Environment overview pane
This topic describes the information that the Environment overview pane provides. It shows top-level information about your environment and is located on the top half of the environment management console.
The following image displays the Environment overview pane.
The overall health of the environment. If the health of your environment degrades, the View causes link displays next to the environment health. Select this link to view the Health tab with more details.
The environment's Domain, or URL, is located in the upper portion of the Environment overview page, below the environment's Health. This is the URL of the web application that the environment is running. You can launch the application be selecting the URL.
Environment id
The environment ID. This is an internal ID that's generated when the environment is created.
Application name
The name of the application that is deployed and running on your environment.
Running version
The name of the application version that is deployed and running on your environment. Choose Upload and deploy to upload a source bundle and deploy it to your environment. This option creates a new application version.
The name of the platform version running on your environment. Typically, this comprises the architecture, operating system (OS), language, and application server (collectively known as the platform branch), with a specific platform version number.
If your platform version is not the most recently available, then a status label displays next to it in the Platform section. The Update label indicates that although the platform version is supported a newer version is available. The platform version may also be labeled as Deprecated or Retired. Select Change version to update your platform branch to a newer version. For more information about the states of a platform version, see the Platform Branch section in the Elastic Beanstalk platforms glossary. The previous image on this page illustrates the Update status label for the given platform.