Content encryption and DRM in AWS Elemental MediaPackage - AWS Elemental MediaPackage v2

Content encryption and DRM in AWS Elemental MediaPackage

Protect your content from unauthorized use through content encryption and digital rights management (DRM). AWS Elemental MediaPackage uses the AWS Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange (SPEKE) API to facilitate content encryption and decryption by a DRM provider. Using SPEKE, the DRM provider supplies encryption keys to MediaPackage through the SPEKE API. The DRM provider also supplies licenses to supported media players for decryption. For more information about how SPEKE is used with services and features running in the cloud, see AWS cloud-based architecture in the Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange API Specification guide.

Limitations and requirements

When implementing content encryption for MediaPackage, refer to the following limitations and requirements:

  • Use the AWS Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange (SPEKE) API to facilitate integration with a digital rights management (DRM) system provider. For information about SPEKE, see What is Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange?

  • Your DRM system provider must support SPEKE. For a list of DRM providers that support SPEKE, see the Get on board with a DRM platform provider topic in the AWS Elemental MediaPackage User Guide. Your DRM provider can help you set up DRM encryption use in MediaPackage.

  • Use MediaPackage to encrypt live content.

Container and DRM system support with SPEKE

MediaPackage supports SPEKE Version 2.0 which uses multiple, distinct encryption keys for audio and video tracks and uses Content Protection Information Exchange (CPIX) Version 2.3. For more information about SPEKE Version 2.0 encryption configurations, see Encryption presets in AWS Elemental MediaPackage.

Supported containers and DRM systems

The following table lists the different containers and digital rights management (DRM) systems that SPEKE Version 2.0 supports.

SPEKE Version 2.0 – Support matrix for container and DRM system Apple FairPlay ClearKey AES-128 Google Widevine Microsoft PlayReady Irdeto
TS container


Supports AES-128

Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

CMAF container

Supports cbcs encryption

Not supported

Supports cbcs and cenc encryption

Supports cbcs and cenc encryption

Supports cenc encryption

Supported DRM system IDs

The following table lists the different DRM system IDs that MediaPackage supports.

System IDs – Support matrix for DRM system Apple FairPlay ClearKey AES-128 Google Widevine Microsoft PlayReady Irdeto
94ce86fb-07ff-4f43-adb8-93d2fa968ca2 3ea8778f-7742-4bf9-b18b-e834b2acbd47 edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed 9a04f079-9840-4286-ab92-e65be0885f95 80a6be7e-1448-4c37-9e70-d5aebe04c8d2

Deploying SPEKE

Your digital rights management (DRM) system provider can help you get set up to use DRM encryption in MediaPackage. Generally, the provider gives you a SPEKE gateway to deploy in your AWS account in the same AWS Region where MediaPackage is running. For information about configuring encryption settings for your endpoint, see encryption fields.

If you must build your own API Gateway to connect MediaPackage to your key service, you can use the SPEKE Reference Server available on GitHub as a starting point.

The following sections provide guidance on how to implement content encryption using SPEKE for MediaPackage.