Deploy an Amazon EKS cluster on AWS Outposts - Amazon EKS

Deploy an Amazon EKS cluster on AWS Outposts

This topic provides an overview of what to consider when running a local cluster on an Outpost. The topic also provides instructions for how to deploy a local cluster on an Outpost.

  • These considerations aren’t replicated in related Amazon EKS documentation. If other Amazon EKS documentation topics conflict with the considerations here, follow the considerations here.

  • These considerations are subject to change and might change frequently. So, we recommend that you regularly review this topic.

  • Many of the considerations are different than the considerations for creating a cluster on the AWS Cloud.

  • Local clusters support Outpost racks only. A single local cluster can run across multiple physical Outpost racks that comprise a single logical Outpost. A single local cluster can’t run across multiple logical Outposts. Each logical Outpost has a single Outpost ARN.

  • Local clusters run and manage the Kubernetes control plane in your account on the Outpost. You can’t run workloads on the Kubernetes control plane instances or modify the Kubernetes control plane components. These nodes are managed by the Amazon EKS service. Changes to the Kubernetes control plane don’t persist through automatic Amazon EKS management actions, such as patching.

  • Local clusters support self-managed add-ons and self-managed Amazon Linux node groups. The Amazon VPC CNI plugin for Kubernetes, kube-proxy, and CoreDNS add-ons are automatically installed on local clusters.

  • Local clusters require the use of Amazon EBS on Outposts. Your Outpost must have Amazon EBS available for the Kubernetes control plane storage.

  • Local clusters use Amazon EBS on Outposts. Your Outpost must have Amazon EBS available for the Kubernetes control plane storage. Outposts support Amazon EBS gp2 volumes only.

  • Amazon EBS backed Kubernetes PersistentVolumes are supported using the Amazon EBS CSI driver.

  • The control plane instances of local clusters are set up in stacked highly available topology. Two out of the three control plane instances must be healthy at all times to maintain quorum. If quorum is lost, contact AWS support, as some service-side actions will be required to enable the new managed instances.


When a local Amazon EKS cluster is created, the IAM principal that creates the cluster is permanently added. The principal is specifically added to the Kubernetes RBAC authorization table as the administrator. This entity has system:masters permissions. The identity of this entity isn’t visible in your cluster configuration. So, it’s important to note the entity that created the cluster and make sure that you never delete it. Initially, only the principal that created the server can make calls to the Kubernetes API server using kubectl. If you use the console to create the cluster, make sure that the same IAM credentials are in the AWS SDK credential chain when you run kubectl commands on your cluster. After your cluster is created, you can grant other IAM principals access to your cluster.