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Die folgenden Code-Beispiele zeigen, wie CreateFunction
verwendet wird.
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- .NET
- AWS SDK for .NET
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einrichten und ausführen. /// <summary> /// Creates a new Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the function.</param> /// <param name="s3Bucket">The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) /// bucket where the zip file containing the code is located.</param> /// <param name="s3Key">The Amazon S3 key of the zip file.</param> /// <param name="role">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role with the /// appropriate Lambda permissions.</param> /// <param name="handler">The name of the handler function.</param> /// <returns>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the newly created /// Lambda function.</returns> public async Task<string> CreateLambdaFunctionAsync( string functionName, string s3Bucket, string s3Key, string role, string handler) { // Defines the location for the function code. // S3Bucket - The S3 bucket where the file containing // the source code is stored. // S3Key - The name of the file containing the code. var functionCode = new FunctionCode { S3Bucket = s3Bucket, S3Key = s3Key, }; var createFunctionRequest = new CreateFunctionRequest { FunctionName = functionName, Description = "Created by the Lambda .NET API", Code = functionCode, Handler = handler, Runtime = Runtime.Dotnet6, Role = role, }; var reponse = await _lambdaService.CreateFunctionAsync(createFunctionRequest); return reponse.FunctionArn; }
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunctionin der AWS SDK for .NET API-Referenz.
- C++
- SDK für C++
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einrichten und ausführen. Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration clientConfig; // Optional: Set to the AWS Region in which the bucket was created (overrides config file). // clientConfig.region = "us-east-1"; Aws::Lambda::LambdaClient client(clientConfig); Aws::Lambda::Model::CreateFunctionRequest request; request.SetFunctionName(LAMBDA_NAME); request.SetDescription(LAMBDA_DESCRIPTION); // Optional. #if USE_CPP_LAMBDA_FUNCTION request.SetRuntime(Aws::Lambda::Model::Runtime::provided_al2); request.SetTimeout(15); request.SetMemorySize(128); // Assume the AWS Lambda function was built in Docker with same architecture // as this code. #if defined(__x86_64__) request.SetArchitectures({Aws::Lambda::Model::Architecture::x86_64}); #elif defined(__aarch64__) request.SetArchitectures({Aws::Lambda::Model::Architecture::arm64}); #else #error "Unimplemented architecture" #endif // defined(architecture) #else request.SetRuntime(Aws::Lambda::Model::Runtime::python3_9); #endif request.SetRole(roleArn); request.SetHandler(LAMBDA_HANDLER_NAME); request.SetPublish(true); Aws::Lambda::Model::FunctionCode code; std::ifstream ifstream(INCREMENT_LAMBDA_CODE.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary); if (!ifstream.is_open()) { std::cerr << "Error opening file " << INCREMENT_LAMBDA_CODE << "." << std::endl; #if USE_CPP_LAMBDA_FUNCTION std::cerr << "The cpp Lambda function must be built following the instructions in the cpp_lambda/README.md file. " << std::endl; #endif deleteIamRole(clientConfig); return false; } Aws::StringStream buffer; buffer << ifstream.rdbuf(); code.SetZipFile(Aws::Utils::ByteBuffer((unsigned char *) buffer.str().c_str(), buffer.str().length())); request.SetCode(code); Aws::Lambda::Model::CreateFunctionOutcome outcome = client.CreateFunction( request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "The lambda function was successfully created. " << seconds << " seconds elapsed." << std::endl; break; } else { std::cerr << "Error with CreateFunction. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; deleteIamRole(clientConfig); return false; }
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunctionin der AWS SDK for C++ API-Referenz.
Eine Lambda-Funktion erstellen
Im folgenden Beispiel für
wird eine Lambda-Funktion mit dem Namenmy-function
erstellt.aws lambda create-function \ --function-name
\ --runtimenodejs18.x
\ --zip-filefileb://my-function.zip
\ --handlermy-function.handler
\ --rolearn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/MyTestFunction-role-tges6bf4
Inhalt von
:This file is a deployment package that contains your function code and any dependencies.
{ "TracingConfig": { "Mode": "PassThrough" }, "CodeSha256": "PFn4S+er27qk+UuZSTKEQfNKG/XNn7QJs90mJgq6oH8=", "FunctionName": "my-function", "CodeSize": 308, "RevisionId": "873282ed-4cd3-4dc8-a069-d0c647e470c6", "MemorySize": 128, "FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function", "Version": "$LATEST", "Role": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/MyTestFunction-role-zgur6bf4", "Timeout": 3, "LastModified": "2023-10-14T22:26:11.234+0000", "Handler": "my-function.handler", "Runtime": "nodejs18.x", "Description": "" }
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Konfigurieren von AWS -Lambda-Funktionen im AWS -Lambda-Entwicklerhandbuch.
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunction
in der AWS CLI Befehlsreferenz.
- Go
- SDK für Go V2
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einrichten und ausführen. import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "log" "time" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/lambda" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/lambda/types" ) // FunctionWrapper encapsulates function actions used in the examples. // It contains an AWS Lambda service client that is used to perform user actions. type FunctionWrapper struct { LambdaClient *lambda.Client } // CreateFunction creates a new Lambda function from code contained in the zipPackage // buffer. The specified handlerName must match the name of the file and function // contained in the uploaded code. The role specified by iamRoleArn is assumed by // Lambda and grants specific permissions. // When the function already exists, types.StateActive is returned. // When the function is created, a lambda.FunctionActiveV2Waiter is used to wait until the // function is active. func (wrapper FunctionWrapper) CreateFunction(ctx context.Context, functionName string, handlerName string, iamRoleArn *string, zipPackage *bytes.Buffer) types.State { var state types.State _, err := wrapper.LambdaClient.CreateFunction(ctx, &lambda.CreateFunctionInput{ Code: &types.FunctionCode{ZipFile: zipPackage.Bytes()}, FunctionName: aws.String(functionName), Role: iamRoleArn, Handler: aws.String(handlerName), Publish: true, Runtime: types.RuntimePython39, }) if err != nil { var resConflict *types.ResourceConflictException if errors.As(err, &resConflict) { log.Printf("Function %v already exists.\n", functionName) state = types.StateActive } else { log.Panicf("Couldn't create function %v. Here's why: %v\n", functionName, err) } } else { waiter := lambda.NewFunctionActiveV2Waiter(wrapper.LambdaClient) funcOutput, err := waiter.WaitForOutput(ctx, &lambda.GetFunctionInput{ FunctionName: aws.String(functionName)}, 1*time.Minute) if err != nil { log.Panicf("Couldn't wait for function %v to be active. Here's why: %v\n", functionName, err) } else { state = funcOutput.Configuration.State } } return state }
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunction
in der AWS SDK für Go API-Referenz.
- Java
- SDK für Java 2.x
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einrichten und ausführen. /** * Creates a new Lambda function in AWS using the AWS Lambda Java API. * * @param awsLambda the AWS Lambda client used to interact with the AWS Lambda service * @param functionName the name of the Lambda function to create * @param key the S3 key of the function code * @param bucketName the name of the S3 bucket containing the function code * @param role the IAM role to assign to the Lambda function * @param handler the fully qualified class name of the function handler * @return the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the created Lambda function */ public static String createLambdaFunction(LambdaClient awsLambda, String functionName, String key, String bucketName, String role, String handler) { try { LambdaWaiter waiter = awsLambda.waiter(); FunctionCode code = FunctionCode.builder() .s3Key(key) .s3Bucket(bucketName) .build(); CreateFunctionRequest functionRequest = CreateFunctionRequest.builder() .functionName(functionName) .description("Created by the Lambda Java API") .code(code) .handler(handler) .runtime(Runtime.JAVA17) .role(role) .build(); // Create a Lambda function using a waiter CreateFunctionResponse functionResponse = awsLambda.createFunction(functionRequest); GetFunctionRequest getFunctionRequest = GetFunctionRequest.builder() .functionName(functionName) .build(); WaiterResponse<GetFunctionResponse> waiterResponse = waiter.waitUntilFunctionExists(getFunctionRequest); waiterResponse.matched().response().ifPresent(System.out::println); return functionResponse.functionArn(); } catch (LambdaException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } return ""; }
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunctionin der AWS SDK for Java 2.x API-Referenz.
- JavaScript
- SDK für JavaScript (v3)
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einrichten und ausführen. const createFunction = async (funcName, roleArn) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const code = await readFile(`${dirname}../functions/${funcName}.zip`); const command = new CreateFunctionCommand({ Code: { ZipFile: code }, FunctionName: funcName, Role: roleArn, Architectures: [Architecture.arm64], Handler: "index.handler", // Required when sending a .zip file PackageType: PackageType.Zip, // Required when sending a .zip file Runtime: Runtime.nodejs16x, // Required when sending a .zip file }); return client.send(command); };
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunctionin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.
- Kotlin
- SDK für Kotlin
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einrichten und ausführen. suspend fun createNewFunction( myFunctionName: String, s3BucketName: String, myS3Key: String, myHandler: String, myRole: String, ): String? { val functionCode = FunctionCode { s3Bucket = s3BucketName s3Key = myS3Key } val request = CreateFunctionRequest { functionName = myFunctionName code = functionCode description = "Created by the Lambda Kotlin API" handler = myHandler role = myRole runtime = Runtime.Java17 } LambdaClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { awsLambda -> val functionResponse = awsLambda.createFunction(request) awsLambda.waitUntilFunctionActive { functionName = myFunctionName } return functionResponse.functionArn } }
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunction
in der API-Referenz zum AWS SDK für Kotlin.
- SDK für PHP
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einrichten und ausführen. public function createFunction($functionName, $role, $bucketName, $handler) { //This assumes the Lambda function is in an S3 bucket. return $this->customWaiter(function () use ($functionName, $role, $bucketName, $handler) { return $this->lambdaClient->createFunction([ 'Code' => [ 'S3Bucket' => $bucketName, 'S3Key' => $functionName, ], 'FunctionName' => $functionName, 'Role' => $role['Arn'], 'Runtime' => 'python3.9', 'Handler' => "$handler.lambda_handler", ]); }); }
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunctionin der AWS SDK for PHP API-Referenz.
- PowerShell
- Tools für PowerShell
Beispiel 1: In diesem Beispiel wird eine neue C#-Funktion (dotnetcore1.0 Runtime) mit dem Namen AWS Lambda erstellt, die die kompilierten Binärdateien für die Funktion aus einer ZIP-Datei MyFunction im lokalen Dateisystem bereitstellt (relative oder absolute Pfade können verwendet werden). C#-Lambda-Funktionen spezifizieren den Handler für die Funktion mit der Bezeichnung AssemblyName: :Namespace. ClassName::. MethodName Sie sollten die Teile Assembly-Name (ohne .dll-Suffix), Namespace, Klassenname und Methodenname der Handler-Spezifikation entsprechend ersetzen. Für die neue Funktion werden die Umgebungsvariablen 'envvar1' und 'envvar2' aus den bereitgestellten Werten eingerichtet.
Publish-LMFunction -Description "My C# Lambda Function" ` -FunctionName MyFunction ` -ZipFilename .\MyFunctionBinaries.zip ` -Handler "AssemblyName::Namespace.ClassName::MethodName" ` -Role "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/LambdaFullExecRole" ` -Runtime dotnetcore1.0 ` -Environment_Variable @{ "envvar1"="value";"envvar2"="value" }
CodeSha256 : /NgBMd...gq71I= CodeSize : 214784 DeadLetterConfig : Description : My C# Lambda Function Environment : Amazon.Lambda.Model.EnvironmentResponse FunctionArn : arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:ToUpper FunctionName : MyFunction Handler : AssemblyName::Namespace.ClassName::MethodName KMSKeyArn : LastModified : 2016-12-29T23:50:14.207+0000 MemorySize : 128 Role : arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/LambdaFullExecRole Runtime : dotnetcore1.0 Timeout : 3 Version : $LATEST VpcConfig :
Beispiel 2: Dieses Beispiel ähnelt dem vorherigen, mit dem Unterschied, dass die Funktions-Binärdateien zunächst in einen Amazon S3-Bucket hochgeladen werden (der sich in derselben Region befinden muss wie die vorgesehene Lambda-Funktion) und das resultierende S3-Objekt dann bei der Erstellung der Funktion referenziert wird.
Write-S3Object -BucketName amzn-s3-demo-bucket -Key MyFunctionBinaries.zip -File .\MyFunctionBinaries.zip Publish-LMFunction -Description "My C# Lambda Function" ` -FunctionName MyFunction ` -BucketName amzn-s3-demo-bucket ` -Key MyFunctionBinaries.zip ` -Handler "AssemblyName::Namespace.ClassName::MethodName" ` -Role "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/LambdaFullExecRole" ` -Runtime dotnetcore1.0 ` -Environment_Variable @{ "envvar1"="value";"envvar2"="value" }
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie unter CreateFunction AWS Tools for PowerShellCmdlet-Referenz.
- Python
- SDK für Python (Boto3)
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einrichten und ausführen. class LambdaWrapper: def __init__(self, lambda_client, iam_resource): self.lambda_client = lambda_client self.iam_resource = iam_resource def create_function( self, function_name, handler_name, iam_role, deployment_package ): """ Deploys a Lambda function. :param function_name: The name of the Lambda function. :param handler_name: The fully qualified name of the handler function. This must include the file name and the function name. :param iam_role: The IAM role to use for the function. :param deployment_package: The deployment package that contains the function code in .zip format. :return: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the newly created function. """ try: response = self.lambda_client.create_function( FunctionName=function_name, Description="AWS Lambda doc example", Runtime="python3.9", Role=iam_role.arn, Handler=handler_name, Code={"ZipFile": deployment_package}, Publish=True, ) function_arn = response["FunctionArn"] waiter = self.lambda_client.get_waiter("function_active_v2") waiter.wait(FunctionName=function_name) logger.info( "Created function '%s' with ARN: '%s'.", function_name, response["FunctionArn"], ) except ClientError: logger.error("Couldn't create function %s.", function_name) raise else: return function_arn
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunctionin AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
- Ruby
- SDK für Ruby
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einrichten und ausführen. class LambdaWrapper attr_accessor :lambda_client, :cloudwatch_client, :iam_client def initialize @lambda_client = Aws::Lambda::Client.new @cloudwatch_client = Aws::CloudWatchLogs::Client.new(region: 'us-east-1') @iam_client = Aws::IAM::Client.new(region: 'us-east-1') @logger = Logger.new($stdout) @logger.level = Logger::WARN end # Deploys a Lambda function. # # @param function_name: The name of the Lambda function. # @param handler_name: The fully qualified name of the handler function. # @param role_arn: The IAM role to use for the function. # @param deployment_package: The deployment package that contains the function code in .zip format. # @return: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the newly created function. def create_function(function_name, handler_name, role_arn, deployment_package) response = @lambda_client.create_function({ role: role_arn.to_s, function_name: function_name, handler: handler_name, runtime: 'ruby2.7', code: { zip_file: deployment_package }, environment: { variables: { 'LOG_LEVEL' => 'info' } } }) @lambda_client.wait_until(:function_active_v2, { function_name: function_name }) do |w| w.max_attempts = 5 w.delay = 5 end response rescue Aws::Lambda::Errors::ServiceException => e @logger.error("There was an error creating #{function_name}:\n #{e.message}") rescue Aws::Waiters::Errors::WaiterFailed => e @logger.error("Failed waiting for #{function_name} to activate:\n #{e.message}") end
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunctionin der AWS SDK for Ruby API-Referenz.
- Rust
- SDK für Rust
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einrichten und ausführen. /** * Create a function, uploading from a zip file. */ pub async fn create_function(&self, zip_file: PathBuf) -> Result<String, anyhow::Error> { let code = self.prepare_function(zip_file, None).await?; let key = code.s3_key().unwrap().to_string(); let role = self.create_role().await.map_err(|e| anyhow!(e))?; info!("Created iam role, waiting 15s for it to become active"); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(15)).await; info!("Creating lambda function {}", self.lambda_name); let _ = self .lambda_client .create_function() .function_name(self.lambda_name.clone()) .code(code) .role(role.arn()) .runtime(aws_sdk_lambda::types::Runtime::Providedal2) .handler("_unused") .send() .await .map_err(anyhow::Error::from)?; self.wait_for_function_ready().await?; self.lambda_client .publish_version() .function_name(self.lambda_name.clone()) .send() .await?; Ok(key) } /** * Upload function code from a path to a zip file. * The zip file must have an AL2 Linux-compatible binary called `bootstrap`. * The easiest way to create such a zip is to use `cargo lambda build --output-format Zip`. */ async fn prepare_function( &self, zip_file: PathBuf, key: Option<String>, ) -> Result<FunctionCode, anyhow::Error> { let body = ByteStream::from_path(zip_file).await?; let key = key.unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{}_code", self.lambda_name)); info!("Uploading function code to s3://{}/{}", self.bucket, key); let _ = self .s3_client .put_object() .bucket(self.bucket.clone()) .key(key.clone()) .body(body) .send() .await?; Ok(FunctionCode::builder() .s3_bucket(self.bucket.clone()) .s3_key(key) .build()) }
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunction
in der API-Referenz zum AWS SDK für Rust.
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einrichten und ausführen. TRY. lo_lmd->createfunction( iv_functionname = iv_function_name iv_runtime = `python3.9` iv_role = iv_role_arn iv_handler = iv_handler io_code = io_zip_file iv_description = 'AWS Lambda code example' ). MESSAGE 'Lambda function created.' TYPE 'I'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdcodesigningcfgno00. MESSAGE 'Code signing configuration does not exist.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdcodestorageexcdex. MESSAGE 'Maximum total code size per account exceeded.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdcodeverification00. MESSAGE 'Code signature failed one or more validation checks for signature mismatch or expiration.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdinvalidcodesigex. MESSAGE 'Code signature failed the integrity check.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdinvparamvalueex. MESSAGE 'The request contains a non-valid parameter.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdresourceconflictex. MESSAGE 'Resource already exists or another operation is in progress.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdresourcenotfoundex. MESSAGE 'The requested resource does not exist.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdserviceexception. MESSAGE 'An internal problem was encountered by the AWS Lambda service.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdtoomanyrequestsex. MESSAGE 'The maximum request throughput was reached.' TYPE 'E'. ENDTRY.
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunctionin der API-Referenz zum AWS SDK für SAP ABAP.
- Swift
- SDK für Swift
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einrichten und ausführen. import AWSClientRuntime import AWSLambda import Foundation do { // Read the Zip archive containing the AWS Lambda function. let zipUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: path) let zipData = try Data(contentsOf: zipUrl) // Create the AWS Lambda function that runs the specified code, // using the name given on the command line. The Lambda function // will run using the Amazon Linux 2 runtime. _ = try await lambdaClient.createFunction( input: CreateFunctionInput( code: LambdaClientTypes.FunctionCode(zipFile: zipData), functionName: name, handler: "handle", role: roleArn, runtime: .providedal2 ) ) } catch { return false }
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunction
in der API-Referenz zum AWS SDK für Swift.
- AWS SDK for .NET
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einrichten und ausführen. /// <summary> /// Creates a new Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the function.</param> /// <param name="s3Bucket">The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) /// bucket where the zip file containing the code is located.</param> /// <param name="s3Key">The Amazon S3 key of the zip file.</param> /// <param name="role">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role with the /// appropriate Lambda permissions.</param> /// <param name="handler">The name of the handler function.</param> /// <returns>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the newly created /// Lambda function.</returns> public async Task<string> CreateLambdaFunctionAsync( string functionName, string s3Bucket, string s3Key, string role, string handler) { // Defines the location for the function code. // S3Bucket - The S3 bucket where the file containing // the source code is stored. // S3Key - The name of the file containing the code. var functionCode = new FunctionCode { S3Bucket = s3Bucket, S3Key = s3Key, }; var createFunctionRequest = new CreateFunctionRequest { FunctionName = functionName, Description = "Created by the Lambda .NET API", Code = functionCode, Handler = handler, Runtime = Runtime.Dotnet6, Role = role, }; var reponse = await _lambdaService.CreateFunctionAsync(createFunctionRequest); return reponse.FunctionArn; }
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie CreateFunctionin der AWS SDK for .NET API-Referenz.
Eine vollständige Liste der AWS SDK-Entwicklerhandbücher und Codebeispiele finden Sie unterLambda mit einem AWS SDK verwenden. Dieses Thema enthält auch Informationen zu den ersten Schritten und Details zu früheren SDK-Versionen.