Installing packages with a Gemfile on Elastic Beanstalk - AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Installing packages with a Gemfile on Elastic Beanstalk

To use RubyGems to install packages that your application requires, include a Gemfile file in the root of your project source.

Example Gemfile
source "" gem 'sinatra' gem 'json' gem 'rack-parser'

When a Gemfile file is present, Elastic Beanstalk runs bundle install to install dependencies. For more information, see the Gemfiles and Bundle pages on the website.


You can use a different version of Puma besides the default that's pre-installed with the Ruby platform. To do so, include an entry in a Gemfile that specifies the version. You can also specify a different application server, such as Passenger, by using a customized Gemfile.

For both of these cases you're required to configure a Procfile to start the application server.

For more information see Configuring the application process with a Procfile.