HealthOmics analytics - AWS HealthOmics

HealthOmics analytics

HealthOmics analytics supports the storage and analysis of genomic variants and annotations. Analytics provides two types of storage resources - Variant stores and Annotation stores. You use these resources to store, transform, and query genomic variant data and annotation data. After you import data into a datastore, you can use Athena to peform advanced analytics on the data.

You can use the HealthOmics console or API to create and manage stores, import data, and share analytic store data with collaborators.

Variant stores support data in VCF formats, and annotation stores support TSV/CSV and GFF3 formats. Genomic coordinates are represented as zero-based, half-closed half-open intervals. When your data is in the HealthOmics analytics data store, access to the VCF files is managed through AWS Lake Formation. You can then query the VCF files by using Amazon Athena. Queries must use Athena query engine version 3. To read more about Athena query engine versions, see the Amazon Athena documentation.