Create an experiment template - AWS Fault Injection Service

Create an experiment template

Before you begin, complete the following tasks:

To create an experiment template using the console
  1. Open the AWS FIS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Experiment templates.

  3. Choose Create experiment template.

  4. For Step 1, Specify template details, do the following:

    1. For Description and name, enter a description for the template, such as Amazon S3 Network Disrupt Connectivity.

    2. (Optional) For Account targeting, choose Multiple accounts to configure a multi-account experiment template.

    3. Choose Next, and move to Step 2, Specify actions and targets.

  5. For Actions, specify the set of actions for the template. For each action, choose Add action and complete the following:

    • For Name, enter a name for the action.

      Allowed characters are alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores(_). The name must start with a letter. No spaces are allowed. Each action name must be unique in this template.

    • (Optional) For Description, enter a description for the action. The maximum length is 512 characters.

    • (Optional) For Start after, select another action defined in this template that must be completed before the current action starts. Otherwise, the action runs at the start of the experiment.

    • For Action type, choose the AWS FIS action.

    • For Target, choose a target that you defined in the Targets section. If you haven't defined a target for this action yet, AWS FIS creates a new target for you.

    • For Action parameters, specify the parameters for the action. This section appears only if the AWS FIS action has parameters.

    • Choose Save.

  6. For Targets, define the target resources on which to carry out the actions. You must specify at least one resource ID or one resource tag as a target. Choose Edit to edit the target that AWS FIS created for you in the previous step, or choose Add target. For each target, do the following:

    • For Name, enter a name for the target.

      Allowed characters are alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores(_). The name must start with a letter. No spaces are allowed. Each target name must be unique in this template.

    • For Resource type, choose a resource type that is supported for the action.

    • For Target method, do one of the following:

      • Choose Resource IDs and then choose or add the resource IDs.

      • Choose Resource tags, filters, and parameters and then add the tags and filters that you need. For more information, see Identify target resources.

    • For Selection mode, choose Count to run the action on the specified number of identified targets or choose Percent to run the action on the specified percentage of identified targets. By default, the action runs on all identified targets.

    • Choose Save.

  7. To update an action with the target that you created, find the action under Actions, choose Edit, and then update Target. You can use the same target for multiple actions.

  8. (Optional) For experiment options, select the behavior of the empty target resolution mode.

  9. Choose Next to move to Step 3, Configure service access.

  10. For Service Access, choose Use an existing IAM role, and then choose the IAM role that you created as described in the prerequisites for this tutorial. If your role is not displayed, verify that it has the required trust relationship. For more information, see IAM roles for AWS FIS experiments.

  11. (Multi-account experiments only) For Target account configurations, add a Role ARN and optional description for each target account. To upload the target account role ARNs with a CSV file, choose Upload role ARNs for all target accounts and then choose Choose .CSV file

  12. Choose Next to move to Step 4, Configure optional settings.

  13. (Optional) For Stop conditions, select the Amazon CloudWatch alarms for the stop conditions. For more information, see Stop conditions for AWS FIS.

  14. (Optional) For Logs, configure the destination option. To send logs to an S3 bucket, choose Send to an Amazon S3 bucket and enter the bucket name and prefix. To send logs to CloudWatch Logs, choose Send to CloudWatch Logs and enter the log group.

  15. (Optional) For Tags, choose Add new tag and specify a tag key and tag value. The tags that you add are applied to your experiment template, not the experiments that are run using the template.

  16. Choose Next to move to Step 5, Review and create.

  17. Review the template and choose Create experiment template. When prompted for confirmation, enter create, Then choose Create experiment template.

To create an experiment template using the CLI

Use the create-experiment-template command.

You can load an experiment template from a JSON file.

Use the --cli-input-json parameter.

aws fis create-experiment-template --cli-input-json fileb://<path-to-json-file>

For more information, see Generating a CLI skeleton template in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide. For example templates, see Example AWS FIS experiment templates.