Class | Description |
AccountSettings |
A container for account-level settings in AWS Device Farm.
Artifact |
Represents the output of a test.
Counters |
Represents entity counters.
Represents the amount of CPU that an app is using on a physical device.
CreateDevicePoolRequest |
Represents a request to the create device pool operation.
CreateDevicePoolResult |
Represents the result of a create device pool request.
CreateInstanceProfileRequest | |
CreateInstanceProfileResult | |
CreateNetworkProfileRequest | |
CreateNetworkProfileResult | |
CreateProjectRequest |
Represents a request to the create project operation.
CreateProjectResult |
Represents the result of a create project request.
CreateRemoteAccessSessionConfiguration |
Configuration settings for a remote access session, including billing method.
CreateRemoteAccessSessionRequest |
Creates and submits a request to start a remote access session.
CreateRemoteAccessSessionResult |
Represents the server response from a request to create a remote access session.
CreateTestGridProjectRequest | |
CreateTestGridProjectResult | |
CreateTestGridUrlRequest | |
CreateTestGridUrlResult | |
CreateUploadRequest |
Represents a request to the create upload operation.
CreateUploadResult |
Represents the result of a create upload request.
CreateVPCEConfigurationRequest | |
CreateVPCEConfigurationResult | |
CustomerArtifactPaths |
A JSON object that specifies the paths where the artifacts generated by the customer's tests, on the device or in the
test environment, are pulled from.
DeleteDevicePoolRequest |
Represents a request to the delete device pool operation.
DeleteDevicePoolResult |
Represents the result of a delete device pool request.
DeleteInstanceProfileRequest | |
DeleteInstanceProfileResult | |
DeleteNetworkProfileRequest | |
DeleteNetworkProfileResult | |
DeleteProjectRequest |
Represents a request to the delete project operation.
DeleteProjectResult |
Represents the result of a delete project request.
DeleteRemoteAccessSessionRequest |
Represents the request to delete the specified remote access session.
DeleteRemoteAccessSessionResult |
The response from the server when a request is made to delete the remote access session.
DeleteRunRequest |
Represents a request to the delete run operation.
DeleteRunResult |
Represents the result of a delete run request.
DeleteTestGridProjectRequest | |
DeleteTestGridProjectResult | |
DeleteUploadRequest |
Represents a request to the delete upload operation.
DeleteUploadResult |
Represents the result of a delete upload request.
DeleteVPCEConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteVPCEConfigurationResult | |
Device |
Represents a device type that an app is tested against.
DeviceFilter |
Represents a device filter used to select a set of devices to be included in a test run.
DeviceInstance |
Represents the device instance.
DeviceMinutes |
Represents the total (metered or unmetered) minutes used by the resource to run tests.
DevicePool |
Represents a collection of device types.
DevicePoolCompatibilityResult |
Represents a device pool compatibility result.
DeviceSelectionConfiguration |
Represents the device filters used in a test run and the maximum number of devices to be included in the run.
DeviceSelectionResult |
Contains the run results requested by the device selection configuration and how many devices were returned.
ExecutionConfiguration |
Represents configuration information about a test run, such as the execution timeout (in minutes).
GetAccountSettingsRequest |
Represents the request sent to retrieve the account settings.
GetAccountSettingsResult |
Represents the account settings return values from the
GetAccountSettings request. |
GetDeviceInstanceRequest | |
GetDeviceInstanceResult | |
GetDevicePoolCompatibilityRequest |
Represents a request to the get device pool compatibility operation.
GetDevicePoolCompatibilityResult |
Represents the result of describe device pool compatibility request.
GetDevicePoolRequest |
Represents a request to the get device pool operation.
GetDevicePoolResult |
Represents the result of a get device pool request.
GetDeviceRequest |
Represents a request to the get device request.
GetDeviceResult |
Represents the result of a get device request.
GetInstanceProfileRequest | |
GetInstanceProfileResult | |
GetJobRequest |
Represents a request to the get job operation.
GetJobResult |
Represents the result of a get job request.
GetNetworkProfileRequest | |
GetNetworkProfileResult | |
GetOfferingStatusRequest |
Represents the request to retrieve the offering status for the specified customer or account.
GetOfferingStatusResult |
Returns the status result for a device offering.
GetProjectRequest |
Represents a request to the get project operation.
GetProjectResult |
Represents the result of a get project request.
GetRemoteAccessSessionRequest |
Represents the request to get information about the specified remote access session.
GetRemoteAccessSessionResult |
Represents the response from the server that lists detailed information about the remote access session.
GetRunRequest |
Represents a request to the get run operation.
GetRunResult |
Represents the result of a get run request.
GetSuiteRequest |
Represents a request to the get suite operation.
GetSuiteResult |
Represents the result of a get suite request.
GetTestGridProjectRequest | |
GetTestGridProjectResult | |
GetTestGridSessionRequest | |
GetTestGridSessionResult | |
GetTestRequest |
Represents a request to the get test operation.
GetTestResult |
Represents the result of a get test request.
GetUploadRequest |
Represents a request to the get upload operation.
GetUploadResult |
Represents the result of a get upload request.
GetVPCEConfigurationRequest | |
GetVPCEConfigurationResult | |
IncompatibilityMessage |
Represents information about incompatibility.
InstallToRemoteAccessSessionRequest |
Represents the request to install an Android application (in .apk format) or an iOS application (in .ipa format) as
part of a remote access session.
InstallToRemoteAccessSessionResult |
Represents the response from the server after AWS Device Farm makes a request to install to a remote access session.
InstanceProfile |
Represents the instance profile.
Job |
Represents a device.
ListArtifactsRequest |
Represents a request to the list artifacts operation.
ListArtifactsResult |
Represents the result of a list artifacts operation.
ListDeviceInstancesRequest | |
ListDeviceInstancesResult | |
ListDevicePoolsRequest |
Represents the result of a list device pools request.
ListDevicePoolsResult |
Represents the result of a list device pools request.
ListDevicesRequest |
Represents the result of a list devices request.
ListDevicesResult |
Represents the result of a list devices operation.
ListInstanceProfilesRequest | |
ListInstanceProfilesResult | |
ListJobsRequest |
Represents a request to the list jobs operation.
ListJobsResult |
Represents the result of a list jobs request.
ListNetworkProfilesRequest | |
ListNetworkProfilesResult | |
ListOfferingPromotionsRequest | |
ListOfferingPromotionsResult | |
ListOfferingsRequest |
Represents the request to list all offerings.
ListOfferingsResult |
Represents the return values of the list of offerings.
ListOfferingTransactionsRequest |
Represents the request to list the offering transaction history.
ListOfferingTransactionsResult |
Returns the transaction log of the specified offerings.
ListProjectsRequest |
Represents a request to the list projects operation.
ListProjectsResult |
Represents the result of a list projects request.
ListRemoteAccessSessionsRequest |
Represents the request to return information about the remote access session.
ListRemoteAccessSessionsResult |
Represents the response from the server after AWS Device Farm makes a request to return information about the remote
access session.
ListRunsRequest |
Represents a request to the list runs operation.
ListRunsResult |
Represents the result of a list runs request.
ListSamplesRequest |
Represents a request to the list samples operation.
ListSamplesResult |
Represents the result of a list samples request.
ListSuitesRequest |
Represents a request to the list suites operation.
ListSuitesResult |
Represents the result of a list suites request.
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListTestGridProjectsRequest | |
ListTestGridProjectsResult | |
ListTestGridSessionActionsRequest | |
ListTestGridSessionActionsResult | |
ListTestGridSessionArtifactsRequest | |
ListTestGridSessionArtifactsResult | |
ListTestGridSessionsRequest | |
ListTestGridSessionsResult | |
ListTestsRequest |
Represents a request to the list tests operation.
ListTestsResult |
Represents the result of a list tests request.
ListUniqueProblemsRequest |
Represents a request to the list unique problems operation.
ListUniqueProblemsResult |
Represents the result of a list unique problems request.
ListUploadsRequest |
Represents a request to the list uploads operation.
ListUploadsResult |
Represents the result of a list uploads request.
ListVPCEConfigurationsRequest | |
ListVPCEConfigurationsResult | |
Location |
Represents a latitude and longitude pair, expressed in geographic coordinate system degrees (for example, 47.6204,
MonetaryAmount |
A number that represents the monetary amount for an offering or transaction.
NetworkProfile |
An array of settings that describes characteristics of a network profile.
Offering |
Represents the metadata of a device offering.
OfferingPromotion |
Represents information about an offering promotion.
OfferingStatus |
The status of the offering.
OfferingTransaction |
Represents the metadata of an offering transaction.
Problem |
Represents a specific warning or failure.
ProblemDetail |
Information about a problem detail.
Project |
Represents an operating-system neutral workspace for running and managing tests.
PurchaseOfferingRequest |
Represents a request for a purchase offering.
PurchaseOfferingResult |
The result of the purchase offering (for example, success or failure).
Radios |
Represents the set of radios and their states on a device.
RecurringCharge |
Specifies whether charges for devices are recurring.
RemoteAccessSession |
Represents information about the remote access session.
RenewOfferingRequest |
A request that represents an offering renewal.
RenewOfferingResult |
The result of a renewal offering.
Resolution |
Represents the screen resolution of a device in height and width, expressed in pixels.
Rule |
Represents a condition for a device pool.
Run |
Represents a test run on a set of devices with a given app package, test parameters, and so on.
Sample |
Represents a sample of performance data.
ScheduleRunConfiguration |
Represents the settings for a run.
ScheduleRunRequest |
Represents a request to the schedule run operation.
ScheduleRunResult |
Represents the result of a schedule run request.
ScheduleRunTest |
Represents test settings.
StopJobRequest | |
StopJobResult | |
StopRemoteAccessSessionRequest |
Represents the request to stop the remote access session.
StopRemoteAccessSessionResult |
Represents the response from the server that describes the remote access session when AWS Device Farm stops the
StopRunRequest |
Represents the request to stop a specific run.
StopRunResult |
Represents the results of your stop run attempt.
Suite |
Represents a collection of one or more tests.
Tag |
The metadata that you apply to a resource to help you categorize and organize it.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
Test |
Represents a condition that is evaluated.
TestGridProject |
A Selenium testing project.
TestGridSession |
A TestGridSession is a single instance of a browser launched from the URL provided by a call to
TestGridSessionAction |
An action taken by a TestGridSession browser instance.
TestGridSessionArtifact |
Artifacts are video and other files that are produced in the process of running a browser in an automated context.
TestGridVpcConfig |
The VPC security groups and subnets that are attached to a project.
TrialMinutes |
Represents information about free trial device minutes for an AWS account.
UniqueProblem |
A collection of one or more problems, grouped by their result.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateDeviceInstanceRequest | |
UpdateDeviceInstanceResult | |
UpdateDevicePoolRequest |
Represents a request to the update device pool operation.
UpdateDevicePoolResult |
Represents the result of an update device pool request.
UpdateInstanceProfileRequest | |
UpdateInstanceProfileResult | |
UpdateNetworkProfileRequest | |
UpdateNetworkProfileResult | |
UpdateProjectRequest |
Represents a request to the update project operation.
UpdateProjectResult |
Represents the result of an update project request.
UpdateTestGridProjectRequest | |
UpdateTestGridProjectResult | |
UpdateUploadRequest | |
UpdateUploadResult | |
UpdateVPCEConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateVPCEConfigurationResult | |
Upload |
An app or a set of one or more tests to upload or that have been uploaded.
VpcConfig |
Contains the VPC configuration data necessary to interface with AWS Device Farm's services.
VPCEConfiguration |
Represents an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint configuration.
Exception | Description |
ArgumentException |
An invalid argument was specified.
AWSDeviceFarmException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS Device Farm
CannotDeleteException |
The requested object could not be deleted.
IdempotencyException |
An entity with the same name already exists.
InternalServiceException |
An internal exception was raised in the service.
InvalidOperationException |
There was an error with the update request, or you do not have sufficient permissions to update this VPC endpoint
LimitExceededException |
A limit was exceeded.
NotEligibleException |
Exception gets thrown when a user is not eligible to perform the specified transaction.
NotFoundException |
The specified entity was not found.
ServiceAccountException |
There was a problem with the service account.
TagOperationException |
The operation was not successful.
TagPolicyException |
The request doesn't comply with the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) tag policy.
TooManyTagsException |
The list of tags on the repository is over the limit.