Class | Description |
AccountAggregationSource |
A collection of accounts and regions.
AggregateComplianceByConfigRule |
Indicates whether an Config rule is compliant based on account ID, region, compliance, and rule name.
AggregateComplianceByConformancePack |
Provides aggregate compliance of the conformance pack.
AggregateComplianceCount |
Returns the number of compliant and noncompliant rules for one or more accounts and regions in an aggregator.
AggregateConformancePackCompliance |
Provides the number of compliant and noncompliant rules within a conformance pack.
AggregateConformancePackComplianceCount |
The number of conformance packs that are compliant and noncompliant.
AggregateConformancePackComplianceFilters |
Filters the conformance packs based on an account ID, region, compliance type, and the name of the conformance pack.
AggregateConformancePackComplianceSummary |
Provides a summary of compliance based on either account ID or region.
AggregateConformancePackComplianceSummaryFilters |
Filters the results based on account ID and region.
AggregatedSourceStatus |
The current sync status between the source and the aggregator account.
AggregateEvaluationResult |
The details of an Config evaluation for an account ID and region in an aggregator.
AggregateResourceIdentifier |
The details that identify a resource that is collected by Config aggregator, including the resource type, ID, (if
available) the custom resource name, the source account, and source region.
AggregationAuthorization |
An object that represents the authorizations granted to aggregator accounts and regions.
BaseConfigurationItem |
The detailed configurations of a specified resource.
BatchGetAggregateResourceConfigRequest | |
BatchGetAggregateResourceConfigResult | |
BatchGetResourceConfigRequest | |
BatchGetResourceConfigResult | |
Compliance |
Indicates whether an Amazon Web Services resource or Config rule is compliant and provides the number of contributors
that affect the compliance.
ComplianceByConfigRule |
Indicates whether an Config rule is compliant.
ComplianceByResource |
Indicates whether an Amazon Web Services resource that is evaluated according to one or more Config rules is
ComplianceContributorCount |
The number of Amazon Web Services resources or Config rules responsible for the current compliance of the item, up to
a maximum number.
ComplianceSummary |
The number of Config rules or Amazon Web Services resources that are compliant and noncompliant.
ComplianceSummaryByResourceType |
The number of Amazon Web Services resources of a specific type that are compliant or noncompliant, up to a maximum of
100 for each.
ConfigExportDeliveryInfo |
Provides status of the delivery of the snapshot or the configuration history to the specified Amazon S3 bucket.
ConfigRule |
Config rules evaluate the configuration settings of your Amazon Web Services resources.
ConfigRuleComplianceFilters |
Filters the compliance results based on account ID, region, compliance type, and rule name.
ConfigRuleComplianceSummaryFilters |
Filters the results based on the account IDs and regions.
ConfigRuleEvaluationStatus |
Status information for your Config Managed rules and Config Custom Policy rules.
ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties |
Provides options for how often Config delivers configuration snapshots to the Amazon S3 bucket in your delivery
ConfigStreamDeliveryInfo |
A list that contains the status of the delivery of the configuration stream notification to the Amazon SNS topic.
ConfigurationAggregator |
The details about the configuration aggregator, including information about source accounts, regions, and metadata of
the aggregator.
ConfigurationItem |
A list that contains detailed configurations of a specified resource.
ConfigurationRecorder |
Records configuration changes to your specified resource types.
ConfigurationRecorderStatus |
The current status of the configuration recorder.
ConformancePackComplianceFilters |
Filters the conformance pack by compliance types and Config rule names.
ConformancePackComplianceScore |
A compliance score is the percentage of the number of compliant rule-resource combinations in a conformance pack
compared to the number of total possible rule-resource combinations in the conformance pack.
ConformancePackComplianceScoresFilters |
A list of filters to apply to the conformance pack compliance score result set.
ConformancePackComplianceSummary |
Summary includes the name and status of the conformance pack.
ConformancePackDetail |
Returns details of a conformance pack.
ConformancePackEvaluationFilters |
Filters a conformance pack by Config rule names, compliance types, Amazon Web Services resource types, and resource
ConformancePackEvaluationResult |
The details of a conformance pack evaluation.
ConformancePackInputParameter |
Input parameters in the form of key-value pairs for the conformance pack, both of which you define.
ConformancePackRuleCompliance |
Compliance information of one or more Config rules within a conformance pack.
ConformancePackStatusDetail |
Status details of a conformance pack.
CustomPolicyDetails |
Provides the runtime system, policy definition, and whether debug logging enabled.
DeleteAggregationAuthorizationRequest | |
DeleteAggregationAuthorizationResult | |
DeleteConfigRuleRequest |
DeleteConfigRuleResult | |
DeleteConfigurationAggregatorRequest | |
DeleteConfigurationAggregatorResult | |
DeleteConfigurationRecorderRequest |
The request object for the
DeleteConfigurationRecorder action. |
DeleteConfigurationRecorderResult | |
DeleteConformancePackRequest | |
DeleteConformancePackResult | |
DeleteDeliveryChannelRequest |
The input for the DeleteDeliveryChannel action.
DeleteDeliveryChannelResult | |
DeleteEvaluationResultsRequest |
DeleteEvaluationResultsResult |
The output when you delete the evaluation results for the specified Config rule.
DeleteOrganizationConfigRuleRequest | |
DeleteOrganizationConfigRuleResult | |
DeleteOrganizationConformancePackRequest | |
DeleteOrganizationConformancePackResult | |
DeletePendingAggregationRequestRequest | |
DeletePendingAggregationRequestResult | |
DeleteRemediationConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteRemediationConfigurationResult | |
DeleteRemediationExceptionsRequest | |
DeleteRemediationExceptionsResult | |
DeleteResourceConfigRequest | |
DeleteResourceConfigResult | |
DeleteRetentionConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteRetentionConfigurationResult | |
DeleteStoredQueryRequest | |
DeleteStoredQueryResult | |
DeliverConfigSnapshotRequest |
The input for the DeliverConfigSnapshot action.
DeliverConfigSnapshotResult |
The output for the DeliverConfigSnapshot action, in JSON format.
DeliveryChannel |
The channel through which Config delivers notifications and updated configuration states.
DeliveryChannelStatus |
The status of a specified delivery channel.
DescribeAggregateComplianceByConfigRulesRequest | |
DescribeAggregateComplianceByConfigRulesResult | |
DescribeAggregateComplianceByConformancePacksRequest | |
DescribeAggregateComplianceByConformancePacksResult | |
DescribeAggregationAuthorizationsRequest | |
DescribeAggregationAuthorizationsResult | |
DescribeComplianceByConfigRuleRequest |
DescribeComplianceByConfigRuleResult |
DescribeComplianceByResourceRequest |
DescribeComplianceByResourceResult |
DescribeConfigRuleEvaluationStatusRequest |
DescribeConfigRuleEvaluationStatusResult |
DescribeConfigRulesFilters |
Returns a filtered list of Detective or Proactive Config rules.
DescribeConfigRulesRequest |
DescribeConfigRulesResult |
DescribeConfigurationAggregatorSourcesStatusRequest | |
DescribeConfigurationAggregatorSourcesStatusResult | |
DescribeConfigurationAggregatorsRequest | |
DescribeConfigurationAggregatorsResult | |
DescribeConfigurationRecordersRequest |
The input for the DescribeConfigurationRecorders action.
DescribeConfigurationRecordersResult |
The output for the DescribeConfigurationRecorders action.
DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatusRequest |
The input for the DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatus action.
DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatusResult |
The output for the DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatus action, in JSON format.
DescribeConformancePackComplianceRequest | |
DescribeConformancePackComplianceResult | |
DescribeConformancePacksRequest | |
DescribeConformancePacksResult | |
DescribeConformancePackStatusRequest | |
DescribeConformancePackStatusResult | |
DescribeDeliveryChannelsRequest |
The input for the DescribeDeliveryChannels action.
DescribeDeliveryChannelsResult |
The output for the DescribeDeliveryChannels action.
DescribeDeliveryChannelStatusRequest |
The input for the DeliveryChannelStatus action.
DescribeDeliveryChannelStatusResult |
The output for the DescribeDeliveryChannelStatus action.
DescribeOrganizationConfigRulesRequest | |
DescribeOrganizationConfigRulesResult | |
DescribeOrganizationConfigRuleStatusesRequest | |
DescribeOrganizationConfigRuleStatusesResult | |
DescribeOrganizationConformancePacksRequest | |
DescribeOrganizationConformancePacksResult | |
DescribeOrganizationConformancePackStatusesRequest | |
DescribeOrganizationConformancePackStatusesResult | |
DescribePendingAggregationRequestsRequest | |
DescribePendingAggregationRequestsResult | |
DescribeRemediationConfigurationsRequest | |
DescribeRemediationConfigurationsResult | |
DescribeRemediationExceptionsRequest | |
DescribeRemediationExceptionsResult | |
DescribeRemediationExecutionStatusRequest | |
DescribeRemediationExecutionStatusResult | |
DescribeRetentionConfigurationsRequest | |
DescribeRetentionConfigurationsResult | |
Evaluation |
Identifies an Amazon Web Services resource and indicates whether it complies with the Config rule that it was
evaluated against.
EvaluationContext |
Use EvaluationContext to group independently initiated proactive resource evaluations.
EvaluationModeConfiguration |
The configuration object for Config rule evaluation mode.
EvaluationResult |
The details of an Config evaluation.
EvaluationResultIdentifier |
Uniquely identifies an evaluation result.
EvaluationResultQualifier |
Identifies an Config rule that evaluated an Amazon Web Services resource, and provides the type and ID of the
resource that the rule evaluated.
EvaluationStatus |
Returns status details of an evaluation.
ExclusionByResourceTypes |
Specifies whether the configuration recorder excludes certain resource types from being recorded.
ExecutionControls |
The controls that Config uses for executing remediations.
ExternalEvaluation |
Identifies an Amazon Web Services resource and indicates whether it complies with the Config rule that it was
evaluated against.
FailedDeleteRemediationExceptionsBatch |
List of each of the failed delete remediation exceptions with specific reasons.
FailedRemediationBatch |
List of each of the failed remediations with specific reasons.
FailedRemediationExceptionBatch |
List of each of the failed remediation exceptions with specific reasons.
FieldInfo |
Details about the fields such as name of the field.
GetAggregateComplianceDetailsByConfigRuleRequest | |
GetAggregateComplianceDetailsByConfigRuleResult | |
GetAggregateConfigRuleComplianceSummaryRequest | |
GetAggregateConfigRuleComplianceSummaryResult | |
GetAggregateConformancePackComplianceSummaryRequest | |
GetAggregateConformancePackComplianceSummaryResult | |
GetAggregateDiscoveredResourceCountsRequest | |
GetAggregateDiscoveredResourceCountsResult | |
GetAggregateResourceConfigRequest | |
GetAggregateResourceConfigResult | |
GetComplianceDetailsByConfigRuleRequest |
GetComplianceDetailsByConfigRuleResult |
GetComplianceDetailsByResourceRequest |
GetComplianceDetailsByResourceResult |
GetComplianceSummaryByConfigRuleRequest | |
GetComplianceSummaryByConfigRuleResult |
GetComplianceSummaryByResourceTypeRequest |
GetComplianceSummaryByResourceTypeResult |
GetConformancePackComplianceDetailsRequest | |
GetConformancePackComplianceDetailsResult | |
GetConformancePackComplianceSummaryRequest | |
GetConformancePackComplianceSummaryResult | |
GetCustomRulePolicyRequest | |
GetCustomRulePolicyResult | |
GetDiscoveredResourceCountsRequest | |
GetDiscoveredResourceCountsResult | |
GetOrganizationConfigRuleDetailedStatusRequest | |
GetOrganizationConfigRuleDetailedStatusResult | |
GetOrganizationConformancePackDetailedStatusRequest | |
GetOrganizationConformancePackDetailedStatusResult | |
GetOrganizationCustomRulePolicyRequest | |
GetOrganizationCustomRulePolicyResult | |
GetResourceConfigHistoryRequest |
The input for the GetResourceConfigHistory action.
GetResourceConfigHistoryResult |
The output for the GetResourceConfigHistory action.
GetResourceEvaluationSummaryRequest | |
GetResourceEvaluationSummaryResult | |
GetStoredQueryRequest | |
GetStoredQueryResult | |
GroupedResourceCount |
The count of resources that are grouped by the group name.
ListAggregateDiscoveredResourcesRequest | |
ListAggregateDiscoveredResourcesResult | |
ListConformancePackComplianceScoresRequest | |
ListConformancePackComplianceScoresResult | |
ListDiscoveredResourcesRequest |
ListDiscoveredResourcesResult |
ListResourceEvaluationsRequest | |
ListResourceEvaluationsResult | |
ListStoredQueriesRequest | |
ListStoredQueriesResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
MemberAccountStatus |
Organization Config rule creation or deletion status in each member account.
OrganizationAggregationSource |
This object contains regions to set up the aggregator and an IAM role to retrieve organization details.
OrganizationConfigRule |
An organization Config rule that has information about Config rules that Config creates in member accounts.
OrganizationConfigRuleStatus |
Returns the status for an organization Config rule in an organization.
OrganizationConformancePack |
An organization conformance pack that has information about conformance packs that Config creates in member accounts.
OrganizationConformancePackDetailedStatus |
Organization conformance pack creation or deletion status in each member account.
OrganizationConformancePackStatus |
Returns the status for an organization conformance pack in an organization.
OrganizationCustomPolicyRuleMetadata |
An object that specifies metadata for your organization's Config Custom Policy rule.
OrganizationCustomPolicyRuleMetadataNoPolicy |
metadata for your organization Config Custom Policy rule including the runtime system in use, which accounts have
debug logging enabled, and other custom rule metadata such as resource type, resource ID of Amazon Web Services
resource, and organization trigger types that trigger Config to evaluate Amazon Web Services resources against a
OrganizationCustomRuleMetadata |
An object that specifies organization custom rule metadata such as resource type, resource ID of Amazon Web Services
resource, Lambda function ARN, and organization trigger types that trigger Config to evaluate your Amazon Web
Services resources against a rule.
OrganizationManagedRuleMetadata |
An object that specifies organization managed rule metadata such as resource type and ID of Amazon Web Services
resource along with the rule identifier.
OrganizationResourceDetailedStatusFilters |
Status filter object to filter results based on specific member account ID or status type for an organization
conformance pack.
PendingAggregationRequest |
An object that represents the account ID and region of an aggregator account that is requesting authorization but is
not yet authorized.
PutAggregationAuthorizationRequest | |
PutAggregationAuthorizationResult | |
PutConfigRuleRequest | |
PutConfigRuleResult | |
PutConfigurationAggregatorRequest | |
PutConfigurationAggregatorResult | |
PutConfigurationRecorderRequest |
The input for the PutConfigurationRecorder action.
PutConfigurationRecorderResult | |
PutConformancePackRequest | |
PutConformancePackResult | |
PutDeliveryChannelRequest |
The input for the PutDeliveryChannel action.
PutDeliveryChannelResult | |
PutEvaluationsRequest |
PutEvaluationsResult |
PutExternalEvaluationRequest | |
PutExternalEvaluationResult | |
PutOrganizationConfigRuleRequest | |
PutOrganizationConfigRuleResult | |
PutOrganizationConformancePackRequest | |
PutOrganizationConformancePackResult | |
PutRemediationConfigurationsRequest | |
PutRemediationConfigurationsResult | |
PutRemediationExceptionsRequest | |
PutRemediationExceptionsResult | |
PutResourceConfigRequest | |
PutResourceConfigResult | |
PutRetentionConfigurationRequest | |
PutRetentionConfigurationResult | |
PutStoredQueryRequest | |
PutStoredQueryResult | |
QueryInfo |
Details about the query.
RecordingGroup |
Specifies which resource types Config records for configuration changes.
RecordingMode |
Specifies the default recording frequency that Config uses to record configuration changes.
RecordingModeOverride |
An object for you to specify your overrides for the recording mode.
RecordingStrategy |
Specifies the recording strategy of the configuration recorder.
Relationship |
The relationship of the related resource to the main resource.
RemediationConfiguration |
An object that represents the details about the remediation configuration that includes the remediation action,
parameters, and data to execute the action.
RemediationException |
An object that represents the details about the remediation exception.
RemediationExceptionResourceKey |
The details that identify a resource within Config, including the resource type and resource ID.
RemediationExecutionStatus |
Provides details of the current status of the invoked remediation action for that resource.
RemediationExecutionStep |
Name of the step from the SSM document.
RemediationParameterValue |
The value is either a dynamic (resource) value or a static value.
ResourceCount |
An object that contains the resource type and the number of resources.
ResourceCountFilters |
Filters the resource count based on account ID, region, and resource type.
ResourceDetails |
Returns information about the resource being evaluated.
ResourceEvaluation |
Returns details of a resource evaluation.
ResourceEvaluationFilters |
Returns details of a resource evaluation based on the selected filter.
ResourceFilters |
Filters the results by resource account ID, region, resource ID, and resource name.
ResourceIdentifier |
The details that identify a resource that is discovered by Config, including the resource type, ID, and (if
available) the custom resource name.
ResourceKey |
The details that identify a resource within Config, including the resource type and resource ID.
ResourceValue |
The dynamic value of the resource.
RetentionConfiguration |
An object with the name of the retention configuration and the retention period in days.
Scope |
Defines which resources trigger an evaluation for an Config rule.
SelectAggregateResourceConfigRequest | |
SelectAggregateResourceConfigResult | |
SelectResourceConfigRequest | |
SelectResourceConfigResult | |
Source |
Provides the CustomPolicyDetails, the rule owner (
Amazon Web Services for managed rules,
CUSTOM_POLICY for Custom Policy rules, and CUSTOM_LAMBDA for Custom Lambda rules), the rule
identifier, and the events that cause the evaluation of your Amazon Web Services resources. |
SourceDetail |
Provides the source and the message types that trigger Config to evaluate your Amazon Web Services resources against
a rule.
SsmControls |
Amazon Web Services Systems Manager (SSM) specific remediation controls.
StartConfigRulesEvaluationRequest |
StartConfigRulesEvaluationResult |
The output when you start the evaluation for the specified Config rule.
StartConfigurationRecorderRequest |
The input for the StartConfigurationRecorder action.
StartConfigurationRecorderResult | |
StartRemediationExecutionRequest | |
StartRemediationExecutionResult | |
StartResourceEvaluationRequest | |
StartResourceEvaluationResult | |
StaticValue |
The static value of the resource.
StatusDetailFilters |
Status filter object to filter results based on specific member account ID or status type for an organization Config
StopConfigurationRecorderRequest |
The input for the StopConfigurationRecorder action.
StopConfigurationRecorderResult | |
StoredQuery |
Provides the details of a stored query.
StoredQueryMetadata |
Returns details of a specific query.
Tag |
The tags for the resource.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TemplateSSMDocumentDetails |
This API allows you to create a conformance pack template with an Amazon Web Services Systems Manager document (SSM
TimeWindow |
Filters evaluation results based on start and end times.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult |
Exception | Description |
AmazonConfigException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS Config
ConformancePackTemplateValidationException |
You have specified a template that is not valid or supported.
IdempotentParameterMismatchException |
Using the same client token with one or more different parameters.
InsufficientDeliveryPolicyException |
Your Amazon S3 bucket policy does not permit Config to write to it.
InsufficientPermissionsException |
Indicates one of the following errors:
InvalidConfigurationRecorderNameException |
You have provided a name for the configuration recorder that is not valid.
InvalidDeliveryChannelNameException |
The specified delivery channel name is not valid.
InvalidExpressionException |
The syntax of the query is incorrect.
InvalidLimitException |
The specified limit is outside the allowable range.
InvalidNextTokenException |
The specified next token is not valid.
InvalidParameterValueException |
One or more of the specified parameters are not valid.
InvalidRecordingGroupException |
Indicates one of the following errors:
InvalidResultTokenException |
The specified
ResultToken is not valid. |
InvalidRoleException |
You have provided a null or empty Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role assumed by Config and used by the
configuration recorder.
InvalidS3KeyPrefixException |
The specified Amazon S3 key prefix is not valid.
InvalidS3KmsKeyArnException |
The specified Amazon KMS Key ARN is not valid.
InvalidSNSTopicARNException |
The specified Amazon SNS topic does not exist.
InvalidTimeRangeException |
The specified time range is not valid.
LastDeliveryChannelDeleteFailedException |
You cannot delete the delivery channel you specified because the configuration recorder is running.
LimitExceededException |
StartConfigRulesEvaluation API, this exception is thrown if an evaluation is in progress or if you
call the StartConfigRulesEvaluation API more than once per minute. |
MaxActiveResourcesExceededException |
You have reached the limit of active custom resource types in your account.
MaxNumberOfConfigRulesExceededException |
Failed to add the Config rule because the account already contains the maximum number of 1000 rules.
MaxNumberOfConfigurationRecordersExceededException |
You have reached the limit of the number of configuration recorders you can create.
MaxNumberOfConformancePacksExceededException |
You have reached the limit of the number of conformance packs you can create in an account.
MaxNumberOfDeliveryChannelsExceededException |
You have reached the limit of the number of delivery channels you can create.
MaxNumberOfOrganizationConfigRulesExceededException |
You have reached the limit of the number of organization Config rules you can create.
MaxNumberOfOrganizationConformancePacksExceededException |
You have reached the limit of the number of organization conformance packs you can create in an account.
MaxNumberOfRetentionConfigurationsExceededException |
Failed to add the retention configuration because a retention configuration with that name already exists.
NoAvailableConfigurationRecorderException |
There are no configuration recorders available to provide the role needed to describe your resources.
NoAvailableDeliveryChannelException |
There is no delivery channel available to record configurations.
NoAvailableOrganizationException |
Organization is no longer available.
NoRunningConfigurationRecorderException |
There is no configuration recorder running.
NoSuchBucketException |
The specified Amazon S3 bucket does not exist.
NoSuchConfigRuleException |
The Config rule in the request is not valid.
NoSuchConfigRuleInConformancePackException |
Config rule that you passed in the filter does not exist.
NoSuchConfigurationAggregatorException |
You have specified a configuration aggregator that does not exist.
NoSuchConfigurationRecorderException |
You have specified a configuration recorder that does not exist.
NoSuchConformancePackException |
You specified one or more conformance packs that do not exist.
NoSuchDeliveryChannelException |
You have specified a delivery channel that does not exist.
NoSuchOrganizationConfigRuleException |
The Config rule in the request is not valid.
NoSuchOrganizationConformancePackException |
Config organization conformance pack that you passed in the filter does not exist.
NoSuchRemediationConfigurationException |
You specified an Config rule without a remediation configuration.
NoSuchRemediationExceptionException |
You tried to delete a remediation exception that does not exist.
NoSuchRetentionConfigurationException |
You have specified a retention configuration that does not exist.
OrganizationAccessDeniedException |
PutConfigurationAggregator API, you can see this exception for the following reasons: |
OrganizationAllFeaturesNotEnabledException |
Config resource cannot be created because your organization does not have all features enabled.
OrganizationConformancePackTemplateValidationException |
You have specified a template that is not valid or supported.
OversizedConfigurationItemException |
The configuration item size is outside the allowable range.
RemediationInProgressException |
Remediation action is in progress.
ResourceConcurrentModificationException |
Two users are trying to modify the same query at the same time.
ResourceInUseException |
You see this exception in the following cases:
ResourceNotDiscoveredException |
You have specified a resource that is either unknown or has not been discovered.
ResourceNotFoundException |
You have specified a resource that does not exist.
TooManyTagsException |
You have reached the limit of the number of tags you can use.
ValidationException |
The requested action is not valid.