Tutorial: Using Refactor Spaces with AWS Application Migration Service - AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces

Tutorial: Using Refactor Spaces with AWS Application Migration Service

This tutorial shows how to automatically create a refactor environment and route traffic to your application after migrating an application using AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN), so that you can continue modernizing as soon as you've migrated an application. The AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces (Refactor Spaces) post-launch action in AWS MGN creates a Refactor Spaces environment, an application, a service, and a default route.

You can use a Refactor Spaces environment to quickly launch new features in AWS Lambda (Lambda), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), or you can safely and incrementally move traffic to new services without modifying the existing application. For more information, see What is AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces? and Enable Refactor Spaces in the AWS MGN User Guide.

For a quick overview of a complete migration workflow, see Migration workflow in the AWS MGN User Guide.


To do this tutorial, you need the following prerequisites:

Step 1: Set up AWS MGN

To use AWS MGN, you must first set it up in the AWS Region in which you plan to use it.

  1. Open the AWS MGN console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/mgn/home.

  2. Choose the Region that you want to work in.

  3. Choose the Get started button that appears in the following image.

    AWS Application Migration Service page with "Start migrating" box and "Get started" button.
  4. If this is your first time using AWS MGN in the Region you chose, you will see the following screen. Choose the Set up service button.

    Application Migration Service setup page with service initialization information and setup options.

For more information, see Initializing AWS MGN via the console.

Step 2: Create an IAM role

In this step you create a service role that the automation script of the MGN post-launch action will need to assume.

  1. Open the IAM console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Roles.

  3. Choose Create role.

  4. Under Use cases for other AWS services:, choose Systems Manager from the dropdown list.

  5. Below the dropdown list, choose the Systems Manager option.

  6. Choose Next.

  7. In the search field, enter Refactor, and then press the Enter key.

  8. Choose the following two policies: AWSMigrationHubRefactorSpacesFullAccess and AWSMigrationHubRefactorSpaces-SSMAutomationPolicy.

  9. Choose Next.

  10. For the role name, enter RefactorSpacesSSMTutorialRole.

  11. Choose Create role.

  12. When you see a success message like the one in the following image, choose View role.

    IAM Roles page showing success message for role creation with "View role" option.
  13. Choose Add permissions, then choose Create inline policy.

  14. Choose the JSON button that appears in the following image.

    Policy editor interface showing service selection and JSON toggle button highlighted.
  15. Replace the JSON in the policy editor with the first block of JSON in the following section: Extra required permissions for Refactor Spaces.

  16. Choose Next.

  17. For the policy name, enter RefactorSpacesExtraRequiredPermissions.

  18. Choose Create policy.

  19. Copy the ARN that you see in the summary section of the role and save it because you need it to configure the post-launch action.

Step 3: Configure the launch and post-launch templates

In this step, you enable post-launch actions (if you haven't used them in this Region before) and you configure the Refactor Spaces post-launch action.

Configure the launch template to transfer server tags
  1. In the left navigation pane, choose Launch template.

  2. Choose Edit.

  3. Turn on Transfer server tags.

  4. Choose Save template.

Now you must enable post-launch actions. If you've already enabled post-launch actions in this Region, skip the following procedure and go to the procedure for configuring the Refactor Spaces post-launch action.

Enable post-launch actions
  1. In the left navigation pane, choose Post-launch template.

  2. Choose the edit button that appears in the following image.

    Post-launch template interface showing settings for configuring actions after server launch in AWS.
  3. Turn on Install the Systems Manager agent and allow executing actions on launched servers, as shown in the following image.

    Post-launch template configuration page with options for Systems Manager agent installation and deployment.
  4. Choose Save template.

Configure the Refactor Spaces post-launch action
  1. In the left navigation pane, choose Post-launch template.

  2. In the Actions section, choose the action with the title Enable Refactor Spaces.

  3. In the Actions section, choose the Edit button that appears in the following image.

    Actions section with Edit button highlighted among other options.
  4. Specify the following values in the form:

    Name of field or option Value to use
    EnvironmentName Enter RefactorSpacesSSMTutorialEnvironment.
    EnvironmentId When you have an existing environment that you want to use, you enter its ID here and leave the EnvironmentName field blank. However, in this tutorial, to create a new environment, you enter a value for EnvironmentName and leave EnvironmentId blank.
    ApplicationVpcId Optional: Enter the ID of a VPC that you want to use for the Refactor Spaces application. If left blank, the application is created in the VPC of the launched Amazon EC2 instance. For information on how to create a VPC, see Create a VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
    NetworkFabricType Choose TRANSIT_GATEWAY. To create an environment without a network bridge, enter NONE.
    AccountIdsToShareEnvironment You can leave this field blank or you can enter the IDs of any AWS accounts with which you want to share the Refactor Spaces environment.
    ApplicationName Enter RefactorSpacesSSMTutorialApplication.
    ServiceName Enter RefactorSpacesSSMTutorialService.
    Protocol Choose http.
    Port Enter 4000.
    UriPath Enter /refactor-spaces/mgn/test
    InstanceId Choose Use value: Launched EC2 InstanceId. Important: For the script to work from AWS MGN, you must use the default value Launched EC2 InstanceId.
    AutomationAssumeRole Use the RefactorSpacesSSMTutorialRole role that you saved in Step 2: Create an IAM role.
  5. Choose Save action.

Step 4: Create an EC2 instance to use as a source server

  1. Open the EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2.

  2. Choose Launch instance.

  3. For the name field, enter RefactorSpacesSSMTutorialEC2Instance.

  4. Under Amazon Machine Image (AMI), choose Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM) - Kernel 5.10, SSD Volume Type.

  5. Under the Key pair (login), choose an existing key pair or choose Create new key pair. You need a key pair to connect to the EC2 instance. For information on how to connect to an EC2 instance, see Connect in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances.

  6. Create an IAM role and attach to it the AWSApplicationMigrationAgentInstallationPolicy policy.

Step 5: Add a source server and launch a test instance

  1. Open the AWS MGN console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/mgn/home.

  2. Follow the instructions in Linux in the AWS MGN User Guide to install the AWS Replication Agent on the EC2 instance that you created in the previous section.

  3. In the left navigation pane of the MGN console, choose Source servers.

  4. At the bottom of the screen, under Source server name, choose the name of the source server that you created for this tutorial. This action takes you to the source server's details page.

  5. Choose the Tags tab.

  6. Choose Manage tags, and then choose Add new tag.

  7. For the key, enter refactor-spaces:ssm:optin. For the value, enter true.

  8. Choose Save.

  9. While still on the source server details page, choose Test and cutover, then choose Launch test instances.

  10. After the test instance is launched, navigate to the Refactor Spaces Environments page. Choose RefactorSpacesSSMTutorialEnvironment, and then choose the application named RefactorSpacesSSMTutorialApplication.

  11. On the application's page, the Proxy table contains the proxy URL. This URL becomes the migrated application's new front door and traffic is now routed to the migrated Amazon EC2 instance. Services and routes can be added to move traffic away from the migrated application to new microservices.

    Note: When migrating, you can hide the proxy's URL using Amazon API Gateway custom domains before cutting over to your new front door.

You have launched a test instance and a Refactor Spaces environment that includes the new application proxy URL, a default route that points to your migrated application, and the infrastructure necessary to incrementally route traffic to new services.

For more information on launching test instances, see Launching a test instance in the AWS MGN User Guide.

After testing, when you are ready for cutover, see Launching a cutover instance in the AWS MGN User Guide.

  • For information about IAM roles, see IAM roles in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  • For more information about EC2 instances, see What is Amazon EC2? in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances.