Enum | Description |
ApplyMethod | |
SourceType |
Exception | Description |
AmazonNeptuneException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Amazon Neptune
AuthorizationNotFoundException |
Specified CIDRIP or EC2 security group is not authorized for the specified DB security group.
CertificateNotFoundException |
CertificateIdentifier does not refer to an existing certificate.
DBClusterAlreadyExistsException |
User already has a DB cluster with the given identifier.
DBClusterEndpointAlreadyExistsException |
The specified custom endpoint cannot be created because it already exists.
DBClusterEndpointNotFoundException |
The specified custom endpoint doesn't exist.
DBClusterEndpointQuotaExceededException |
The cluster already has the maximum number of custom endpoints.
DBClusterNotFoundException |
DBClusterIdentifier does not refer to an existing DB cluster.
DBClusterParameterGroupNotFoundException |
DBClusterParameterGroupName does not refer to an existing DB Cluster parameter group.
DBClusterQuotaExceededException |
User attempted to create a new DB cluster and the user has already reached the maximum allowed DB cluster quota.
DBClusterRoleAlreadyExistsException |
The specified IAM role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is already associated with the specified DB cluster.
DBClusterRoleNotFoundException |
The specified IAM role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is not associated with the specified DB cluster.
DBClusterRoleQuotaExceededException |
You have exceeded the maximum number of IAM roles that can be associated with the specified DB cluster.
DBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsException |
User already has a DB cluster snapshot with the given identifier.
DBClusterSnapshotNotFoundException |
DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier does not refer to an existing DB cluster snapshot.
DBInstanceAlreadyExistsException |
User already has a DB instance with the given identifier.
DBInstanceNotFoundException |
DBInstanceIdentifier does not refer to an existing DB instance.
DBParameterGroupAlreadyExistsException |
A DB parameter group with the same name exists.
DBParameterGroupNotFoundException |
DBParameterGroupName does not refer to an existing DB parameter group.
DBParameterGroupQuotaExceededException |
Request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of DB parameter groups.
DBSecurityGroupNotFoundException |
DBSecurityGroupName does not refer to an existing DB security group.
DBSnapshotAlreadyExistsException |
DBSnapshotIdentifier is already used by an existing snapshot.
DBSnapshotNotFoundException |
DBSnapshotIdentifier does not refer to an existing DB snapshot.
DBSubnetGroupAlreadyExistsException |
DBSubnetGroupName is already used by an existing DB subnet group.
DBSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZsException |
Subnets in the DB subnet group should cover at least two Availability Zones unless there is only one Availability
DBSubnetGroupNotFoundException |
DBSubnetGroupName does not refer to an existing DB subnet group.
DBSubnetGroupQuotaExceededException |
Request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of DB subnet groups.
DBSubnetQuotaExceededException |
Request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of subnets in a DB subnet groups.
DBUpgradeDependencyFailureException |
The DB upgrade failed because a resource the DB depends on could not be modified.
DomainNotFoundException |
Domain does not refer to an existing Active Directory Domain.
EventSubscriptionQuotaExceededException |
You have exceeded the number of events you can subscribe to.
GlobalClusterAlreadyExistsException |
GlobalClusterIdentifier already exists. |
GlobalClusterNotFoundException |
GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global database cluster. |
GlobalClusterQuotaExceededException |
The number of global database clusters for this account is already at the maximum allowed.
InstanceQuotaExceededException |
Request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of DB instances.
InsufficientDBClusterCapacityException |
The DB cluster does not have enough capacity for the current operation.
InsufficientDBInstanceCapacityException |
Specified DB instance class is not available in the specified Availability Zone.
InsufficientStorageClusterCapacityException |
There is insufficient storage available for the current action.
InvalidDBClusterEndpointStateException |
The requested operation cannot be performed on the endpoint while the endpoint is in this state.
InvalidDBClusterSnapshotStateException |
The supplied value is not a valid DB cluster snapshot state.
InvalidDBClusterStateException |
The DB cluster is not in a valid state.
InvalidDBInstanceStateException |
The specified DB instance is not in the available state.
InvalidDBParameterGroupStateException |
The DB parameter group is in use or is in an invalid state.
InvalidDBSecurityGroupStateException |
The state of the DB security group does not allow deletion.
InvalidDBSnapshotStateException |
The state of the DB snapshot does not allow deletion.
InvalidDBSubnetGroupStateException |
The DB subnet group cannot be deleted because it is in use.
InvalidDBSubnetStateException |
The DB subnet is not in the available state.
InvalidEventSubscriptionStateException |
The event subscription is in an invalid state.
InvalidGlobalClusterStateException |
The global cluster is in an invalid state and can't perform the requested operation.
InvalidRestoreException |
Cannot restore from vpc backup to non-vpc DB instance.
InvalidSubnetException |
The requested subnet is invalid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common VPC.
InvalidVPCNetworkStateException |
DB subnet group does not cover all Availability Zones after it is created because users' change.
KMSKeyNotAccessibleException |
Error accessing KMS key.
OptionGroupNotFoundException |
The designated option group could not be found.
ProvisionedIopsNotAvailableInAZException |
Provisioned IOPS not available in the specified Availability Zone.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The specified resource ID was not found.
SharedSnapshotQuotaExceededException |
You have exceeded the maximum number of accounts that you can share a manual DB snapshot with.
SnapshotQuotaExceededException |
Request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of DB snapshots.
SNSInvalidTopicException |
The SNS topic is invalid.
SNSNoAuthorizationException |
There is no SNS authorization.
SNSTopicArnNotFoundException |
The ARN of the SNS topic could not be found.
SourceNotFoundException |
The source could not be found.
StorageQuotaExceededException |
Request would result in user exceeding the allowed amount of storage available across all DB instances.
StorageTypeNotSupportedException |
StorageType specified cannot be associated with the DB Instance.
SubnetAlreadyInUseException |
The DB subnet is already in use in the Availability Zone.
SubscriptionAlreadyExistException |
This subscription already exists.
SubscriptionCategoryNotFoundException |
The designated subscription category could not be found.
SubscriptionNotFoundException |
The designated subscription could not be found.