Encrypt query results with AWS Key Management Service - Amazon CloudWatch Logs

Encrypt query results with AWS Key Management Service

By default, CloudWatch Logs encrypts the stored results of your CloudWatch Logs Insights queries using the default CloudWatch Logs server-side encryption method. You can choose to use a AWS KMS key to encrypt these results instead. If you associate a AWS KMS key with your encryption results, then CloudWatch Logs uses that key to encrypt the stored results of all queries in the account.

If you later disassociate a the key from your query results, CloudWatch Logs goes back to the default encryption method for later queries. But the queries that ran while the key was associated are still encrypted with that key. CloudWatch Logs can still return those results after the KMS key is disassociated, because CloudWatch Logs can still continue to reference the key. However, if the key is later disabled, then CloudWatch Logs is unable to read the query results that were encrypted with that key.


CloudWatch Logs supports only symmetric KMS keys. Do not use an asymmetric key to encrypt your query results. For more information, see Using Symmetric and Asymmetric Keys.


  • To perform the following steps, you must have the following permissions: kms:CreateKey, kms:GetKeyPolicy, and kms:PutKeyPolicy.

  • After you associate or disassociate a key from your query results, it can take up to five minutes for the operation to take effect.

  • If you revoke CloudWatch Logs access to an associated key or delete an associated KMS key, your encrypted data in CloudWatch Logs can no longer be retrieved.

  • You can't use the CloudWatch console to associate a key, you must use the AWS CLI or CloudWatch Logs API.

Step 1: Create an AWS KMS key

To create a KMS key use the following create-key command:

aws kms create-key

The output contains the key ID and Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the key. The following is example output:

{ "KeyMetadata": { "Origin": "AWS_KMS", "KeyId": "1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab", "Description": "", "KeyManager": "CUSTOMER", "Enabled": true, "CustomerMasterKeySpec": "SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT", "KeyUsage": "ENCRYPT_DECRYPT", "KeyState": "Enabled", "CreationDate": 1478910250.94, "Arn": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789012:key/6f815f63-e628-448c-8251-e40cb0d29f59", "AWSAccountId": "123456789012", "EncryptionAlgorithms": [ "SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT" ] } }

Step 2: Set permissions on the KMS key

By default, all KMS keys are private. Only the resource owner can use it to encrypt and decrypt data. However, the resource owner can grant permissions to access the key to other users and resources. With this step, you give the CloudWatch Logs service principal permission to use the key. This service principal must be in the same AWS Region where the key is stored.

As a best practice, we recommend that you restrict the use of the key to only those AWS accounts that you specify.

First, save the default policy for your KMS key as policy.json using the following get-key-policy command:

aws kms get-key-policy --key-id key-id --policy-name default --output text > ./policy.json

Open the policy.json file in a text editor and add the section in bold from one of the following statements. Separate the existing statement from the new statement with a comma. These statements use Condition sections to enhance the security of the AWS KMS key. For more information, see AWS KMS keys and encryption context.

The Condition section in this example limits the use of the AWS KMS key to the CloudWatch Logs Insights query results in the specified account.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Id": "key-default-1", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Enable IAM User Permissions", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::account_ID:root" }, "Action": "kms:*", "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "logs.region.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": [ "kms:Encrypt*", "kms:Decrypt*", "kms:ReEncrypt*", "kms:GenerateDataKey*", "kms:Describe*" ], "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "ArnEquals": { "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:logs:region:account_ID:query-result:*" }, "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": "Your_account_ID" } } } ] }

Finally, add the updated policy using the following put-key-policy command:

aws kms put-key-policy --key-id key-id --policy-name default --policy file://policy.json

Step 3: Associate a KMS key with your query results

To associate the KMS key with the query results in the account

Use the disassociate-kms-key command as follows:

aws logs associate-kms-key --resource-identifier "arn:aws:logs:region:account-id:query-result:*" --kms-key-id "key-arn"

Step 4: Disassociate a key from query results in the account

To disassociate the KMS key associated with query results, use the following disassociate-kms-key command:

aws logs disassociate-kms-key --resource-identifier "arn:aws:logs:region:account-id:query-result:*"