Creating an Amazon EventBridge pipe - Amazon EventBridge

Creating an Amazon EventBridge pipe

EventBridge Pipes enables you to create point-to-point integrations between sources and targets, including advanced event transformations and enrichment. To create an EventBridge pipe, you perform the following steps:

For information on how to create a pipe using the AWS CLI, see create-pipe in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

Specifying a source

To start, specify the source from which you want the pipe to receive events.

To specify a pipe source by using the console
  1. Open the Amazon EventBridge console at

  2. On the navigation pane, choose Pipes.

  3. Choose Create pipe.

  4. Enter a name for the pipe.

  5. (Optional) Add a description for the pipe.

  6. On the Build pipe tab, for Source, choose the type of source you want to specify for this pipe, and configure the source.

    Configuration properties differ based on the type of source you choose:

    To configure a Confluent Cloud stream as a source, by using the console
    1. For Source, choose Confluent Cloud.

    2. For Bootstrap servers, enter the host:port pair addresses of your brokers.

    3. For Topic name, enter the name of topic that the pipe will read from.

    4. (Optional) For VPC, choose the VPC that you want. Then, for VPC subnets, choose the desired subnets. For VPC security groups, choose the security groups.

    5. For Authentication - optional, turn on Use Authentication and do the following:

      1. For Authentication method, choose the authentication type.

      2. For Secret key, choose the secret key.

      For more information, see Authenticate to Confluent Cloud resources in the Confluent documentation.

    6. (Optional) For Additional setting - optional, do the following:

      1. For Starting position, choose one of the following:

        • Latest – Start reading the stream with the most recent record in the shard.

        • Trim horizon – Start reading the stream with the last untrimmed record in the shard. This is the oldest record in the shard.

      2. For Batch size - optional, enter a maximum number of records for each batch. The default value is 100.

      3. For Batch window - optional, enter a maximum number of seconds to gather records before proceeding.

    1. For Source, choose DynamoDB.

    2. For DynamoDB stream, choose the stream you want to use as a source.

    3. For Starting position, choose one of the following:

      • Latest – Start reading the stream with the most recent record in the shard.

      • Trim horizon – Start reading the stream with the last untrimmed record in the shard. This is the oldest record in the shard.

    4. (Optional) For Additional setting - optional, do the following:

      1. For Batch size - optional, enter a maximum number of records for each batch. The default value is 100.

      2. For Batch window - optional, enter a maximum number of seconds to gather records before proceeding.

      3. For Concurrent batches per shard - optional, enter the number of batches from the same shard that can be read at the same time.

      4. For On partial batch item failure, choose the following:

        • AUTOMATIC_BISECT – Halve each batch and retry each half until all the records are processed or there is one failed message remaining in the batch.


        If you don't choose AUTOMATIC_BISECT, you can return specific failed records and only those get retried.

    To configure a Kinesis source by using the console
    1. For Source, choose Kinesis.

    2. For Kinesis stream, choose the stream that you want to use as a source.

    3. For Starting position, choose one of the following:

      • Latest – Start reading the stream with the most recent record in the shard.

      • Trim horizon – Start reading the stream with the last untrimmed record in the shard. This is the oldest record in the shard.

      • At timestamp – Start reading the stream from a specified time. Under Timestamp, enter a data and time using YYYY/MM/DD and hh:mm:ss format.

    4. (Optional) For Additional setting - optional, do the following:

      1. For Batch size - optional, enter a maximum number of records for each batch. The default value is 100.

      2. (Optional) For Batch window - optional, enter a maximum number of seconds to gather records before proceeding.

      3. For Concurrent batches per shard - optional, enter the number of batches from the same shard that can be read at the same time.

      4. For On partial batch item failure, choose the following:

        • AUTOMATIC_BISECT – Halve each batch and retry each half until all the records are processed or there is one failed message remaining in the batch.


        If you don't choose AUTOMATIC_BISECT, you can return specific failed records and only those get retried.

    Amazon MQ
    To configure an Amazon MQ source by using the console
    1. For Source, choose Amazon MQ.

    2. For Amazon MQ broker, choose the stream you want to use as a source.

    3. For Queue name, enter the name of the queue that the pipe will read from.

    4. For Authentication Method, choose BASIC_AUTH.

    5. For Secret key, choose the secret key.

    6. (Optional) For Additional setting - optional, do the following:

      1. For Batch size - optional, enter a maximum number of messages for each batch. The default value is 100.

      2. For Batch window - optional, enter a maximum number of seconds to gather records before proceeding.

    Amazon MSK
    To configure an Amazon MSK source by using the console
    1. For Source, choose Amazon MSK.

    2. For Amazon MSK cluster, choose the cluster that you want to use.

    3. For Topic name, enter the name of topic that the pipe will read from.

    4. (Optional) For Consumer Group ID - optional, enter the ID of the consumer group you want the pipe to join.

    5. (Optional) For Authentication - optional, turn on Use Authentication and do the following:

      1. For Authentication method, choose the type you want.

      2. For Secret key, choose the secret key.

    6. (Optional) For Additional setting - optional, do the following:

      1. For Batch size - optional, enter a maximum number of records for each batch. The default value is 100.

      2. For Batch window - optional, enter a maximum number of seconds to gather records before proceeding.

      3. For Starting position, choose one of the following:

        • Latest – Start reading the topic with the most recent record in the shard.

        • Trim horizon – Start reading the topic with the last untrimmed record in the shard. This is the oldest record in the shard.


          Trim horizon is the same as Earliest for Apache Kafka.

    Self managed Apache Kafka
    To configure a self managed Apache Kafka source by using the console
    1. For Source, choose Self-managed Apache Kafka.

    2. For Bootstrap servers, enter the host:port pair addresses of your brokers.

    3. For Topic name, enter the name of topic that the pipe will read from.

    4. (Optional) For VPC, choose the VPC that you want. Then, for VPC subnets, choose the desired subnets. For VPC security groups, choose the security groups.

    5. (Optional) For Authentication - optional, turn on Use Authentication and do the following:

      1. For Authentication method, choose the authentication type.

      2. For Secret key, choose the secret key.

    6. (Optional) For Additional setting - optional, do the following:

      1. For Starting position, choose one of the following:

        • Latest – Start reading the stream with the most recent record in the shard.

        • Trim horizon – Start reading the stream with the last untrimmed record in the shard. This is the oldest record in the shard.

      2. For Batch size - optional, enter a maximum number of records for each batch. The default value is 100.

      3. For Batch window - optional, enter a maximum number of seconds to gather records before proceeding.

    Amazon SQS
    To configure an Amazon SQS source by using the console
    1. For Source, choose SQS.

    2. For SQS queue, choose the queue you want to use.

    3. (Optional) For Additional setting - optional, do the following:

      1. For Batch size - optional, enter a maximum number of records for each batch. The default value is 100.

      2. For Batch window - optional, enter a maximum number of seconds to gather records before proceeding.

Configuring event filtering (optional)

You can add filtering to your pipe so you’re sending only a subset of events from your source to the target.

To configure filtering by using the console
  1. Choose Filtering.

  2. Under Sample event - optional, you’ll see a sample event that you can use to build your event pattern, or you can enter your own event by choosing Enter your own.

  3. Under Event pattern, enter the event pattern that you want to use to filter the events. For more information about constructing filters, see Event filtering in Amazon EventBridge Pipes.

    The following is an example event pattern that only sends events with the value Seattle in the City field.

    { "data": { "City": ["Seattle"] } }

Now that events are being filtered, you can add optional enrichment and a target for the pipe.

Defining event enrichment (optional)

You can send the event data for enrichment to a Lambda function, AWS Step Functions state machine, Amazon API Gateway, or API destination.

To select enrichment
  1. Choose Enrichment.

  2. Under Details, for Service, select the service and related settings you want to use for enrichment.

You can also transform the data before sending it to be enhanced.

(Optional) To define the input transformer
  1. Choose Enrichment Input Transformer - optional.

  2. For Sample events/Event Payload, choose the sample event type.

  3. For Transformer, enter the transformer syntax, such as "Event happened at <$.detail.field>." where <$.detail.field> is a reference to a field from the sample event. You can also double-click a field from the sample event to add it to the transformer.

  4. For Output, verify that the output looks like you want it to.

Now that the data has been filtered and enhanced, you must define a target to send the event data to.

Configuring a target

To configure a target
  1. Choose Target.

  2. Under Details, for Target service, choose the target. The fields that display vary depending on the target that you choose. Enter information specific to this target type, as needed.

You can also transform the data before sending it to the target.

(Optional) To define the input transformer
  1. Choose Target Input Transformer - optional.

  2. For Sample events/Event Payload, choose the sample event type.

  3. For Transformer, enter the transformer syntax, such as "Event happened at <$.detail.field>." where <$.detail.field> is a reference to a field from the sample event. You can also double-click a field from the sample event to add it to the transformer.

  4. For Output, verify that the output looks like you want it to.

Now that the pipe is configured, make sure that its settings are configured correctly.

Configuring the pipe settings

A pipe is active by default, but you can deactivate it. You can also specify the permissions of the pipe, set up pipe logging, and add tags.

To configure the pipe settings
  1. Choose the Pipe settings tab.

  2. By default, newly created pipes are active as soon as they're created. If you want to create an inactive pipe, under Activation, for Activate pipe, turn off Active.

  3. Under Permissions, for Execution role, do one of the following:

    1. To have EventBridge create a new execution role for this pipe, choose Create a new role for this specific resource. Under Role name, you can optionally edit the role name.

    2. To use an existing execution role, choose Use existing role. Under Role name, choose the role.

  4. (Optional) If you have specified a Kinesis or DynamoDB stream as the pipe source, you can configure a retry policy and dead-letter queue (DLQ).

    For Retry policy and Dead-letter queue - optional, do the following:

    Under Retry policy, do the following:

    1. If you want to turn on retry policies, turn on Retry. By default, newly created pipes don't have a retry policy turned on.

    2. For Maximum age of event, enter a value between one minute (00:01) and 24 hours (24:00).

    3. For Retry attempts, enter a number between 0 and 185.

    4. If you want to use a dead-letter queue (DLQ), turn on Dead-letter queue, choose the method of your choice, and choose the queue or topic you'd like to use. By default, newly created pipes don't use a DLQ.

  5. Choose the KMS key for EventBridge to use when encrypting pipe data.

    For more information on how EventBridge uses KMS keys, see Encryption at rest.

    • Choose Use AWS owned key for EventBridge to encrypt the data using an AWS owned key.

      This AWS owned key is a KMS key that EventBridge owns and manages for use in multiple AWS accounts. In general, unless you are required to audit or control the encryption key that protects your resources, an AWS owned key is a good choice.

      This is the default.

    • Choose Use customer managed key for EventBridge to encrypt the data using the customer managed key that you specify or create.

      Customer managed keys are KMS keys in your AWS account that you create, own, and manage. You have full control over these KMS keys.

      1. Specify an existing customer managed key, or choose Create a new KMS key.

        EventBridge displays the key status and any key aliases that have been associated with the specified customer managed key.

  6. (Optional) Under Logs - optional, you can set up how EventBridge Pipes sends logging information to supported services, including how to configure those logs.

    For more information about logging pipe records, see Logging Amazon EventBridge Pipes performance.

    CloudWatch logs is selected as a log destination by default, as is the ERROR log level. So, by default, EventBridge Pipes creates a new CloudWatch log group to which it sends log records containing the ERROR level of detail.

    To have EventBridge Pipes send log records to any of the supported log destinations, do the following:

    1. Under Logs - optional, choose the destinations to which you want log records delivered.

    2. For Log level, choose the level of information for EventBridge to include in log records. The ERROR log level is selected by default.

      For more information, see Specifying EventBridge Pipes log level.

    3. Select Include execution data if you want EventBridge to include event payload information and service request and response information in log records.

      For more information, see Including execution data in EventBridge Pipes logs.

    4. Configure each log destination you selected:

      For CloudWatch Logs logs, under CloudWatch logs do the following:

      • For CloudWatch log group, choose whether to have EventBridge create a new log group, or you can select an existing log group or specifying the ARN of an existing log group.

      • For new log groups, edit the log group name as desired.

      CloudWatch logs is selected by default.

      For Firehose stream logs, under Firehose stream log, select the Firehose stream.

      For Amazon S3 logs, under S3 logs do the following:

      • Enter the name of the bucket to use as the log destination.

      • Enter the AWS account ID of the bucket owner.

      • Enter any prefix text you want used when EventBridge creates S3 objects.

        For more information, see Organizing objects using prefixes in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

      • Choose how you want EventBridge to format S3 log records:

  7. (Optional) Under Tags - optional, choose Add new tag and enter one or more tags for the rule. For more information, see Tagging resources in Amazon EventBridge.

  8. Choose Create pipe.

Validating configuration parameters

After a pipe is created, EventBridge validates the following configuration parameters:

  • IAM role – Because the source of a pipe can't be changed after the pipe is created, EventBridge verifies that the provided IAM role can access the source.


    EventBridge doesn't perform the same validation for enrichments or targets because they can be updated after the pipe is created.

  • Batching – EventBridge validates that the batch size of the source doesn't exceed the maximum batch size of the target. If it does, EventBridge requires a lower batch size. Additionally, if a target doesn't support batching, you can't configure batching in EventBridge for the source.

  • Enrichments – EventBridge validates that the batch size for API Gateway and API destination enrichments is 1 because only batch sizes of 1 are supported.