Release notes - Amazon DocumentDB

Release notes

These release notes describe the Amazon DocumentDB features, improvements, and bug fixes by release date. The release notes include updates for all Amazon DocumentDB engine versions as they occur.

You can determine the current Amazon DocumentDB engine patch version by running the following command:

db.runCommand({getEngineVersion: 1})

If your cluster is not on the latest version of the engine, it is likely that you have pending maintenance available that will upgrade your engine. For more information, see Maintaining Amazon DocumentDB in the Developer Guide.

You can filter new Amazon DocumentDB features on the What's New with Database? page. For Products, choose Amazon DocumentDB. Then search using keywords such as elastic clusters or vector search.

September 18, 2024

New features

Amazon DocumentDB is now available in the Africa (Cape Town) region. For more information, see this blog post.

Amazon DocumentDB is now available in the Europe (Spain) region. For more information, see this blog post.

September 17, 2024

New features


The following Amazon DocumentDB engine patch is in the process of being delivered to all Amazon DocumentDB regions in the next few weeks. When this engine patch becomes available in your region, you will receive a service patch notification via the AWS Health Dashboard (AHD) in the AWS Management Console and through e-mail to your AWS account’s root user email address.

This engine patch includes the following new features and bug fixes. Please note that the below list, along with the relevant supporting documentation, may be updated to include additional feature announcements once the engine patch is available in all regions.

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.10022)

Amazon DocumentDB now supports rebuilding indexes with reIndex in the runCommand. For more information, see Amazon DocumentDB index maintenance using reIndex.


reIndex is only supported on Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.10022 and higher).

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.10022) and Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.10830)

$setOnInsert now supports the _id field during inserts resulting from update operations.

August 22, 2024

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (All engine patch versions) and Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.5704)

Amazon DocumentDB global clusters now support cluster switchovers and managed cluster failovers. For more information, see Performing a switchover for an Amazon DocumentDB global cluster and Performing a managed failover for an Amazon DocumentDB global cluster.


Global cluster switchovers and failovers are supported on Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 and 5.0 only.

August 20, 2024

New feature

For Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (minimum engine patch version 1.0.208662), TLS CA certificate updates no longer require a system reboot. For more information, see Updating your Amazon DocumentDB TLS certificates.

August 8, 2024

New features

Amazon DocumentDB elastic clusters are now available in the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Canada (Central), and Europe (Paris) regions. For more information, see Region availability for elastic clusters.

July 23, 2024

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.8126) and Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.10709)

  • Added support for longer index names (up to 255 characters). For more information, see Naming constraints

  • Increased the maximum connection limit by two-fold:

    Instance type Original limit New limit
    t3.medium 500 1000
    t4g.medium 500 1000
    r5.large 1700 3400
    r5.xlarge 3500 7000
    r5.2xlarge 7100 14200
    r5.4xlarge 14200 28400
    r5.8xlarge 28400 60000
    r5.12xlarge 30000 60000
    r5.16xlarge 30000 60000
    r5.24xlarge 30000 60000
    r6g.large 1700 3400
    r6g.xlarge 3500 7000
    r6g.2xlarge 7100 14200
    r6g.4xlarge 14200 28400
    r6g.8xlarge 28400 60000
    r6g.12xlarge 30000 60000
    r6g.16xlarge 30000 60000

    For more information, see Instance limits.

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.8126)

Enhanced the logic to synchronize CurrentTime and ResumeToken for the change stream on readers.

July 22, 2024

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.6742)

  • Added support DML Audit filtering. You can now setup filter conditions to filter out DML Audit logs based on their specific requirements instead of logging every DML query. For more information, see Filtering DML audit events.

  • Added support in document compression for the following:

    • Setting a minimum compression threshold

    • Enabling compression for existing collections (applicable to new documents)

    • Allow default compression setting at the cluster level

    For more information, see Managing collection-level document compression.

  • Added support for consuming change streams on reader instances. For more information, see Using change streams on secondary instances.

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.10593)

  • Added support DML Audit filtering. You can now setup filter conditions to filter out DML Audit logs based on their specific requirements instead of logging every DML query. For more information, see Filtering DML audit events.

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.208662)

Removed index limitations on db.r5.* and db.r6.* instances in Amazon DocumentDB MVU. For more information, see MVU prerequisites and limitations.

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.208662)

Amazon DocumentDB now recognizes -NaN as a valid JSON token.

July 9, 2024

New feature

For Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (minimum engine patch version 2.0.10179) and 5.0 (minimum engine patch version 3.0.4780), TLS CA certificate updates no longer require a system reboot. For more information, see Updating your Amazon DocumentDB TLS certificates.

July 8, 2024

New feature

Amazon DocumentDB elastic clusters are now available in the Europe (Milan) region. For more information, see Region availability for elastic clusters.

June 25, 2024

New feature

Authentication with AWS IAM ARNs is available in Amazon DocumentDB instance-based 5.0 clusters across all supported regions. For more information, see Authentication using IAM identity.

May 29, 2024

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.6742)

  • Added support for regexMatch and regexFind operators.

  • Added support to ensure full precision in audit logs when addressing large integers. Audit logs now maintain the exact numeric representation for all numbers, preventing any loss of precision.

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.10593)

  • Added support to ensure full precision in audit logs when addressing large integers. Audit logs now maintain the exact numeric representation for all numbers, preventing any loss of precision.

April 3, 2024

Amazon DocumentDB is now available in the Middle East (UAE) region. For more information, see this blog post.

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.5721)

  • Added support for bypassDocumentValidation and granular error message for $jsonSchema. For more information about bypassDocumentValidation, see bypassDocumentValidation.

  • Added support of $expr.

  • Added support for Uncorrelated Joins in $lookup.

  • Added support to retain validation rules in $out aggregation stage.

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.10392)

  • Added support for bypassDocumentValidation for $jsonSchema. For more information about bypassDocumentValidation, see bypassDocumentValidation.

  • Added support of $expr.

  • Added support for Uncorrelated Joins in $lookup.

  • Added support to retain validation rules in $out aggregation stage.

Bug fixes and other changes

  • Fixed an error when invoking db.coll.stats() on mongo shell version 1.7 and later.

  • Fixed a memory leak issue for change stream queries that contain $regex as a part of the same aggregation pipeline.

February 22, 2024

New features

Amazon DocumentDB elastic clusters

Amazon DocumentDB elastic clusters now support the following features:

January 30, 2024

New features

Amazon DocumentDB elastic clusters

Amazon DocumentDB elastic clusters are now available in the following regions:

  • Asia Pacific (Mumbai)

  • Asia Pacific (Seoul)

  • South America (São Paulo)

  • Europe (London)

For more information, see Elastic cluster region and version availability.

Amazon DocumentDB global clusters

Global clusters are now available in both AWS GovCloud (US) regions: AWS GovCloud (US-East) and AWS GovCloud (US-West).

January 10, 2024

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Versions 3.0.4574, 3.0.4780, 3.0.4960)

  • Added support for HNSW vector indexes. For more information, see Vector search for Amazon DocumentDB.

  • Added a support for partial indexes. For more information, see Partial index.

  • Added a support for GC runtime on a collection within currentOp command.

  • Added text index support for native text search on Amazon DocumentDB. For more information, see Performing text search with Amazon DocumentDB.

  • Added support for $jsonSchema schema keywords type, allOf, oneOf, anyOf, not, maxItems, minItems, maxProperties, minProperties, pattern, patternProperties, multipleOf, dependencies, and uniqueItems.

    For more information see Using JSON schema validation.

  • Added support for arithmetic operators $ceil, $floor, $ln, $log, $log10, $sqrt, and $exp.

    For more information see Arithmetic operators.

  • Added support for the conditional expression operator $switch.

  • Added support for parallel IVFFLAT vector index builds. Documentation was updated by removing the parallel IVFFLAT vector index builds limitation from the developer guide.

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Versions 2.0.10124, 2.0.10179, 2.0.10221)

  • Added a support for GC runtime on a collection within currentOp command.

  • Added support for $jsonSchema schema keywords type, allOf, oneOf, anyOf, not, maxItems, minItems, maxProperties, minProperties, pattern, patternProperties, multipleOf, dependencies, and uniqueItems.

    For more information see Using JSON schema validation.

  • Added support for arithmetic operators $ceil, $floor, $ln, $log, $log10, $sqrt, and $exp.

    For more information see Arithmetic operators.

  • Added support for the conditional expression operator $switch.

Bug fixes and other changes

  • Added back case-insensitive functionality for invoking db.runCommand("dbstats"). Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 and 4.0 customers on engine patch versions prior to 3.0.4960 or 2.0.10221 should apply these latest engine patches.

  • Fixed an error when invoking db.coll.stats() on mongo shell version 1.7 and later. Documentation was updated by removing the mongo shell db.coll.stats() troubleshooting tip from the developer guide.

December 20, 2023

Other changes

Enabled support for in-place major version upgrade in Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 and 4.0. For more information, see Amazon DocumentDB in-place major version upgrade.

December 13, 2023

New features

Added support for 1-click EC2 connectivity. For more information, see Connect using Amazon EC2.

November 29, 2023

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.3727)

New features

Added support for vector search. For more information, see this blog post and visit Vector search for Amazon DocumentDB in the Amazon DocumentDB Developer Guide.

November 21, 2023

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.3727)

New features

Added support for I/O-optimized storage. For more information, see Amazon DocumentDB cluster storage configurations in the Amazon DocumentDB Developer Guide.

Added integration for no-code machine learning with SageMaker Canvas. For more information, see No-code machine learning with Amazon SageMaker Canvas in the Amazon DocumentDB Developer Guide.

November 17, 2023

New features

Amazon DocumentDB is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US-East) region. For more information, see this blog post.

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.208570)

User defined local variable names now support “_” (underscore) for projection operators such as $let and $filter.

November 6, 2023

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.3727) and 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.9876)

New features

  • Added support for $jsonSchema schema keywords maxLength, minLength, maximum, minimum, exclusiveMaximum, exclusiveMinimum, items, and additionalItems.

    Please note that JSON schema validation is supported in instance-based clusters only.

  • Added support for $convert aggregation pipeline operator and its shorthand derived operators $toBool, $toInt, $toLong, $toDouble, $toString, $toDecimal, $toObjectId, and $toDate.

  • Added support for set expression operators $setDifference, $anyElementTrue, and $allElementTrue.

Bug fixes and other changes

Fixed issue where a change stream update from -NaN to NaN was not being displayed.

October 20, 2023

Other changes

Amazon DocumentDB has identified an issue and is temporarily disallowing major version upgrades (MVU) in all regions. We have identified the root cause for the issue and have developed a fix that is currently undergoing testing. We anticipate this fix to be deployed in all regions before end of Q4 2023. MVU will remain disabled until the fix is deployed to all regions. Please check this release note page for more updates on MVU feature availability.

In the meantime, you may use AWS DMS to perform major version upgrades by migrating your Amazon DocumentDB database from a lower version cluster to a higher version. Follow the steps in Upgrading your Amazon DocumentDB cluster using AWS Database Migration Service to upgrade using AWS DMS. You can also refer to this blog post for additional info on best practices to follow while upgrading using AWS DMS.

September 25, 2023

New features

Amazon DocumentDB is now available in the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) region. For more information, see this blog post.

September 20, 2023

New features

Added support for in-place major version upgrades in Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 and 4.0. For more information see Amazon DocumentDB in-place major version upgrade.

September 15, 2023

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.3140) and 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.9686)

Added support for $jsonSchema schema validator in instance-based clusters only. For more information see Using JSON schema validation.

September 11, 2023

New features

Amazon DocumentDB is now available in the Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) region. For more information, see this blog post.

August 3, 2023

New features

Amazon DocumentDB Elastic clusters

July 13, 2023

New featues

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.1948)

  • Added support for document compression.

  • Added support for parallel index builds.

  • Added support for index build status.

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.9259)

  • Added support for parallel index builds.

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.1948)

  • Fixed authentication issue with createCollection for Amazon DocumentDB elastic clusters when users don’t have access to system collections.

  • Fixed issue where secondary region instances couldn’t use the same primary region instance names.

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.9259)

  • Stopped adding internal monitoring queries to auditing logs.

June 7, 2023

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0

  • r5 and t3.medium instances are now supported in Amazon DocumentDB 5.0.

  • engineVersion option default is 5.0.0 in AWS SDK, AWS CLI, and AWS CloudFormation.

May 10, 2023

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.1361)

  • Added support for ignoreunknownindexoptions in the createIndex command.

  • Stopped adding internal monitoring queries to auditing logs.

  • User defined local variable names now support “_” (underscore) for projection operators such as $let and $filter.

April 4, 2023

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.8934)

  • Fixed issue with DML auditing when it is enabled during an ongoing workload.

  • Fixed issue with DML auditing when aggregate commands with hint is passed a string value.

  • Fixed issue with listCollections command not working when users with readwriteanydatabase role having both authorizedCollections and nameOnly options set to true.

  • Fixed issue to properly parse numeric string in a field name.

  • Cancel long running cursors when they are impacting garbage collection.

  • User defined local variable names now support “_” (underscore) for projection operators such as $let and $filter.

March 22, 2023

New features

Amazon DocumentDB elastic clusters are now available in the Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) regions. For more information, see Elastic cluster region and version availability.

March 1, 2023

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 (Engine Patch Version 3.0.775)

  • Introduced Amazon DocumentDB 5.0

    • MongoDB 5.0 compatibility (support for MongoDB 5.0 API drivers)

    • Support for Client-side Field Level Encryption (FLE). You can now encrypt fields at the client-side before writing the data to Amazon DocumentDB cluster. For more information, see Client-side field level encryption

    • New aggregation operators: $dateAdd, $dateSubtract

  • Increased storage limit to 128 TiB for all instance-based Amazon DocumentDB clusters and shard-based elastic clusters.

  • Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 now supports index scan with the $elemMatch operator in the first nesting level. Index scans are supported when query only have one level of the $elemMatch filter and the nested $elemMatch query does not support index scan.

    Query shape that supports index scan: { "a": {$elemMatch: { "b": "xyz", "c": "abc"} } })

    Query shape that does not support index scan: { "a": {$elemMatch: { "b": {$elemMatch: { "d": "xyz", "e": "abc"} }} } })

February 27, 2023

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0

Added support for AWS Lambda. For more information, see Using AWS Lambda with Change Streams.

February 2, 2023

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.208432)

  • Fixed issue with DML auditing when it is enabled during an ongoing workload.

  • Fixed issue with DML auditing when aggregate commands with hint is passed a string value.

  • Fixed issue with listCollections command not working when users with readwriteanydatabase role having both authorizedCollections and nameOnly options set to true.

  • Fixed issue to properly parse numeric string in a field name.

  • Cancel long running cursors when they are impacting garbage collection.

November 30, 2022

New features

Amazon DocumentDB Elastic clusters

Amazon DocumentDB elastic clusters is a new type of Amazon DocumentDB cluster that enables users to leverage the MongoDB sharding APIs to scale out their cluster. Elastic clusters handle virtually any number of reads and writes with petabytes of storage capacity by distributing the data and compute across multiple underlying compute instances and volumes. To learn more, see Using Amazon DocumentDB elastic clusters.

August 9, 2022

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.208152) and 4.0

  • Added support for Decimal128 data type. The Decimal128 is a BSON data type supported in all regions where DocumentDB is available.

    For more information, see Data Types.

  • Added support for DML query auditing with Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Now Amazon DocumentDB can record Data Manipulation Language (DML) events and Data Definition Language (DDL) events to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

    For more information, see this blog post.

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.208152) and 4.0

  • You can now change your own passwoprd with own password with changeOwnPassword privilege.

July 25, 2022

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0

You can now create clusters faster with the ability to create clones that use the same DocumentDB cluster volume and have the same data as the original cluster. For details, see Managing Amazon DocumentDB Clusters.

June 27, 2022

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.7509)

Amazon DocumentDB dynamically resizes your database based on usage patterns. Adding more data increases the space up to 64 Tebibytes (TiB) and deleting data decreases allotted space.

April 29, 2022

New features

Amazon DocumentDB is now available in China (Beijing) region. For more information, see this blog post.

April 7, 2022

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Versions 1.0.207836 and 1.0.208015) and 4.0 (Engine Patch Versions 2.0.6142 and 2.0.6948)

Amazon DocumentDB Performance Insights is now in preview. You can now store seven days of performance history in a rolling window at no additional cost. For more information, see Monitoring with Performance Insights.

March 16, 2022

New features

Amazon DocumentDB is now available in Europe (Milan) region. For more information, see this blog post.

February 8, 2022

New features

Amazon DocumentDB R6g and T4g instances are now available in Asia Pacific, South America, and Europe. For more information, see this blog post.

January 24, 2022

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.207684) and 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.5170)

January 21, 2022

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.5706)

  • Amazon DocumentDB Graviton2 (r6g.large, r6g.2xlarge, r6g.4xlarge, r6g.8xlarge, r6g.12xlarge, r6g.16xlarge and t4g.medium) instances are now supported.

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.207781) and 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.5706)

  • Added support for the following MongoDB APIs:

    • $reduce

    • $mergeObjects

    • $geoWithin

    • $geoIntersects

October 25, 2021

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.207780) and 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.5704)

  • Added support for the following MongoDB APIs

    • $literal

    • $map

    • $$ROOT

  • Support for GeoSpatial Query capabilities. See this blog post for more details

  • Support for access control with user-defined roles. See this blog post for more details

  • Amazon DocumentDB JDBC Driver to enable connectivity from BI tools such as Tableau and query tools such as SQL Workbench

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.207780) and 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.5704)

  • Bug fix for $natural to sort correctly when an explicit .sort() is present along with $natural

  • Bug fix for change stream to work with $redact

  • Bug fix for $ifNull to work with empty array

  • Bug fix for excessive resource consumption/server crash when a currently logged-in user is deleted or that user’s privilege for an ongoing activity is revoked

  • Bug fix in listDatabase and listCollection privilege check

  • Bug Fix dedupe logic for multi-key elements

June 24, 2021

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.207117) and 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.3371)

May 4, 2021

New features

See all the new features in this blog post.

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.207117) and 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.3371)

  • renameCollection

  • $zip

  • $indexOfArray

  • $reverseArray

  • $natural

  • $hint support for update

  • Index scan for distinct

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.207117) and 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.3371)

  • Reduced memory usage for $in queries

  • Fixed a memory leak in multikey indexes

  • Fixed the explain plan and profiler output for $out

  • Added a timeout for operations from internal monitoring system to improve reliability

  • Fixed a defect impacting the query predicates passed to multikey indexes

January 15, 2021

New features

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.722)

  • None

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.206295)

  • Ability to use an index with the $lookup aggregation stage

  • find() queries with projections can be served direction from an index (covered query)

  • Ability to use hint() with the findAndModify

  • Performance optimizations for $addToSet operator

  • Improvements to reduce overall index sizes

  • New aggregation operators: $ifNull, $replaceRoot, $setIsSubset, $setInstersection, $setUnion, and $setEquals

  • Users can also end their own cursors without requiring the KillCursor role

November 9, 2020

New features

See all the new features in this blog post.

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.722)

  • MongoDB 4.0 compatibility

  • ACID transactions

  • Support for cluster( or and the database level ( change streams

  • Ability to start or resume a change streams using startAtOperationTime

  • Extend your change stream retention period to 7 days (previously 24 hours)

  • AWS DMS target for Amazon DocumentDB 4.0

  • CloudWatch metrics: TransactionsOpen, TransactionsOpenMax, TransactionsAborted, TransactionsStarted, and TransactionsCommitted

  • New fields for transactions in currentOp, ServerStatus, and profiler.

  • Ability to use an index with the $lookup aggregation stage

  • find() queries with projections can be served direction from an index (covered query)

  • Ability to use hint() with the findAndModify

  • Performance optimizations for $addToSet operator

  • Improvements to reduce overall index sizes.

  • New aggregation operators: $ifNull, $replaceRoot, $setIsSubset, $setInstersection, $setUnion, and $setEquals

  • With the ListCollection and ListDatabase commands, you can now optionally use the authorizedCollections and authorizedDatabases parameters to allow users to list the collections and databases that they have permission to access without requiring the listCollections and listDatabase roles, respectively

  • Users can also end their own cursors without requiring the KillCursor role

  • Comparing numeric types of subdocuments is now consistent with comparing numeric types of first-level documents. The behavior in Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 is now compatible with MongoDB.

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.206295)

  • None

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 (Engine Patch Version 2.0.722)

  • $setOnInsert no longer allow updates when using the positional operator $. The behavior in Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 is now compatible with MongoDB.

  • Fixed issue with $createCollection and set autoIndexId

  • Projection for nested documents

  • Changed default setting for working memory to scale with instance memory size

  • Garbage collection improvements

  • Lookup with empty key in path, behavior difference with mongo

  • Fixed dateToString bug in timezone behavior

  • Fixed $push (aggregation) to respect sort order

  • Fixed bug in $currentOp with aggregate

  • Fixed issue with readPreference on secondary

  • Fixed issue with validating $createIndex is the same database as the command was issued

  • Fixed inconsistent behavior for minKey, maxKey lookup fails

  • Fixed issue with $size operator not working with composite array

  • Fixed issue with the negation of $in with regex

  • Fixed issue with $distinct command run against a view

  • Fixed issue with aggregations and find commands sorting missing fields differently

  • Fixed $eq to regular expression not checking type

  • Fixed $currentDate bug in timestamp ordinal position behavior

  • Fixed millisecond granularity for $currentDate

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.206295)

  • None

October 30, 2020

New features

See all the new features in this blog post.

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.206295)

  • Added the ability to open a change stream cursor at the cluster level ( or and the database (

  • Ability to increase the change stream retention period to 7 days(previously 24 hours)

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.206295)

  • Various general case performance improvements

  • A targeted security improvement

  • Fixed an issue with skip sort on second field of a compound index

  • Enable regular index for equality on single field of a multi-key index (not compound)

  • Fixed authentication race condition

  • Fixed issue that caused an infrequent garbage collection crash

  • RBAC security improvement

  • Added databaseConnectionsMax metric

  • Performance improvements for certain workloads on r5.24xlarge instances

September 22, 2020

New features

See all the new features in this blog post.

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.206295)

  • $out aggregation stage

  • Increased the maximum number of connections and cursor per instance by as much as 10x

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.206295)

  • None

July 10, 2020

New features

See all the new features in this blog post.

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.206295)

  • Cross Region Snapshot Copy

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.206295)

  • None

June 30, 2020

New features

See all the new features in this blog post.

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.206295)

  • T3 medium instances

Bug fixes and other changes

Amazon DocumentDB 3.6 (Engine Patch Version 1.0.206295)

  • Idle memory reclamation for t3 instances

  • Authentication improvements

  • Improved SASL authentication performance

  • Fixed currentOp issue when exceeding maximum possible ops

  • Fixed killOps issue for bulk update and delete

  • Improvements to $sample performance with $match

  • Fixed support for $$ in cond case in redact stage

  • Fixed various recurring crash root causes

  • Improvements to TTL sweeping to reduce IOs and latency

  • Optimized memory utilization for $unwind

  • Fixed collection stats race condition with drop index

  • Fixed race condition during concurrent index build

  • Fixed infrequent crash in hash_search in index