Class | Description |
ActionDefinition |
A custom action to use in stateless rule actions settings.
Address |
A single IP address specification.
AnalysisResult |
The analysis result for Network Firewall's stateless rule group analyzer.
AssociateFirewallPolicyRequest | |
AssociateFirewallPolicyResult | |
AssociateSubnetsRequest | |
AssociateSubnetsResult | |
Attachment |
The configuration and status for a single subnet that you've specified for use by the Network Firewall firewall.
CapacityUsageSummary |
The capacity usage summary of the resources used by the ReferenceSets in a firewall.
CheckCertificateRevocationStatusActions |
Defines the actions to take on the SSL/TLS connection if the certificate presented by the server in the connection
has a revoked or unknown status.
CIDRSummary |
Summarizes the CIDR blocks used by the IP set references in a firewall.
CreateFirewallPolicyRequest | |
CreateFirewallPolicyResult | |
CreateFirewallRequest | |
CreateFirewallResult | |
CreateRuleGroupRequest | |
CreateRuleGroupResult | |
CreateTLSInspectionConfigurationRequest | |
CreateTLSInspectionConfigurationResult | |
CustomAction |
An optional, non-standard action to use for stateless packet handling.
DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest | |
DeleteFirewallPolicyResult | |
DeleteFirewallRequest | |
DeleteFirewallResult | |
DeleteResourcePolicyRequest | |
DeleteResourcePolicyResult | |
DeleteRuleGroupRequest | |
DeleteRuleGroupResult | |
DeleteTLSInspectionConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteTLSInspectionConfigurationResult | |
DescribeFirewallPolicyRequest | |
DescribeFirewallPolicyResult | |
DescribeFirewallRequest | |
DescribeFirewallResult | |
DescribeLoggingConfigurationRequest | |
DescribeLoggingConfigurationResult | |
DescribeResourcePolicyRequest | |
DescribeResourcePolicyResult | |
DescribeRuleGroupMetadataRequest | |
DescribeRuleGroupMetadataResult | |
DescribeRuleGroupRequest | |
DescribeRuleGroupResult | |
DescribeTLSInspectionConfigurationRequest | |
DescribeTLSInspectionConfigurationResult | |
Dimension |
The value to use in an Amazon CloudWatch custom metric dimension.
DisassociateSubnetsRequest | |
DisassociateSubnetsResult | |
EncryptionConfiguration |
A complex type that contains optional Amazon Web Services Key Management Service (KMS) encryption settings for your
Network Firewall resources.
Firewall |
The firewall defines the configuration settings for an Network Firewall firewall.
FirewallMetadata |
High-level information about a firewall, returned by operations like create and describe.
FirewallPolicy |
The firewall policy defines the behavior of a firewall using a collection of stateless and stateful rule groups and
other settings.
FirewallPolicyMetadata |
High-level information about a firewall policy, returned by operations like create and describe.
FirewallPolicyResponse |
The high-level properties of a firewall policy.
FirewallStatus |
Detailed information about the current status of a Firewall.
Header |
The basic rule criteria for Network Firewall to use to inspect packet headers in stateful traffic flow inspection.
IPSet |
A list of IP addresses and address ranges, in CIDR notation.
IPSetMetadata |
General information about the IP set.
IPSetReference |
Configures one or more IP set references for a Suricata-compatible rule group.
ListFirewallPoliciesRequest | |
ListFirewallPoliciesResult | |
ListFirewallsRequest | |
ListFirewallsResult | |
ListRuleGroupsRequest | |
ListRuleGroupsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListTLSInspectionConfigurationsRequest | |
ListTLSInspectionConfigurationsResult | |
LogDestinationConfig |
Defines where Network Firewall sends logs for the firewall for one log type.
LoggingConfiguration |
Defines how Network Firewall performs logging for a Firewall.
MatchAttributes |
Criteria for Network Firewall to use to inspect an individual packet in stateless rule inspection.
PerObjectStatus |
Provides configuration status for a single policy or rule group that is used for a firewall endpoint.
PolicyVariables |
Contains variables that you can use to override default Suricata settings in your firewall policy.
PortRange |
A single port range specification.
PortSet |
A set of port ranges for use in the rules in a rule group.
PublishMetricAction |
Stateless inspection criteria that publishes the specified metrics to Amazon CloudWatch for the matching packet.
PutResourcePolicyRequest | |
PutResourcePolicyResult | |
ReferenceSets |
Contains a set of IP set references.
RuleDefinition |
The inspection criteria and action for a single stateless rule.
RuleGroup |
The object that defines the rules in a rule group.
RuleGroupMetadata |
High-level information about a rule group, returned by ListRuleGroups.
RuleGroupResponse |
The high-level properties of a rule group.
RuleOption |
Additional settings for a stateful rule.
RulesSource |
The stateless or stateful rules definitions for use in a single rule group.
RulesSourceList |
Stateful inspection criteria for a domain list rule group.
RuleVariables |
Settings that are available for use in the rules in the RuleGroup where this is defined.
ServerCertificate |
Any Certificate Manager (ACM) Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) server certificate that's
associated with a ServerCertificateConfiguration.
ServerCertificateConfiguration |
Configures the Certificate Manager certificates and scope that Network Firewall uses to decrypt and re-encrypt
traffic using a TLSInspectionConfiguration.
ServerCertificateScope |
Settings that define the Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) traffic that Network Firewall should
decrypt for inspection by the stateful rule engine.
SourceMetadata |
High-level information about the managed rule group that your own rule group is copied from.
StatefulEngineOptions |
Configuration settings for the handling of the stateful rule groups in a firewall policy.
StatefulRule |
A single Suricata rules specification, for use in a stateful rule group.
StatefulRuleGroupOverride |
The setting that allows the policy owner to change the behavior of the rule group within a policy.
StatefulRuleGroupReference |
Identifier for a single stateful rule group, used in a firewall policy to refer to a rule group.
StatefulRuleOptions |
Additional options governing how Network Firewall handles the rule group.
StatelessRule |
A single stateless rule.
StatelessRuleGroupReference |
Identifier for a single stateless rule group, used in a firewall policy to refer to the rule group.
StatelessRulesAndCustomActions |
Stateless inspection criteria.
SubnetMapping |
The ID for a subnet that you want to associate with the firewall.
SyncState |
The status of the firewall endpoint and firewall policy configuration for a single VPC subnet.
Tag |
A key:value pair associated with an Amazon Web Services resource.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TCPFlagField |
TCP flags and masks to inspect packets for, used in stateless rules MatchAttributes settings.
TlsCertificateData |
Contains metadata about an Certificate Manager certificate.
TLSInspectionConfiguration |
The object that defines a TLS inspection configuration.
TLSInspectionConfigurationMetadata |
High-level information about a TLS inspection configuration, returned by
. |
TLSInspectionConfigurationResponse |
The high-level properties of a TLS inspection configuration.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateFirewallDeleteProtectionRequest | |
UpdateFirewallDeleteProtectionResult | |
UpdateFirewallDescriptionRequest | |
UpdateFirewallDescriptionResult | |
UpdateFirewallEncryptionConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateFirewallEncryptionConfigurationResult | |
UpdateFirewallPolicyChangeProtectionRequest | |
UpdateFirewallPolicyChangeProtectionResult | |
UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest | |
UpdateFirewallPolicyResult | |
UpdateLoggingConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateLoggingConfigurationResult | |
UpdateRuleGroupRequest | |
UpdateRuleGroupResult | |
UpdateSubnetChangeProtectionRequest | |
UpdateSubnetChangeProtectionResult | |
UpdateTLSInspectionConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateTLSInspectionConfigurationResult |
Exception | Description |
AWSNetworkFirewallException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS Network Firewall
InsufficientCapacityException |
Amazon Web Services doesn't currently have enough available capacity to fulfill your request.
InternalServerErrorException |
Your request is valid, but Network Firewall couldn't perform the operation because of a system problem.
InvalidOperationException |
The operation failed because it's not valid.
InvalidRequestException |
The operation failed because of a problem with your request.
InvalidResourcePolicyException |
The policy statement failed validation.
InvalidTokenException |
The token you provided is stale or isn't valid for the operation.
LimitExceededException |
Unable to perform the operation because doing so would violate a limit setting.
LogDestinationPermissionException |
Unable to send logs to a configured logging destination.
ResourceNotFoundException |
Unable to locate a resource using the parameters that you provided.
ResourceOwnerCheckException |
Unable to change the resource because your account doesn't own it.
ThrottlingException |
Unable to process the request due to throttling limitations.
UnsupportedOperationException |
The operation you requested isn't supported by Network Firewall.