Class | Description |
ActivityFailedEventDetails |
Contains details about an activity that failed during an execution.
ActivityListItem |
Contains details about an activity.
ActivityScheduledEventDetails |
Contains details about an activity scheduled during an execution.
ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails |
Contains details about an activity schedule failure that occurred during an execution.
ActivityStartedEventDetails |
Contains details about the start of an activity during an execution.
ActivitySucceededEventDetails |
Contains details about an activity that successfully terminated during an execution.
ActivityTimedOutEventDetails |
Contains details about an activity timeout that occurred during an execution.
BillingDetails |
An object that describes workflow billing details.
CloudWatchEventsExecutionDataDetails |
Provides details about execution input or output.
CloudWatchLogsLogGroup |
CreateActivityRequest | |
CreateActivityResult | |
CreateStateMachineAliasRequest | |
CreateStateMachineAliasResult | |
CreateStateMachineRequest | |
CreateStateMachineResult | |
DeleteActivityRequest | |
DeleteActivityResult | |
DeleteStateMachineAliasRequest | |
DeleteStateMachineAliasResult | |
DeleteStateMachineRequest | |
DeleteStateMachineResult | |
DeleteStateMachineVersionRequest | |
DeleteStateMachineVersionResult | |
DescribeActivityRequest | |
DescribeActivityResult | |
DescribeExecutionRequest | |
DescribeExecutionResult | |
DescribeMapRunRequest | |
DescribeMapRunResult | |
DescribeStateMachineAliasRequest | |
DescribeStateMachineAliasResult | |
DescribeStateMachineForExecutionRequest | |
DescribeStateMachineForExecutionResult | |
DescribeStateMachineRequest | |
DescribeStateMachineResult | |
EncryptionConfiguration |
Settings to configure server-side encryption.
ExecutionAbortedEventDetails |
Contains details about an abort of an execution.
ExecutionFailedEventDetails |
Contains details about an execution failure event.
ExecutionListItem |
Contains details about an execution.
ExecutionRedrivenEventDetails |
Contains details about a redriven execution.
ExecutionStartedEventDetails |
Contains details about the start of the execution.
ExecutionSucceededEventDetails |
Contains details about the successful termination of the execution.
ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails |
Contains details about the execution timeout that occurred during the execution.
GetActivityTaskRequest | |
GetActivityTaskResult | |
GetExecutionHistoryRequest | |
GetExecutionHistoryResult | |
HistoryEvent |
Contains details about the events of an execution.
HistoryEventExecutionDataDetails |
Provides details about input or output in an execution history event.
InspectionData |
Contains additional details about the state's execution, including its input and output data processing flow, and
HTTP request and response information.
InspectionDataRequest |
Contains additional details about the state's execution, including its input and output data processing flow, and
HTTP request information.
InspectionDataResponse |
Contains additional details about the state's execution, including its input and output data processing flow, and
HTTP response information.
LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails |
Contains details about a Lambda function that failed during an execution.
LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails |
Contains details about a Lambda function scheduled during an execution.
LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails |
Contains details about a failed Lambda function schedule event that occurred during an execution.
LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails |
Contains details about a lambda function that failed to start during an execution.
LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails |
Contains details about a Lambda function that successfully terminated during an execution.
LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails |
Contains details about a Lambda function timeout that occurred during an execution.
ListActivitiesRequest | |
ListActivitiesResult | |
ListExecutionsRequest | |
ListExecutionsResult | |
ListMapRunsRequest | |
ListMapRunsResult | |
ListStateMachineAliasesRequest | |
ListStateMachineAliasesResult | |
ListStateMachinesRequest | |
ListStateMachinesResult | |
ListStateMachineVersionsRequest | |
ListStateMachineVersionsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
LogDestination |
LoggingConfiguration |
LoggingConfiguration data type is used to set CloudWatch Logs options. |
MapIterationEventDetails |
Contains details about an iteration of a Map state.
MapRunExecutionCounts |
Contains details about all of the child workflow executions started by a Map Run.
MapRunFailedEventDetails |
Contains details about a Map Run failure event that occurred during a state machine execution.
MapRunItemCounts |
Contains details about items that were processed in all of the child workflow executions that were started by a Map
MapRunListItem |
Contains details about a specific Map Run.
MapRunRedrivenEventDetails |
Contains details about a Map Run that was redriven.
MapRunStartedEventDetails |
Contains details about a Map Run that was started during a state machine execution.
MapStateStartedEventDetails |
Details about a Map state that was started.
PublishStateMachineVersionRequest | |
PublishStateMachineVersionResult | |
RedriveExecutionRequest | |
RedriveExecutionResult | |
RoutingConfigurationListItem |
Contains details about the routing configuration of a state machine alias.
SendTaskFailureRequest | |
SendTaskFailureResult | |
SendTaskHeartbeatRequest | |
SendTaskHeartbeatResult | |
SendTaskSuccessRequest | |
SendTaskSuccessResult | |
StartExecutionRequest | |
StartExecutionResult | |
StartSyncExecutionRequest | |
StartSyncExecutionResult | |
StateEnteredEventDetails |
Contains details about a state entered during an execution.
StateExitedEventDetails |
Contains details about an exit from a state during an execution.
StateMachineAliasListItem |
Contains details about a specific state machine alias.
StateMachineListItem |
Contains details about the state machine.
StateMachineVersionListItem |
Contains details about a specific state machine version.
StopExecutionRequest | |
StopExecutionResult | |
Tag |
Tags are key-value pairs that can be associated with Step Functions state machines and activities.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TaskCredentials |
Contains details about the credentials that Step Functions uses for a task.
TaskFailedEventDetails |
Contains details about a task failure event.
TaskScheduledEventDetails |
Contains details about a task scheduled during an execution.
TaskStartedEventDetails |
Contains details about the start of a task during an execution.
TaskStartFailedEventDetails |
Contains details about a task that failed to start during an execution.
TaskSubmitFailedEventDetails |
Contains details about a task that failed to submit during an execution.
TaskSubmittedEventDetails |
Contains details about a task submitted to a resource .
TaskSucceededEventDetails |
Contains details about the successful completion of a task state.
TaskTimedOutEventDetails |
Contains details about a resource timeout that occurred during an execution.
TestStateRequest | |
TestStateResult | |
TracingConfiguration |
Selects whether or not the state machine's X-Ray tracing is enabled.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateMapRunRequest | |
UpdateMapRunResult | |
UpdateStateMachineAliasRequest | |
UpdateStateMachineAliasResult | |
UpdateStateMachineRequest | |
UpdateStateMachineResult | |
ValidateStateMachineDefinitionDiagnostic |
Describes an error found during validation.
ValidateStateMachineDefinitionRequest | |
ValidateStateMachineDefinitionResult |
Exception | Description |
ActivityAlreadyExistsException |
Activity already exists.
ActivityDoesNotExistException |
The specified activity does not exist.
ActivityLimitExceededException |
The maximum number of activities has been reached.
ActivityWorkerLimitExceededException |
The maximum number of workers concurrently polling for activity tasks has been reached.
AWSStepFunctionsException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS Step Functions
ConflictException |
Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.
ExecutionAlreadyExistsException |
The execution has the same
name as another execution (but a different input ). |
ExecutionDoesNotExistException |
The specified execution does not exist.
ExecutionLimitExceededException |
The maximum number of running executions has been reached.
ExecutionNotRedrivableException |
The execution Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that you specified for
executionArn cannot be redriven. |
InvalidArnException |
The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is not valid.
InvalidDefinitionException |
The provided Amazon States Language definition is not valid.
InvalidEncryptionConfigurationException |
Received when
encryptionConfiguration is specified but various conditions exist which make the
configuration invalid. |
InvalidExecutionInputException |
The provided JSON input data is not valid.
InvalidLoggingConfigurationException |
Configuration is not valid.
InvalidNameException |
The provided name is not valid.
InvalidOutputException |
The provided JSON output data is not valid.
InvalidTokenException |
The provided token is not valid.
InvalidTracingConfigurationException |
tracingConfiguration key does not match, or enabled has not been set to
true or false . |
KmsAccessDeniedException |
Either your KMS key policy or API caller does not have the required permissions.
KmsInvalidStateException |
The KMS key is not in valid state, for example: Disabled or Deleted.
KmsThrottlingException |
Received when KMS returns
ThrottlingException for a KMS call that Step Functions makes on behalf of the
caller. |
MissingRequiredParameterException |
Request is missing a required parameter.
ResourceNotFoundException |
Could not find the referenced resource.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
The request would cause a service quota to be exceeded.
StateMachineAlreadyExistsException |
A state machine with the same name but a different definition or role ARN already exists.
StateMachineDeletingException |
The specified state machine is being deleted.
StateMachineDoesNotExistException |
The specified state machine does not exist.
StateMachineLimitExceededException |
The maximum number of state machines has been reached.
StateMachineTypeNotSupportedException |
State machine type is not supported.
TaskDoesNotExistException |
The activity does not exist.
TaskTimedOutException |
The task token has either expired or the task associated with the token has already been closed.
TooManyTagsException |
You've exceeded the number of tags allowed for a resource.
ValidationException |
The input does not satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.