Class | Description |
Address |
The address that you want the Snow device(s) associated with a specific job to be shipped to.
CancelClusterRequest | |
CancelClusterResult | |
CancelJobRequest | |
CancelJobResult | |
ClusterListEntry |
Contains a cluster's state, a cluster's ID, and other important information.
ClusterMetadata |
Contains metadata about a specific cluster.
CompatibleImage |
A JSON-formatted object that describes a compatible Amazon Machine Image (AMI), including the ID and name for a Snow
device AMI.
CreateAddressRequest | |
CreateAddressResult | |
CreateClusterRequest | |
CreateClusterResult | |
CreateJobRequest | |
CreateJobResult | |
CreateLongTermPricingRequest | |
CreateLongTermPricingResult | |
CreateReturnShippingLabelRequest | |
CreateReturnShippingLabelResult | |
DataTransfer |
Defines the real-time status of a Snow device's data transfer while the device is at Amazon Web Services.
DependentService |
The name and version of the service dependant on the requested service.
DescribeAddressesRequest | |
DescribeAddressesResult | |
DescribeAddressRequest | |
DescribeAddressResult | |
DescribeClusterRequest | |
DescribeClusterResult | |
DescribeJobRequest | |
DescribeJobResult | |
DescribeReturnShippingLabelRequest | |
DescribeReturnShippingLabelResult | |
DeviceConfiguration |
The container for
SnowconeDeviceConfiguration . |
Ec2AmiResource |
A JSON-formatted object that contains the IDs for an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), including the Amazon EC2-compatible
AMI ID and the Snow device AMI ID.
EKSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration |
An object representing the metadata and configuration settings of EKS Anywhere on the Snow Family device.
EventTriggerDefinition |
The container for the EventTriggerDefinition$EventResourceARN.
GetJobManifestRequest | |
GetJobManifestResult | |
GetJobUnlockCodeRequest | |
GetJobUnlockCodeResult | |
GetSnowballUsageRequest | |
GetSnowballUsageResult | |
GetSoftwareUpdatesRequest | |
GetSoftwareUpdatesResult | |
INDTaxDocuments |
The tax documents required in Amazon Web Services Region in India.
JobListEntry |
JobListEntry object contains a job's state, a job's ID, and a value that indicates whether the job
is a job part, in the case of an export job. |
JobLogs |
Contains job logs.
JobMetadata |
Contains information about a specific job including shipping information, job status, and other important metadata.
JobResource |
Contains an array of Amazon Web Services resource objects.
KeyRange |
Contains a key range.
LambdaResource |
ListClusterJobsRequest | |
ListClusterJobsResult | |
ListClustersRequest | |
ListClustersResult | |
ListCompatibleImagesRequest | |
ListCompatibleImagesResult | |
ListJobsRequest | |
ListJobsResult | |
ListLongTermPricingRequest | |
ListLongTermPricingResult | |
ListPickupLocationsRequest | |
ListPickupLocationsResult | |
ListServiceVersionsRequest | |
ListServiceVersionsResult | |
LongTermPricingListEntry |
LongTermPricingListEntry object contains information about a long-term pricing type. |
NFSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration |
An object that represents the metadata and configuration settings for the NFS (Network File System) service on an
Amazon Web Services Snow Family device.
Notification |
The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notification settings associated with a specific job.
OnDeviceServiceConfiguration |
An object that represents the metadata and configuration settings for services on an Amazon Web Services Snow Family
PickupDetails |
Information identifying the person picking up the device.
S3OnDeviceServiceConfiguration |
Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow family devices configuration items.
S3Resource |
S3Resource object represents an Amazon S3 bucket that your transferred data will be exported from
or imported into. |
ServiceVersion |
The version of the requested service.
Shipment |
Status and TrackingNumber information for an inbound or outbound shipment. |
ShippingDetails |
A job's shipping information, including inbound and outbound tracking numbers and shipping speed options.
SnowconeDeviceConfiguration |
Specifies the device configuration for an Snowcone job.
TargetOnDeviceService |
An object that represents the service or services on the Snow Family device that your transferred data will be
exported from or imported into.
TaxDocuments |
The tax documents required in your Amazon Web Services Region.
TGWOnDeviceServiceConfiguration |
An object that represents the metadata and configuration settings for the Storage Gateway service Tape Gateway type
on an Amazon Web Services Snow Family device.
UpdateClusterRequest | |
UpdateClusterResult | |
UpdateJobRequest | |
UpdateJobResult | |
UpdateJobShipmentStateRequest | |
UpdateJobShipmentStateResult | |
UpdateLongTermPricingRequest | |
UpdateLongTermPricingResult | |
WirelessConnection |
Configures the wireless connection on an Snowcone device.
Exception | Description |
AmazonSnowballException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Amazon Import/Export Snowball
ClusterLimitExceededException |
Job creation failed.
ConflictException |
You get this exception when you call
CreateReturnShippingLabel more than once when other requests are
not completed. |
Ec2RequestFailedException |
Your user lacks the necessary Amazon EC2 permissions to perform the attempted action.
InvalidAddressException |
The address provided was invalid.
InvalidInputCombinationException |
Job or cluster creation failed.
InvalidJobStateException |
The action can't be performed because the job's current state doesn't allow that action to be performed.
InvalidNextTokenException |
NextToken string was altered unexpectedly, and the operation has stopped. |
InvalidResourceException |
The specified resource can't be found.
KMSRequestFailedException | |
ReturnShippingLabelAlreadyExistsException |
You get this exception if you call
CreateReturnShippingLabel and a valid return shipping label already
exists. |
UnsupportedAddressException |
The address is either outside the serviceable area for your region, or an error occurred.