COST04-BP01 Track resources over their lifetime
Define and implement a method to track resources and their associations with systems over their lifetime. You can use tagging to identify the workload or function of the resource.
Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established: High
Implementation guidance
Decommission workload resources that are no longer required. A common example is resources
used for testing, after testing has been completed, the resources can be removed. Tracking
resources with tags (and running reports on those tags) will help you identify assets for
decommission. Using tags is an effective way to track resources, by labeling the resource with
its function, or a known date when it can be decommissioned. Reporting can then be run on
these tags. Example values for feature tagging are feature-X testing
to identify the purpose
of the resource in terms of the workload lifecycle.
Implementation steps
Implement a tagging scheme: Implement a tagging scheme that identifies the workload the resource belongs to, verifying that all resources within the workload are tagged accordingly.
Implement workload throughput or output monitoring: Implement workload throughput monitoring or alarming, triggering on either input requests or output completions. Configure it to provide notifications when workload requests or outputs drop to zero, indicating the workload resources are no longer used. Incorporate a time factor if the workload periodically drops to zero under normal conditions.
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