Event delivery from AWS services - Amazon EventBridge

Event delivery from AWS services

Each AWS service that generates events sends them to EventBridge as either best effort or durable delivery attempts.

  • Best effort delivery means that the service attempts to send all events to EventBridge, but in some rare cases an event might not be delivered.

  • Durable delivery means the service will successfully attempt to deliver events to EventBridge at least once.

    EventBridge will accept all valid events under normal conditions. In cases where events cannot be delivered because of an EventBridge service disruption, they will be retried again later by the AWS service for up to 24 hours.

Once an event is delivered to EventBridge, EventBridge matches it against rules and then follows the retry policy and any dead-letter queue specified for the event target(s).

For a list of AWS services that generate events, see AWS services that send events to EventBridge.