult | |
DescribeReplayRequest | |
DescribeReplayResult | |
DescribeRuleRequest | |
DescribeRuleResult | |
DisableRuleRequest | |
DisableRuleResult | |
EcsParameters |
The custom parameters to be used when the target is an Amazon ECS task.
EnableRuleRequest | |
EnableRuleResult | |
EventBus |
An event bus receives events from a source and routes them to rules associated with that event bus.
EventSource |
A partner event source is created by an SaaS partner.
HttpParameters |
These are custom parameter to be used when the target is an API Gateway REST APIs or EventBridge ApiDestinations.
InputTransformer |
Contains the parameters needed for you to provide custom input to a target based on one or more pieces of data
extracted from the event.
KinesisParameters |
This object enables you to specify a JSON path to extract from the event and use as the partition key for the Amazon
Kinesis data stream, so that you can control the shard to which the event goes.
ListApiDestinationsRequest | |
ListApiDestinationsResult | |
ListArchivesRequest | |
ListArchivesResult | |
ListConnectionsRequest | |
ListConnectionsResult | |
ListEventBusesRequest | |
ListEventBusesResult | |
ListEventSourcesRequest | |
ListEventSourcesResult | |
ListPartnerEventSourceAccountsRequest | |
ListPartnerEventSourceAccountsResult | |
ListPartnerEventSourcesRequest | |
ListPartnerEventSourcesResult | |
ListReplaysRequest | |
ListReplaysResult | |
ListRuleNamesByTargetRequest | |
ListRuleNamesByTargetResult | |
ListRulesRequest | |
ListRulesResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListTargetsByRuleRequest | |
ListTargetsByRuleResult | |
NetworkConfiguration |
This structure specifies the network configuration for an ECS task.
PartnerEventSource |
A partner event source is created by an SaaS partner.
PartnerEventSourceAccount |
The Amazon Web Services account that a partner event source has been offered to.
PlacementConstraint |
An object representing a constraint on task placement.
PlacementStrategy |
The task placement strategy for a task or service.
PutEventsRequest | |
PutEventsRequestEntry |
Represents an event to be submitted.
PutEventsResult | |
PutEventsResultEntry |
Represents an event that failed to be submitted.
PutPartnerEventsRequest | |
PutPartnerEventsRequestEntry |
The details about an event generated by an SaaS partner.
PutPartnerEventsResult | |
PutPartnerEventsResultEntry |
Represents an event that a partner tried to generate, but failed.
PutPermissionRequest | |
PutPermissionResult | |
PutRuleRequest | |
PutRuleResult | |
PutTargetsRequest | |
PutTargetsResult | |
PutTargetsResultEntry |
Represents a target that failed to be added to a rule.
RedshiftDataParameters |
These are custom parameters to be used when the target is a Amazon Redshift cluster to invoke the Amazon Redshift
Data API ExecuteStatement based on EventBridge events.
RemovePermissionRequest | |
RemovePermissionResult | |
RemoveTargetsRequest | |
RemoveTargetsResult | |
RemoveTargetsResultEntry |
Represents a target that failed to be removed from a rule.
Replay |
Replay object that contains details about a replay. |
ReplayDestination |
ReplayDestination object that contains details about a replay. |
RetryPolicy |
RetryPolicy object that includes information about the retry policy settings. |
Rule |
Contains information about a rule in Amazon EventBridge.
RunCommandParameters |
This parameter contains the criteria (either InstanceIds or a tag) used to specify which EC2 instances are to be sent
the command.
RunCommandTarget |
Information about the EC2 instances that are to be sent the command, specified as key-value pairs.
SageMakerPipelineParameter |
Name/Value pair of a parameter to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline.
SageMakerPipelineParameters |
These are custom parameters to use when the target is a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline that starts based on
EventBridge events.
SqsParameters |
This structure includes the custom parameter to be used when the target is an SQS FIFO queue.
StartReplayRequest | |
StartReplayResult | |
Tag |
A key-value pair associated with an Amazon Web Services resource.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
Target |
Targets are the resources to be invoked when a rule is triggered.
TestEventPatternRequest | |
TestEventPatternResult | |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateApiDestinationRequest | |
UpdateApiDestinationResult | |
UpdateArchiveRequest | |
UpdateArchiveResult | |
UpdateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters |
Contains the API key authorization parameters to use to update the connection.
UpdateConnectionAuthRequestParameters |
Contains the additional parameters to use for the connection.
UpdateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters |
Contains the Basic authorization parameters for the connection.
UpdateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters |
Contains the OAuth authorization parameters to use for the connection.
UpdateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters |
Contains the OAuth request parameters to use for the connection.
UpdateConnectionRequest | |
UpdateConnectionResult |
Exception | Description |
AmazonCloudWatchEventsException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Amazon CloudWatch Events
ConcurrentModificationException |
There is concurrent modification on a rule, target, archive, or replay.
IllegalStatusException |
An error occurred because a replay can be canceled only when the state is Running or Starting.
InternalException |
This exception occurs due to unexpected causes.
InvalidEventPatternException |
The event pattern is not valid.
InvalidStateException |
The specified state is not a valid state for an event source.
LimitExceededException |
The request failed because it attempted to create resource beyond the allowed service quota.
ManagedRuleException |
This rule was created by an Amazon Web Services service on behalf of your account.
OperationDisabledException |
The operation you are attempting is not available in this region.
PolicyLengthExceededException |
The event bus policy is too long.
ResourceAlreadyExistsException |
The resource you are trying to create already exists.
ResourceNotFoundException |
An entity that you specified does not exist.