A human loop starts your human review workflow and sends data review
tasks to human workers. When you use one of the Amazon A2I built-in task types, the
corresponding AWS service creates and starts a human loop on your behalf when the conditions
specified in your flow definition are met. If no conditions are specified in your flow
definition, a human loop is created for each object. When using Amazon A2I for a custom task, a
human loop starts when your application calls StartHumanLoop
Use the following instructions to configure a human loop with Amazon Rekognition or Amazon Textract built-in task types and custom task types.
To create and start a human loop, you must attach the
policy to the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role that
configures or starts the human loop. This is the identity that you use to configure the human
loop using HumanLoopConfig
for built-in task types. For custom task types, this is
the identity that you use to call StartHumanLoop
Additionally, when using a built-in task type, your user or role must have permission
to invoke API operations of the AWS service associated with your task type. For example, if
you are using Amazon Rekognition with Augmented AI, you must attach permissions required to call
. For examples of identity-based policies you can use to
grant these permissions, see Amazon Rekognition
Identity-Based Policy Examples and Amazon Textract
Identity-Based Policy Examples. You can also use the more general policy
to grant these permissions. For more
information, see Create a User With Permissions to Invoke
Amazon A2I, Amazon Textract, and Amazon Rekognition API Operations.
To create and start a human loop, you need a flow definition ARN. To learn how to create a flow definition (or human review workflow), see Create a Human Review Workflow.
Amazon A2I requires all S3 buckets that contain human loop input image data to have a CORS policy attached. To learn more about this change, see CORS Permission Requirement.
Create and Start a Human Loop for a
Built-in Task Type
To start a human loop using a built-in task type, use the corresponding service's API to
provide your input data and to configure the human loop. For Amazon Textract, you use the
API operation. For Amazon Rekognition, you use the
API operation. You can use the AWS CLI or a
language-specific SDK to create requests using these API operations.
When you create a human loop using a built-in task type, you can use
to specify a set of ContentClassifiers
related to
the input provided to the StartHumanLoop
operation. Use content classifiers to
declare that your content is free of personally identifiable information or adult
To use Amazon Mechanical Turk, ensure your data is free of personally identifiable information,
including protected health information under HIPAA. Include the
content classifier. If you do not use
this content classifier, SageMaker AI does not send your task to Mechanical Turk. If your data is free of adult
content, also include the 'FreeOfAdultContent'
classifier. If you do not use
these content classifiers, SageMaker AI may restrict the Mechanical Turk workers that can view your
After you start your ML job using your built-in task type's AWS service API, Amazon A2I monitors the inference results of that service. For example, when running a job with Amazon Rekognition, Amazon A2I checks the inference confidence score for each image and compares it to the confidence thresholds specified in your flow definition. If the conditions to start a human review task are satisfied, or if you didn't specify conditions in your flow definition, a human review task is sent to workers.
Create an Amazon Textract Human Loop
Amazon A2I integrates with Amazon Textract so that you can configure and start a human loop
using the Amazon Textract API. To send a document file to Amazon Textract for document analysis, you
use the Amazon Textract AnalyzeDocument
operation. To add a human loop to this document analysis job, you must configure
the parameter HumanLoopConfig
When you configure your human loop, the flow definition you specify in
of HumanLoopConfig
must be located in the same
AWS Region as the bucket identified in Bucket
of the
The following table shows examples of how to use this operation with the AWS CLI and AWS SDK for Python (Boto3).
The following request example uses the SDK for Python (Boto3). For more information, see analyze_document
import boto3 textract = boto3.client('textract',
) response = textract.analyze_document( Document={'S3Object': {'Bucket':bucket_name
, 'Name':document_name
}}, FeatureTypes=["TABLES", "FORMS"], HumanLoopConfig={ 'FlowDefinitionArn': 'arn:aws:sagemaker:aws_region
', 'HumanLoopName': 'human_loop_name
', 'DataAttributes': {'ContentClassifiers': ['FreeOfPersonallyIdentifiableInformation','FreeOfAdultContent']} } )
After you run AnalyzeDocument
with a human loop configured, Amazon A2I
monitors the results from AnalyzeDocument
and checks it against the flow
definition's activation conditions. If the Amazon Textract inference confidence score for one or
more key-value pairs meets the conditions for review, Amazon A2I starts a human review loop
and includes the HumanLoopActivationOutput
object in the
Create an Amazon Rekognition Human Loop
Amazon A2I integrates with Amazon Rekognition so that you can configure and start a human loop using
the Amazon Rekognition API. To send images to Amazon Rekognition for content moderation, you use the Amazon Rekognition DetectModerationLabels
API operation. To configure a human loop,
set the HumanLoopConfig
parameter when you configure
When you configure your human loop, the flow definition you specify in
of HumanLoopConfig
must be located in the same
AWS Region as the S3 bucket identified in Bucket
of the Image
The following table shows examples of how to use this operation with the AWS CLI and AWS SDK for Python (Boto3).
The following request example uses the SDK for Python (Boto3). For more information, see
import boto3 rekognition = boto3.client("rekognition",
) response = rekognition.detect_moderation_labels( \ Image={'S3Object': {'Bucket':bucket_name
, 'Name':image_name
}}, \ HumanLoopConfig={ \ 'HumanLoopName': 'human_loop_name
', \ 'FlowDefinitionArn': , "arn:aws:sagemaker:aws_region
" \ 'DataAttributes': {'ContentClassifiers': ['FreeOfPersonallyIdentifiableInformation','FreeOfAdultContent']} })
After you run DetectModerationLabels
with a human loop configured,
Amazon A2I monitors the results from DetectModerationLabels
and checks it
against the flow definition's activation conditions. If the Amazon Rekognition inference confidence score
for an image meets the conditions for review, Amazon A2I starts a human review loop and
includes the response element HumanLoopActivationOutput
in the
Create and Start a Human Loop for a Custom
Task Type
To configure a human loop for a custom human review task, use the
operation within your application. This section provides an
example of a human loop request using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) and the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). For
documentation on other language-specific SDKs that support StartHumanLoop
, use
the See Also section of StartHumanLoop in
the Amazon Augmented AI Runtime API documentation. Refer to Use Cases and Examples Using Amazon A2I to see examples that demonstrate how to use
Amazon A2I with a custom task type.
To complete this procedure, you need:
Input data formatted as a string representation of a JSON-formatted file
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your flow definition
To configure the human loop
, specify a set ofContentClassifiers
related to the input provided to theStartHumanLoop
operation. Use content classifiers to declare that your content is free of personally identifiable information or adult content.To use Amazon Mechanical Turk, ensure your data is free of personally identifiable information, including protected health information under HIPAA, and include the
content classifier. If you do not use this content classifier, SageMaker AI does not send your task to Mechanical Turk. If your data is free of adult content, also include the'FreeOfAdultContent'
classifier. If you do not use these content classifiers, SageMaker AI may restrict the Mechanical Turk workers that can view your task. -
, enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your flow definition. -
, enter your input data as a string representation of a JSON-formatted file. Structure your input data and custom worker task template so that your input data is properly displayed to human workers when you start your human loop. See Preview a Worker Task Template to learn how to preview your custom worker task template. -
, enter a name for the human loop. The name must be unique within the Region in your account and can have up to 63 characters. Valid characters are a-z, 0-9, and - (hyphen).
To start a human loop
To start a human loop, submit a request similar to the following examples using your preferred language-specific SDK.
The following request example uses the SDK for Python (Boto3). For more information, see Boto 3 Augmented AI Runtime
import boto3 a2i_runtime_client = boto3.client('sagemaker-a2i-runtime') response = a2i_runtime_client.start_human_loop( HumanLoopName='
', FlowDefinitionArn='arn:aws:sagemaker:aws-region
', HumanLoopInput={ 'InputContent':'{"InputContent": {\"prompt\":\"What is the answer?\"}}'
}, DataAttributes={ 'ContentClassifiers': ['FreeOfPersonallyIdentifiableInformation'|'FreeOfAdultContent'
, ] } )
When you successfully start a human loop by invoking StartHumanLoop
the response includes a HumanLoopARN
and a
object which is set to NULL
. You can
use this the human loop name to monitor and manage your human loop.
Next Steps:
After starting a human loop, you can manage and monitor it with the Amazon Augmented AI Runtime API and Amazon CloudWatch Events. To learn more, see Monitor and Manage Your Human Loop.