Clone an Elastic Beanstalk environment - AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Clone an Elastic Beanstalk environment

You can use an existing Elastic Beanstalk environment as the basis for a new environment by cloning the existing environment. For example, you might want to create a clone so that you can use a newer version of the platform branch used by the original environment's platform. Elastic Beanstalk configures the clone with the environment settings used by the original environment. By cloning an existing environment instead of creating a new environment, you don't have to manually configure option settings, environment variables, and other settings that you made with the Elastic Beanstalk service. Elastic Beanstalk also creates a copy of any AWS resource associated with the original environment.

It's important to be aware of the following situations:

  • During the cloning process, Elastic Beanstalk doesn't copy data from Amazon RDS to the clone.

  • Elastic Beanstalk doesn't include any unmanaged changes to resources in the clone. Changes to AWS resources that you make using tools other than the Elastic Beanstalk console, command-line tools, or API are considered unmanaged changes.

  • The security groups for ingress are considered unmanaged changes. Cloned Elastic Beanstalk environments do not carry over the security groups for ingress, leaving the environment open to all internet traffic. You’ll need to reestablish ingress security groups for the cloned environment.

You can only clone an environment to a different platform version of the same platform branch. A different platform branch isn't guaranteed to be compatible. To use a different platform branch, you have to manually create a new environment, deploy your application code, and make any necessary changes in code and options to ensure your application works correctly on the new platform branch.

AWS management console


Cloned Elastic Beanstalk environments do not carry over the security groups for ingress, leaving the environment open to all internet traffic. You’ll need to reestablish ingress security groups for the cloned environment.

You can see resources that may not be cloned by checking the drift status of your environment configuration. For more information, see Detect drift on an entire CloudFormation stack in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

To clone an environment
  1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console, and in the Regions list, select your AWS Region.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Environments, and then choose the name of your environment from the list.


    If you have many environments, use the search bar to filter the environment list.

  3. On the environment overview page, choose Actions.

  4. Choose Clone environment.

  5. On the Clone environment page, review the information in the Original Environment section to verify that you chose the environment from which you want to create a clone.

  6. In the New Environment section, you can optionally change the Environment name, Environment URL, Description, Platform version, and Service role values that Elastic Beanstalk automatically set based on the original environment.


    If the platform version used in the original environment isn't the one recommended for use in the platform branch, you are warned that a different platform version is recommended. Choose Platform version, and you can see the recommended platform version on the list—for example, 3.3.2 (Recommended).

  7. When you are ready, choose Clone.

Elastic Beanstalk command line interface (EB CLI)


Cloned Elastic Beanstalk environments do not carry over the security groups for ingress, leaving the environment open to all internet traffic. You’ll need to reestablish ingress security groups for the cloned environment.

You can see resources that may not be cloned by checking the drift status of your environment configuration. For more information, see Detect drift on an entire CloudFormation stack in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

Use the eb clone command to clone a running environment, as follows.

~/workspace/my-app$ eb clone my-env1 Enter name for Environment Clone (default is my-env1-clone): my-env2 Enter DNS CNAME prefix (default is my-env1-clone): my-env2

You can specify the name of the source environment in the clone command, or leave it out to clone the default environment for the current project folder. The EB CLI prompts you to enter a name and DNS prefix for the new environment.

By default, eb clone creates the new environment with the latest available version of the source environment's platform. To force the EB CLI to use the same version, even if there is a newer version available, use the --exact option.

~/workspace/my-app$ eb clone --exact

For more information about this command, see eb clone.