Planning your AWS FIS experiments - AWS Fault Injection Service

Planning your AWS FIS experiments

Fault injection is the process of stressing an application in testing or production environments by creating disruptive events, such as server outages or API throttling. From observing how the system responds, you can then implement improvements. When you run experiments on your system, it can help you to identify systemic weaknesses in a controlled manner, before those weaknesses affect the customers who depend on your system. Then you can proactively address the issues to help prevent unpredictable outcomes.

Before you get started running fault injection experiments using AWS FIS, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following principles and guidelines.


AWS FIS carries out real actions on real AWS resources in your system. Therefore, before you get started using AWS FIS to run experiments, we strongly recommend that you first complete a planning phase and a test in a pre-production or test environment.

Basic principles and guidelines

Before starting experiments with AWS FIS, take the following steps:

  1. Identify the target deployment for the experiment — Start by identifying the target deployment. If this is your first experiment, we recommend starting in a pre-production or test environment.

  2. Review the application architecture — You must ensure that you have identified all of the application components, dependencies, and recovery procedures for each component. Begin with reviewing the application architecture. Depending on the application, refer to the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

  3. Define steady-state behavior — Define the steady-state behavior of your system in terms of important technical and business metrics, such as latency, CPU load, failed sign-ins per minute, number of retries, or page load speed.

  4. Form a hypothesis — Form a hypothesis of how you expect the system behavior to change during the experiment. A hypothesis definition follows this format:

    If fault injection action is performed, the business or technical metric impact should not exceed value.

    For example, a hypothesis for an authentication service might read as follows: "If network latency increases by 10%, there is less than a 1% increase in sign-in failures." After the experiment is completed, you evaluate whether the application resiliency aligns with your business and technical expectations.

We also recommend following these guidelines when working with AWS FIS:

  • Always start experimenting with AWS FIS in a test environment. Never start with a production environment. As you progress in your fault injection experiments, you can experiment in other controlled environments beyond the test environment.

  • Build your team’s confidence in your application resilience by starting with small, simple experiments, such as running the aws:ec2:stop-instances action on one target.

  • Fault injection can cause real issues. Proceed with caution and make sure that your first fault injections are on test instances so that no customers are affected.

  • Test, test, and test some more. Fault injection is meant to be implemented in a controlled environment with well-planned experiments. This allows you to build confidence in the abilities of your application and your tools to withstand turbulent conditions.

  • We strongly recommend that you have an excellent monitoring and alerting program in place before you begin. Without it, you won’t be able to understand or measure the impact of your experiments, which is critical to sustainable fault injection practices.

Experiment planning guidelines

With AWS FIS, you run experiments on your AWS resources to test your theory of how an application or system will perform under fault conditions.

The following are recommended guidelines for planning your AWS FIS experiments.

  • Review outage history — Review the previous outages and events for your system. This can help you to build up a picture of the overall health and resiliency of your system. Before you start running experiments on your system, you should address known issues and weaknesses in your system.

  • Identify services with the largest impact — Review your services and identify the ones that have the biggest impact on your end users or customers if they go down or do not function correctly.

  • Identify the target system — The target system is the system on which you will run experiments. If you are new to AWS FIS or you have never run fault injection experiments before, we recommend that you start by running experiments on a pre-production or test system.

  • Consult with your team — Ask what they are worried about. You can form a hypothesis to prove or disprove their concerns. You can also ask your team what they are not worried about. This question can reveal two common fallacies: the sunk cost fallacy and the confirmation bias fallacy. Forming a hypothesis based on your team’s answers can help provide more information about the reality of your system’s state.

  • Review your application architecture — Conduct a review of your system or application and ensure that you have identified all of the application components, dependencies, and recovery procedures for every component.

    We recommend that you review the AWS Well-Architected Framework. The framework can help you build secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure for your applications and workloads. For more information, see AWS Well-Architected.

  • Identify the applicable metrics — You can monitor the impact of an experiment on your AWS resources using Amazon CloudWatch metrics. You can use these metrics to determine the baseline or "steady state" when your application is performing optimally. Then, you can monitor these metrics during or after the experiment to determine the impact. For more information, see Monitor AWS FIS usage metrics using Amazon CloudWatch.

  • Define an acceptable performance threshold for your system — Identify the metric that represents an acceptable, steady state for your system. You will use this metric to create one or more CloudWatch alarms that represent a stop condition for your experiment. If the alarm is triggered, the experiment is automatically stopped. For more information, see Stop conditions for AWS FIS.